Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) They say the sun is supposed to come out today but so far it looks gloomy. I did go to see Babe and Daisy, even brought a pizza since I was hungry. (sure glad I rode the bike yesterday) I worked on the laptop at his house because Comcast sent a new modem and had to make sure it was working with his wifi. All is good. Babe is suffering with a migraine from his sinus infection and the Zpac they gave him doesn't seem to be working. I told him to have his son call the doctor tomorrow or go see another one. I want no part of any of it. Early to bed tonight, Robby comes in the morning and I think his grandpa (my ex) is coming to see him. I have always remained friends with my ex, just can't live with him, seems like a pattern doesn't it??? lol

    Patsy, I am glad it rained but storms you did not need. Did it help with the fires? Sorry it made such a mess, those are some pretty high winds. Praying your son can get on the plane to get home today, I am sure you will be happy to see his face once he is home.

    Phyllis, the kids of today are not the kids of yesterday, in some ways good and some ways bad.

    Phoebe, be safe in that truck with the rain. How do the critters like the rain while driving?

    Buzz, have you tried clearing your browser? I am glad you are staying home, I am worried about my daughter who claims everything is fine, they will probably just get some heavy rain. She said Jacksonville hasn't had a hurricane in over a hundred years. I hope she is right.

    Barbie, rest those muscles, that is a painful injury. Did you do it with the heavier weights?

    Lin, your weather sounds like ours, but still no sun here. Did you get a new couch to replace the old one, I just can't remember. Any chance of some pictures of your home, it sounds lovely.

    Jackie, take the advice of us old sneakers and especially Buzz who seems to have gone through something similar.
    Rest, rest, rest!! We love you dear friend and want only what is best for you. <3

    Marie, I bet you will be watching your beloved Cowboys today, good luck.

    Enjoy your day, summer is coming to an end soon.
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Patsy I should have thought of popcorn during the game . We lost

    Jackie lad to hear you are doing so well. But please o not overdo it. You go back to see what kind of treatment you will need Sept. 9 ?? I know that got you on pins and needles. I am sure they will do what best for you. But I don't understand not having a place to go get your stiches out. That you have to fine a place. Take care

    I took some pictures yesterday but so not think they are oood. will check them out later today. Bubba is on top of my printer now taking a nap.Don't know where Sissy is at. They are wore out from all of there romping around this morning.

    take great care sneakers

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Friends,

    I have 14 posts to catch up on so will read them on Monday. We just got back from a lovely wedding at a winery in
    Geneva, NY near Rochester on Lake Geneva. The wedding was outside and the grapes vines in the background.
    A great evening getting to see some old ski patrollers from our ski area. A great venue and the food right down to the
    cake was delicious. The mother of the bride baked over 1,100 homemade cookies for people to take home.

    After putting all bags away we are heading for the boat to take inventory of what we need for our final sailing club cruise
    of the season. We will be leaving on Wednesday and back after the holiday weekend.

    Here is a picture of us at the wedding.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited August 2015
    Home from church, have had a nice lunch and then brought both the walker and wheel chair up from the basement and loaded them into my SUV. I promised to take them to my church next week---the wheel chair they have has a missing foot rest and someone took the walker so I thought—well, I’m not using those things right now and hopefully if I would need either item, I could *borrow* them again.

    Barbie – sorry about the pulled muscle in your hip. It’s amazing how you keep going even when something is not exactly right with your body. Cheers.

    Buzz – glad DH got all fixed up! So great that he decided to go along with you.

    Phoebe – are you back in Georgia? Or still on your way?

    Phyllis – glad you’re home again. I had to laugh when reading your description of that concert. I am right there with you! The first concert I attended where it was just standing room only I couldn’t believe it. I paid that much to stand for hours? Ha, oh well, I had fun anyway even though my feet were pretty tired when the concert was over.

    Patsy – I am glad you got rain but not glad that you had so much wind with it. I hope your flowers weren’t blown to pieces. I hope your son is on his way home today. And I hope your popcorn experiment goes well. I’ve done my little bit of popcorn many times and have never had a problem. Just stand close by if you’re worried.

    Sandy – sorry DH is having what seems to be continuing problems. You are so wise to stay out of things. It must be difficult for you. We had heavy fog this morning and it’s now just cloudy but the promised sunshine did not arrive. Now they’re saying tomorrow. Who knows right? I will get a new sofa at Friday but it’s no big deal, it’s just a La-z-Boy like my new chair. My house is still a hobbit hollow but just with a few new things in my family room and my garage. Loads and loads to do. The handyman is probably coming tomorrow to replace to electrical outlets. You can plug something in but it can’t make a good connection, so my laptop is not charging for example. Will be nice to get those replaced. He’s done several other outlets in my house. He says they wear out—I’d never heard of that.

    Marie – sorry your team lost. I’d not heard that. I watched a little bit of the Vikings game last night as a couple of my friends are fanatic fans and I knew there would be discussion today.

    Shirley – thanks for posting that picture. ADORABLE and just gorgeous in that beautiful dress. Did you get it especially for that wedding? It’s fabulous and you should wear it again and again!! I can’t believe it’s the end of sailing season already. Wow!

    Well, hope to post. It’s been a mostly off Internet situation today. Hugs to everyone!!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Busy day despite no bus trip! The couple who were in charge has invited a group of us to a Chinese Restaurant to celebrate their 63rd anniversary, and I was certainly in the mood! 63 years, and they still act like kids! Love that picture SHIRLEY included, and I sympathize with LIN's electrical problems. I still have trouble with Comcast terminating connections on my email, but Thunderbird seems to work OK. I just have to get used to it. SANDY, some marriages work better when the couple lives apart! Sometimes it sounds like a great idea to me! I just need to develop more patience, I think.
    For a lovely change, someone else is doing the driving, so I better get ready. Best to you all, and we'll be off in the rain!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    We are home, snacking and early to bed. Leave again Tuesday.
    Great photo Shirley. You've got a good tan too.
    Hi everyone, more tomorrow.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi, Anne here. I'm not sure what's happened but everything has changed with MFP, for me anyway. It's no longer the old familiar format and I'm not sure I can adapt!

    Later: Oh boy, we are back to normal again. I haven't a clue what's going on! Anyone else experiencing this?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Jacean245 wrote: »
    Hi, Anne here. I'm not sure what's happened but everything has changed with MFP, for me anyway. It's no longer the old familiar format and I'm not sure I can adapt!

    Later: Oh boy, we are back to normal again. I haven't a clue what's going on! Anyone else experiencing this?

    Anne, I think you need to clear your browser history, do you know how?
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited August 2015
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SANDY - I think I've managed it! We will see, but if I have, or even if I haven't, thank you. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Home after an enjoyable walk on the moors despite a strong wind blowing us along. We seemed to laugh most of the way round watching our respective dogs' antics but were also amazed to watch little Scruff run between George and another dog when they started to grumble at each other and guide George away much like a sheep dog. She is the most intelligent dog I've ever come upon, scarily so!! It's now time for a mug of strong coffee before getting the vacuum cleaner out because I feel a week is long enough without a tidy... slow but sure I know!

    Sandy ~ You are an amazing lady to manage to remain friends with ex's as well as Babe who really should know what side his bread is buttered although since I'm talking analogies, he wants his cake and eat it!! Lovely that the ex will visit his grandson and I hope you have an enjoyable time together with Robby.

    Marie ~ I am honestly taking things easy whether I want to or not because my body refuses to do what my brain asks at the moment. It was my GP practice that should be removing my dressing rather than the hospital where I went for the procedure which is located in the city of Plymouth, about 20 miles away. The local hospital that I'm now having to contact is very small and within walking distance of my GP and that's about 2 miles from home. In the past year about 200 new homes have been built on the outskirts of that town so schools, doctors, dentists and general infrastructure are overwhelmed by the increase in population and would you believe another 1,000 homes are planned so goodness knows how bad things will be by then!

    Buzz ~Thanks for your advice as ever. Infection seems to be the biggest worry in our hospitals, one of the reasons I chose to get out as soon as feasible after my operation and also probably why I wasn't left with an open drain. I've checked and understand something like 70% suffer fluid retention after such surgery and unless it becomes uncomfortable I'm not to worry. You must be relieved to have got Mike to agree to be tidied by your hairdresser. Sounds like she was someone with plenty of empathy to have persuaded him.

    Lin~ Generous as ever offering your walker and wheelchair to your church and since I'm a firm believer in karma I know someone will be there for you should you ever need. My plan this morning is to follow your example and put some veggies into some sort of creation and having found a block of coconut cream at the back of the fridge am thinking a mild curry stew will go down nicely!

    Shirley ~ What a lovely photo... you both look as if you're posing somewhere in the tropics!

    Phoebe ~ Enjoy your day off before heading for the road again. I sometimes feel exhausted at the thought of what you have to do trucking back and forth but there again for me words like "driving through Georgia" or "on our way to California" are exciting and glamorous so hang on to that thought the next time you go in that direction!!

    Patsy ~ Have you created anything with your paint and earth mix yet? I thought of you on Saturday evening as I watched a programme called The Edwardian Farm where a group had spent a year living the life of 100 years ago and it was fascinating to see just how much material was found on the surrounding land to use for a variety of things. They were too busy surviving to find time to be especially creative although one man made the most amazing beaten copper weather vane in the shape of a cockerel, something I'd love on my cottage although I think our strong winds would soon have it spinning out of control!!

    Barbie ~ My turn to advise you to take things easy until that muscle is mended, although it sounds like you are doing just that anyway. Once I'm over the next session of treatment I'm determined to get back to some strengthening exercises because I know it wasn't so long ago I was doing regular squats following your advice and also more steps. This morning when walking, my friend and I took a slightly different route in an effort to avoid fox poo and that meant climbing up a steep track that had us breathing heavily, something I know is good for the heart but I remembered a year ago it wasn't such a struggle when I went that way. It will definitely do me good during the winter months to set myself a routine.

    Anne ~ Browser history? I didn't know there was such a thing so will have a look through my laptop once my veggie curry is prepared before I find myself struggling to sign in.

    Hello to anyone I missed. It's now midday so I'd better get myself into gear! It's a bank holiday here but that's no excuse.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well SANDY, I took your advice, and after looking up browser history, I deleted everything and Ive got onto MFP quite normally this morning. I too think it's lovely that you jog along with your ex so happily, and wonderful for little Robby.
    Lovely long read JACKIE, and you are having an amazing recovery managing the walking etc. Scruff sounds like my last dog Jenny for intelligence, but Little Cinders at 7 months has only one aim in life so far. To bury bones. She is the size of a normal cat, domestic that is! and this little thing came to visit on Saturday with an enormous bone. When it was time for everyone to leave we couldn't find the bone anywhere. We upended sofas, chairs, looked under bookcases and finally I found it
    yesterday. I have a long, slim, baseboard heater, and somehow she had crammed it down and between it and the wall.
    LIN, as I told you on the home page, Michael gave me a bottle of Italian rose perfume! It smells heavenly, and all because you gave us all the names of rose perfumes AGES ago and he remembered me showing him the list. He bought it in Rome I believe. So thanks to you as well as Sandy.
    That's one of the lovely things about all you gals. I've learnt such a LOT since I've been chatting to you all! Thank you one and all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Robby is napping, I am doing laundry and later my cleaning girl is coming. Life is good.
    Today is Babe's birthday and I almost forgot to wish him happy birthday. He is still sick (and miserable) and now so is his son. It is hard to be around negative people when I have learned to live my life so different. Only you can make your own happiness and taking care of yourself makes that come easy.

    Anne, I am so glad it worked for you and you are able to join us with no problems. What a great son you have to bring you Italian perfume, I am jealous.

    Jackie, said ex cancelled as he forgot he had a doctor's appointment. I too, am glad we get along for the sake of our children and grandchildren. He was not the best father but he loves his new grandson. I am glad you got to walk and your body is letting you know what to do and what not to do. When do you go to have the stitches removed?

    I did not open another window so I will just say hi to everyone and wish you all a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    We had a great time at the wedding and got back on Sunday. We unpacked and put everything away and went down to the
    boat and had dinner there and BBQ'd.

    Today I am doing laundry as we leave on Wednesday for our last cruise of the sailing season. We will stay from Wednesday
    until Monday. I found out today at Yoga class no classes for a week after the holiday. Joyce wants to spruce up the
    studio for September. I will have to get out my DVD and do it at home.

    Finishing up laundry and will be packing again tomorrow.

    Here is picture at the winery where the wedding was held.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited August 2015

    Love your dress Shirley you both looks stunning. Last trip out on a cruise, enjoy it and te food.

    Hi Jackie, have another restful day.

    woll get back in touch when I get back from he heart doctor.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I am unable to open MFP in Internet Explorer, and although it opens in Firefox, I can't do what I always have done. May be WiFI or whatever, but I haven't hours to figure it out! Will call Dell tomorrow. Diagnostics says computer is fine (Dell just installed a beautiful new keyboard today) but I can't control several areas, so tomorrow I'll start early!
    Erika was a huge fizzle, thank goodness, so I spent the day changing Mike's medical appointments. Seeing a specialist monthly is a huge waste of time, energy and money when the patient will not follow orders anyway! SANDY, I'm almost ready to follow your solution, except my DH's kids would not take over with caring for him!
    Sorry I can't comment but my computer seems so screwed up! It could be the building!
    <3 Buzz

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Buzz, just so you know Internet Explorer does not work on my Windows 7/ Computer at all. It won't open any page so I just use Chrome. My son even tried to fix it but it just won't work. Really hate Internet Explorer.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    And from here, truly no Internet service longer than 5 to 10 minutes at a time. Hugs.

  • Sorry, Lin, for your crazy internet issues, again. It would make me lose my temper.
    Sandy, glad you are so strong, sorry Babe is sick, though. Maybe a neti pot could help remove some of that pressure.
    Anne does your perfume smell like roses? It sounds like a dumb question from me, but, I've never heard of Italian perfume. Why is it special? Is it the oil they use?
    Leaving in the morning, loving getting home for a day and a half, much better than nothing. I miss being here. Not cut out for traveling anymore. Anyway, up too late and things to do.
    Hi to everyone, and goodnight
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I don't know if "made in Italy" perfume is as famous as French perfume, but it's sort of special to me because Michael thought of me and brought it back on his travels PHOEBE. However, it smells wonderful and exactly as an old fashioned perfumed rose should smell. It's Aqua di Parma, Rosa Nobile. Take care on your travels tomorrow, or today, actually.
    My internet woes appear to be over at the moment. Sorry for everyone going through the frustration. There are subtle changes in MFP format I've noticed and "premium" is now appearing at the top of the home page screen.
    Hot day here, Anne.