Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    I just lost my post but did get caught up on the news. Jackie - I will check out your video too. Loved the joke and so true.

    I will try again later.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hope I don't lose my post!!

    I loved the video Jackie. And so happy to hear you found treasures at the auction.

    Marie - so sorry you took another fall. Worried about you my friend.

    Cooler weather headed our way. Wahoo!!

    Posting right now.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Sandy thank you for the information. All I needed to do was a power down and back up and then add the two email accounts again and all was fine. I have never needed to do that with my iPad before. Have done that several times with my phone.
    thanks a million.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Anne, I love your furniture!!!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello dear ones! As we all have said, when technology is wonderful. When it doesn' isn't! I have to clear the history on my iPad once a day. I don't have a lot of memory on this iPad and I use it for email and surfing only. But others have said that is necessary to keep it from freezing and being soooooooo slow. I am not a computer person. I learn what I need to know to do what I want. The rest is total mystery.

    Marie: falling is so scary and dangerous. There was a class taught through our hospital on how to get up if you fall. There were lessons on various ways of doing things to avoid falling. A lot of that might sound rather simple but there are things I never would have known if I had not taken the class. It was sponsored by aarp and the hospital. Look for these classes, you'll enjoy them really.

    Jackie: funny cartoon! Cats are unique animals. I saw a TV special, made in England on the secret life of cats. It was fascinating. My husband is sure cats are really extraterrestrials living amount us. I am sure he is right. You sound like you are doing well and healing quickly. Well done, my friend!

    Sandy: I wish there was a support group for mothers of strange children who are intent on driving their family crazy. I would be first in line for that group. I often sit and ponder where I made my mistakes. I was sure I would be one of those lucky women with dozens of grandchildren. My big issue would be to find enough toys for the grandkids to play with. Was I ever wrong!

    Yesterday I saw 4 hungry deer munching on blackberries and what is left of my poor flowers. But the interesting thing was a huge brown rabbit also in the flowers. I have never seen a wild rabbit around here. Mice are starting get into our cars again. Time to get out the peppermint oil again. There is always some varmit giving me give me problems.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I keep losing mine too.
    I had all my test Will have to wait for the results/ I did have a problem tho. The nuclear medication did something to my tummy and had the runnings 3 times . They had to get Jerry in to help me. Terrible. Another lady had an usset tummy. Hers at one end me at another end.
    Talk to you all again tomorrow

    Patsy what have peppermint oil got to do with mice????

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Darn, I had just written a long post for you on Notepad, expecting h was a wise way to be certain nothing could happen to my 'poils of wisdom". I must have fallen asleep at the helm, since I suddenly became aware my desktop was showing the MFP index! So sorry, my post was in place when the electricity may have gone out, and sleepy me? I was in la-la land! Quick synopsis: loved ANNE's furniture, Adored JACKIE's video, scenery and all! And wishing her recovery go as well as it seems to have! SANDY, I think your choice several years ago was the best thing that was meant to be! So happy for you! And the temporary couple of pound on your lovely figure will not ruin your appearance one whit! Eye shutting again, (these must be my Golden Years?) so I'll close by mentioning after my 3 pound disaster last weekend, I actually managed to lose 6 pounds this week, just cutting sugar!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Bingo night tonight and the only reason I am going is to try to win the big lightning pot which is over $3000. I am sitting for Robby tomorrow so I have to get home early to get to bed. Babe called this morning and said he is back to square one with a pounding migraine. He is going to the doctor around noon so I hope she sends him to an ear doctor and/or neurologist. He said his ears are hurting, so it could be all due from them. At least he wasn't screaming this time but it has been a long time that he has been sick.

    After watching Robby, taking him outside to park and dancing in the house to his kids nursery rhymes I lost the unwanted weight even with eating over my calories. He is so good for my health, except maybe my back when I have to lift him which I try not to do.

    Sorry for all that are losing posts and having internet problems, that is so frustrating.

    Have a wonderful day, it is so beautiful here with the lower temps.
    One Day at a Time

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited September 2015
    Our internet went out this morning but we did have a rain storm too so I don't know if that did it.

    Our trip home on the boat was great, perfect winds and it was still warm but comfortable.
    We managed to sail all the way home. Buzz you said you fell asleep at the helm, that would be
    scary if you were sailing. :D That was the last club cruise so back to normal and not so hectic.

    I started South Beach Phase 1 this week so I hope to see the scale go down after all the eating
    this summer. >:)B) I will probably be on this for at least a month to get me kick started again.

    Dave and I just got back from a bike ride and it poured rain luckily on our way back. All the
    clothes are hanging on the line now. So our ride was literally cut short. I like going with
    Dave in the lead he gets me motivated to go faster.

    We had our first choir rehearsal last night and we will be singing the Hallelujah Chorus one of my
    favorites which I sang in high school. We have our first concert Oct 24 with Niagara sings.
    Many group chorus'. It will be held at a new Performing Arts Center. This is an extra concert
    in addition to the Christmas and Spring concert. Should be an exciting season.

    I am feeling like I am getting a cold, my sinues and throat are dry. I started using some saline
    spray for my nose but I feel like a cold coming on. I hope I can beat it.

    B) Sandy - Good luck on the $3000 win! Looking forward to holding Isaac again and
    he is also a big boy.
    B) Patsy - I have heard several people having troubles with deer eating their rose
    bushes and other plants. I guess its getting near the end of the season so maybe
    just let them have their fun and next year start again.
    B) Marie - How are feeling after the fall? Keep us informed on your heart tests.
    B) Jackie - good luck on your next check up my thoughts are with you. <3
    B) Jeri - How is your sister doing? Are you getting any relaxation?

    Well I have laundry to put away and get some more groceries for South Beach.
    Enjoy your day.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All

    Shirley - my sister has her ups and downs. Hopefully the new meds are working and will do so without too many side effects. She continues to have other nasty non medical problems but has been having lots of fun with her grands when they come down. When I talk to her after their visits she is up and back like the sweet sister I know she is. Other times depression sets it. Poor sweetheart.

    We've been very busy catching up with our life here. Inviting folks over so they don't forget who we are. LOL having fun tho.

    We have been so enjoying our dd's cross country adventure. She regularly posts on Instagram and Facebook and her blog from time to time we've done lots of texting too. As we did basically the same trip 2 years ago we can imagine it fully.

    Sandy - oh my. You are a smart lady as to how you deal with Babe and his family.

    Buzz - good for you. Always love to hear from you. Your episodes of falling asleep put a smile on my face. I can relate.

    Jackie - glad you are doing so well. 4 years for me and I have an MRI as a routine check up in October. Fingers crossed

    Marie - poor you. Oh dear. Big big hugs.

    Time to run.

    Patsy, Lin, everyone else misses. Hope you are doing great. Can't go back further on my iPhone without risking losing my post. Buzz will understand LOL

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Good luck, SANDY! When you win, you can take us all out for lunch!
    JERI, you are sounding much better, lol.
    I'm way behind today, but lost another 6 oz. after Birthday Night dinner (no dessert for me), so maybe I can hold the visual image of the thinner me long enough to set goals again!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    On my way to bed relatively early as I'm tired after an afternoon cutting my lawns and then a wonderful evening walk with George across the moors in the late sunshine. My morning visit to the consultant went well and he's pleased with his work and my progress so once I've completed a course of radiotherapy next month I'll be in the system for annual checkups. I took the opportunity to thank all the staff working in the breast clinic for their support which had helped me remain positive which has to have helped. MARIE I'm so sorry to see you've had another fall and do hope you haven't done any serious damage although bruising is bad enough. Do take things steady. BUZZ tonight I'm feeling as sleepy as you often are by the time you get to post so might be leaving a long line of zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz any moment. That's a great weight loss you've achieved and just shows what harm the dreaded sugar does. ANNE I promised photos of my new furniture but am too tired tonight so will take and post tomorrow.

    Thanks to all who thought of me today..... it does help but now it's onwards and upwards.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi JACKIE, great to hear from you and with such positive news! Just like you say, onwards and upwards from now on! Looking forward to the photos from your treasure hunt, but take your time! Something to look forward to! I hope the pets allow you to have a long deserved zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and it's pretty late tomorrow in Cornwall when you finally get up!
    What a lovely day it's been. First, the temperature dropped to a pleasant 25C and 14C should be great for sleeping tonight. Then I got good news from my cousin in Australia which wouldn't interest you all, but did me. Then to top it off, JACKIES wonderful progress.
    Not so good MARIE though with the fall and all, and SANDY what do you plan with the $3000 when you win tonight. JERI, you sound so much happier today with your sisters med's working. PATSY, I guess to have dozens of grandchildren one would have to be pretty fecund oneself? I've just got the two grandsons so I guess I did better than my two sons in the producing department. I'm an only child and I remember when I produced Mark my mother telling me what I was doing wrong, at which my Aunt Alice said "oh shut up Jane, she's had twice as many children as you". What a comeback eh! Well I've twittered enough, pleasant dreams all you lovely Sneakers.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening. Another busy day. Furnace is ready for winter. Refrigerator has lots of veggies again. Made a huge salad for lunch and cooked a new concoction of mushrooms this afternoon. Over 18,000 steps and 20 flights of stairs.

    Internet---hardly any at all!!!!

    Hugs to all. Sorry to be unable to post nice long messages

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin I have spent very little on the internet today. I MFP the one having problems? or us

    I pick up some losded baked potato salads at Walmart and atoner broccolis crunch salad in there Deli. Love both of them So know cooking today. Jerry got off the hook today.

    I am a little bit more limbo up today

    See you guys tomorrow.
    hugies Marie

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) This morning I saw the chiropractor who told me that I was healing but it would be slow. I was so happy to hear that there wasn't anything seriously wrong beyond what could be fixed with patience and moderation. In the afternoon I saw the women's health doctor about my bone density results. They are worse than last time two and half years ago but not yet osteoporosis. I am considering the drug suggested by the specialist I saw two years ago. Jake went with me to listen to what she said and ask questions. He thought that lifting weights would be dangerous for me with bone density issues and she put his mind at rest by telling him that lifting weights was the best exercise I could do, even better than walking and dancing.

    :) Jackie, happy to hear that the news from the doctor is good.

    :/ Patsy, if there is alcoholism involved with your children who are trying to drive their parents crazy, then Al Anon would be the place to go.

    We stopped at Costco to buy a jar of skin cream and came out with a sound bar for the TV. Jake did a great job of installing it within two hours of the time we got home and now the TV sounds fabulous.

    <3 Barbie
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    This internet thing is making me a very cranky sneaker. Lost another post. Aaaaaargh! Last night my son in law called and he had taken my daughter to ER. There are so many health issues, she is like a walking sick bed herself. That family refuses to do anything that would promote good Heath. We are keeping fingers crossed that her racing heart isn't the start of a heart attack. She has a significant weight problem and a high stress job. Her family is a total disaster. I love her but I feel helpless. My interference would cause even more stress for her. Her heart attack is giving me a heart attack. Seriously. Our children lead busy lives and they suffer all the stresses that a busy career and family can cause. I remember those days myself but somehow my situation seemed more manageable.
    Here I sit, chewing my nails and biting my tongue.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I continue to be sorry to not be in touch much. The Internet connection is my problem here not MFP for the most part I think. Busy again today. I took all the old family 8mm movies to a shop to have them put on a DVD. Yes, there weren't too many and they will fit on one DVD. I really don't remember what's on them so I'll have a surprise when they are ready in a few weeks.

    Library trip, post office to return some slacks to QVC, and made a nice lunch. Going to pick up my CSA box later this afternoon. Back working in the basement a little bit. But not as hard as the last week or so.

    Going to try to post. Fingers crossed again....


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi, I've just lost my post and for no apparent reason! What IS going on? It's all very strange. I was just hoping we'll hear from PATSY soon, and with good news regarding her girl, when poof, everything vanished into thin air!
    It's a glorious September day here. The horrid humid temperatures from over a week have disappeared overnight. I've just been for a ramble (I need a dog) and the sky is blue, the lake is too, the leaves are JUST starting to turn, and my snapdragons are a wild riot of corkscrew curls and colours. I had an email from a friend earlier, and it reminded me how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful spot and purely by chance at that.
    Just counting my blessings folks,
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Went for a 50 min walk. I wanted to use my pedometer and replaced the battery to get my miles but its not working. I will
    have Dave take a look at it. He is rebuilding the fence in our backyard replacing boards. They are slowly rotting out.
    He says he would rather be sailing. B)

    Not much going on and that is fine with me. I did more groceries for South Beach and will be getting groceries until I have
    all the staples together that I need. I got some new recipes on Pinterest today for the Phase 1 diet. Some crockpot
    recipes that I can print out.

    Forgot to weigh in this morning for the challenge so I will do that tomorrow. Still trying to get back to normal living and
    taking off all the time.

    Monday and Tuesday will be Isaac days for Grandma and Grandpa. Can't wait to see him.
