Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Its me dragging up the rear.. no excuse just resting. Seems like I do a lot of that here lately. We did go to the store and I did take a nap. rest of the day Jerry and I watch TV. Old westerns shows. Watch the cowboys play last night. Time to fix my supper. I am hungry for green beans so I gyess that's what I will have.
    Barbie hope you get to feeling better real soon. Its not like you to get down.

    Hugs to all
  • Love your furniture Lin! If I were sitting on it, I would go to sleep. I guess it isn't cat proof.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    HI HO sneakers! Here it is really late and I am still rattling around. It has been an odd day for me. I should have gotten more done but ...I just didn't. I got messages from two old friends and their lives are just not good. Family problems,like we all have. I feel the difference is that wanting to help but knowing when to drop it and let things develope. Life has a way of solving things in its own way and time. My daughter called and her school is starting here. She teaches art and computer skills. We have the craziest thing going on in the schools. There is this test that students must pass In order for the schools to get federal funding. So the school superintendent demands the teachers actually teach the test so everyone can pass. Education has come to a screeching halt in my view. Tests are everything now! What do I know? Just sounding off and being totally perplexed. All is well here. Off to bed and counting little wooly sheep because it is a cool night.
    Sleep well and bless you all.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Good morning Sneaker Friends - We're looking forward to spending a few days enjoying our camper this weekend in the small, but beautiful little town of Cleveland, GA (Home of the Cabbage Patch Dolls). We were not using our camper very much, so last year I bought a camper lot at the Brookside Camping Resort. Now, our little camper is set up there all the time and we can just go enjoy it.

    Barbie - I hope your up and dancing soon. It's almost impossible to not be moving around when good music is playing!

    Lin - Your new furniture looks sooo comfortable. One of our sons occasionally falls asleep at night on the sofa and then doesn't actually wake up to go to bed till later. If he fell asleep on your new sofa, he may not go to bed at all!

    Patsy - I agree about the school stuff. We were so fortunate for the schools our sons had. During middle school, though, we homeschooled and then for high school they attended a fully accredited homeschool school. They had classes there 2 days a week and worked at home 3 days a week. Oddly enough, I feel like their education was more like what I had back when I was in regular school. Anyway, because they were learning lessons the way lessons use to be taught, both of my boys did great on their college SAT entrance exams because they actually knew the material and not because they had been taught the test. (Go figure.)

    Have a great day, everyone,
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    My son just showed me how to change picture size. So here is the picture of our little camper getaway. (Marcella)

  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Hi I'm back after surgery for a Melanoma on my heel. :) Surgery was in March but graft did not take so I have to heal on my own Diabetes slows the process enormously. Hope to be healed completely by Nov. The food in the care facility was not helpful to weight loss. Spent 4 months there. I am restarting my efforts to get my weight under control. I missed the group even though I did not post very often.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited September 2015
    lesutherl wrote: »
    Hi I'm back after surgery for a Melanoma on my heel. :) Surgery was in March but graft did not take so I have to heal on my own Diabetes slows the process enormously. Hope to be healed completely by Nov. The food in the care facility was not helpful to weight loss. Spent 4 months there. I am restarting my efforts to get my weight under control. I missed the group even though I did not post very often.

    Hi Laura,

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening. Marcella - I love your camper set up!! It is just beautiful. I'd spend lots of time there I would think!!

    Laura - welcome back and soooo sorry about how long it is taking for you to heal. I hope you'll be able to check in with us more often now. Take care.

    I've been working in my basement a good portion of the day and just decided I was too tired to do any more so I'm upstairs for a good drink of water. I think if I sit on the sofa I'll fall asleep!!

    Hugs to everyone. Church on my agenda for tomorrow. I guess it is to be quite hot once again.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Marcella, your getaway looks like it has everything you need...enjoy

    :) Laura, welcome've had a tough time...glad you are making a new start
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Great to see you back, LAURA!
    Hope your recovery will be going more quickly and remain successful! It is noy easy to control weight when you are not doing the planning and cooking! I'm dealing with the same thing!
    MARCELLA, nice set-up (and nice shot). Almost inspires me to camp once more!
    LIN, I hope you eventually took the nap you needed! Have I mentioned how great your furniture looks? Enjoy restingin it!1!
    JACKIE, how is your area healing? Thinking of you!
    SANDY, regards from Mike. He remembers our delightful visit!
    Everyone, although my computer seems much better, it's operator has run out of steam , so I say hello and be well to each of you, and goodnight, sleep tight!
    <3 Buzz
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks every one it is great to be back now I have to get rid of the 10 lbs l put on in the care facility
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) You can find me at the pool the next two days, that is where I will be spending my holiday. I have invited a friend from my old apartment complex since the pool there has been shut down due to some maintenance. I went to Mass by myself last night and then met a friend for a drink and appetizers. When I talked to Babe after getting my hair done he was just downright mean. He evidently had a fight with his son and said he will probably not see his family ever again, which we all know is not true, but now I know how Buzz feels when Mike has an episode. I remain calm and never raise my voice but feel either something is wrong with him or he had a stroke and his personality has changed, only time will tell. In the meantime I will pray for him.

    Laura, you have had a rough time, I hope you are on the mend and things get better for you.

    Buzz, how sweet that Mike remembered our luncheon, give him a hug from me and tell him how much I enjoyed meeting both of you.

    Marcella, love your trailer set up, it looks so homey. My parents had a trailer on a lake when we were young, we went every weekend and it brings back great memories.

    Lin, don't work too hard, it is a holiday and although it is labor day, it doesn't mean you should do all the labor.

    Patsy, it is hard to hear negativity so I detach myself from it if possible. There is help available for most problems but some people prefer to just keep their pity parties. Good luck to your daughter.

    Marie, watching old westerns with Jerry sounds like a perfect day.

    Barbie, glad you listened to your other dance teacher and had some help with your class. How much walking are you supposed to do as of now?

    Jackie, hope things are good in your neck of the woods.

    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello everybody, this labour weekend is a hot sizzle one! Could be a busy one too if younger son managed to find a new door for my present very old and warped garage side door! Then once installed it will need painting of course. My two sons are SO different both in body, looks and personalities that one would hardly know they are brothers! My younger son, slight, strong and wiry is the one who is forever building or repairing stuff. He's in business suits all week, but once home he loves woodwork, repairing things, roaming around hardware stores etc. while meanwhile my eldest, built tall and solid like my dad, is also into business suits all week, but a computer whizz come the weekends. He's up north with wife and Cinders the pup, and dabbling his toes in Lake Superior right now plus enjoying his 54th today I hope! Anyway, they are both so good to me, and I honestly couldn't have better offspring AND its jolly useful having their two lovely personalities sorting me out, be it new doors or taking me shopping in bad weather.
    I am so glad you are on the mend LAURA, and that goes hopefully for JACKIE and BARBIE. Green with envy over your little get away MARCELLA, and LINS new furniture is to drool over. There is quite a bunch of us SNEAKERS now, so just popped by to wish US ALL a lovely labour weekend if we celebrate this week, and a lovely Sunday for those of us who don't.
    Bye for now,
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Drat! Just lost long post. MFP is jumpy today and turning me into a fussy angry witch. So, will try to get back later to say hello when I am more reasonable.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Another hot one today too! Dave and I and our friend Regis went to the market to get some food for making sandwiches
    for our trip home. We walked, did some shopping had an ice cream and watched the Air Show on the grass.

    We checked out another club house next door to the one where we are and it was lovely. Another venue for our club
    members to come to in future crusies. We had a great time yesterday playing some challenges on 4 of the boats that
    participated. They were done in countries, Holland, Mexico, Italy and Bahamas. We had to do a challenge at each
    boat and get a stamp on our passport, answer 4 questions correct and hand it in when you finished. Dave and I won!

    Dave is taking a nap and I have caught up with all your posts and just trying to keep cool. Seafood restaurant tonight
    with friends then homeward bound tomorrow. I will comment again when I get back. Also detoxing and getting
    back to my goal after a long summer of eating.

    Missing my grandson, can't wait to see him again. o:)

    MARCELLA - Love your trailer get away. Looks like you have it all.
    LIN - Lovely furniture, I see you like leather. Very soft I bet!
    SANDY - Keep cool, in both weather and Babe's drama .
    LAURA- Sorry for your health issues, but so nice to see you here again. We all will be getting the weight off.

    Hello Barbie, Anne, Phoebe, Phyllis, Buzz and whomever I missed.

    Enjoy your Labor Day!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Sandy, the chiropractor didn't say how much walking to do so I've tried to walk a bit in the house as well as outdoors. Yesterday I took two walks--35 minutes and 10 minutes. Today I've been on a 30 minute walk and will go for another short walk soon. Jake is walking the dogs and listening to audio books. I am sorry to hear that Babe is not doing well. You are wise to keep some distance from him. How sad that he doesn't have the Al Anon program and support to help him sort through this challenge with his son...enjoy the pool

    :) Anne, how fortunate you are with your sons.

    :) Shirley, your trip sounds like fun

    :) Jake fixed lunch today and then suggested a doesn't get better than this

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening. Labor Day continues here. After church I went back to doing laundry and straightening up in the basement. I am tired today though so I think I'm going to shut everything down, take a book, and a cup of tea and just relax.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Evenin', everybody. We enjoyed a very relaxed day today. Awoke somewhat late, lingered over my yogurt, almonds an blueberries, and before we realized it, the dining room was serving brunch as we were clearing away breakfast, so we decided to skip it and simply munch if we got hungry before dinner. Besides, one of the offerings at lunch was blintzes with fruit sauce, and I did not feel either of us would miss the sugar! And lamb shank did not sound inviting to me today, either. I truly know how discouraging LAURA is finding the extra weight gain, as I fight it constantly with little success. But we'll keep trying, I trust! I chatted with my DS for over an hour today, and ended inviting them to stay in one of our guest suites during "the season" if they will just give me enough time to grab one before everyone else makes reservations. I'm looking forward to DS and his significant other (SO?) coming at New Years for one whole week! These guest apartments are so terrific when we don't have to deal with the mess! Two movies were shown today, but since we have enjoyed Mama Mia several times, I preferred lounging here, but we went to a movie I had never heard until tonight: A Little Boy. No one warned us to bring a box of Kleenex, but I thought it was excellent as did the entire audience! It touched on so many emotions and events, supposedly taking place in a small California town during WW2, but in fact, for me it covered a multitude of memories and besides, the youngster who played the Little Boy, did a wonderful job. I guess if there was a "hero", he was it, but with many facets! You might like it, too!
    I am also having intermittent issues with this website. Every so often it freezes on me, and I think SANDY was probably correct suggesting I leave Internet Explorer but I never can find the same familiarity with my other browsers. They have all the same conveniences somewhere, but I can't always figure out where they hide them! Supposedly, once I download Windows 10 (eventually, but not now) their new browser is a huge improvement.
    Regarding BABE, SANDY, I hope it's just a bad time for him! Do make certain your written take care of you under all circumstances! Dementia is such a convoluted twisted progression of behaviors it's difficult to know which end is up! At a lecture on aging a couple of nights ago, Mike was the only one who remembered that Sammy Cahn wrote the music for some song, and yet he cannot remember what we spoke of 5 minutes ago. Personality changes can be rapid or non-existent! And there's no way to no what to expect! I am becoming determined to take it in stride without anger or resentment, since I do understand none of it deliberate despite what it seems to be! Clear as mud? So is living with it, but often life presents us with unexpected situations. He was a delightful mate for many years; our 38th anniversary is coming up soon!
    Have a lovely Labor Day tomorrow and I'll try to pop by and say hello.
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Cool Oregon day today with a bit of rain. I confess that I am looking forward to the autumn weather and fall leaves. We do enjoy football and I will be finishing one of my books for editor and publisher. I have to get something on paper for the project that has been "hatching." It feels awful not to have something in the works. I get depressed and sort of panicky when my personal factory isn't cranking away on something.

    The fires are mostly out here in Oregon but now we are wringing our hands about possible flooding. We seem to fly from one disaster to another. Next will be zombie invasion I am sure.

    Can't wait for the new Steve Jobs biopic. Should be fascinating. John is heading to Costco next week for the new Lee Child thriller novel. I like some of his books but I am not as devoted as John. He says he has never met a Lee Child book he didn't love and has to to re-read. Seriously!

    I would love to go to the writers conference upcoming this fall. The planning and dog problem will doubtless make it impossible. MoMo had her yearly physical and even though she is 12 going on 13 she is doing fine. As these dogs become older and older, their health is very fragile. We watch them carefully and try not to stress them. MoMo has decided to use the ramp with a bark and harrumph as a show of disapproval. We are a dog dominated household.

    Love all the news and had these thoughts...Anne, your sons are so devoted to you because You are a great mom and you are devoted to your sons! That's the way that works! Most of the time...

    Lin: making your nest warm and comfortable is a life affirming thing to do. As Winnie the Poo said to Pigglet..."this home is the homiest home I every snuggled in". Happy snuggling, Lin!

    Salmon tonight for John, asparagus and wild rice for me.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good morning! It is already SIZZLING here. However, the weatherman says relief is in sight come Wednesday. What a hot summer we have had, or maybe I'm just noticing it more being daft enough not to have had the window AC installed. It has to be removed in the fall because of draughts and it's very heavy, so at least I've removed one task for son and grandson. The old shorts got an airing this year. I ALMOST chucked them out last spring being a senior with matching senior legs. The heat put paid to any vanity on my part. The new garage door arrived with Mark and Mary Jo, but seeing my back yard is such a sauna bath at the moment, not installed until the weather cools down, maybe next weekend?

    Thanks for such kind words PATSY. Not sure that I deserve them!

    Oh BUZZ I am so very sorry and it must be terribly frustrating for you, well I know it is. I'm not sure I could cope as well as you do with a personality changing and again I know I couldn't. It almost seems sometimes that we are each given certain tasks in this life to cope with. I'm being fanciful I know but with the odd vague feeling that I've lived through certain problems before, it's like a test to see how we cope in THIS life. In my own case I have an uneasy feeling I haven't passed the test and will have to face it again. I know I'm not making sense. However I'll put these thoughts out just in case someone has similar thoughts but can express them better than I can.

    MARIE, how are you doing? How old are your kitties now? Don't forget a 6 month old kitten can become a Mom in the making! Two are fun and a handful, but, say six! Oh boy, that would keep you and Jerry on your toes!

    Well, that's me for the day. It's a day to put MY old tootsies up and read a book, AFTER watering the poor wilting geraniums.
