Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Whoops, remaining at 50 years for the rest of my life makes me YOUNGER than my sons!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited July 2015
    Internet is driving me nuts.

    Patsy, maybe your friends are just enjoying their new space right now with lots of room. My cousin helped her daughter and SIL move into a new home and she remarked about how open and uncluttered everything was. It made her sad to go home and see how stuffed her home has become. I'm in that same home stuffed to the gills space and while I love a lot of my things.......if I had to move it would be a nightmare. So maybe they are not practicing dying but practicing a new lighter way of living.

    And I doubt I'll ever shed much in terms of my possessions unless I'm forced to! Ha.

    Anne, I loved the picture. What a cutie.

    Sandy, are you going to the casino again this weekend?

    Marie, how's your knee doing?

    Phoebe, I posted that recipe a long long time ago but it's not written out in a word document so I'll have to make something up so I can post it with the vegan recipes.

    Happy evening and please Internet stay on another minute or so.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Anne I am completely blank about Cinders. fill me in. She is a cutie tho, Sorry to hear your cat is having trouble

    these little kittens are so full of mischief When I wake p and making my coffee I yell Good morning and here they come from wherever they spent the night. Jerry will not let them in the bedroom. I let them play with my magnifying glass for it had a string on it they like to play with and now It is lost.

    had a good supper of pinto beans and southwest salad and fresh strawberries for dinner. I found a Frozen gluten free whole wheat bread at Walmart for over 7 Dollors a loaf that's pretty high. But may break down and buy it next trip there. for these hot Texas days making me want a good sandwich. I refused to mixed all of those nut flours
    for a loaf of bread.

    Wow Honey is going to have to go back to work. Which cat get to go . Hope little Okie is doing fine, Seen that winklink (barbs) Having lots of trouble with her truck.

    Sandy enjoy your time with Robby. I try to save all of Grayson Pictures to my time line on facebook . So do you get them? I wish they had not block me from Copying and paste them. But glad I can save them . He is 6 months old now.and a little butterball.

    Sweet dreams

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Anne, it might be Tabitha's thyroid. If so there is a generic medicine for it.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    Thanks PHOEBE for the tip, but it's not the thyroid. I think it's just old age and she's fading away really. She got me up this morning with a loud yowl in my ear. I think that's her job to get Anne up at the peep of dawn, and as we get into shorter days she will wake me up a little later! This has been going on for the 12 years I've had her (she will be 18 around Christmas) and I wonder what time I would naturally wake up without her help. She was on decent food before, but the new stuff is ultra decent and at least she has stopped throwing up and crying after eating, but she is only nibbling at her food. I suppose I shouldn't compare a kitty with a human, but to be honest my Mom sorta faded away in the same manner in very old age. She's the first cat I've had this old.
    MARIE, Cinders is the 6 week old puppy my son, Sandy and I went to look at, at the farm at the beginning of April. She's very sweet, and very small, but a bundle of energy and mischief. She doesn't belong to me, but to Michael and Sandy, but I see a lot of her as he often brings her on visits, Tabitha, the cat with attitude, is locked in a bedroom during this time as she doesn't like other animals on her property, however tiny. The pink thing in her mouth is a pet store bone, not her tongue!
    You have a point LIN about some folk liking uncluttered homes. I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. I love certain things like my Toby jugs but compared to my friend Flo I am very low in the collectible department. Always been like this, but Flo's place is a minefield crossing a room. Different strokes. Still, I wouldn't want to get rid of my Toby jugs or Tabithas scratch pad just in case we depart in the imminent future, lol!
    Have a lovely Saturday everyone. Time for some weeding methinks.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Yea! We have a gentle rain AND it rained all night I think. This is wonderful. We have needed some moisture badly. It is a I nice rain that hasn't knocked all of the blossoms off my flowers.

    More about my this isn't just living lighter, when it comes to possessions. Anyway, I will try to be as good a friend as possible and do what I can to help. Take them to lunch or a walk, although they both are feeling bad these days. They are so depressed that this is scary.

    Our son should be coming for the weekend so I am really looking forward to that. I am in that time of life when seeing our kids is the delight of my life. I realize they are busy and have much to do. I don't want to be demanding or a burden. I am sure they love us. It is an amazing time when the little babies that needed us so much are now the ones taking care of us.

    Made veggie only casserole dinner last night. John ate it but kept trying to find spices to jazz it up. He brought hot sauce, lemon pepper and garlic to the table to sprinkle on the whole dinner. I would say it was a disaster as a meal. Back to the drawing board on dinner receipes.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) Another beautiful day, but not sure if I am going to pool. Believe it or not I am getting pooled out and getting too dark (is there such a thing). I would like to get a no chip mani today because she was too busy yesterday and Babe and I are going to Mass and dinner. I am going to the casino early tomorrow so probably wont be checking in until Tuesday. Because of that I want to wish Phoebe a happy birthday tomorrow and hope you have a wonderful day.

    It is also my oldest son's birthday tomorrow, he will be 52, which is hard to believe. He is the one who lives in Portland and has Katie who went to Africa in the Peace Corps. She is now vacationing in Vietnam and loving it.

    A new member should be joining us on this forum so look for JMarcella57 and give her a warm welcome. Hopefully she will follow the link I gave her to join us here.

    I am holding my own on my weight but with all the activity this weekend, I hope I don't overindulge.
    Have a great weekend and will see you Tuesday.

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member have a b'day? Well! Happy birthday my friend! I think you are the kid around here. All our best wishes and I hope you have a grand day. I love birthdays, getting together with friends and family. AND CAKE Do you remember when they used to give to a paddling on your birthday? A swat for every year and a pinch to grow an inch! Why? Who knows but we will just have to forego that tradition.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PHOEBE, here's wishing you the happiest of birthdays tomorrow, July 26th, Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2015
    A pleasant and busy day for me and I've still to take George for his evening stroll. Yesterday's health check went well but it seems I've lost an inch in height along the way, still that now makes me 5'8" which is where I always wanted to be when younger! Exercise and the Mediterranean diet is now being advised but that will no doubt be changed to something else in a year or two. Since I love fruit, salads and veggies together with fish I'm doing the right things although their scales showed me to be 4 lbs heavier than I thought but I've put it down to weighing after lunch when normally I do it before I've even drunk a glass of water in the morning.

    Patsy ~ How sad for the friends that have down sized and de-cluttered to such an extent if they still have many years to enjoy. Someone's going to have a big job on their hands when they clear my little cottage although I've told my good neighbours to grab the antique terracotta pots and shift them into their garden when I do pop my clogs so there's no fighting over them!!

    Sandy ~ What a leisurely life you lead from pool to casino to beauty parlor. It's another world from mine as I do my best to scrub garden compost out from under my nails!!!

    Anne ~ Boris my 17 year old cat has been shouting at me for the past couple of years and I'm not sure if it's because his hearing is failing or he thinks mine is!! No sign of his appetite going anywhere yet though as he moves from my cottage to next door every meal time scrounging whatever he can!!

    Marie ~ Kittens hiding things is something you are going to have to get used to, probably for the next 12 years. My kitty Hebe loves to jump on to my desk to roll pens off the edge on to the floor before batting them under a piece of furniture and it took me a while to realise where they were disappearing to.

    I can see clouds rolling in before the forecast rain so will get out for that walk.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Just in case I cannot get on the thread tomorrow, I'm sending along my wish to you as well Phoebe--


    No paddling, no pinches but unfortunately no hugs either! I hope you have a wonderful day.

    Maybe I can post something later?

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I was racking my brain and I cannot ever remember buying nail polish for my nails. However, I DID buy the clear stuff to stop runs or ladders as we called them in our panty hose or tights as we called them over the pond. I am absolutely fascinated by your visits to a manicurist SANDY because I have never been to one! Doesn't it feel sort of funny having stuff hardening on your nails? Isn't it expensive? My excursions into the beauty world are sadly lacking as I've never dyed my hair and rarely get a haircut as you all know! I'm happy to say my shorn locks by the hairdresser who told me off for hacking at my hair myself, is settling back into its normal birds nest, 8 weeks later. I wasn't really comfortable with what she did! Anyway, you must look absolutely smashing SANDY and I love to SEE beautifully turned out ladies, but it wouldn't be practical for me for if I'm not mucking about with my paints, I'm mucking about in my garden etc. and the nail brush is the most often used brush I've got.
    Maybe in the next life I'll become more feminine, sigh.
    Anne, about to go and grab a nail file as she watches Miss Marples in 2 minutes!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    phoebe I am gfor tomorrow
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes.
    Anne, I haven't had a manicure in a salon,but I had a few way back when. I am curious about the new stuff, chip proof? It would put the polish to a test on my fingernails. I usually get fed up and trim them down.
    Patsy, I'm so glad that you have received some rain! It's hard to watch everything get crisp underfoot. Hope it soaks in.
    I'm a bit sleepy and my leg is cramping. Need to get flat to try to ease it.
    Have a great weekend

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    PHOEBE ~~~

    Have a lovely day. <3
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Torrential rain this morning so got soaked on our walk around the village but it looks as if things are brightening and I'm off to view a local auction. There doesn't seem much in their internet catalogue to interest me but it will still be nice to have a rummage then hopefully a walk on the moors with George and possibly my friend and her Jack Russell later.

    Have a great Sunday everyone.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2015
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yesterday was middle daughter's birthday; she thanked me for having her! That was a nice present for ME!
    Need sleep badly. Brought neighbor to sleep clinic late last night and had to pick her up 5:30 this morning! Feel like I'm walking in a fog! Happy weekend all...
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    We just got back from the weekend at the boat and I am already doing laundry again. We leave tomorrow to see Isacc and
    I will take some pictures of him. Kathy took him to the Aquarium with her friend Tanya and her daughter.
    Kathy and Fraser will be going out for dinner so we have him all to ourselves. :D

    It was really hot on the boat this weekend and I am glad to be back in our A/C at home now. I still have to water
    the plants. We did get a shower Friday night around 5am and another short one on Saturday other than that it
    was sunny and hot.


    Kristina is doing well but had a hard two days at the start without Izzy but realizes she did the right thing. I have talked to
    three other people since that incident that have had cats all their lives and never heard of the Redirected Agression.
    Go figure both my daughter's cats have done this.

    Anne - Cinders is a real cutie!!
    Patsy - Yay! rain at last for you and your area. We can give you some of ours.

    Hi to everyone else!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Phoebe my very good friend

    Luv' ya Marie