Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hugs for you, Jackie. Yes, a beautiful and mostly safe place for you to live.
    Didn't sleep well, so early to bed.
    Lin, a Shark. Boo, I want one too.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    i just had to share a moment...tomorrow is a friends birthday and we are to have lunch together. I was in the local drug store looking for a card for her. I love funny cards, with a bit of slapstick and cheeky humor. I was giggling out loud and sometimes doubled over laughing at some of the cards. A strange guy was watching me and came over to share the cards with me. We would hand cards back and forth, "have you seen this one?" I know, it was a silly moment but really fun. I bought 6 cards...some for other occasions. Some were just silly, some nasty, some just weird!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Jackie - what a day you've had. I hope you are getting some rest now. I am sorry for the diagnosis but I have faith you'll receive excellent care and you'll beat this quickly!

    Hugs. <3<3

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jackie my hugs goes out to you.. along with my prayers You will make it thru this.

    Sorry Jeri about your sister. My heart goes out to you.

    Buzz sorry Mike is having to go thru all of this. I remember at one time when he was still playing Tennis. What a remarkable man it must be really painful for you.

    Us seniors are growing older and nature takes it course. But I am not ready for it.

    Take care everyone. You are all in my prayers
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Dear JACKIE, I believe things look promising that you are not being rushed into surgery immediately! Good luck dear friend, and we hope for the best news in a month! 1064972qm293tz1zr.gif

    Everybody, we are family!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, I can't say it any better than anyone else. My thoughts are with you and like LIN I have faith you will beat this quickly. Anne
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thank you my wonderful friends. If you had met my consultant you would know why I am feeling relaxed about this situation I find myself in and mostly just annoyed that it will disrupt my ordered life for a few weeks. Because he's a busy man he did offer an earlier date in 2 weeks time with a colleague that I haven't met but I was happy to wait until he's got some available time. I've been told that it is at such an early stage it's not spreading anywhere yet and not likely to for a while so life goes on. Just as MARIE says nature might take it's course but I'm certainly not ready for it so won't be giving in just yet!! This morning I went to my hair appointment that had been moved from yesterday and feel a hundred times better to have had the mop that was on my head trimmed and tidied! Dear George hasn't had much exercise the past 2 days so I'm taking him on to the very top of the moors in the next hour so we can both blow the cobwebs away. Meanwhile pottering in the garden.

    Happy Thursday

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited July 2015
    Happy Thursday!! :) I have my meeting today, followed by therapy, but wanted to stop in and give Jackie big hugs and warm kisses. 1756254uttacty1pb.jpg
    Jeri can be your role model as she has been through this although I think hers was more invasive. The "C" word is scary no matter what kind it is but I know you will do just fine and with your attitude this will be a thing of the past in a short time. Love you kiddo, take it One Day at a Time.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Gotta figure out where my LAST backup is before downloading anything new! Laptop is not a happy camper!
    Be well, my dear friends!
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    It is to be another hot day, so try to stay cool my friends. Our dogs are very reasonable girls. They lie in front of the fan , their little ears blowing in the wind. Exercise will be delayed until evening. We will be looking at the blue moon everyone is talking about.
    Lin: The new Harper Lee book is okay but I don't think it is any literary classic. The big thing about it is, this author finally came out with another book. Another modern southern gothic to my mind. I like books of all kinds. But really...

    Jackie: I am so glad you have a competent doctor. It is true that you positive attitude will drive this experience. You are intelligent and sensible. We all wish we lived right down the road from you. We would be at your doorstep, with you every step of the way. We are with you in our thoughts.

    Phoebe: I hope that new truck is cir conditioned! Will this heat be a problem for you as you make your way across the country?

    Marie: my son found two new born feral kitties in a dumpster right after he got his first apartment after college. He raised these kitties in his desk drawer with the help of the local vet. They were amazing little cats. They liked to ride in his car and they used the toilet in his bathroom! They also played in water in the sink. Unfortunately they also liked to sleep on his computer. They killed his mother board more than once. He is a computer animator for commercials and TV .

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening - I'm not sure where the day went! Went to the grocery store, put some laundry away, did some walking around here, was on the phone with the Internet service provider to get my service working again (a couple of times). Watched a webinar on the use of cover crops. Maybe mainstream agriculture will change a bit? Maybe....... Went to Farmer's Market. Had a phone consultation with the doctor I've wanted to talk to. He's given me some instructions to follow and I'll check back with him in a couple of weeks and see if there are any improvements with how I'm feeling. Now I'm trying to sort of listen to a phone call conference with one ear!

    Jackie - you did make me laugh with your description of having your life disrupted for a little while. I don't know if I'd be so calm about the situation but I know I'd feel a bit outraged that my life had to be re-arranged for a while. Getting a haircut does feel so good doesn't it? Actually my haircut last week was, in all probability, one of the last cuts I'll get from the lady I've been going to FOREVER. She cut it really short and now I have some spikes that are standing up a bit. I think I upset her when we talked about the fact that I wouldn't be driving up there. But on the plus side, I have a cut that will last for quite a while!!

    Sandy - another busy day for you my friend. Hope your therapy is going well.

    Buzz - you must keep your laptop happy!! I find that difficult to do. A friend posted on Facebook that she had upgraded to Windows 10. She thought it was fine once she changed browsers from the Windows browser back to her Firefox. Ha. Windows just can't keep people in their products can they?

    Patsy - thanks for the update on the Harper Lee book. I'm sure loads of books will be sold simply because it's the second book against all odds.........but it still doesn't appeal to me.

    Wishing everyone else well. Again, I'm going to post now in case my Internet service goes out again. One tech I had today said, hummm, from what I see, you've been having some rocky days with your Internet service. The longest duration of connection was 6 hours. OH YES! I asked him to make some notes for the service department. SO anyway, hope to see you soon.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Where did this day go???
    Tired too but I got in to see my orthopedic doctor who no longer does surgery. He can give me injections and he did today. The knee feels better I think.
    Take care more tomorrow
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited July 2015
    Running late as usually Had a very restful day today Stayed in my recliner Trying to get this swelling down. But so far no luck Temp up to 104 today But did want to torch base with you guys.

    Pasty Your son Kitties sounds wonderful. The other day Our little male got himself shut up in the bedroom. and I thought the little girl kitten would have a fit until she found hmi. Finally the little boy woke up and decided he wanted some food. so the meow started and the little girl heard him and went running to the bedroom door. and both were happy.
    Making this short
    Hugs to all
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARIE, what temperature is 104? I hope you mean the weather!!!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes buzz it is the weather. I have not ran any temperature so far

    We are all going thru a phase of illness right now. I still have swollen feet and ankles this morning. But we are Sneakers and will snap out of it soon.

    <3 Phoebe hope the shots give you some relief.

    <3 Jackie My heart goes out to you for having to wait a month for your surgery I had to do the same thing. when I ad My uterus Surgery That's was a long month. But way back in the days But I came out fine. did not have to have anything else done. and been fine every since.

    <3 Jeri I guess you are on your way back to your Sister by now. So glad you and Ed will be with her. thru this ordeal. Take care and we miss you around here.

    <3 Lin How is your health Now days.

    <3 Buzz Hope Mike is doing better. and you too.

    <3 Anne your sorrow of losing your beloved Kitty is a terrible loss.

    Sign off for now


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited July 2015
    Happy Friday!! :) Gained 0.6 pound, but I am okay with that, I am still within my goal. I made chicken breasts on the grill last night and it was so good, glad I have leftovers for a couple of days. It is going to be in the 90's today so we will definitely be going to the pool, in fact that is my plan for the weekend, other than going to Mass and dinner with Babe. He came last night with my screen that he had fixed for me, now I need Bryanna's boyfriend to put it back up and still waiting for my son to change my light fixture on the balcony. Also got a flyer from the people who clean our hallways for window washing, so I have a call in to them for an estimate. Soon it will be time to sign the new lease, let's hope she doesn't raise me too much if at all.

    Marie, sorry to hear your feet are swelling, is it from the heat?? I too, got nervous about the 104 temp, glad it was outside and not your body. Take care and keep those feet up, when do you go back to the doctor?

    Phoebe, did you get the shot in the knee that had surgery?? Are you ready to go back to driving??

    LIn, I do hope you can get some answers and a solution to your internet problems, so frustrating.

    Patsy, love your sense of humor and the visual in the card store made me laugh.

    Buzz, I presumed you searched in the all program search for your backup, correct??

    Jackie, I hope you and George are just chilling and enjoying each other until surgery. Yours is one of the earliest type of breast cancer and is contained so I have no doubt this will be an easy cure. Always thinking of you.

    Time for a little breakfast so I can be ready when Robby wakes from his morning nap.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Morning my friends - it's a nice sunny day here. May be a bit hot, I'm not sure but I'm okay with it. I have A/C and a ceiling fan. I am cleaning up a bit today learning how to use my Shark attachments. Still loving it. Cleaned the blinds in my family room and used an attachment to clean around all of my electronic hookups and cables and my laptop keyboard. I see I could use that Shark everyday for a couple of hours to try to beat back the dirt around here. :wink:

    Marie - I hope you feel better soon. It is miserable to not feel well.

    Phoebe - I hope the shot helps your knee.

    Sandy - best wishes on your lease renewal. I have no idea what trends are in the rental market. I do know that sales are pretty brisk around here. It's not a summer when I see many FOR SALE signs lingering long on any property. Hello ROBBY!!

    Hugs to all. Need to get back to it. I actually got one box of things sorted out this morning (from what I brought home from my dad's house). Time to toss a few more things.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Morning all. Just popped by to say it is another sizzler here, but, blessed relief in sight, tomorrow should only be 25C IF the weatherman is correct. Michael came over, really to drive me to the Humane Society, the one Tabs came from. I had 14 tins of expensive cat food, plus an unopened bag of organic litter, and they were happy to receive them. I noticed they had a notice up asking for donations of Dawn Liquid, I expect for cleaning feathers when the poor water fowl get covered in oil. Anyway, at least our little offering didn't go to waste. I'd already found a home for her dishes etc, and so I am adjusting to a new era.

    My tomatoes are ripening at an alarming rate with all this humidity and I normally don't eat them in the hope of not encouraging arthritis! I think I'll make sauce for the winter from those I can't give away. It's amazing, I bought two of the scrawniest wilting little plants from the organic grocery for only $1 and now they are huge and healthy, and growing up the garage, and absolutely covered in tomatoes. I almost didn't buy them back in May they were so scrawny.

    Anyway after grocery shopping and lunch, Mike set off for the hour long drive home leaving me to try and keep cool with all the blinds shut and the old fan racketing away.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I've done mostly nothing today. Decided to put my fitbit flex back to use. Did some online research of many things. My worst fear on the road is for the ac to quit. I'll feel better with some kind of emergency solution. I found a crazy one but I am going to get it and see how it goes. Portable ac units and swamp coolers still use space when they aren't even in use. This is a homemade device that can be stored until needed.
    One thing about returning to fitbit is my new phone works with the fitbit app. The old tablet did not. I've been getting to know the app today.
    Anne, those swamp coolers might be the thing for hot days for you.
    Lin, which Shark did you get? I like the top of the line best. I think it is rotator, not sure.
    Have a good evening
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Waiting for a service call but would you believe my service has been on since late yesterday afternoon? I see no help forthcoming. They'll call me a loon, walk away, and then the problems will surface again.

    Phoebe - I just got the first one I saw which looked so light and portable and loved the set of dusting/car/electronic tools. So all I know is I have a Shark Rocket Deluxe Pro. Nice long power cord and easy even with arthritis to change tools and dump the dust pan.

    Talk to you later. Gonna be a humid day here but not the super high temps that many of you are living through.

