Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I've finally caught up with reading all the posts and just checking in to say all is going well with me although reading on the laptop screen for long is making me feel queasy so won't hang around. George is home again and settling into our routine although he now runs into the kitchen every time I do anything there and looks up in anticipation so I'm guessing he enjoyed a few extra treats while he was staying with my friends!! We managed a walk on the moors this morning but I took my time and then wanted to potter in the garden although everyone telling me in no uncertain terms to not dare to even start just yet because it will still be there in a couple of weeks but of course I'm afraid it will all have grown a lot more by then! I've now stopped taking painkillers and anti inflammatory tablets and only feel a slight discomfort so appear to be healing well and hope to get the dressing removed next week.

    Again, thanks for all your good wishes... I know it's helping my recovery! <3

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Oh Jackie - you are a marvel! Already able to go for a walk and stopped the painkillers. Lovely. I'll nag along with your friends to take it a bit cautiously regarding the garden. Taking care of you AND George is excellent progress.

    Hugs. Continued wishes for a speedy recovery.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited August 2015
    Jackie I agree with the other folks// You take it easy. i t will still be there.
    glad you and George taking walks. continue taking well care of youself. My thoughts will be with you thru this time of your life. <3 Marie

    By all of us
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hello friends – yes, the sofa is gone and I’ve vacuumed the area and then got down with the little tiny attachment and vacuumed all around the edges of the kitchen floor and the little ½ bath. Still loving my new vacuum. Did some laundry, wrote checks, and broke down some more boxes from the basement. I keep the box from each purchase I make until I’m certain I will not be returning it. Sometimes that takes quite a while.

    I cannot believe I’m out of lettuce mix and romaine again. And I need celery and zucchini. Didn’t I just go to the store? Yes, I believe I did. Need a trip to get greens again tomorrow.

    Tonight I have another book to read or if my Internet stays connected I could actually watch a movie. Fingers crossed.

    Phyllis – I hope you’re enjoying the week-end. And I hope your DH gets some rest.

    Buzz – with all the media coverage of the storm, it might be the best to just stay home right now. Better to be at home rather than on a bus or in a hotel. I hope the storm misses you.

    Phoebe – happy travels to you and I really enjoyed the picture you shared on Facebook. I love seeing your darling pets travelling along with you.

    Sandy – my goodness, DH has a lot of medical issues. He doesn’t take advice well does he? Wait, maybe I don’t either. Forget I mentioned it. Any more movies on the horizon?? I’ve had Crackle on my Roku for quite a while but since I’m unable to stream often I’ve not used it. My annoyance was all the ads you had to endure to watch something. That’s what I like about Amazon, Netflix, and Acorn---no commercials!!

    Shirley – you mentioned you will be attending a wedding. Does that mean more travelling or is it local?

    Marie – we’ll take a new kitty picture anytime you’re ready to post one!

    Jeri – I’m glad you enjoyed your little trip but I hope you get a longer one very soon. As I see the leaves falling down today it makes me think fall is really hiding just around the corner. Any more plans? How did your trip to the dealership come out? Deal made? I hope so.

    Patsy – are you making progress on your book? Or perhaps that is not something I should ask? Thinking of you and hope your DS gets home and out of harm’s way! We got rain today but North of us there were downpours and there are Flash Flood warnings out. I hope you’ll not have rain like that! A friend in Portland said rain is expected tomorrow just when she has an outdoor event. Isn’t that just the way things go? Although the race you mentioned with 15,000 wet runners----oh my!!

    Anne – did your son ever get off the plane? Has he been over to visit? I’m glad your contractor checked your roof several times. That is wonderful---when I had my roof replaced, there was no follow-up check. I did have to call for a repair actually when I had a little leak after the first big rain. Again, it happened around one of the exhaust vents that goes through the roof. I wish they had checked it closer. Oh well.

    Barbie – is it still raining? I know you don’t mind walking in the rain but how about your darling doggies? My Huskies didn’t mind but they really shook off when we got back. I tried to dry them down some in the garage but somehow they always saved some water to shake off when they got in the house!

    Well, time again to try to post. Take care everyone!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin I will try to catch them still for a moment It would be easier to do a video They never slow down. just long enougt to eat and poop
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Lin I will try to catch them still for a moment It would be easier to do a video They never slow down. just long enougt to eat and poop

    ;) laughing--that is quite a good point Marie!!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Yes LIN, my son did get off the plane eventually. He's coming over tomorrow, presumably having gotten over his jet lag by then. My youngest son and I both have fair skin and hair that tends to reddish, but my eldest has skin that tans easily like his dad and he tells me he is the brownest he's ever been, so that should be interesting! He got to Pompeii on his travels and said the ruined city is huge and very much like a city of today, so I'm looking forward to any photos he brings.
    After I lost MFP for 5 hours I now find there are a number of subtle changes, so I suppose the site was being updated. Has anybody else noticed?
    JACKIE, wonderful progress!, but I join the chorus of "please don't overdo it" and have a setback! You are more important than a picturesque if overgrown garden or a dusty home for that matter.
    BUZZ, the media coverage of the storm sounds awful, people stocking up etc, please stay home and safe!
    SANDY, sympathies as far as Babe is concerned and you are a wise woman letting his son deal with things, kind as you are. At least you won't get blamed for any arising problems.
    MARIE, like Lin I had a smile at your kittens lifestyle. I guess you wouldn't want to photograph them in the kitty litter box during a slow down moment! Sounds typical of all young things! Eat, play, poop. Do we ever forget diaper changing, or in my younger days, soaking and washing the cloth ones!
    PHOEBE, JERI, SHIRLEY, BARBIE, PHYLLIS, PATSY, EVERYBODY, what busy productive lives we all lead! Lovely to read your stories.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2015
    PHYLLIS-enjoy the beach and hope your hubby can relax. MARIE- Your kitties are very active, I hope you can keep up with them.
    We had a cat come into our backyard tonight while Dave and I were on the patio. He crawled underneath the fence to come
    and say hello. I petted him and he purred. SANDY - one day Babe will realize how important you are too him (enough said)
    PHOEBE- Nice to have your furbabies with you when you travel. Keep cool! LIN- When you eat healthy there are never enough
    trips to the grocery store always replenishing vegetables. You asked about the wedding, no its about a 2 1/2 hour drive in the states. JACKIE - Be careful not to overdue it. Give yourself some time to heal, the gardens will always be there. PATSY-At least you are getting the rain you need but to bad for the runners. BUZZ-Sorry to hear your trip might be cancelled. Stay home and hunker down. ANNE- I haven't had any problems with MFP lately but I better not jinx myself. Glad your son is home all tan and with pictures. Maybe you can share some. JERI- glad you got some R&R with all that going on. BARBIE - How is the weight
    training coming. I think I will start up again after all the sailing is done.

    Last night we went to the Shaw Theatre and saw "PYGMALION" but a newer version. Dave and I are still not certain if we
    liked it. The director stuck to the play but a modern version. Dinner was good but I had rosuitto and it was a little heavy
    for me. Today was Yoga in the morning and cleaning, nothing exciting today.

    Tomorrow morning we leave for the wedding.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    edited August 2015
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    21,000 steps
    three and a half hours of dog walking
    taught two hour line dance class

    smiley-happy032.gif Sandy, Phoebe is right, if you have a library card, you can search your library website for a book you want and see if they have in an audiobook format. You have such good computer skills that you'll easily be able to follow the directions for downloading the App for your computer, tablet,or phone and then checking out the book. My library uses three different audio book formats and so far I've learned about two of them.

    smiley-happy032.gif Lin, the rain lasted on an hour or so this morning but the ground was still wet this afternoon. The dogs like the rain unless it is heavy, windy, and cold.

    smiley-happy032.gif Marie, Bernie was moving all the time unless he was asleep when he was a kitten.

    smiley-happy032.gif Jackie, You are a lot like me, wanting to get back to being active but realizing that you have to remember "Easy does it"

    <3 Barbie

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Remembered I downloaded free books from Amazon and listened on my phone. I haven't done it for a while but I am sure I can do the same on my IPad. Thanks ladies.
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Well now that I am finally caught up on every ones life I feel like I actually accomplished something. LOL Sorry I haven't been much good in staying in contact with you all. However I have really enjoyed reading about your summers adventures and the new additions to the families, who are so cute. There is nothing like a good cuddle that the babies give you when they snuggle. Miss that since there are no more babies in our family. JACKIE...Glad to hear that you are home and on the mend. Do take it easy and do not push yourself too much. I suspect that means no lifting also. Those chores well always be there.... SHIRLEY...You sure have had a busy summer between the boat, the cottage and the new baby also. You will need fall just to recuperate. MARIE....Love your little kitties and I am so envious. Miss my kitties so much. Enjoy them ! PHOEBE.... Looks like you had a wonderful reunion. Such a great looking family. So nice that you were home to be able to enjoy them. Be safe on the road...
    BARBIE....You simply amaze us all and I can't believe the size of wts you use. So dedicated to taking care of yourself. You will be rewarded with all of your effort. BUZZ... I was a bit concerned when you mentioned taking a trip on the bus with the current storm approaching. Better to be snuggled up in your community at this time. Glad you were able to visit with some family recently. PATSY....So glad your son has been in contact with you. That bad weather where your son was at had me very concerned. Enjoy the much needed rain up your way !! JERI... You are so good to your family. Glad to hear that your sister now is on the road to getting the necessary treatment, which is very concerning to all of you. Be safe on your trips as you go check on her. Nice you were able to just get away for a drive west inspite of having the smoke blurr the beauty of the area. Take care. PHYLLIS.... Sounds like you also were ready for a trip to the beach. Too bad your granddaughters weren't with you. Moving furniture, appliances and boxes down 3 flights of stairs I can relate too. Are we the only ones that have helped move our kids multiple times when they were getting on their own ? Don't miss that !! Bet you were beat.... ANNE...Sounds like your house is worry free for the upcoming winter months. I believe you have snow during the winter months too. It won't be long before you won't have to deal with the heat much longer. I would never make it thru a summer without a/c. How do you do it ? LIN...You are making good headway with all of the projects around your house. Now a new sofa to enjoy also. Bet your place is looking wonderful ! After multiple recommendations I just picked up a Shark Rotator vacuum the other day. Never realized how much I needed a new one. Even vacuumed 2 days in a row...totally unheard of for me, but was more than curious to see how well it worked the 2nd day. Very impressed !!! SANDY...You have had a wonderful summer visiting your family also. Enjoy your grandson. He is so cute ! Now the fun begins and I hope he doesn't wear you out too much. You will sleep well now. :)

    As for me we have just been working on projects around the house. Got our backyard done and the solar screens have been ordered for the windows. They help so much during our hot summers and are great during the winter months too. Lots of fires in our state this summer, which has curtailed our traveling with our travel trailer this summer. We did head down the coast to Monterey and Carmel for 4 days, which was so pleasant since it was nice and cool in the 70's. We have been having it in the high 90s to 103 most of the summer. I am so done with summer this year and the smoke/fires within a hr or so away from us. Just started looking after our 4 1/2 yr old granddaughter 3 half days a week, plus taking her to her gymnastic class once a week. She is a busy one, but lots of fun to be around.

    It is getting late, so I am calling it a night. Thinking of all of you..

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2015
    Happy Saturday! :) Rainy night, rainy day, looks like a computer day instead of pool day. Babe won't be going to Mass so I will go myself and probably stop to see him and Daisy after Church. Forgot to check in with the pound a week yesterday so managed to lose 0.4 pound, better than a gain. I have been pushing myself to ride my bike which really pays off so not sure why it is so hard to just get on it and do it. It's called being lazy.

    Diane, so nice to hear from you, it has been a while. Those fires sure have been playing havoc with your side of the country, I hope the predicted rain will help put them out. I bet having your granddaughter is as much fun as having Robby, they do keep us moving.

    Barbie, I did find the audiobook player on my apps so I am good to go, they also have free books available. Thank you for reminding me of this.

    Shirley, enjoy the wedding, are you spending the night since it is over a two hour drive?

    Anne, I am sure you are anxious to see your tanned son, have a fun time with him.

    Lin, I haven't gone to bed early enough to really check out crackle but I do enjoy Netflix without commercials.
    By the time I go to bed and read my medication books I am too sleepy to watch TV. My bedroom is where I have Roku connected since I didn't want to pay for comcast.

    Marie, getting those kitties was a great idea, I think you were missing Sammy and they helped fill the void a little.

    Jackie, I too, will preach about taking it easy until the dressings are removed. Do you have a drainage tube?
    I know you hate being pinned down but there are times when you must listen and take care of yourself.
    End of lecture, give George a big hug from me for taking such good care of you.

    Patsy, did the rain come?

    Enjoy your day with or without sunshine!!
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's just gone 6pm here in the UK and I'm enjoying a cuppa before making myself a chicken stir fry. I'm having to give in to my lack of energy so after a walk this morning with George I've done little more than watch the World athletics championships in China and then sit outside on my swing seat with my eyes closed listening to a young buzzard calling constantly as it drifts across the sky. SANDY,I've no drainage tube but for the past couple of days have been aware of fluid sloshing about in my breast so that might have been a good idea! Having tried to make an appointment with my GP practice nurse to remove the dressing next week only to be told they can't fit me in I will visit the local hospital and see if a nurse in the minor injuries section can do it and then seek advice as to whether I should be concerned. There's probably a pill out there to reduce the fluid if necessary.... I hate fussing about health issues as you probably guessed!! After my walk with George I wasn't wanting to touch him, never mind give him a hug because he'd found more fox poo and rolled it into his neck, collar and shoulders. I had commented to the friend I walk with that a farmer must be spreading muck somewhere close by as the smell seemed to be in the air but as soon as I got into the car with George I realised just how bad he was stinking so after a quick trip to the vet to collect cat biscuits and worming tablets he was home and led on his lead straight into the shower without stopping. He's now flat out on his bed looking pristine!! BARBIE, yes we are similar in feeling the need to get on and after this little episode I feel it's all the more important. Being surrounded by nature I've recently been watching swallows prepare themselves for their long migration to Africa and am aware the Canada geese seem to have already taken themselves up to Scotland before heading west which is an ominous weather warning, but every creature large and small keeps going whatever happens so I think why should I feel the need to sit on my backside!! ANNE you'll be snug as a bug in a rug this winter whatever it throws at you as I always think a roof in good repair is the most important part of any property. BUZZ Bad weather in Florida hasn't been mentioned in our news so hopefully that hurricane downgraded to a tropical storm..... stay safe. <3
    Great to see DIANE popping in and LIN being such a roll model when it comes to healthy eating.... if only we could have a bit more sunshine I'd be happy to live on veggies although my neighbour did pop to the allotment before going away for our August bank holiday and has supplied me with carrots, beans, radish, turnips and kale so I'm thinking of making a veggie curry tomorrow as we are promised a wet day. MARIE I can't wait to see the next photos of your kitties... I bet they're keeping you both on your toes! Thank you again for your good wishes and yes, I did type your name with Ma <3 rie!! Hello to everyone else.

    The cup of tea has helped me recover some energy so I'll get to my kitchen to prepare that stir fry.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello all! We have had a grand nasty wind storm and a bit of rain. We haven't lost any trees but we certainly got our fair share of branches and limbs as well as tons of leaves knocked to the ground. Once this has calmed down, I know what my big task will be. I will be on leaf removal duty. They are stuck to the window screens and windows as well as the decks and on the car parked outside (mine)

    The Hood to Coast relay race happened but through adverse conditions. All day today the stragglers will be limping into Seaside, Oregon. I fear the big beach party will not happen. All of the finish line tents and banners were ripped away by the wind. Sand is blowing across the beach and is really dangerous if one doesn't have wind goggles. Not sure what the final tally of runners will be. Started with 1012 teams of 12. But I am sure some had to abandon the race.

    Our son is still in the Dominican Republic. Hope he can fly out this weekend. He said where he was, Santiago, there was only rain and a bit of rain. That is inland, but his flight was delayed or canncelled. Adventure can be interestingly annoying.

    The ramp John built for our old MoMo is a qualified success. She will use it but only with a disgruntled bark and complaint as she gets into the car. She has a vet appointment next week, so we need to get her used to idea. MoMo doesn't like change or anything that feels undignified. Don't we all!!!!!

    I have decisions to make on the books I have been working on. Ebook only? Some of both? Children's book redesign for a children's inter-active ebook? Fun stuff but daunting. Being old and not really a computer person, puts me in a tizzie when these decisions crop up.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening friends – I hope the weekend is going well for everyone. Good to hear from you again Jackie. I hope you can get someone to remove that dressing and have someone look at your surgical area. Meanwhile, I’m glad you didn’t do too much today and I understand why you would want to keep up on your garden (although I still do not advocate that at all) since it will wait but if you have to take care of it yourself without help, I’m sure you don’t want it to get ahead of you. Any chance on pressing friends or neighbors into helping you a bit later on?

    Anne, I hope you’re enjoying time with your family and that the photos were great.

    Sandy, happy to hear you will be visiting Daisy and DH. We had a cloudy day but tomorrow they say it will be sunny with climbing temperatures back to perhaps the 90’s. I hope you get to the pool a few more times before they shut it down for the year.

    Buzz, I heard the governor has asked everyone to take this storm seriously. Hope you and DH are well.

    Chris, great to hear from you. So sorry you’ve not been able to do more travelling. The very hot, dry weather has caused you many problems. I am amazed at how much landscaping you’ve accomplished.

    Hugs to Patsy, Buzz, Barbie, Shirley, Phyllis, Jeri and everyone I’ve missed. Has anyone heard from Gayla?



    P.S. Patsy, I am glad your darling MoMo is using the ramp.....! Good job!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :'( I pulled a muscle in my hip this week so I've had to stay away from my beautiful new dumbbells. :'( I'm OK for dancing and dog walking, but I've spent a lot more time doing seated projects than I am used to.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everybody, and yes, PATSY, I'm having problems with this website freezing up on me. Frustrating as can be! Don't know if it's me, the computer or the website and the older I get the less I seem to understand about these things :o !!!
    Our overnight trip has been postponed to mid-September, and I'm just as happy to change it. No hurricane but flooding predicted due to expected heavy rains. However, from past experience, one can never count on hurricanes doing as expected! But I did get DH to accompany me to my haircut lady ad she convinced him he would be looking great with a bit of grooming and a haircut! Hoorah, he took the hint and looks wonderful. He would not listen to me, so I'm happy he accompanied me!
    JACKIE, this is not the time to clean or fix anything near microbes! My doctor encouraged me to return to work too soon, and I developed an infection at the point of drainage; it was more of a problem than the breast surgery originally was, so I recommend patience and a bit more rest and recovery than you are used to allowing yourself! Great time to catch up on reading!
    You are all such a busy organized bunch it is a pleasure to read the posts daily. I think of you all as my family! Have a lovely Sunday!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Jackie, glad you are doing good if not great yet.
    Traveling to Georgia, forecast for some rain. Hope you're all OK. Barbie take care.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    We are back from the beach. It was a nice time there weather wise. I love the breeze that cools off the air a bit. There was a huge concert on the beach. Some Egyptian group. Silly old me had no idea who the group was but it was fun to go anyway. something interesting to watch. I like people watching too. Many youth seemed to know who this group was and were enjoying the songs as they danced along. I am still not used to standing up for a concert, IN my day we used to buy a ticket and sit in an assigned seat and watch the show. Seems like now days everyone just stands around and dances as they group sings. LOL
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning! It really rained last night and is very wet out this morning. Wet leaves,and moist air! Wish we could bottle that lovely fragrance! My flowers got "stomped"and broken by the wind storm. But we had a nice summer of blooming flowers and the annuals were great this year. I will slowly clean out the flower beds. I'll leave anything that looks like it can servive through the fall. We had gusts of swirling wind up to 60 mild an hours.

    Hoping our son can fly home today. HE HAS BEEN IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC FOR A COUPLE OF WEEKS. I am a worry-wart but that is my job! Now I need to do a bit of brushing on the doggie ladies. They are looking rather dowdy and in need of a hair appointment. Football this evening. Trying Marie's method of popping the popcorn. Hopefully I will not set the kitchen on fire,