Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Just letting you guys know that I simply cannot get back to my home page. Blocked all the time by 2 annoying ads. So if I'm not around its not abandonment but unable to move anywhere. Cheers, Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Thank you dear friends! I had this idea of having a birthday every other year or maybe every third year. It would serve as a sort of fountain of youth or maybe fountain of middle age! John wouldn't allow it. He wanted someone to share his tube of liniment and Metamucil with. Gasp!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member

    Happy happy birthday Patsy~~!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Here's a clown for you Patsy........

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    PATSY, birthday girl, I LIKE having a birthday every year, if only to be naughty, food wise. I practise "mind over matter" and I tell myself all the time "Annsie my girl, you are only 50 years old". I've been 50 years old for the last 30 years, whatever MFP insists on my profile, and I am now younger than my sons! It really works. If there's something I have difficulty with like climbing on a chair (for dusting light fittings etc) I say "come on, you're only 50." By the way you will note I'm back here again bugging you. However I must now follow JACKIES example and go and pick the red currants before they get over ripe and then freeze them for some vitamin C in the winter on my cornflakes.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    So many stories and things happening to each other. Lucky to have you gals to listen to all our problems.
    Some good news, some not so good but we are all here for each other. Thanking you for all the support.

    As you know summer has been busy for us. Since Dave retired we have been going, going, going. I can't believe
    its almost the end of July. I got on the scale and gained 3.2 pounds from my week away on the boat.
    This was after two bike rides and 20,000 steps, can you imagine if I didn't exercise. I still haven't changed
    my ticker, oh yeah, we don't have that anymore. I joined the 20 lbs until Thanksgiving Day maybe that will give
    me incentive to say No, to some things I have eating.

    So I will be going to my daughter's tonight, Kristina, and stay overnight so we can get a good start driving
    to Kingston, ON for the Yoga Retreat. We have to catch a ferry over to an island. Dave is taking our friend
    Tom up to the cottage and do some fishing while I am away. I will tell you all about it.

    Yesterday was spending 2 1/2 hours in the bank signing all the papers for consoldiating all our money and
    Dave's pensions to the bank. So glad that is done and we had to tell our finanacial guy that we have
    changed institutions. Andrew was a one man operation and that worried us. Now we can breathe and feel
    good about the future.

    I still have to get my walk in today so i better get going. I am hoping too that when Fall rolls around
    I can be here more and not just hurry on comments and reading everyone posts. Until then ----


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi, everybody, I have give up on desserts for 3 days now, and am up 2 ounces! I will have to accept that for me,
    being elderly is looking like a barrel! As long as my health keeps up, who cares???
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    And dear CONNIE, I hope it's never too late to tell you I wish you, a bit later than I wanted, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wishing everybody a super weekend. I appreciate all the support, and it really helped raise my spirits. Thank you all, and JUDY, I followed your link, and we'll see if they agree ;)
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    happy birthday, Patsy! Hope you're having a great day.
    Busy day, see ya tomorrow
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Thanks again everyone for all the lovely birthday wishes. I was truly touched. It meant so much to me. In fact you all mean so much to me, it is really hard to explain. Thank you, one and all for being my friends and reading my nonsense, giving me needed advice, and support.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Happy Birthday Patsy
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I just received the following from MFP in my email (very shortened version!)
    Bonjour delraybuzz, .....Votre compteur de connexion a été réglé à 1732 jours consécutifs! Nous espérons que vous appréciez MyFitnessPal et que notre aide vous a été utile !
    Veuillez ne pas répondre à cette adresse e-mail. Les réponses seront automatiquement supprimées. .....
    I couldn't if I wanted to, as my French is pretty depleted these days! But wasn't that nice?
    <3B) Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Patsy ~~~

    So sorry I missed your day yesterday. Put it down to time zones rather than anything to do with my brain PLEASE!! I do hope you had a wonderful day, especially if you have to wait 3 years for the next one!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning everyone. Weighed in to the pound a week club at 1 lb up so have one week before my health check at my GP practice to try to lose a couple although on a programme I watched in the week a doctor was telling us BMI is not important, just keep a check on your waistline.... personally I'm happier with BMI because however much weight I lose nothing seems to come off my middle region! I've walked this morning and now plan a bit of housework before going to the allotment for a few hours. My back has been aching and slowing me up since I got out of bed so have finally given in and taken painkillers and thought the wait while they take effect a good opportunity to catch up here.

    Buzz ~ My schoolgirl French tells me MFP has increased your visits by 1001, is that right? Did you request it or is someone in France looking out for you? LOL Merci would have been a good enough response if you'd been able! Perhaps your body is still working on the desserts you were eating before you gave them up and it will take a little bit longer before you see any effect. My weight never follows a logical pattern!

    Shirley ~ Have a wonderfully peaceful visit to the retreat. It sounds a great idea to get away from "civilization" for a few days and hopefully by the time you come out you will be relaxed and using muscles you didn't know you had!

    Anne ~ Your red currents are slightly ahead of ours but freezing them is best for flavour isn't it, especially when you discover them at the back of the freezer one cold winter's day. In my head I'm 41 which is just 2 years more than when I moved into my cottage so I look at the sort of jobs I was doing back then and go into shock if my body says "you must be joking!!" These days even opening a new jar is a struggle for my hands and I wonder just where that strength has gone but like you, mind over matter is the only answer.

    Sandy ~ Throw a sheet over that barbeque gear in your apartment and pretend it isn't there rather than have to look at it all the time. Also you won't then be tempted to light it!! LOL

    Time to see if my back is going to behave while I carry the vacuum cleaner upstairs. If not it's a good excuse to leave the job to another day and just flit a duster about the place.

    Have a good Friday everyone..... Lin, Marie, Jeri (hoping no news is still good?) Barbie (missing you!)

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    I just received the following from MFP in my email (very shortened version!)
    Bonjour delraybuzz, .....Votre compteur de connexion a été réglé à 1732 jours consécutifs! Nous espérons que vous appréciez MyFitnessPal et que notre aide vous a été utile !
    Veuillez ne pas répondre à cette adresse e-mail. Les réponses seront automatiquement supprimées. .....
    I couldn't if I wanted to, as my French is pretty depleted these days! But wasn't that nice?
    <3B) Buzz


    Hello delraybuzz, ..... Your connection counter was set to 1732 consecutive days! We hope you enjoy MyFitnessPal and that our assistance has been helpful!
    Please do not reply to this email address. The answers will be automatically removed. .
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Friday!! :) Just got back from therapy and forgot to weigh in this morning but just ate my breakfast.
    It is hot and steamy outside so although Lisa and Robby can't go to the pool today I will be going shortly.
    Finally finished my balcony and things are back to normal including my bike which was moved and out of commission so will be happy to start pedaling.

    Have a great day, summer is so short it is hard to stay indoors when the sun is shining.

    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Lol, Sandy, I planned to translate it and saw you already did it. Well, it could be someone French working there that sometimes forgets what country they are in!!
    hope you are all well. I've been on the phone with multitudes of insurance and billing people today. More to come, I suspect. I finally wrote a note and sent it via fax to one of the insurance people I am dealing with. She called today and sounded a bit 'snitty'.. as well she should be, since I told her I thought the insurance company was doing their best to avoid paying anything.
    Time to lunch and then clean out the fridge, easily a two hour or more job. I place a container of once used cooking oil in the door, and the container leaked!! I saw Honey licking the floor, turns out she loves cooking oil!! I'm sure it will work like mineral oil on her.. whee.. TMI !!
    have a warm day,
    Lin hope you are feeling ok.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good afternoon sneakers. We are looking at a few miserable hot days. Whatever gets done outside will need to be done early morning or evening. Mainly watering to keep things green and watching for wildfires. Strange weather is upsetting.

    Watched an amazing PBS program on emergency medical treatment for wild animals. It reminded me of that wonderful video Jackie shared concerning the vet who helped the little cat with prosthetic feet. I cannot explain this overwhelming emotional attachment I have to all animals.

    The book agent is great because she keeps me on task. I tend to wonder and get lost on several ideas or projects at once. Not good for progress on any one project. My painting is going well. It is okay to work on several at once in this regard. I use heavy textual paint...needs to harden up and dry before I can continue. Still gathering stuff to do a natural earth painting. I could even glue in a few dead bugs. I have plenty just lying around. I find dead ladybugs sometimes in my flower pots. Beautiful little red and black spotted empty shells?

    Well, enough blather! Have a peaceful evening my friends,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi JACKIE, actually, I think the count is pretty accurate as my computer went down just a bit before that count! I hadn't planned to do anything about it until Judy sent me the link, and I couldn't resist. Forgive my vanity, please!!! I'm trying to follow your suggestions about sweet responses; will report after a few days!
    PHOEBE, the oil should be gorgeous for Honey's coat, and I hope her digestion can absorb it. I hope no one here works for insurance companies, but I'm convinced they work for their investors rather than their patients! The blood pressure from arguing with them doesn't help one bit, either!
    SANDY, your patio plans sound delightful, so take good advantage of lazy summer days! Thank you for translating!
    PATSY, you sound so creative! Would you like to add a few gekkos to an earth medium painting? It just so happens.....!!! :D
    Off to dinner.
    <3 Buzz