Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    my dear friend Jackie Thinking of you
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Thinking of you, Jackie. Hope you won't be too sore.
    Sorry for those of you with internet problems.
    Such a PERFECT day, and we have to work. The sky is that deep blue, no clouds, only mid 80's. Honey and I had our walk this morning. I just remembered a phone call I must make. Take care
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hello Sneakers,

    I read most of the posts there were 55 to catch up on. So many things happening, ANNE- glad your roof is on and hope those
    little varmits stay away. SANDY- Back to baby sitting but seems easier on you this time. I will post some pictures of Isaac.
    BUZZ- how is Mike doing? It must be hard everyday to watch him. At least you can both get out to theatre once in awhile
    to take your mind off things. JACKIE- Good luck on the surgery and speedy recovery we are thinking of you. JERI- I hope
    you can get some rest and relaxation and thanks for sending me Candy Crush lives after all you are doing right now with
    your sister. My thoughts are with you and your family. PHOEBE- I am happy you had a good time at the reunion and
    that's alot of peaches to freeze but they are so good! PHYLLIS- So happy to hear from you and your granddaughters are
    just adorable. I hope you can continue communication with your mom without interruption. LIN - Your daily intake of veges
    is remarkable. You are one healthy chick! BARBIE - You look fabulous, all that walking and dancing is evident in your
    picture. PATSY-Thank heavens that you heard from your son. I would be worried sick. Glad all is well. MARIE - Are the
    temps in Texas getting better for you and Jerry? I see you are making some delicious food lately.

    We are back from a week at the cottage and had a good time. Now back to eating normal and continuing exercise.
    I have been so busy catching up today.
    Here are some pictures to look at.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2015
    Shirley, Issac is a big boy, maybe bigger than Robby. How old is he and what does he weigh and how long. Robby is 1 year old, about 29 pounds and 33 inches tall. That was at the last doctors appointment in the beginning of the month. Love the pictures, he is just one handsome little man.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Internet is jumpy today. I'll just pop in to say hello! All is well here. Issac is just plain adorable in his batman outfit.

    Jackie you know we are standing on our ear and holding our breath...tell us that you came through this with flying colors and feeling perky! You are in everyone's thoughts and prayers. I feel strongly that you are going to be fine!

    Lin I must say, looking at your delicious meals, you are eating wonderfully well. I am trying to do a bit of this kind of food choices with my confirmed meat eater. Not easy! John will go for a veggie day once or twice a week.

    Marie, Anne, Jeri, Sandy, Shirley, Buzz, Phoebe, Phyllis and absent Bob, Barbie! This is fun! I get pictures in my head when I say your names. My memory needs jogging....who have I left out? Love you all, my friends!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sandy - Isaac is 4 1/2 months old and weighs close to 18 pounds. He is a big boy!
    Kathy just started him on cereal and she is still breast feeding.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hello friends, have been getting along with just my phone for most of the day but going to try to get something posted now. Seems the Internet outages are coming more frequently and sometimes I’m only connected a few minutes. Nope, not going to get angry.

    I got my big shopping trip to Walmart out of the way this morning. Dragging in the 40-lb. bags of softener salt is always a real chore for me since I have to take them down to the basement. BUT when I put them in the car there was some leaking so I had to hunt for some duct tape and tape the packages before carrying them in. I’m glad I don’t do this often! I'm stocked up now.

    Did some laundry and cleaned out my magazine rack and started looking at moving things in anticipation of (hopefully) having my old sofa removed by Salvation Army on Friday. My house is not too big and lots of things need to be moved in order for the sofa to go through doorways, around corners and out the front door. There are no other exits large enough. Then I went outside and pulled weeds around the foundation and the old flower stems from the daylilies. It was definitely nice out there today.

    Cooked roasted veggies for lunch and had a large large vegetable salad for supper. Also had fruit that was just wonderful today including a peach that I think Trader Joe’s said was from Colorado. I cooked a couple more packages of veggies so I’m set for tomorrow.

    Anne, what a frightening thing for you today. I got one of the notifications by email that you were talking about and it was quite strange and I knew you wouldn’t ever have posted that. So I hit DELETE!!

    Sandy, glad all is going well with Robby. I hope you don’t hurt yourself with all the lifting. He’s going to be a tall guy!

    Shirley, loved the pictures you posted and I wondered if Isaac is now outgrowing Robby? Is the cabin closed down for the year now?

    Phyllis, I am so sorry to hear your government has banned Magic Jack and Vonage. I have Magic Jack plus and it would work just fine IF my Internet service worked! I’m glad you’ve found a bit of an alternative even if it is less than perfect.

    Phoebe, good to see you---are you doing local hauls this week? I did want to mention that the vinegars I use are nothing like what I was familiar with from years ago. I use specialty vinegars and the acid levels are different and the flavors are wonderful. The Cuisine Perel fruit vinegars are good. I particularly like the Wild Blueberry vinegar but also purchase the Red Raspberry. I get other vinegars from Napa Valley that are good and I shop at several other places as well. I keep the Internet busy (when I have service)!

    Jeri, you mentioned you were going for a drive. Does that mean a few days away? Or was it just a day trip. I hope somehow you are recharging your batteries.

    Marie, I think I read that you were going to cook Miracle Noodles. I did my time with those things and I didn’t eat very many of them and I was ALL DONE! My tip to you if you haven’t cooked them yet is to rinse, rinse, rinse those noodles in running cold water and drain well. Then I put them in a skillet on low to *dry* them up which also heated them. Then I added sauce. If you don’t get them nice and dry they dilute your sauce just like any not-well-drained pasta. I know you didn’t ask but you know me, can’t shut me up. Any more kitty pictures?

    Patsy, really, your DH wouldn’t tolerate a big increase in vegetables? Sorry, they are pretty darn good!! It sounds as if he’s a bit difficult in his foods preferences. But then I am as well!

    Buzz, hello my friend. I think about you every day and wonder how DH’s care is going and pray you aren’t working yourself to a frazzle.

    Barbie, HELLO! Give your doggies a hug from me.

    Hugs to everyone. Time to try to post.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I keep checking I'm to see if any word from Jackie. I know we are all on pins and needles about Jackie

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    hugs back atcha!
    Got up at 6 AM in order to be ready for the crew replacing our kitchen flooring which was damaged when our refrigerator was replaced some time ago. showered and finishing breakfast before 8, and sat back to await the workmen. And waited...and waited...and they never showed until 2:15 PM while I was attending our Caregivers' Meeting! They said they'd be here until about 8 PM; we called maintenance, the big honcho arrived and said no! We must reschedule,...I was fit to be tied, but since we had a special Passport dinner at 5:30, I agreed and they'll be back Tuesday morning at 9 AM Our refrigerator was put in over a year ago!
    Anyway, absolutely exhausted, so wondered if anyone heard from our JACKIE??? ...and I'm off to bed.
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2015
    Phyllis, you could also use google+ for your video calls and google chat just to talk. I use Google +with my kids every Sunday and Google chat to talk to my daughter during the week.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Sandy, My mom used to be on the computer but since her eyes have gotten so bad she cannot go on her lap top anymore. She can hardly see a thing in her left eye and the right eye is completely blind. I do use the google chat with my daughter and love it. But last night she forgot that my magic jack line was not working and she called me. It rang here and I was surprised so I answered and we talked for about 45 minutes. and it worked!!!! Maybe they just cut it off temporarily. I hope it continues to work.

    Shirley, I just want to pinch that little Issac. I can't believe he is so chubby and cute too. My grand daughter Rayhana turned 5 months and she is a skinny mini compared to Issac. I don't know how many pounds she weighs but I know it is not many. Fayrouz on the other hand is 3 years old on August 31 and she weighs 31 pounds. Also quite small for her age but is tall so she looks older. My daughter just started to feel Rayhana rice cereal so I think she will plump up more soon. Egyptians love FAT babies so when she was here visiting she got a lot of lectures on feeding her daughter more and plumping her up!!!

    Jackie, Hope that you are just sitting in the recovery room getting better and better.

    Buzz, Nothing worse than sitting and waiting for repair men or moving men or any men for that matter and then having them slow up late and rescheduling. I guess they all have a good reason and were busy some place else but when they say 9:00 you expect that they will at least come within the hour. Hope they get the refrigerator moved and the floor fixed up soon.

    Lin, I have often wondered about the different vinegars. I like to try the other flavors but haven't seen them on the markets over here. My husband likes vinegars on the salads, personally I prefer lemon juice. We have a lemon tree in the back yard and it is loaded with lemons right now. Actually they are limes!! but over here they call them lemons. I made up a pitcher of lemon juice yesterday and it is so refreshing to drink when it is chilled with ice.

    Patsy, good to see you back online. Hope your internet troubles get solved soon.

    Barbie, In my dreams I dance like you! You look awesome in the cute little hat and black outfit. I bet you have a blast doing those shows. I need to find some group over here that likes to dance. As a child I took lessons and we danced all the time. Moving to music is great. I did lots of little jigs with my grand daughter when she was here. WE had a good time laughing and dancing our pants off.

    Marie, Any sewing projects going on right now for you. I love to see the things you make.

    Phoebe, Glad you are having beautiful weather. Ours is cooling down a tiny teeny bit. We are still close to 100 but it beats the 108 degrees that we had a few days ago. I thought I would melt off the planet.

    Sorry about anyone I've missed. Hope you all have a super night or day. I just got up and I'm ready to start a new day. a pic of my cute little 5 month old Rayhana. 7grgxy9gjqak.jpg
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Phew, finally found my way to the Sneakers page using an old notepad that is SO SLOW!!! My laptop has definitely given up the ghost for now so I'm tempted to plug in my old desktop via ethernet later but wanted to let you all know I'm home and feeling one howler of a hangover but so far so good. Thank you so much for all your good wishes which do give me a warm glow! Got to the hospital and 7.30 and was immediately checked by a lovely Dutch anaesthetist who put me at my ease before being sent to the breast clinic for a wire to be inserted to mark the area to be removed, again by delightfully caring staff. My operation wasn't scheduled until after 1pm so I was prepared for a long wait but was called to the theatre about 1030 because the person who was supposed to go in at that time had eaten something so was going to have to wait a few hours.... silly her but my lucky day!! After the op I was told everything went well but have an appointment with the consultant on the 9th September for results and next step, probably more treatment. Didn't sleep at all last night, tossing and turning with my cat Hebe purring away so plan to relax with a book today and snooze when I can. I'm sorry I didn't get on line last night to let you all know I was home but even with 3 forms of computer couldn't get through and now even more appreciate what Lin goes through with her bad connections!! Phoned my friends that are caring for George and he's enjoying himself although does bark in the night because here there are no street lights or traffic but where they are it's just the opposite!! They're happy he's doing his guard-doggy duties though!

    I'll catch up with all your posts later one way or another but am now off to prepare a poached egg on buttery crumpet!


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    WELCOME HOME JACKIE. Wonderful to read all went well! Anne!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Sandy, thank you for reposting my pictures. I was able to rotate them on my computer but they still posted funny.

    :) Jackie, glad to hear that surgery went well and that you are being cared for by your cat.

    :) Phyllis, that was an amazing moving job you did without the elevator...good calorie burning and good for a lot of muscles.....I know that line dance is all over the world but I don't know about Egypt.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Oh Jackie - thank you for finding a way to post. Try to get some rest. Glad all went well. <3<3<3<3

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Yay Jackie, welcome home. Phoebe
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2015
    Jackie, 1411822b9an3w8hj1.gif
    Have those kitties take good care of you and get all the rest you can. Glad all went well and hope the results are good news. <3

    Happy Wednesday! :) Did I tell you that my bingo friend's sister died unexpectedly Saturday? Her husband went to wake her and couldn't so he called my friend who lives in the same building and she also tried to no avail so the paramedics were called and it was too late. She was around 87 I think and her husband is 92. They were both frail and she had signs of dementia that were getting worse so in a sad way she is probably in a better place. I knew her as well so since there is no funeral service there will be a memorial sometime in the near future. In lieu of that I will probably be going to bingo myself tonight.

    I bought a wall clock from Amazon and love it. It has a pendulum and plays a little song on the hour. Little things make me happy.

    I have some bills to pay and some errands to run. Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I guess no news yet.

    be back

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I guess no news yet.

    be back


    About Jackie Marie? She wrote a post to let us know she is home. ^^^^^^^
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I think either me or the MFP is having some sort of breakdown. I couldn't get on for the last 5 hours and I thought I'd lost you gals for good after yesterday's shenanigans. Just checked again and I'm back!