Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sandy - Isaac is coming Friday night and they are staying until Sunday sometime.

    We are back to humid temps again today and a hot night sleeping again. :(

    I went fishing with the guys but they caught a fish each but not me this time. Our dinner was late tonight
    so no bass casting tonight. My MIL had a neighbor friend over and they eat really late so we did too.

    We are having cheese cake for dessert which Tom brought. Tommorrow is Yoga class again and then some
    shopping, my MIL will be joining me.

    Have a good night.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member

    smiley-sport017.gif Lin, here is the link to the dumbbells I bought

    One of the arrived today by mail in a medium priority mail flat rate box....Jake was a darling to bring it in from the mailbox across the street....I wish I could have seen the mail carrier when he put it in the parcel box this afternoon.

    The dumbbells I have now are pairs of 3, 5, 10, and 15 pounds but the lifts I want to do will require more weight than that. Yesterday I used 5 pound wrist weights plus the 15 pound dumbbells for worked, but it was awkward and I can handle more weight than that.

    <3 Barbie
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Gosh, LIN, it took a second and third look before I realized that was a purple sweet potato (which I adore!) but they sure don't photograph terribly well, do they? You are amazing with your food selections. And photography!
    JACKIE, I wish it were next Wednesday already, and can anyone send us your good news immediately? By the way, my DD Jackie arrived this afternoon and looks wonderful. Very disciplined regarding food and exercise, and so she is slim and toned at 63! And just restarting a business for art prints that resemble real paintings at reasonable prices for poor (relatively) lovers of art! She had a gallery in San Diego, attached to her studio, and now lives in Durham NC and loves being next to Duke University. How wonderful seeing her, if only for 2 days!
    To all you gals suffering heat waves, we are at a constant 90 degrees until a cool wave next Sunday, when it will go down to 89!
    MARCELLA, I'm afraid MARIE meant me when she spoke of fading memories! What is your nickname if I may be so bold?
    We must go down to breakfast by 8:30 to join Jackie in our Bistro, for a wonderful breakfast included with her guest suite! We all enjoyed tonight's prime rib.
    I'm falling asleep at the computer, so g'nite , dear friends, stay healthy!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited August 2015
    Morning, well at 70F it is still very muggy and humid, BUT the sky is a most peculiar greenish/grey colour so we may soon get rain to sweep this horrid humid stuff away. Hopefully the logs and brush get picked up tomorrow, and the roofers have yet to arrive which is just as well if we are to have a downpour. This is the only weather which makes me feel like a wilting lettuce leaf with the personality to match!

    BUZZ/Barbara, how do you put up with such high temperatures on a more permanent basis? Or do you get used to it, or maybe it's not so humid down in sunny Florida? I have only been to Florida once one Christmas. We had two weeks of frost, the palm trees were drooping, the oranges frost bitten, we had Disney world to ourselves, and wore the sweaters we travelled in for the full two weeks except for the last 2 days when it suddenly warmed up.

    JACKIE, like Buzz I too wonder if it is possible for you to have someone post us immediately? I wish it was the 27th today and you safely home with the pets. I loved your lovely long post yesterday.

    BARBIE, you are truly amazing and I had to smile imagining your poor mailman! Reminds me of the time my dad acquired some Dumbbells years ago. The comic book sort, two huge balls with a bar between. For some reason he painted them pale blue which made them look deceptively light. Coming out of his shed one day, Dumbbells in one hand, the fellow next door, a puny chap, asked if he could try them. Dad handed them over with one hand, "Peter" grasped them with two hands and promptly hit the ground to be hauled up by dad, a big chap, and dusted down. Me, at 7 years or so, couldn't move them at all!

    SHIRLEY, are you still suffering like me? I bet you are galloping into the lake in your new swimsuit. How nice for you to go shopping with your MIL. You gals appear to have a great relationship.

    Well, PATSY, SANDY, ROBBY, PHOEBE on her travels, MARIE and her kitties, MARCELLA (Ella? Pretty name) PHYLLIS, LIN and her wonderful veggie presentation, sure encourages us to EAT OUR VEGGIES, LIN, and EVERYBODY, enjoy today,
    Cheerio, Anne.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I love the food pictures. They are so inspiring!
    As for my name, I just go by Marcella, but if it helps to have a shorter version "Marc" would be fine. I'll know that's me. :)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2015
    Happy Thursday!! :) Meeting day and a cooler day, which feels good since I can't go to the pool. Won $75 at bingo, my friend and I split a win from a pull tab. I have told everyone that at the end of September I will be taking a break from bingo so there won't be any surprises.

    Marcella, what ever name you are comfortable with is fine with us, Marc is cute.

    Anne, my son lives in Phoenix and last weekend it was 120F but he said it didn't feel as hot as Chicago because of the humidity. The dry heat there seems to be a little more bearable than those that have humidity.

    Buzz, you have such talented children, do they get their arts from you?

    Barbie, you aren't going to become one of those muscle women who have ripples of muscles all over are you?

    Shirley, being with Issac will help combat the heat, hopefully he likes water and can swim with grandma and grandpa. I bet the first thing you do when you get home is take a nice long shower.

    Marie, those little kitties are trouble makers, tell them to get their own computer. LOL Did you try restarting your computer?

    LIn, your pictures are great but do you eat all that food at one sitting? I know they are veggies and low in calories but I don't think I could eat all that at one time. Just wondering?? Love when things get emptied out and more room becomes available.

    Jackie, I like you, feel fine at this weight and even though I fluctuate between 2 and 3 pounds I think I look fine.
    It is just a number that I work with which means nothing to anyone except me. If your friend could send one of us an email to let us know everything went okay that would be great. I will give you mine just in case that is possible.

    Time for breakfast, have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Marc it is , great now we can talk. we do a lot of that. Here'd I guess you notice.

    Sandy now the kittens have found Jerry's TV. Anything that move they are at it.

    Buzz you are a hoot and love you very much.

    Barbie be careful lifting those dumbbell's, Don want you to get hurt.

    Anne. It was a great day for us when you joing our group I et a kick out of you.and your stories

    Jackie. Wwe will all be waiting to hear from you When you have your surgery. With a prayer in our heart.

    Shirley have a ball with Isaac when he gets there.

    My meals today.
    breakfast... Baked sweet potato, black yes peas 3 stalks of raw asparagus. coffee

    Lunch. ....Great northern beans. Baked potato, crock pot cabbage, steam asparagus, tea

    Dinner... Oatmeal and fruit coffee

    have a wonderful day.
    Hugs Marie

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Totally different topic but just wanted to share in case you've not investigated this, that AARP has a free service you can sign -up for and you do not have to be a member. It keeps tabs on fraud activity by state.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Quick message this afternoon, had some Internet problems this morning. Hope it works for the rest of the day. Anyway, all the towels and sheets are washed and made it through the dryer and my bed is all made once again. I love it when that is done. Fresh sheets---aaaah! :)

    Made a tray of roasted veggies again for lunch and had it with some raw tomatoes. Yum. Tonight I plan on having broccoli with tomato paste, onions, turmeric, a few beans, and a Hawaiian sweet potato (purple). And yes, I eat (or most of it) at one time. BUT chewing vegetables well takes a long time so I munch for an hour or more just like a grazing animal. They pretty much chew all day long to provide themselves with enough food. Veggies are extremely low calorie although nutrient dense and if you do not eat quite a bit at one time you’ll be hungry every couple of hours. Many veggies are only 100 – 200 calories a pound. I’m told most people eat from 3 to 4 lbs. of food a day no matter what their diet style. Mine is just pretty much vegetables and fruit with some starch thrown in.

    A comparison was made and I don’t have the details but for one meal at McDonald’s (and sorry I don’t know the exact items but I know there was a big burger, fries and a drink), you could eat about 17 small apples (if you could of course). So calorie density is real and I focus on nutrient density and calorie density. I guess I could be called a volume eater.

    I don’t eat any meat or dairy, no salt, no sugar of any type (real or substitutes), no oil, no flour, no dried fruit right now with the exception of a date or two in a recipe and I’ve given up my daily soy habit and only eat Edamame from time to time. Small amounts of grain/seeds and not that often quinoa, wild rice, and oatmeal. And of course BEANS!! Love beans. Anyway, I’m striping down my diet even more to try to identify any problem foods (food intolerance) so I will stop posting pictures here. I know, I am extreme.

    That being said, I’ll get off my nutrition lecture. It’s just for me, I'm not saying anyone else should do this. It seems to work for me.

    Marc – I love that name. I’m so glad you’re here with us. Wahoo!! Chime in any time.

    Marie – your kitties are quite the pair! I’m sure you have fun with them each day. I see you are posting your meals here again. Good for you. It’s nice to keep track. I hear a lot of people are using an app called TwoGrand on their smart phones. Apparently you post pictures of all your meals there and can compare to other people but I really don't know about all the features. I’m not sure I’d want to make all my stupid pictures available to everyone for each thing I eat each and every day. Plus I’m not sure you own your pictures once you post there. Anyway, on another topic, I am glad your air conditioning is working again.

    Sandy – congrats on your win at bingo. Wahoo! It might be nice to take a break though. All ready for Robby? I’m trying to remember the picture you posted of your garage and your nifty storage system. You had storage bins along the side?? Do you have overhead storage too? My last taller cabinet is being delivered tomorrow morning but it’s just replacing one so I won’t be gaining more space and still have some things left. So if you could remind me….I’d appreciate it.

    Shirley – I’m sure you can’t wait until your darling little grandbaby arrives for a visit. I am so happy that you and your DH are able to see him often. Do you get lots of pictures too? Back when I went to that baby shower for my friend’s granddaughter, the baby’s mother Friended all of us on Facebook and now I see a new picture of that darling almost every day. I swear she is growing right before our eyes.

    Anne – roofers soon. It will be so good when that roofing job is complete. Fingers crossed that the weather will be good when they go the job AND that the tree debris is picked up. Also wishing you rain and lower temperatures (at the appropriate moment of course). And I'm glad you kept that pair of shorts!

    Buzz – I hope your visit is going well and you are all happy!! Sorry the visit is so short.

    Jackie – a hello sent your way. Are you sort of caught up (as much as a person can be), with your garden(s)? So any more preliminary tests or exams coming up? You know we will be thinking of you A LOT. Did you say who will be looking after little George? I doubt he’ll be very happy until you’re home again.

    Barbie – thanks for the link to your new equipment. Now that is a SERIOUS set of weights. Good for you. Very space-saving design and all you could probably want even for squats.

    Time to get on the move. It’s the day for veggie pick up at the Farmer’s Market.

    Hugs to all.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin I love you nutrition talk learn lot thru you. I really like the recipes in The newest book I got Knifes and forks.Most of my cooking is in my crockpot my cabbage turn out real good.
    I have both of the cats in here undelaying down in front of the Computer and Bubba is in front of the printer. Both wore their self out with the mouse.

    Kahty is having her son wedding and reception at her house in September. It will be a cowboy theme wedding. real western cowboy not a football cowboy. We got the announcement in the mail this morning and it was real cute.So I am sure she will have it all fixed up nice.. She usually do for she loves to decorate
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi dahlins, just a quick visit to say the visit is going just great. They went off to Deerfield Beach today to enjoy our beautiful ocean, but stayed only an hour as the sand and sun were brutal! We stay in A/C during the day! After lunch, we walked them around our buildings (everything is attached at the first floor, all under A/C)... visited our library, auditorium, gym, one of the pools, ping pong and pool tables room, and you name it, we seem to have it. My DD was completely delighted, offered to help me with the computer but it seems to be working OK, so we ended up in the Lobby where there is a huge table for jigsaw puzzles (always one or two in progress!). We will have dinner here again tonight, as they enjoyed last night's and today's meals so much, and I am delighted they don't want to go to a restaurant! I'm tired after all the walking back and forth from our rooms to their guest suite! At least I can welcome MARC, love you too, MARIE, JACKIE, you have my address as well as SANDY's, so I hope we get great news Tuesday night! Love the blue dumbbell story, and gotta run now!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    LIN, love your veggie dishes and I bet the farmers market loves you! I hope they give you a huge discount! Please keep telling us how you prepare them. Very enlightening for me who isn't the greatest cook even after all these years of practice! Typical of northern British origin I consume large amounts of potatoes boiled, baked, fried, roasted so I get some variety there, but I tend to steam or boil other veggies. I think the only vegetables I've actually roasted apart from spuds are parsnips and the odd onion. What temp. do you roast at, how long do they take, and do you use olive oil?

    MARIE, what fun, a cowboy wedding! Will all the guests wear Stetsons etc? Many years ago, many, many, I considered marrying a chap named Oakley and I would have become "Annie Oakley" wouldn't I! She of the Buffalo Bill circus fame and there the resemblance would end!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »

    Sandy – congrats on your win at bingo. Wahoo! It might be nice to take a break though. All ready for Robby? I’m trying to remember the picture you posted of your garage and your nifty storage system. You had storage bins along the side?? Do you have overhead storage too? My last taller cabinet is being delivered tomorrow morning but it’s just replacing one so I won’t be gaining more space and still have some things left. So if you could remind me….I’d appreciate it.

    Hugs to all.


    I tried to find a picture but to no avail. I have shelves and tote boxes on those shelves. I do have over head storage where I have a lot of tote boxes. My garage has a pull down ladder to get to the over head storage. If I can find a picture I will post it.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    We had rain today and it was pouring. We had another challenge sleeping last night but today should be better. All the
    humidity out of the air and it feels good.

    I had my second Yoga class today and enjoyed it. I did some shopping and picked up a top, a bathing suit and some
    underwear. All the Fall clothes are out now and I couldn't find any shorts. So I have to wait until next year.

    I caught a bass doing some casting tonight and the guys got none. :p

    Have a good night.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited August 2015
    Had a achy day. Chiropractic didn't help, sometimes it backfires. Going to bed early.
    Went to our local farmers market.
    Got 30 pounds of beautiful late season peaches, about 5 pounds of tomatoes, and enough okra for two or three meals. Then I ran out of money.
    I'll freeze some of the peaches. Have a good night.
    Jackie, thinking of you

    P.s., Sandy, I remember the photos you posted of your garage with the shelves. It must've been shortly after you moved in, so, do you think the photos will still be on this thread?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2015
    Found it!

    The floor looks bad in this picture, it must be the lightning.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited August 2015
    Phoebe you got your work cut out for you. peaches okra. tomatoes.
    Time for breakfast Then a burst training While it is still cool
    I will be back later with my Menu post. Too early to know what I am going to eat. all day.

    I order some miracle noodles last night, No calories no carbs no gluten I order some a few years back and was pretty good. Hope they are as good as I remember them.
    hugs Marie

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    The roof boys are here. I hear heavy boots on my roof. They should shake any cobwebs lurking on the ceiling! I'm still praying the towns garbage boys will take the cut trees and bushes from the front! I feel like the "sleeping oldie" behind all this foliage and tiles flying off the roof. Whoever said old age is a time of serenity and peace obviously hasn't got here yet!

    Anne, the wide awake oldie!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday!! :) The bad news is I gained 0.8 pound this week and I have been riding my bike daily. I had some salty food last night so I am hoping the scale will change tomorrow. The good news is it is another beautiful day and Babe and I are going to see the movie "The Gift". I have a call in for him to schedule his cataract surgery since I will be the one taking him. His eyes are really bad so I hope this surgery helps him see better.

    Anne, I am sure it is annoying to hear the thump, thump, thump of the workers boots, but think of the big picture when it is all done. Let us know if the town picks up your tree branches and such, my guess is yes.

    Marie, what is burst training? I do hope your noodles are delicious and tastes as good as you remember.

    Phoebe, sorry you had an achy day and hope today is better. What hurts your back or your knees? That is a lot of peaches, how do you freeze them, whole?? How do they taste when defrosted???

    Shirley, it is hard to tell if you are having a good time with all that heat and humidity, but I sure hope you are.
    Congratulations on the fish, do you bait the hook with a worm?

    Jackie, I hope your weather is co operating and you are enjoying sunshine and long walks with George.

    Lin, I hope I didn't hurt your feelings asking about those veggies, that is the last thing I would ever want to do.

    That's all for now, have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hello me again. Well my youngest took me grocery shopping and seeing it was his car and not my trolley, I made hay whilst the sun shone and really stocked up!
    Believe me SANDY, those size 12 boots are music to my ears! They hope to finish just the house today, and for such a small house, it does have a big roof! The double garage will get done on Saturday. Did the town take away the logs and branches, well yes and no. They took all the bound branches and the garden bags, happy day, but left behind the tree trunk, even though it was sawn into manageable logs. So.......I took PATSY'S advice, thank you Patsy, and asked the roof boss if I could chuck them in his skip and he said YES. It's lovely being able to see the road again!
    Will let you know if anything earth shattering happens during this event, but I hope you DON'T hear from me again today.
    Oh, despite the raccoon damaged tiles, the under wooden roof, although a bit damp, doesn't need replacing. What a relief!
