Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I've just been having my afternoon cuppa and decided to check us out, and oh my! SHIRLEY I'm so sorry about your poor daughters experience with Izzy. I've had cats all my life and never had one turn on me like that. Thinking about it though, I can imagine that animals probably suffer from the same disorders as us and maybe the same fears, I.e, raccoons and then the cat on the balcony. Intruders in his eyes. Something frightened him badly for him to hiss and lash out. I remember you posting his photo when he stayed with you, and he's a beautiful cat. Anyway, sad though it is your daughters welfare comes first, and I don't honestly see how he can be adopted again with that on his record.
    Then, JACKIE, I'm so sorry you are having this run around and accompanying worry. I'm sure you'll be okay as regards the mammogram and please be sure to let us know. I have to confess I have never had a mammogram. Anyway it's not a pleasant week for you with all those tourists adding to the mix on the roads.
    And then MARIE and your poor knees. Very painful to fall like that.
    Here's to a good tomorrow, Anne.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hello friends
    I am at the library using their computer since I have no service now at my house. I am able to go to my fittnes pal for my food diary, but no internet so I cannot answer.
    Just wanted you to know I am still around and making plans to go visit family in Chicago soon. We have been busy with family and church things.
    My daughter and I did a craft sale at our church but we didn't do to good. We will try closer to Christmas. I made aprons, dog and cat quilts, and lots of bags. My daughter has been doing all kinds of things. If mine don't sell my family will get them for Christmas gifts.

    I have been doing well at weight watchers again. I need the meetings. I had gained after we moved here and I said enough is enough.
    Take care and will try to read your posts when possible.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member


    Your new kitties are so cute!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Buzz, just out of curiosity why don't you use Comcast email? If not Comcast why not outlook or gmail. Just wondering. Comcast is my internet server but I use gmail so I can access it anywhere.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SHIRLEY, like Sandy above, I'm curious. Did your daughter try to intervene when Izzy was defending his home from another cat? Did she try to pick him up and calm him down, if so, his instinct would be to lash out at her as well as the interloper cat. It could be a one off situation. When Tabitha Daisy was a younger outdoor cat I kept well out of it when she chased another cat off HER property, and when she came back to me, told her she was a clever girl to much purring. I don't know if this helps to understand a kitty brain, but I hope so because he's a beautiful cat. Good luck anyway, your family know what's best.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    A rainy day but it is clearing up. I will be cleaning our downstairs today we are getting company on the weekend and they
    are bringing their Austrailian shepherd.

    I have a doctor apt. at 2PM my usual apt. just a check up and weigh in, Oh Oh.. I did weigh in this morning.

    ANNE - No she didn't try to intervene he literally attacked her, she ran into the bathroom and came out to see how he was
    and started again to attack so she put the bathmat between him and herself. When we got home from the Retreat and entered
    her apt. he was still jumpy when we entered. That was a whole weekend of cooling off. Yes, we did the right thing.
    He has always been a little agressive.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Anne, I think Kristina is traumatized by the attack and is now unable to care for Izzy. Shirley, I wouldn't hesitate to lie to my daughter, telling her Izzy was adopted or fostered after the quarantine. I wouldn't want her to grieve or feel guilty.
    Buzz, I have windows live mail that I access thru my web browser. If I understand you, your problem is with the app, aka program. I prefer not to use it, thus the browser.
    CHRIS!! it's so good to hear from you. Thank you for checking in with us. Have you considered adding data to your cell phone plan? Good for you for getting back to weight watchers.
    Going to try to call my aunt again. She leaves her phone lying around and I've stopped leaving voice mails.
    Finishing laundering blankets and a new comforter and sheets for the truck. The New truck, by the way. It's due to arrive this week and it has an automatic transmission! No more clutch and constantly changing gears. Otherwise, its the same job. Going to be sooo hot on the trips for the next few months.
    I'm sitting in the magic recliner, you feel hypnotized into going to sleep. Better stand up!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A warm and muggy day and I'm about to take George out for an afternoon walk because he only got a short trot around the village at 7 am before I headed for Plymouth.

    Anne ~ Funny how once we know what's going on we feel better about it and the Plymouth hospital staff were brilliant, supportive and informative. After another screening the doctor showed me the differences shown up between scan in 2012 and the one a few weeks ago and there is a definite circle of calcified "bits" so an ultra sound check followed and then an amazing session for a biopsy when I was layed out on my stomach with boob hanging through a gap in the table and was then squeezed, prodded, injected and finally a tube pushed in to exactly the right spot for section to be sent away for analysis. I had to stay there for about 30 minutes while they searched for the exact right place but got chatting about beekeeping, as you do, so the time flew by. After a coffee I then moved on to a support nurse for a chat and she'll phone me in a couple of weeks with results but the thought is that even if pre-cancerous a lumpectomy will deal with it as right now it's at a really early stage so won't be spreading elsewhere. Otherwise it's just another sign of getting older!! If the NHS didn't have their 3 year check for ladies of a certain age I wouldn't bother with a mammogram as I always think why go looking for trouble but can certainly see the advantage today!

    Shirley ~ Poor Izzy was no doubt just terrified, especially being an indoor cat suddenly faced with the outside world but I understand your daughter will probably always be nervous it might happen again so best he go to a new home and he's such a gorgeous boy I'm sure he'll soon be adopted. A couple of days ago my friend's young dog was told off by a larger dog for being too friendly and after that dog moved on Scruff immediately turned on George in a similar response to Izzy's.... they can't help it, it's just instinct.

    Buzz ~ Don't rush to get Windows 10 unless you absolutely have to otherwise you might find yourself back in Vista territory!!!

    Time to walk George and I'm just in the right mood for some fresh moorland air.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Great reading all of your post. I am getting around better today. My feet are really swollen and I have not taken my water pills for I did not want to be going potties all the time. But will take one when we get back from the store
    I have put on at least five lbs thru this ordeal. I am sure the hot weather has lots to do with it.

    Have a great day
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) A beautiful day here in Illinois. My landlady will be stopping by this morning to look at my outside light on my balcony. I went to change the bulb yesterday and the whole thing is just falling apart. She is such a great landlady, she takes care of things instantly. She thinks the association has to replace it thus the reason for her to see it before going to their office to tell them.
    I am meeting my brother and his family at the casino today. They are going in memory of my brothers wife who died one year ago today. They will be spending the night and then going to his daughters trailer for a couple of days. It is on a lake and they will spend family time together. I am just going for the day even though I was asked to spend the night but I am going back to the casino Sunday with friends and we are spending the night so it would be too much gambling.

    Shirley, I don't blame your daughter for being traumatized with Izzy's behavior. My step daughter had a cat when she lived in Chicago that hated me. Every time it saw me it hissed and attacked me, it was fine with everyone else.
    I do hope they find a new home for Izzy and I agree with Phoebe, tell her they did.

    Jackie, you are taking all these health issues with a grain of salt, what a brave soul you are. I am impressed how fast they got you in for a biopsy since my niece had to wait quite a while for hers. Praying for good news with the results and so happy you found it early.

    Jeri, speaking of Jackie, how is your sister? Is there any news to share??

    Phoebe, good for you in getting a new truck, it should be better on your knee now that you won't have to shift.
    Enjoy that recliner, you don't have too much time left to relax.

    I better jump in the shower before my landlady shows up , it would be embarrassing to still be in my nightshirt.

    Have a good day and wish me luck.
    One Day at a Time

    BTW....after riding my bike for two days I lost a little weight, funny how that works!! B)
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    You most obviously ARE doing the right thing SHIRLEY, and PHOEBES advice in her answer to me about letting Kristina know her cat has been adopted is really good. Such a shame. You must forgive me, no criticism was implied, I just wanted to be sure that Izzy HAS become a rogue cat for my own peace of mind. Like Jackie said, it's often just instinct and I'm a sucker for animals as you've probably guessed. Shall you go on the retreat again? Or was it spoilt by Kristina's horrible experience?

    JACKIE, lovely to read your informative post about your hospital visit and the good care you received. You've certainly got me thinking about mammograms and if I was back in the UK I would most certainly take advantage of the 3 year check for us mature ladies. I know when my Mom broke her hip and I flew over immediately; I was so impressed by the treatment she got in Hull. Pre op, the surgeon sat with me and showed me the metal ware replacing her bones and explained everything to me. She got wonderful after care too and managed to stay in her little home for 2 years before finally ending up at 89 in a very nice small nursing home. I had rather a nasty experience here about 5 years ago, I'm still not quite recovered from pills I was prescribed that broke many small veins, legs etc. and particularly one in the eye (I've still got a blind spot that is slowly healing) and I had a tremendous nose bleed (emergency treatment)after the small veins in my nose burst. That plus a broken right wrist (all the bones) that set 25 degrees wrong and interferes with my painting because of pain and because my arm is slightly twisted, well you can see I am somewhat dubious about tempting fate! Anyway whatever, it was lovely reading about the care being given to YOU. Added bonus, how often do you get a chat about bee keeping in a busy hospital!
    Bye everybody,
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone! I have a husband is very allergic to the dryer sheets I use. I have switched to Non-scented but they still also cause a rash. Have any of you ever used those woolen balls that are used to soften clothes and reduce static? This silly little problem is driving me nuts! I sound like the 1950s housewife, don't I ?

    Animals are such a pleasure and worry. We all love our creatures so much and in truth, we depend upon them as much or more than they depend on us. Our old girls remain a source of constant joy and huge responsibility. They have meds and gentle exercise needs. We climb the stairs behind them because the older one has tripped before.

    Today I am using the gift card given as a birthday gift from a dear friend. It will be fun to choose something and send her a photo of my choice. It must be a true indulgence...nothing of a practical nature. I am good at this. Practical doesn't really come natural to me.

    The weather continues to be a challenge. Hot and muggy or warm and muggy or just hot. I am tired of summer. I am ready for cool weather, fall leaves and misty rain. I do remember whining earlier about wanting warm sunny weather. There is no pleasing me!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, I simply get my Comcast email (don't like their set-up) and my gmail forwarded to Windows live Mail, which reminds me of my beloved Outlook Express, which got discontinued way back. I love their storage folder system (until I lose it, darn!) Maybe PHOEBE will be able to explain to me what she means by receiving on the browser. Maybe like Web Mail? My mind doesn't adapt as well as when I was much younger!
    PHOEBE, sent you a message pleading for instructions for receiving WLM on my browser!
    JACKIE, I get mammograms once a year, hate 'em, but would never ignore them. Better learn early than hear that we missed an important warning. Yeah, they're no fun, but neither is the big C!!! ANd once I find my backup folders, I doubt I'll rush into 10!
    Gotta gussy up for our Passport Around the World Dinner tonight! I've picked up several light vests and summer jackets to hide behind. Actually, I have lost 3 pounds this past 2 weeks, mostly by cutting out the ice creams and other desserts completely, and also paring down on portions. But being apple-shaped; I tend to carry my surplus where men do, the diaphragm and belly, and the loss seldom shows up there, but instead in my face! I wish my middle would wrinkle instead of my cheeks! So I'll go put on my eye-liner and mascara to attract attention away from my ever expanding waistline!
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions on Izzy. I know Kristina feels bad and even mentioned she was a bad mom for her cat. How
    the minds works. She has taken all the cat things out of the apartment and bought a plant where the cat condo was and bookcase. She is trying not to have to come home and see Izzy things. She did find some toys under couch and got
    teary eyed again. It will take time for her to get over. She goes away with work so much and other things I think its best
    that she doesn't have a pet right now. Maybe later on she will changer her mind but not right now.

    Buzz - I know what you mean about the apple shape body. I am in the same boat, I have to be so careful not to let my type 2
    diabetes come back, right now its doing well. I have not ever been on pills and I like it that way.

    Jackie - Good luck on your results at the hospital. I would be scared, but that's me. You are taking this very well. I guess its
    wise not to get excited until you have to. I have mammograms every 2 years.

    Phoebe - I think you will like the automatic truck. It should be a smoother ride for you and Jim.

    Patsy - I have never used the dryer ball but only dryer sheets. I can't give any advice on that.

    Anne - We are planning another retreat end of October weekend, Halloween weekend. We would like to really
    relax and not have to worry.

    Sandy- Some cats are very territorial and some just don't like some people.
    They are very different than dogs who will love you all the time.

    Marie - I hope your water weight gain is just from the pills. How are the knees doing?

    Today started out raining but stopped and the sun came out and it was a beautiful day. I stayed in today cleaning my
    downstairs because we were supposed to have company for the weekend. Looks like they are not coming due to
    both are ill. One has a cold and one has a bladder and kidney infection. So we have the weekend to ourselves for a

    I did have a doctor apt , my usual checkup and my blood pressure was 126/78. Taken the first time. This is the second
    time now I have had a good reading. I think the Yoga and meditation is definitely working. I am still on pills but I
    I will take it!

    Now I am going outside to water my garden before Dave gets home from the boat.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Patsy, have you tried white vinegar in the rinse cycle? I use tennis balls in the dryer but not as a softener, helps dry things faster, I think
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    I use white vinegar in the rinse and have those nubby balls on the dryer to help things dry faster. I am allergic to wool do haven't tried those. I periodically use a fragrance free dryer sheet but got some natural product from Mrs. Meyers I think. I just don't use one for a load. I use it multiple times and get by with it.

    No Internet here today so on 3G on my phone.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    WiFi is on for a's a recipe for homemade dryer sheets


    You Will Need:
    Scrap of cotton or flannel fabric, cut in roughly 6"x6" squares
    1 cup white vinegar
    30 drops essential oil (I used all lemon this time)
    Mason jar
    I first cut up my fabric to be about the size of a standard dryer sheet. I used an old pillowcase that, while clean, had lost its luster and was past its prime. In your Mason jar, mix together white vinegar and essential oil, then put your fabric scraps in and shake until coated. I like using a mason jar, because I can trust it to stay shut when I throw it on top of my laundry pile. Throw the damp sheet of fabric in the dryer with your next load and your clothes will come out smelling exactly how you want them to. The smell of vinegar is apparent at the beginning of the load, but I promise it does not linger on your clothes.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    I’m at the library using their WiFi so thought I’d write a little bit longer note. My service at home is horrible but they are the reportedly the best game in town for broadband. I have no idea why there’s always trouble at my home but they make it so miserable to try to get service that right now, I still cannot tackle them. So most of the time I’ll probably be on my phone!

    Chris – I totally sympathize with your Internet situation. It is good to hear from you!!! Wahoo! I guess the only plus is, I will be getting to the library more for a while. Ha. Are you finding you are checking out more things now that you make regular trips? I have a few things on reserve to pickup before I leave today.

    Phoebe – congrats on the new truck! I hope it will be easier on your joints!! I am sorry you are having problems getting in touch with your aunt. Worrying about someone’s welfare is never a good thing. So back on the road soon? Thanks for the suggestion on the acupuncture but I have overactive nerves and I remember my mom tried that for her arthritis and she ended up bloody and bruised. I’m guessing we have the same skin so I will steer clear for now.

    Jackie – you are so balanced and centered in your life. I hope all turns out well with your health situation. I of course am so flighty you’d be scraping me off the ceiling. Not a good thing. Hugs!!! And a hello to dear little George. Speaking of which we heard of the birthday of royal George and they showed his picture on the news this morning. He is a dear little guy and looks so much like his dad doesn’t he? Thinking of you!

    Marie – I hope you are feeling better each day and that the new kitties are providing lots of fun for you. Pets are wonderful!!

    Sandy – any update on your landlady’s visit? We have cool and cloudy weather here today. It’s quite nice and I’m ready to go home because this library is like an icebox and I didn’t bring a sweatshirt!! Did you win at the casino?

    Anne – I prefer to stay away from doctors as much as possible. I am interested in doing a test that shows if you have food intolerances so you can take the results and do a systematic elimination of those you’re shown to react to and see if you feel better. Intolerances can cause sinus issues and joint problems/pain etc. I can purchase the kit but need a blood draw and my doctor and their lab have refused to cooperate with me. His nurse *may* do the draw for me but it’s far from certain. The only facility where I could go and pay for a blood draw is outside of Omaha. Good grief, how can things be so difficult. I guess I never expect much good from many of the local doctors. I’ve also filled out a patient in-take form with a clinic in California and hope to have some phone consultations with their staff. We’ll see. I trust them more than anyone here!

    Patsy – what did you purchase with your gift certificate? Or did you find anything at all?? Some days I’m just in the mood to purchase and other days, nothing seems right! I know, another sign of being odd right?

    Buzz – good for you on following up on everything. You never seem to let anything go or let these companies get the best of you. I need to apprentice with you!

    Shirley – congrats on your good BP numbers! I’m sure the things you do are making positive changes for you. WTG! And I’m glad you’re going back for another retreat. It sounded lovely.

    Time to finish my email stuff and get outta here. I am seriously freezing over and my fingers are yelling at me!!

    Hugs to all.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    LIN I was very interested in your post. I have to admit I have absolutely no faith in my doctor, a young woman who replaced a much older and wiser woman. I didn't want to take the pills she insisted I should take, despite me telling her I took no medication. They were BP pills and I told her I was quite capable of losing a little weight, cutting back on salt, and walking even more. She insisted I wasn't capable and did I know anybody who had had a stroke, well yes I did, so against MY better judgment I took the damn things and 10 days later found myself in the hospital emergency at 3 am. What a mess, and what a fright I got. I still have the after effects all this time later. So.....that was the start of my curing myself and here I am today, normal weight, normal BP and walking more than I show on the exercise chart, and I'm probably in better health than I've ever been. Now, obviously I don't advocate this approach for everybody but it worked for me. Like you, I have food allergies, and by trial and error realize I can't drink wine etc because of migraines but I can drink home made wine, and that goes for all cheeses except Parmesan funnily enough. With me, it appears to be anything with additives to preserve the shelf life of food or to cure it. I need as natural as possible in fact. This sounds odd but my old Tabitha started having stomach problems, crying after eating etc. I thought it was just old age, and maybe it was but.......I've changed her food to a very expensive brand and we've had no problems for 2-3 weeks now, cross fingers. I'm wondering if she had become allergic as well and hopefully we've solved her distress.
    Anyway, if you've read this far, good luck with your quest. Don't forget nightshade veggies can cause joint pain, tomatoes, peppers and to a lesser degree, potatoes if they have green on the outer skin.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Don't believe I popped in today. Jerry took me to get my lab work done this morning Will see the doc in a week to hear the results however they have a web site now and my lab will be on it so I can take a peep. at it when they get it posted. it really did wear me out doing all that walking but probable good for me.
    Yes Phoebe your meal you cook for your boss. Is right up my ally Cornbread and all.
    Look like Anne and lin can really give us good advise I do believe food can cure a lot of our illness. When I was eating wheat it really upset my insides to no end and now no Problems.
    See you all soon