Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) Sat for Robby today and when I took him for a walk in the stroller we got caught in the rain.
    My fault, it looked like rain but I thought I had time. Luckily, he has a canopy over his stroller but I was drenched.
    Good thing I have a change of clothes for him while I put our wet stuff in the dryer. He took an hour and a half nap this afternoon and I got a couple of winks in also. No win at bingo and that big lightning game did not get won so next week it goes up to $3600 (I think that is the right amount). Not sure I will be going next week as that is the day of the memorial for my friends sister. Her husband thinks we will be done and able to go so will play it by ear.
    Babe had his second cataract surgery today and seems fine as he called me after he went to Target.

    Shirley, Friday is weigh in day for us, but not sure if you are in another challenge. The weather here has turned, it is no longer pool weather which is good since it is closed. I am sure both you and Dave are missing sailing but at least you have Issac to look forward too.

    Lin, I am glad you can at least check in with your internet or are you using your phone?

    Patsy, sorry about your DIL, but I do know what you mean when they won't help themselves to stay healthy.

    Barbie, glad you don't need any type of surgery for your back. Like Jake, I wondered if weight lifting might be hurting you but I am wrong.

    Marie, glad you are feeling more limber today, just don't overdo.

    Jackie, is radiotherapy the same as radiation? Might I be so bold to ask if you had a lumpectomy and it was contained? It sounds like all positive news and I am so happy for you.

    Dinner time, enjoy the rest of your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif I walked Sasha for an hour this morning but let Jim do the early morning walk and walk Brandy after breakfast. I went to line dance class and sat during the instruction and got up to dance. I felt well enough to walk and dance more, but I don't want to do anything that would jeopardize my ability to teach my two hour class tomorrow. I've stayed away from the exercise bike and the weights for the same reason. My first inclination is always to be more active but I am trying to be balanced.

    :'( I am sorry to hear about internet problems. I know how much I enjoy the internet at my house.

    <3 Patsy, staying detached from family members who create problems for themselves is very challenging.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    WELL Everyone I have good news! I'm a third time grandma. It has been a busy week because on Monday the baby was born. It was very exciting , (although it was 4:00 am when my sone called to tell me he had just taken his wife to the hospital) to know that the baby was on the way.
    "MOM, he says, I'm at the hospital because my wife had the bloody show!! " Well I said is she having any pains?? and he said a little bit!. I thought OH no... It's going to be a LONG Day! He said, wasn't I supposed to bring her here yet??? HA HA.. I'm sitting in my living room smiling... well It will probably be a while still.......
    anyway she started to have stronger pains as the morning progressed. She was diolated to about 4 at 9:00 when the doctor arrived. and having labor pains every 6 minutes. Well the doctor checked her and said we better do a c-section cause her bones are not big enough!!! I said, WHAT??? under my breath of course. I hated to argue with the doctor, but honestly they think up any reason under the sun over here just to have a c-section and get the delivery over with. I think had they given her a few more hours she would have started into hard labor and diolated up to a 10 and could have delivered the baby. She is not a tiny person. But anyway... to make a long story short, we have a little 6 pound 6 ounce darling baby girl. Mother is adjusting to WHAT do I DO NOW??? with this little creature that constantly wants to eat, poop and sleep and the baby is doing great. WE are all very grateful.
    So that sums up what I have been busy doing all week. My son is on cloud 9 to have a little girl. I am so glad that they are close by. Even though she is staying with her mom until she gets feeling a bit better from the stitches and all from the c-section. Once she is back to her own house they will be only a few blocks from me so I can help out as much as I can.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning! I am up pretty early doing a bit of exercise. I will have to do bit more later this AM. I sort of wimped out this morning. I have a stomach ache with concern about my daughter. As tough as I try to be, I can't seem to let go and just hope for the best. There is some good news however. In the hospital they did many tests and her heart hasn't suffered damage with this infection. The rapid heart rate has settled down now. She has arthritis in her hip and that is causing her some pain and difficulty sleeping. She is on massive antibiotics for the infection. She has a rather disturbing infected area on her abdomen with rashes, blisters and lesions. This will be a mystery that will require much investigation. Thank goodness she went to the hospital. She was a walking disaster. I am so upset with anxiety and frustration.

    Now my big challenge is to be positive and supportive but not interfering. I will not try to muscle in and try to solve all of her problems. I need to realize I don't have all the answers.

    As a way of dealing with my anxiety I will groom the dogs and try to stay as busy as I possibly can. The sun is coming up so I can start the day. Coffee and bran flakes, then attack those furry ladies with a brush and a bottle of doggie hair conditioner. Have a good day, dear sneakers and thanks for listening as I wring my hands.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    A beautiful day here, Dave is finishing up a section of the fence and then will finish up on Sunday. They are calling for rain
    here on Saturday.

    SANDY - yes I am in another weigh in challenge here but still sticking with Pound of week club, in fact I just wrote a post.
    PHYLLIS - Congratulations, Grandma! I am jealous that your grandbaby will be close by. We have to drive 2 1/2 hrs to
    see our grandson but we get lots of pictures and then when he gets older there will be Skype. Have fun with your new
    little one.
    PATSY- Sorry to hear about your family troubles, at least she got to the hospital and they can get to the bottom of things.
    Prayers sending your way.
    BARBIE - Happy to hear your hip is healing and you will be back to your old self.

    I have had an allergy all this week and purchased some allergy meds. I have to be careful because I have high bloodpressure.
    It started working and things starting moving in my sinues. I feel so so, but still exercising and doing things. I had such a
    dry throat and nose when it all started. The girl at the drugstore said there have so many people in getting meds for
    allergies. The ragweed is out right now in all its glory.

    I have get some towels washed and put dishes away and do some strength training. Then we are going down to the boat
    and enjoy the afternoon there. Dinner tonight with my MIL.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member

    Happy Friday!! :) A cool day but a little dreary. Babe is bringing me supplies later and other than buying a birthday card for a friend's mother, i have no plans. Tomorrow I am walking for Al Anon to help raise funds for our convention which is October. There are four of us from my group who are calling ourselves The Serenity Rockers. It is only three miles and no pace to keep up with, just to finish. After the walk, I hope to make it to the end of year pool party which if weather permits will be at the pool and if not at the clubhouse. It is only from noon to 2:00 but a good way to say have a good winter. I will probably go to Mass at 5:00 with or without Babe. His daughter is coming in late tomorrow night so I guess it depends how he feels tomorrow. I won't see him for our anniversary on Monday so I will give him his card today. You are all caught up with my exciting life.

    Shirley, sorry about your allergies, the doctor told Babe she thinks that is part of his problem so she gave him allergies pills along with an antibiotic and nasal spray. Remember today is the first day of the rest of your life so you will have no problem with your challenges.

    Patsy, I am so sorry your daughter is going through this but you have the right attitude in not trying to control the issues. As parents we all want to be in control but we all know it is best to let go. We are here for you if you just want to let it out, as you know I do that all the time. (sorry sneakers)


    Barbie, glad you are taking it easy and healing at your own pace. Hearing you call Jake, Jim threw me for a minute, not used to you calling him by that name.

    Have a wonderful day, but never forget.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Trying to post this before I lose my Internet service again. Anne is having comouter problems. Those odd emails are showing up again. She may not be on MFP for a while. So if she's not. Around she wanted you to know.

    Darn!!!! I hope she can get things fixed.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Patsy - I hope the medical team gets to the root of your dear one's problems. So very frightening to have so many things going on. Hugs.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Phyllis - congratulations on your new darling grand daughter.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Shirley - allergy alerts given with our weather forecast say pollens are high again. We won't settle down until a killing frost. I hope the medicines you've found work well for you with no side effects.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Barbie - it is a huge decision you're facing regarding taking that medication. I know you will consider all the pros and cons before you decide.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Make - it sounds as if you found some good salads. Yes!! Now how are you feeling and when do you get your test results.


    Sorry to post little bits but if Internet service goes out Inwon't have lost much.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Jackie - have your purchases arrived?? Are you still feeling okay? All the news you reported to us sounds very good!! I am so happy for you. Hello to dear George.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2015
    Buzz - good for you on resisting those desserts. No resisting here because there's nothing available. Hugs.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Jeri - I am glad your sister has some good days. I hope that continues. Any more pleasure trips/drives coming up soon??

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Sandy - sorry you'll miss your anniversary with Babe. Life throws us so many twists and turns. I hope your walk tomorrow is great. The weather is forecast to be very nice here tomorrow. I hope you have the same forecast!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I am getting a haircut later this afternoon from a guy that was recommended to me. He had a cancellation so I took it. He'll be on vacation for two weeks starting Monday. So a little bit nervous since I haven't had anyone other than my friend cut my hair in decades. Fingers crossed.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Getting ready for supper tonight. We've invited over an old friend. We definitely owe her a supper as she is the type that loves to put on events for her friends. Way more daring than me in that regard. She isn't married and lives alone but that sure doesn't stop her. Last year she put on a birthday party for herself at the club house in the condo she lives in. It was a pot luck and we all contributed. Neat lady. Super tonight is cranberry chicken and it is in the crockpot right now. Hope it turns out okay. I'm having a break right now, but next step w/b cutting up veggies for a salad.

    Patsy - oh dear. So stressful when your loved ones have problems. Big hugs.

    Lin - glad you were able to post at least. Hope things get straightened out for you.

    Sandy - good for you participating in the walk. Good luck.

    Shirley - allergies can drive you crazy. Fantastic that you for keep up your exercises.

    Phyllis - congratulations on the new baby. Terrific.

    Barbie - I know just how you feel. I'm still having feet problems too. I just want to get out there and walk, walk, walk. But if I want to recover I need to take it easy. My goal this week is a lonely 6,000 steps. I admire you for your dedication.

    Marie - did I miss your post? Hope you are doing well.

    Got to run, work to do. Have a great day everyone.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Super news and congratulations and much luck with your new granddaughter, PHYLLIS! Lovely!
    PATSY, being a Mother is not easy! Stay centered, and we all wish you and your daughter the best! My DD reminded me this morning about the difference between the groomer to whom she takes her longhair dachshund and the way I used to trim nails, using a Dremel grinder so the quick would recede and nails could be shorter so toes would not splay! Hers just clips and draws blood and the nails remain ragged! Ouch! She plans to try grooming Darla herself. Anyway. no matter how much we try, we worry about our kids!
    SHIRLEY, hope the allergy clears up quickly.
    SANDY, you picked up something I completely missed regarding JAKE/JIM!!! So, which is it , BARBIE? Mystery
    BARBIE, my sister had dire consequences from 2 of the osteoporosis medications, and I always refused to take them. Her jaw became porous, and her femur broke! Weight Lifting is tops! Good luck.
    LIN, hope ANNE is wrong about losing her internet, and confused about your myriad messages, but happy to read them all! You will be lovely no matter how this new fellow cuts your hair! Have fun!
    Gotta run as I have about 6 cards to make before dinner!!!! I simply annot turn on the TV today as I still feel destroyed watching those towers go down! Just writing about it and my throat constricts! May peace return to this earth!
    <3 Buzz
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI ALL,
    I GET TO GO SEE THE BABY TODAY! She is over with her mother since she had the c-section so we don't get to see her daily. But when they move back here I'll get to see her every day, If I want to.
    Shirley sorry about the allergies. They can be so annoying. My sisters had hay fever and we lived on a farm and when the hay was getting harvested in the summer those sisters were always sneezing!
    Sandy: Sounds like you really got drenched. Rain fall is something we hardly ever ever get over here. If it rains we run out side just to see how it feels.
    Barbie: sounds like you are taking it one step at a time. Good plan so that you don't over do.
    Patsy: sorry about your DIL and all the stomach and other pains. WOW she is really having a rough go of it. I know it is hard not to give a million and one suggestions. I have to be careful too with this new baby to let her mom be the one that guides her, instead of me saying,,, YOU SHOUld do this or that!!
    Lin: how is everything coming along with the house? I feel like I lost track of all your fun while I was away.
    Marie: any new diet plans that are working? I need some suggestions. My weight loss seems to be so slow. I know it is good to lose slow as long as I'm losing but my weigh goes up and down and it drives me crazy.
    Well better get folding some clothes and finish cleaning up the house.
    My husband brought home a whole SHEEP yesterday, ( it was had been killed ) and he cut it all up into pieces. Basically I think he butchered it!!! but anyway I bagged it all up and put it in the freezer and cleaned up the blood from the floor. Even after mopping a couple times the place still stinks! so I have to keep mopping with disinfectant. Luckily he did do the chopping and cutting on the balcony but you know how raw meat is... drip drip drip all over the floor anyway. I think I want to be a vegetarian for sure now!!!!!!