Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe as good as it sounds and it does I don' t think we need it.
    I am making a list of all of the things I am buying so I don't have to read the small print to see if it has any reding sugar in it The nutrition labels has all sugar in it so have to read the engredients to be sure no refine sugar is in it. Utterly print is so small I can have natural sugar such as in fruit.
    Yes Barbie is still posting on MFP. I see her quite a bit on the challenge group we have going for thanksgiving Also on the Easter challenge thread, yes it is outdated but about 18 of us still chat there, a great bunch
    Our leader for the Thanksgiving is from Alaska. , so. I am learning a lot about Alaska.

    I just love seeing all of your great grandkids my great granfdaughter Kylee is 2 now and I might add terrible 2. Her aunt Mandy has really turn her into a tpm boy. Just like her. Even looks like her. Heavens help us.
    Mandy calls her Sassy Pants

    Enough chatting for now
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    MARIE 100 g streaky bacon - 260 calories
    100 g Peameal bacon - 100 calories
    That's why Mike chose the lean Peameal over the streaky fatty bacon.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Yes, Anne, one place said it is similar to what we call Canadian bacon, which is like lean ham. There is no cornmeal on it. McDonald's uses the Canadian bacon on their Egg McMuffin. I usually remove the meat, know real reason to do so.
    Did I tell you all about the double yolk eggs? I thought it was a fluke. Cooked two eggs Friday, both eggs were double yolks. I was trying to think of lottery numbers to play. Cooked two more today, got double yolks again! Must've got their eggs in the wrong basket, lol.
    Jim's out cutting the rest of the grass, better find some shrimp for his dinner. And a hush puppy recipe.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited July 2015
    Happy Sunday!! :) Not sure where this day went but slept in a little and then went to Mass followed by grocery shopping. Spent most of this afternoon looking for my checkbook, I swear I left it home but I just can't find it.
    I checked with my son and those who drove me to and from the airport but still can't find it. I guess I will call the bank tomorrow for a new account, luckily I have my ATM card with me and in checking online I don't think any checks have been written, at least I hope not.

    I gained about three pounds which isn't awful but still a gain is a gain. Tomorrow morning I start therapy for my shoulder although it feels good and I thought about cancelling but have decided to ask the therapist what he thinks.

    As far as the Fit Bit, I love mine and they now have one out that is even better but more money. You can see it at this link. I told my son it would make a great Christmas present. The one I have now is the flex and I wear it constantly except for showers and the pool. I have it synced with MFP but I am happy when it vibrates and tells me I have reached 5000 steps. I know it should be 10,000 steps but I am being realistic in setting my goal at 5k. It is hard to put on when new but loosens as you wear it so I have no problem.

    Here it is dinner time and I never had lunch, enjoy the rest of your day.

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Great having our Sandy back home. Welcome home sandy.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello all - long day. Worked hard for the ice cream social. Many people had multiple bowls of ice cream and many types of desserts---brownies, cookies, pie, etc. Sugar is definitely something people adore.

    My handyman is coming tomorrow with his helper and they're moving one of my chairs upstairs to my spare bedroom. I've decided to try to return the new glasses. In the sun or in any bright light, I get a pulsating blue line along the bottom of the glasses that is giving me a headache. So we'll see how that turns out and I do plan to try to return them tomorrow as well.

    Meanwhile, yes I have a Fitbit and I do have the Fitbit Charge HR. Unlike most people, I actually take it off at night and don't track my sleep. It's better for me to have it off a few hours each day.

    Sandy - I hope you find your checkbook.

    Marie - so glad you are getting a kitty.

    Phoebe - that's amazing that you got so many double yolk eggs.

    Anne - I've been too busy to read the newspaper or listen to the news today. Hope to catch up a bit tomorrow.

    Buzz - I do get many books and DVDs from the library but some things I want to try are not available there and also I always keep plenty of things on hand at home since my Internet service goes out all the time and I like to have lots of options at home and available to play!

    Jackie - I have some old Roy Rogers movies but would love to see the old TV shows again! Hugs to dear George.

    Patsy - a station yesterday replayed the women's final at Wimbledon and I watched some of it. I do enjoy tennis but I saw none of the men's match today. I hear there was the blade of grass munching once again...........

    Hugs to all.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I think I will start this week by cutting out sugar. Cutting whole grains is not good for me as it seems to constipate me, and I haven't that problem yet! Tylenol and ice packs helped the shoulder/arm pain today and I'm sorry I didn't use ice right away yesterday!
    Watched a Diane Keaton/Morgan Freeman movie today in our auditorium, "Five Flights Up", and though it was not earth-shaking, it was sweet, and their dog goes through what my son's dog went through last autumn, and I understood it completely.
    Must rise early tomorrow for appointments with neuroscience office, Mike for memory and me for Restless Leg Syndrome (they went back to the old name as nobody comprehended "Willis-Ekbom" Disease!) I also know the extra weight I'm carrying tires me out too quickly, so I must get hold of myself!
    We had planned to join an overnight bus trip to Florida's west coast in late August, and sent in our check; but today we learned there are now 68 persons signed up and 2 buses will be needed, and the thought of 80 people (necessary to fill 2 buses) descending on restaurants, theaters, and other destinations sounds more chaotic than I care for, so we may change plans and stay right here! And it eliminates packing! ;)
    I love that MARIE is naming her new kittie after PHOEBE!!! Enjoyed all your posts, as usual.
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited July 2015
    By the way when I joined MFP years ago, I read an article that said if you watch your sugar intake you could lose 30 pounds in one year. I watched my sugar and gave up diet drinks for water and lost weight. I still opt for sugar free in a lot of my foods such as syrup, creamer, candy and gum. Of course you still have to do some sort of exercise, but I believe it works. Just my opinion.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Morning everyone! Yesterday was so hot and steamy I felt like wilted Daisy! John worked in the garage all day. He changed the oil on his little red sports car. He has had this car for over 20 years and it still has the new car smell. It has less miles on it than our family car that is less than a year old! It lives in the garage and is only driven on nice days and smooth highways. Getting into and out of this car isn't pretty or easy. There are times when I really need a fork lift to get me up and out! But it is John's pride and joy. I am glad he has it but am also glad we don't go out in it very much.

    Yesterday I spent hours mixing my art paint to match exactly the color on the walls in our entrance. MoMo, the magnificent, gets very excited when guests come or if she spots that pesky neighbor cat. She jumps up on the wall beside the front door. Good grief! It looks like a bear lives here. Huge claw marks down the wall! We love her dearly, but trying to contain this enthusiasm at her advanced age is nearly impossible.

    Well, I made a pot of my special strong coffee and the day has begun!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Going to therapy and errands this morning, will be back later.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2015
    Evening already and I didn't achieve much more than a walk up in the clouds across the moors with George and make 5 lbs of gooseberry jam. A grey dismal day weatherwise so I've not been inclined to be busy but now have to consider another doggy walk. Yesterday afternoon I watched the men's Wimbledon final and also wondered what Djokovic's grass grazing was all about although I do find him just a bit extreme anyway what with all that chest beating! Refined sugar has often been referred to as white death here in the UK so thank goodness there's plenty of legislation to restrict the amount put into processed food although it's still difficult to avoid altogether.

    My neighbour just popped in to talk about what we need to do at the allotment which is plenty after warm temperatures combined with rain, and dropped off a large bowl of raspberries, a couple of courgettes (zucinni I think) and a few curly kale leaves. Hopefully there will be less rain tomorrow so that I can get some serious weeding done. She then volunteered to take George for his walk which gave me a chance to wash up and put a load into the washing machine to run overnight when I have a cheap electricity rate.

    Anne ~ It seems volcanoes are erupting all over the world at the moment and some don't even get a mention. I too have read an interesting article about Yellowstone erupting that said it's a case of when rather than if and that half the planet will be covered in a dust cloud that will plunge it into darkness and bring freezing temperatures.... what a depressing thought and hopefully not in our lifetime!

    Patsy ~ You gave me a smile writing about getting out of John's little red number because it so reminded me of the times my neighbour takes me anywhere in her little red mini because to get in I bend my knees, lean against the back of the seat and then slide down towards the seat ever so slowly until I feel I'm going to be sitting on the ground because it's so low then, to get out I have to reverse the process and find myself sitting with legs out of the car but unable to ease myself up without a lot of grumbling!

    Well my evening has gone nattering to my neighbour so time to think about watching late news about the poor Greeks whose lives will never be the same again and then heading for my bed.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited July 2015
    Oh my goodness!!! Little red sports car..........that reminds me of the little red Miata I purchased when I got my divorce. It was wonderful, I enjoyed it so much and am very happy that I owned it for a season of my life.

    Now, the long post I wrote all disappeared so I will just say that the guys showed up and moved my chair this morning, I returned the glasses and had a not great conversation with the store manager but did get my refund, I have vacuumed and moved things and am ready for the bit of carpet cleaning tomorrow (I think most of the day will be spent waiting for them to show up), and I went to the furniture store again and sat, sprawled, laid on, and generally camped on the sofa I plan to purchase. Yep, still love it.

    Trash is taken out, some veggies cooked, some raw ones chopped up, some more fruits and vegetables purchased and thus the day is pretty much done.

    And yes indeed---it was REALLY hot here today.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Started off this morning with our car battery requiring juice; dead as a doornail! a wonderful neighbor handed me the keys to his car, and we got to the doctor. I learned more about myself than I wanted to know, but at least I know I'm not crazy! Also, he is going to test me for iron deficiency in a corner of the brain,! He also told DH that he has AZ, which Mike first denied, then appeared to accept. More testing...! Will call AAA in the morning so I don't have to miss dinner tonight! I could happily have done away with today!
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Buzz: my husbands ENTIRE family with the exception of his father (mother, sister and two brothers) had Alzheimer's and we delt with that issue in varying degrees for years. It is interesting all of his family at different times accepted the diagnoses from time to time and then denied the possibility. This is what we tried to do...get as much help as possible. Day care, home nurse visits, every possible med and research program we could locate. Everyone involved got counciling to handle stress. I wish I could help in some way. I really hate that you are going through this. My husband suffered much like you. His dad had passed away and he felt he was responsibile for decisions for his mom.
    Thinking of you,
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good morning everybody, I've just been reading your comments about Alzheimer's with great sadness. I am so fortunate that in my own family we have avoided this horrible disease so far, but as you know two of my old friends are suffering from it. Now, coincidently, I've also just finished reading on the Internet BBC news report, under Features and Analysis, a most interesting article on this subject - "What's the best way to fight memory loss". 3 groups of people were randomly separated into walking, puzzles, and art for an eight week study. All 3 groups showed improvement in the brain at the end of this period but which group showed the greatest improvement in brain power? The art group! Apparently this improvement came after only 3 hours each week of an art class. I'd put my brushes away for the summer, but........

    LIN, I'm so proud of you! As we age, we really do have to be brave and face up to any bullying tactics. Go girl! It's not easy though, especially if on our own.

    Gooseberry jam! Oh my! JACKIE, no wonder you keep bees! Busy bee that you are. Sounds like you saw the same article as me on Yellowstone. Mine said it could blow any time from now to 500 years hence, shiver! Keep on bottling and preserving!
    And on that cheerful note your little ray of sunshine, ANNE, will love you and leave you all.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello friends - yeah, carpet cleaning service has arrived and is working. The carpet is definitely shot though. At least it will be a bit less dusty!

    More later!!


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I had a nice long post but MFP would not post it or my picture. So I will try again. It posted on another thread but now
    it won't. I will try again.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    And here you are. Pretty grandma, pretty little grandson!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Buzz - my thoughts are with you. Big hugs too.

    We are still at my sisters. No diagnosis yet. Don'tknow if that is good news or bad. She will get lung tap results today and have a consult with a surgeon. Something in the breast isn't quite right. Don't know if it is a reoccurrence of the cancer or not. No date on PET scan yet, insurance company is giving them a hard time on that one. Hoping nothing shows up and this is all remenents of her cancer from last year.

    Have a great day all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited July 2015
    Happy Tuesday!! :) My therapy went well and I am glad I went as my therapist said that the cortisone shot and muscle relaxer might help with the pain but not curing the problem. He gave me some bands to do exercises at home between appointments.
    I went to the bank 3 times yesterday, once to cancel my account and open a new one only to be told I have to have my trust papers. Brought them back but he needed the whole trust so had to go back again. The third time I talked to an intelligent young lady who told me that she didn't think it necessary to close my account. She said since I only had two checks left and they put a stop payment on them and no strange activity has occurred in the last week she felt like I did; that the check book probably got thrown out in the trash some how. She did say if any strange activity did occur to let her know and they will dispute it and close the account. I was happy that I didn't have to close account because of my social security and automatic payments. I check my account daily or more so, so I am comfortable with this decision.
    Comcast raised my bill $25 and I called to threaten to close account but the lady didn't care. So my cousin said to do an online chat and tell them I would give them a bad review. To make a long story short, they finally reduced my bill $40, $20 cheaper than I was paying and $40 cheaper than then were raising the bill. It is only for 12 months but then I will fight again.

    Shirley, Issac is just beautiful ( baby boys can be beautiful) as is his grandma. Great picture!!!!

    Lin, when you are all done, your house will be like new. I am so glad you are doing things for yourself and making your life easier than what you have been through for the last few years.

    Anne, the only one in my family that I know of that has dementia which I think is probably Alzheimer's is my favorite uncle. He does not know any of us but if we talk about the past he does remember that. It is so sad because he took such great care of my aunt for over 25 years taking her to kidney dialysis three times a week.
    She was the love of his life and now he doesn't remember her at all. So sad.

    Patsy, my son and his wife hated the hot spell in Portland while I loved it. When it got down to the 80's they were happy as bees in a bonnet.

    Buzz, you have not had an easy time of things lately, I am so sorry. Really sorry to hear about Mike, let's pray it is slow in progressing. Is there something they can do for the iron deficiency in your brain? You know we are always here for you, so if you need to vent feel free to scream. Love you.

    Jackie, couldn't help but think of you while in Portland. My son is a big tennis fan and was watching Wimbledon every chance he got. He records it all on Tivo and watches at his convenience. I even got on the court with him and played a game. He won 6-0 so you know how well I played after ten or more years of not playing. I was very impressed with my knees as they did not bother me at all. Yipee!!

    Marie, I am so happy your new food choices are working for you, you seem to really enjoy them. How exciting to get a new kitty, I sometimes wish I could have one to cuddle with but no pets can live with me, just visit.

    Jeri, continued prayers for your sister and all the family, you have been through so much in the last few years, I hope you can find some peace and contentment soon.

    Well I think I overdid my post, but it is good to be back in the swing of things. Seems a little cloudy for the pool so Lisa, Robby and I will go tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time