Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wonderful posts from all. As usual, it's late but wanted to answer about the ne kitchen floor, which was replaced yesterday with almost the same vinyl goods, except without the dents! I love it. And they did not have to remove the refrigerator once I explained they could simply tilt it, which they figured out finally, and now I am so sleepy my eyes burn! I added 4 pounds after a Chinese dinner, and though it mostly holding liquid, it's still uncomfortable (and will take a week to shed!) I think I'll also empty my browser history and see if IE works any faster without freezing! Pain in the butt! Goodnight , loves!
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello Dear sneakers! Our internet was out for a couple of days. We are back now and I am so relieved that my computer is operating again. I thought it was a goner but YEA APPLE! It's back!

    I am so disgusted about movies and TV I could just scream. I have tried to watch a couple films and they were so ugly, I just had to abandon the whole idea of watching a movie. Violent and torture scenes, perversion...I am not a prude and in fact, I am pretty liberal. However! I seem to be watching PBS more often than not.

    Still cleaning up after a pretty big storm. My flowers, the ones that are left after that 60 mile per hour wind, have some sort of problem now. They are dying from these black freckles all over the leaves. Drat! It is even in my herb garden. The sage is in sad condition. I don't think I should use any of it. The Rosemary looks bad but the mint is healthy and vigorous.

    I am learning a new softwear program to use on the children's interactive ebook. Wow! This challenges the old grey matter. They say learning something new keeps you young. At this rate i will be a Teenager very soon. I took Spanish last year and I might continue this quarter at the college. It is good for me because I could become a hermit easily. I get involved with my projects and never see the light of day. If you can believe this...John often has to nag me into a lunch out or a date night out.

    Take care everyone. Have you ever had a pumpkin pie latte? Salted caramel coffee? Oh my!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited September 2015
    Happy Thursday!! :) Meeting today and then to the dollar tree for some cards. I did not win at bingo nor did my friend's husband. His wife won't be coming back to bingo until after her sister's memorial on the 16th. Her sister's husband and his daughters are being awful to her sister's family so it has not been pleasant. I don't think there will be any relationship with them after the service even though they live in the same building. My friend's sister has only one daughter and she wanted her mother's ashes but the daughter of the husband said no and the husband does as his daughter tells him. He has buried two before this wife, his first wife and a girlfriend. Out of respect for his current wife he had put a picture of him and his first wife in a drawer but when the current wife died the daughter put the picture back out as fast as she could. My friend is having a really hard time with all of this and I worry about her because she has some health issues. I will be glad when the memorial is over and she can concentrate on taking care of herself.

    Patsy, sorry to hear about the black freckles, could it be from the smoke? Good for you learning a new software, I love my computer and teach myself new things all the time. My hobby is transferring VHS tapes to DVD, I just get so busy it will take forever to get them all done. Those drinks sound a little to rich for my blood, I won't even drink a Starbucks drink because of all the calories.

    Buzz, I am still confused with fridge. If the fridge left dents in the old flooring why won't it do it again with the new flooring? This is not a world problem but I am just curious. lol

    Barbie, I am glad you are taking your time and resting the way you should until you are healed. You reminded me I have a gift card for a massage that is two years old, I think I will finally make an appointment.

    Marie, I too wonder why you want the kitties to go outside if they are happy inside.

    Lin, I did not buy anything from the insurance man although he was trying to talk me into selling my stocks and buy an annuity. He was impressed that I had things figured out and how I handled my money so he left without selling me a thing. With all the gambling I do, I do not buy lottery tickets, I have but not on a daily/weekly basis and now they said in Illinois they don't have money to pay the winners. Have no idea what that means.

    Anne, Babe and I have the same GP, problem is you can never get into see her so what is the point? I remember when my first child was born and his pediatrician would come to my house when he was sick. I miss those days.
    Babe is like you as far as gambling, he wouldn't put a quarter in a slot machine, he says he worked too hard for his money and is not going to throw it away. Good for you, you are a smart lady.

    Jackie, I do hope the local hospital notifies someone to let them know of the terrible treatment you were given after your biopsy. How are you feeling today? When do you go back for the results and treatment plan?

    Just got off the phone with Babe and there is so much drama in that family I am really grateful to be away from them. Babe is finally getting fed up supporting his daughter so his son called the daughter and they had a massive fight. (again) Good thing I am going to my meeting to clear my head and get back my serenity.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Sneakers.
    The kitties are coming and going by theirselfe now, They are following Jerry all around the yard.

    Got me somegreen beans cooking now for lunch. don't know what I will have with the, Maybe an egg omelet

    Hope everyone off to a good start for tis Thursday
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Sneaker friends, Today is my errand day. I am so fortunate to have a quality local source for fresh milk, pastured chicken eggs and locally grown fruits and vegetables. Looking forward to fresh veggies at the dinner table tonight.

    Patsy, I totally agree with the whole movies and TV thing. I watch a lot of HGTV and old movies on a couple of our stations that show them.

    Sandy, So sorry to hear about the family drama. It can be so trying for everyone. Enjoy you serenity time.

    Wishing everyone a blessed day,
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited September 2015
    SANDY, I read the ongoing saga with Babe and his family in complete amazement! It's far better than all the fiction I read (yes I'm still working my way through all those books my DIL passed on to me.) The most valuable lesson I've learned from your experience is.....I'm so glad I didn't marry poor David who was put in the care home by his children at the first signs of dementia. I honestly feel I would have suffered the same experience as you if we'd married. His offspring were polite but very cold and aloof, and now that Dave has been turfed out of the home I once visited when I could (miles away) and placed somewhere else, goodness knows where, I let sleeping dogs lie. He probably wouldn't know me anymore, or at least I get some comfort from that thought. Now, what I'm really writing to ask is, it's such a saga, Babe and his family, plus the added bit about your friends sisters family, and with you writing so well and such a computer whizz have you ever thought of writing it all down in the form of a novel? Names changed of course to protect the "innocent". Others have done it and I bet you could make a mint if you had a go this coming winter. Honest, I'm serious! Sort of Dallas?

    I also stick with PBS, PATSY, plus TV Ontario. In fact I got rid of my cable a couple of years ago and manage with a small box on the window sill. I can get those 3 stations with it, plus a couple or so of local stations for the world and local news and I'm a happy bunny clutching the cash I save. I'd rather buy books or a movie with the cash than cough up to the cable companies for garbage and adverts. Okay, I AM a Scrooge, re earlier post! Could the black speckles be fungi? In which case I believe the plants should be burned to avoid infecting healthy plants. Guess what, I'm a bit of a hermit too. Just need family and a few old and trusted friends and I'm one happy pensioner in my little house, doodling along.

    And I'm away for lunch, so salutations to all us sneakers,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OK SANDY, here goes. The flooring was already down about a year before I decided to replace my fridge with a bottom freezer model (boo-hoo; I miss my french door model I left behind when we moved!), so moving the newer larger refrigerator back and forth in order to get it to fit in at the end of our galley kitchen the galley floor got mangled. And once it was in place the fit is extremely tight! I didn't want a repeat of the same problem, so I recommended they remove some molding above the top and tilt it up and back, and it worked beautifully and the guys learned a new technique for saving effort! I think I'm in a state of confusion about your poor friend's family but---what is it about men's children who love to interfere with their father's newer relations? I just read something in the paper about a man's children who got his wife of 10 years evicted from his condominium because he now has some dementia and they are worried about an inheritance! Thank goodness, a judge reversed the eviction, but now it's uncertain he will recognize her, although she will be his caretaker again! Does it sound somewhat familiar?
    I just want to update you on my computer. Dell tech did a complete software overhaul this morning, got rid of all my familiar moves so I am now reinstalling toolbars without which I am lost, Password helpers without which I cannot log on, ---everything I need to function; but no more blackouts or freezing, and I had a lovely few hours chatting about compatibility of my "old" computer with "new" technology which is supposed to explain why Windows Live Mail no longer works for me! LOL!!! I will now pay attention to Firefox or reinstall Chrome and start all over again! Tomorrow! I'm beginning to miss the "good old days" when we used pens, telephones, typewriters and technology was uninvented yet!!!
    MARCELLA, living in Florida, I cannot get your local produce during summertime, so I'm drooling! But our growing season will arrive in a couple of months, and if we are lucky we will find growers who are kind enough to sell some of their produce to us local folk before shipping it off to the rest of the nation!
    ANNE and PATSY, about all I watch until January is Blue Bloods (I still go gaga over Tom Selleck!) and then I devour Downton Abbey! Last season for my favorite saga, alas!
    MARIE, glad you are enjoying your kitties and your cooking!
    PATSY, your wind storm was just 10 miles short of hurricane strength! Nothing to sneeze at!
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hello from the sailboat,

    I think I am all caught with news on here. BUZZ-glad to hear your flooring has been replaced but
    sad you had to leave your old fridge behind. My MIL says the same thing about her apt.
    she wants her stove and fridge from the cottage and misses them. SANDY- how serious is that
    pancreatitis? That is nothing to fool around with. I hope Babe's son is smart enough to continue
    the tests. But I guess if he was smart you would still be with Babe. :* (sarcasm)
    PHYLLIS- Our pictures and fees are paid on the spot in our town for licenses. Hardly any lines.
    But we are small town of 27,000 people not Egypt. Glad that is done for you for 10 years. I
    think ours is for 5 years. Everything here seems to be 5 years, they just increased passports
    to 10 years. MARIE- How are the doctor apts going? Do you need more tests on your heart?
    JACKIE- Finally someone took out those stitches, you must feel relieved now. Now to find
    out treatment, correct? PATSY- sorry about the black spots on your plants. We have that
    here on all the maple trees. Its called black spot. MARCELLA-you must be near a farm
    with all those goodies you are getting and health too. ANNE- we have cable and I know there
    are a lot of programs I don't watch but when Fall comes I don't want to miss the good ones I
    do like.

    It is hotter than hell here at this port in Toronto and we had flies traveling over and they were biting.
    We have two boats here from our club and then on Saturday we will travel over to the club cruise.
    We are able to see the Air Show that will be performing and we can sit on our boat and watch, cool!

    Bike ride this morning and a cold shower, now trying to keep cool until dinner. I am sitting in front
    of the AC right now. Dave is having a cat nap.

  • Chiming in on TV. I could easily ditch cable TV. With Roku, thank you Lin and Sandy, I never watch cable except when checking to see if my DVR recorded any interesting programs that I haven't already watched. Alas, dh would collapse if he went longer than a basic power outage without a thousand channels.
    Patsy, the last word I've had from my niece is she and her boyfriend and their dog are moving to the Portland area. She is talented in several areas, and I hope she can grow these as a career. They are in their mid twenties, I think. They are living the ' if I had my time to live over dream'.
    Back to work, hi all hugs all, blessings Jackie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Another Internet ridiculous day. I would have service for a few minutes and then off again. I managed to post a somewhat disturbing bit I'd read and then service was off again. I was too busy to keep trying to reset my service. Right now I am on again and wanted to say hello to everyone. Finally get my couch tomorrow morning.

    Hugs to all. Hope you are getting some sleep. Time for me to get back to my pillow!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good morning. I've been out to fill up my vehicles at the gas station as the price of gas actually went down and I decided to capitalize on that! Also ran to the library to return some books at the after hours drop off. I've moved my furniture and am ready for my furniture delivery whenever that happens.

    I have no plans for the Holiday weekend other than going to church and continuing my projects around the house. I really am slow and get very little accomplished at a time but at least I haven't regretted anything I've moved, thrown away, or given away. Slow but sure wins the race right? I've just unearthed a few items of clothing I've had in the basement which I've always loved so much. I am going to try them on again today. There is one dress that I like a lot and is nothing but a straight up and down black knit which a bit of fancy stitching a bit off-center at the neckline. I'm going to try it with a belt and if it looks okay, I'm going to start wearing it again, if not, I'll give it up. I also have a denim dress with little sewn on bits of a dog, a dog house and a dog bone on the back. Ha. I adored that dress and wore it often. I can't think of a way to use that now but I will try it on again as well. See, little by little.

    So happy each day to come here and see what you have to say. It would be wonderful to have you as my neighbors!! I'd love to have a cup of tea, a walk, a window shopping trip, or anything else with you!! Lovely lovely friends.

    Wishing everyone well. Hugs.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday!! :) Our days have been so hot this week reaching 90 degrees, I hope it lasts until Monday since this is basically the last weekend for the pool. I am going with my DIL to my nieces tomorrow for a much needed haircut. My DIL wants her to change her color so I hope it turns out the way she wants. I think Robby is coming with us and my niece has plenty of toys so he should be happy.
    Wow, Babe just called me and is miserable, he is still sick, very dizzy and blaming God and wants to know why He is doing this to him. I told him I can't talk to him when he is like this and maybe he should see another doctor.
    I called him back to suggest going to the ER or go to his heart doctor but he refuses. Let's just say if he ends up in the hospital with a heart attack, at least I tried but now I am done.

    I managed to lose 0.7 pounds this week and reset my Wii weight goal down 5 more pounds. I don't want to lose anymore than that if I can reach that goal, but it is a good incentive to keep working my MFP program.

    Lin, I am excited for you getting a new couch, something new always makes me feel better. What a terrible problem you have with your internet, does your cell phone work well in your house? I too, wish we lived close so we could "coffee clutch".

    Phoebe, I have favorite shows I watch so I couldn't get rid of cable, my DVR gets really full during the TV season.
    I love my Roku but lately I have been reading some meditation books in bed before going to sleep.

    Shirley, so nice of you to check in while on your last summer sail. Watching the airshow from your boat sounds wonderful.

    Buzz, thank you for explaining the situation about your fridge, I finally understand. (little slow) I am not sure what is wrong with children who don't want to see their fathers happy, I think they are just selfish brats.

    Anne, I have said that I should write a book for years, but no one would believe that could really happen. LOL
    There are no "innocents" in my story so no need to change names. Just kidding. I can hardly talk let alone write a book but thanks for the suggestion.

    Jackie, are you doing okay? Jeri, are you home or with your sister? Patsy, did you get your license? Marcella, did you get all your fresh vegetables? Barbie, how is your hip?

    Have a great day!!!
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another Friday, goodness me!! Enjoyed our walk this morning when we climbed to the top of the moors where we could see for miles and miles and although blustery it wasn't too cool and the dogs had a ball. George prefers the open spaces and gets very silly as he performs his zoomies back and forth at high speed. The woodland walk at Golitha seems to be scaring him lately and if off the lead finds an opportunity to slip back to the car if I'm not watching carefully so I'm avoiding the place until the leaves are off the trees again because I think it's the darkness that disturbs him.

    Sandy ~ It seems distancing yourself from Babe's family has helped you gain so much inner strength and I can see a big difference in your resolve not to get caught up in their squabbles anymore. It's a shame you have to know anything about it but then I know you will always be there for Babe because you're a better person than me who'd have told him where to go a long time ago!!! I hope you found the serenity you were seeking at your meeting. <3
    Back to the consultant next week and then we'll see. The area that was removed is naturally tender but the slopping fluid seems to have gone so that has to be a good sign.

    Anne ~ Would you believe it, there's what seems like dozens of pieces of G Plan furniture in the next local auction so I can't wait to take a closer look on Sunday when it will be open for viewing. Luckily my friend and I had a chat about it today because she is looking for a chest of drawers and I was thinking of bidding on them myself so we will view together to make sure we don't go up against each other! There are also bookcases galore, a very old looking boot scraper that would sit nicely outside my back door and even a retro 1960's lamp with a beautiful design of coloured maple leaves that reminds me of Canada so I might bid on that just for a bit of sentimentality!

    Lin ~ If we were all living on the same street as neighbours we'd be constantly sitting around sipping coffee and tea as the room filled with chatter and nothing would get done, ever. What a wonderful image..... I wish!! Isn't it wonderful to rediscover old clothes that we can get into. A few weeks ago I found a pair of black cotton slacks with a white ziggy-zag pattern on them at the back of a cupboard and they fit better now than when I bought them 20 years ago and would you believe it, at a hair appointment yesterday my young hairdresser had a very similar pair on so it does seem everything in fashion comes full circle, just like Anne's G Plan!!

    Buzz ~ As ever you are so patient and informed when it comes to your computer whereas I tend to resort to not so good language and a bit of shouting. You can guess that never works!!

    Patsy ~ Have you caught the movie Esio Trot with Dustin Hoffman and Judi Dench that was on our BBC channel last Christmas. I understand it has now been shown on American tv. Not an ounce of violence, bad language or nastiness in it, just gentle romance and great humour. Look out for it. Those black spots on your leaves could be the fungus called black spot that is soil borne and often occurs during dry spells. You will need to prune the affected areas and burn them or if you can't have fires, put them in a plastic bag and seal it up before disposing of it.

    Marcella ~ Yum-yum, all that fresh produce and dairy products and I bet it all tastes so much better than anything purchased in a supermarket. We expect sunshine over the weekend so I'll be going down to our allotment to pick beans and kale as well as dig up a few carrots and turnips.

    Shirley ~ All I needed from my GP practice was for someone to remove my dressing and clean the area; the stitches are dissolvable so it was a 5 minutes job with a lot of TLC! Many years ago I had a dream where I was watching a small plane fly over a lake and in the distance I could see high rise buildings and the next day there was a news story about a plane coming down on Lake Ontario during an air show... some premonition!! You're quite safe as I've not dreamed it since so have a wonderful time even if it is so hot!

    Phoebe ~ LOL Hubby's need for all those channels. I think most men are the same when it comes to tv and nearly always hog the remote control!! Safe journey if you're off again.

    Where has the day gone. It's now 5pm and the cats are nagging me for their supper while George sleeps off his long walk. Time for me to put the kettle on for a you-know-what!!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Lovely posts today but just a shortie from me. I hate to put a dampener on all you sun lovers but I've just got back from Hikers Haven! This is because my old walking Nikes have disappeared down the road in the garbage truck and I needed something to replace them for the approaching WINTER! Perfect day, very hot to go and find some sturdy walking shoes and because it's still summer, on sale. I got a smashing pair of good old fashioned clod hoppers which should keep me upright on future icy paths, you could climb Everest in these babies, AND cleats to strap on when it's REALLY icy out there. These "Stabils" where made in the good old USA and NOT China for once! Mike drove me over and you can guarantee that his partner, a real fashion plate, wouldn't be seen dead in these beetle crushers! Got lovely cosy thick socks as well!
    Ooh wouldn't it be lovely for us all to sit in LINS living room (or whoever), sipping coffee, putting the poor old world to rights etc, but I bet she'd make me remove my "Keens" before venturing on her lovely newly cleaned carpet!
    Well, all I have to look out for now is some nice tootsie snuggling slippers and.......let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
    The best of luck with the bookcase hunt JACKIE. My bedroom furniture is GPlan and it still looks good.
    Go on SANDY - have a go with the novel! You have to put a disclaimer saying it's all fiction in case B's son sues you! I promise to be the first to buy your first signed copy, but get a move on, because I'm not getting any younger. I suspect the sturdy walking shoes will outlive me!
    Anne - the great outdoors woman, hah!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    No Internet again and just this tiny 3G phone so not lots of typing. Sofa has arrived so I am going to try to post a couple of family room pics. Not elegant or stylish but comfortable for me!! B)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2015
    The sofa and chair are the same color just different lighting.

    Had a wonderful lunch. With a heat index nearing 100 I made some veggie soup. Had soup and salad. Yum.

    I hear the dishes calling to me.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Your new furniture is really really nice LIN. I can see you also, like me, as snug as a bug in a rug come the time when the north wind doth blow. It looks very cosy and I'm all for cosy! If you don't want the appliqués on the denim dress you love, are they removal? Could it be worn as a jumper or as I'd say, a pinafore dress, over a pretty sweater? You know, get the sleeves removed and the armholes lengthened? Some knee high boots? However ignore me, as Sandy my DIL would say I'm the last one to dish out fashion tips. It's just that I'm, as I've recently demonstrated, a bit of a Scrooge when it comes to chucking things out etc.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »

    Love your new furniture......enjoy!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    253149qtzkf0ld22.gif Today I saw the chiropractor in the morning, then went to the line dance class that I teach. At the suggestion of another dance teacher, I enlisted the help of an advanced dancer who comes to class and dances in the back, to come to the front and dance on stage while I did the instruction and handled the music. I sat and did the instruction because I knew that if I stood up, I'd dance. My hip is not healed yet but the chiropractor said I should be walking and he gave me a stretch exercise to do. I'll see him again on Wednesday. Jake is still doing all the dog walking and his step count is high while mine is low.

    <3 Barbie