Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2015
    A funny ol' day today with lots of showers but I've managed a walk, done some shopping and am now watching Wimbledon tennis. I've also done a google search on the way I'm trying to keep my new bees at home and it seems I'm doing the right thing but must check at the weekend and then take the excluder off if the queen is laying eggs, or as the website I looked at said "if the bees are hanging pictures in their new home and having babies"!! It was a nice trip out yesterday to the auction house and I saw a couple of items I thought I might bid on but then by the time I'd returned home had changed my mind as I didn't think they'd fit in with my other furniture... the hunt continues but I don't mind as I'm enjoying the outings. I also gave George his new tic and flea treatment in the form of a chewy treat but he tossed it in the air a few times, balanced it on his back and then did his best to bury it under a rug so in the end the horribly sticky thing I managed to retrieve was mixed in with his food... I'll know next time not to expect him to eat it as it is!

    Anne ~ You were right about Doulton Toby jugs, in fact I wouldn't even label it a Toby jug because it was small, extremely lightweight and badly designed. Poor old Churchill would have been disgusted to be portrayed in such a cheap way!

    Sandy ~ Sounds like home from home with all that pool time although right now you are probably on top of Mt Hood... I'm going to google search once I've finished here.

    Phoebe ~That's so sad about your aunt's memory but thank goodness she is now living closer so you can keep an eye on her although it's more responsibility for you. It's such hard work caring for anyone with dementia and probably best to go with the flow when it comes to what she remembers.

    Marie ~I see you might go Italian next week, a diet that is supposed to be one of the healthiest in the world. Never understood that what with their pasta but I think it's to do with so much fresh salad, fish and veggies, or maybe it's a good red wine!!

    Back to the tennis.... I'll be more sociable next week!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh Sandy ~ There was Anne worrying about active volcanoes where her son was visiting and there you are sitting on top of one for lunch!!! Have fun. LOL
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi everybody, beautiful day here, just perfect. My youngest and family finally made it home last night, and I had a bit more worry time to "enjoy" as the plane was delayed by over 4 hours. Yet to find out why, they phoned from the taxi taking them home and bed, and Mark sounded one tired guy.

    SANDY, what are you DOING sitting on top of an active volcano! I know you crave heat but isn't that a little over the top, lol. Mind you, I probably would join you if I had the chance. I am quite happy about being in the vicinity of a volcano personally, but protective old biddy that I am, I don't want my kids up there!

    PHOEBE, two of my old friends are now in facilities for dementia. They seem quite happy in their new living quarters, I think it's harder on Flo, my other friend and I than it is on them. Dave in another lifetime was an engineering manager, and Ellen, was a very dynamic and quite bossy lady. We miss her! We miss them both, but they seem happy in their new gentler selves
    I wonder if your new bees are really new JACKIE? Maybe, like wayward kids, they craved PASTURES new, but then found out that "home is where the heart is"? - Jackies beautiful cottage garden. "Toby jugs! Poor old Winnie he's probably turning in his grave! I'm glad I'm not a famous beauty or some elderly statesman, all those bobble heads and t shirts etc. Shudders at the thought of being immortalized thus!

    Hi PATSY. Something I do every morning when I first get up, and believe me I don't always feel like doing it, but after a year it's helped me enormously. I grab a glass of water and then I go for a half hour amble. In my case, it gets the old joints moving and after a few minutes all the aches and pains from waking up are gone. If I'm in the mood I amble off again in the evening as well, but it's the morning walk that seems the most beneficial. I don't know if this is of help, the advice came originally from a 91 year old man.

    Well LIN, SHIRLEY, MARIE, GAYLA, and everyone, enjoy the afternoon.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    We are at my sisters now. She had a bone scan which was clear but now will have a PET scan, a MRI and a needle biopsy of some fluid in her lung. The saga continues.

    Very glad to be here with her.

    Best wishes all

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Jeri - I hope your sister receives good news from all the reset of her tests.

    Hello everyone. Another day of scattered Internet connection! So I've been reading but won't try to respond to everyone because once again who knows how long this will last!!

    Busy day. Got many loads of laundry done. My new electronic air filter is installed in my furnace. This afternoon I got the new bed and my handyman was here to get a couple of things done outdoors. I worked on some dirt spots on my carpet and am trying to decide if I'll sleep on my new bed tonight or wait a little while. While it was just made and shipped from the factory, when it came out of the plastic wrap it smelled quite a bit like rubber.

    Carpet cleaners come next week and my recliner should arrive the end of next week. I need to call the tree trimmer to see if they're still in business and if they can fit in a good haircut for my trees----it's been a few years.

    I see Sandy is having another nice vacation.

    Well, off to make my almond milk and do my dishes.

    Oh and speaking of bugs, I did go out and pull some weeds this afternoon and there were hoards of little grasshoppers! Wow! Pretty soon they'll be jumping all over and eating all the plants! And I have been chasing down some of the largest black spiders I've ever seen in my house. So while there haven't been fireflies or crickets so far, I don't think we're missing anything else!


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    here is the response I got back from MFP about pining a topic to the top What ever it means I was just curious

    I saw your question in reported posts about pinned topics and wanted to let you know that group owners and leaders should be able to pin discussions to the top. In the forums software we are using now, rather than being "pins" or "stickies" they are announcements. The function is the same though it will keep the discussion at the top of a group.

    I hope this information is helpful.

    Warm Regards,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    I don't know if that is how you want the plant food discussion Marie, so let me know.
    Mt. Hood is not an active volcano like Mt. St. Helens, we were in no danger. People come from all over to ski and snowboard.
    We had lunch in the Timberline Lodge, and it was great.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good morning and a sunny and bright one here! George and I went on a long, long walk across the moors and only met one person and their dog Bertie so all was peaceful. My plans today include a session of housework and then some gardening before the tennis starts.

    Anne ~ My new bees are far too calm and pleasant to be anything to do with the previous tetchy bunch that looked for every opportunity to sting. Some other poor unfortunate beekeeper has no doubt taken them in or more likely they were so stroppy they've ended up in the wild! Great to read Mark and family are home safe and sound as I have to say although I loved flying here, there and everywhere when younger, it's not something I enjoy now what with those delays and terrorist threats.... probably connected.

    Sandy ~ I'll tell you now you are off that mountain that my research came up with the following:
    "Mount Hood is considered the Oregon volcano most likely to erupt" although it didn't say what percentage of likelihood!! The pictures I found show a stunning area surrounded by the most beautiful scenery so I can imagine it was a perfect spot for lunch.

    Jeri ~ I do hope that first positive piece of news will extend to other tests your sister must endure and whatever is going on has been detected in time. You must feel a whole lot better now you're with her and can support and give her hugs to get her through the next few weeks. Thinking of you. <3

    Lin ~ Busy as ever but at least in your own home and at your own pace. Those insects are hopefully a sign of a healthy environment although big black spiders are something I'd happily live without!

    Marie ~ Good morning to you. I'll be checking back later to see what amazing recipe you've come up with for today. I've got myself a piece of cod fish to gently cook with steamed asparagus and French beans but that'll be this evening; my lunch is just crackers, cottage cheese and a few prawns although I might go mad and throw an apple into the mix!!

    Patsy ~ Anne as ever is full of good advice and keeping moving is the only way to avoid too many aches and pains. If I sit too long my muscles shout at me when I get up and yet I can walk for miles once I get going. Frustrating things do seem to happen to our bodies as we get older and I'm one of those people who thought it would never happen to me!!!

    Time for those chores.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    no sandy I was just curious to how you can do it I think those that are interest in it can find it. Thanks tho.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello me again. I can't help wondering JACKIE if your new happy buzzy bees have been kicked out of THEIR original quarters by your more aggressive lot and made a beeline for your now for rent quarters. If so there must be some poor bee keeper scratching his head and wondering why his bees have had a personality change!

    I was reading (I read too much, I know) SANDY that if Yellowstone "blows", the ash will reach Toronto and beyond. It's being carefully monitored. Mt Hood is a sleeping giant, and me and my imagination can't help but wonder if poor Mrs "Bruno" in Pompeii, looked out of her window and said "it's perfectly safe dears, just a puff of smoke". Volcanic regions are very beautiful and one of the reasons we are so attracted to them, that and the nutritious soil they produce. I'm glad you had a wonderful day with your family, and take NO notice of cowardly Anne who would have been looking for telltale puffs of smoke drifting out of the cracks in the rocks! The last volcano I sat on was one that went extinct along with the dinosaurs years ago in the UK.

    Now......Where's BUZZ got to?

    Anyway I better make myself useful instead of dwelling on things that probably won't happen in our lifetime!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited July 2015
    Happy Thursday! :) My DIL has to work for a few hours and my son has a business appointment later so I am going to go to theIr friend's pool for a couple of hours. She also works so I might be there by myself, which is okay with me. My son said that Mt. Hood last erupted over two hundred years ago and before that 1500 years ago. They don't expect any big eruption, but they are installing sensors that warn of any danger. We were perfectly safe, but how kind of you to worry about me. Going up the chair lift was the scariest thing, but once moving I was fine. I did ski when I was younger but on smaller hills.

    Tonight we are going to a steak house that is located on the top of a high rise in downtown Portland. Eating a lot of food on this trip, I will have a lot of work to do to get rid of unwanted pounds when I get home.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    WOW, that's some photo SANDY, gorgeous. I can't see any unwanted pounds, maybe on the mountain in the form of boulders, but not on you. Stay just as you are, in my books anyway. Anne.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Thank you for the advice re: my aunt. Her two daughters will manage her care. I'll only step in if they request. I hope to visit her at least every month when I'm back to work. It is sad to see how much she has changed. One minute she is talking about all of the ways to save money, then she wants to buy a wholesale club membership for $50.00! Her daughter already has a membership there and so do I. At best, she would only need to split a purchase because everything is bulk sizes. I see why she runs out of money each month, something her daughter told me about.
    Today I'm vacuuming and hopefully, mopping. Also laundry bin is full. So I'll get lunch and get to it.
    I thought I finished my physical therapy but they called me and said, no, you haven't. So, I'm going still.
    Sandy, enjoy your sunny and hot visit. You never know when it will cool off again. I'd like the cool weather the best.
    Honey had her bath at the vet yesterday along with a vaccination. When I picked her up in the afternoon, the pavement was hot and she kept lifting her feet. Today I've ordered some little socks to protect her paws. Okie wants to go outside now, he cries and tries to get the pet door to open. He doesn't stay in the backyard, otherwise he could go out.
    Bye for now, Phoebe
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    It's another Internet frustration day. I've picked up my *holds* at the library, put away the rest of the clean laundry from yesterday, made chopped salad (which is marinating in wild blueberry vinegar), cleaned out the refrigerator a little bit because it's time for fresh veggies this afternoon.

    I need to make a couple of phone calls but am not really motivated to pick up the phone.....

    Ha, I see the sweatshirt I'm wearing is dirty around the cuffs. Looks like I pretty much always drag my cuffs into my cooking and dish washing. Ha.

    Our weather is to hear up again. In the 90's on Sunday when my church is having an ice cream social and I'll be running up and down the stairs and in and out of the church with trays of plated dessert items. Guess I'd better think of something cool to wear!

    Hugs my friends. Hope the Internet stays ON for another minute or so.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Wow! We are having oregon coastal, high cloudy with light mist, possible fog tomorrow and tonight. Great night for a good bowl of soup and exercise in front of a TV movie.

    Saw a sign in the window of JCPenneys advertising new school clothes. We just finished really hot weather yesterday and already they are advertising back to school clothes. NO! Not yet! I need more time to adjust to things. There are times when I feel like I am caught in a fast spinning time warp.

    I went looking in my vegetarian cook books and saw a little article that had forgotten about. We are supposed to eat a legume with a grain source for a complete amino acid. That is to give us a complete protein for maintaining good bones and nutritional needs. Beans and rice-corn-bulgar-oats etc. doesn't have to be any one of these things but the pairing. It can be peanuts, I guess. Anyway I know there would be more recent info on this than my ancient vegetarian cookbooks. Sounds like a "Google" opportunity.

    Had a inspiration for using an interesting color of soil with an acrylic based medium for paint on plywood. I see great looking moss and lichens that could be used as textural elements....just for fun. Anyway....

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Patsy, the mud paint sounds like fun. Lin, I don't remember if you told us why your Internet service gets bad in the summer? I hope you don't boil over on Sunday!
    I should be asleep now, and ,,I will be soon. Sandy, I've never heard of Mt. Hood for eruptions. Only mt.St.Helens. you look great in the photo.
    I got my laundry started, vacuuming done, but I hope I didn't ruin my vacuum cleaner. The cord got caught in the roller and it stripped the cord in a spot. I used my lightweight vac to finish. Luckily I was just finishing up with the attachments when it happened. Hope Jim can repair it this weekend.
    My it was hot today! Like an oven.
    Have a great Friday
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited July 2015
    Patsy - Back to school ads already? I guess I haven't been looking at the ads much lately. We are heading to hot weather again and maybe heavy rain again tomorrow. I think summer may stick around here for a while. Now the mud paint---how will it dry and would it crack or fall off the plywood? Just curious......

    Phoebe - my Internet service is always iffy but it seems to be worse in the summer. No known cause. Every time I go through trying to get it fixed they always come up with a different problem (when indeed they finally believe me). So I'm just trying to live through it this time.

    I don't think I mentioned it but I picked up my new glasses and now when I want to go down the steps I have to crank my head down as far as it will go so I can see each step. I don't like that but maybe I'm not to focus on the steps so much? Anyway, they built my order in someone else's account and they refuse to change it--they say it can't be done. I am not happy with this at all especially where it pertains to any warranty issues or replacement (yes, I did buy an extended warranty). I do not understand why they cannot move the purchase to my account. They said it had to be my account--excuse me, name not spelled the same, an address and phone number I've never heard of and hey, don't get upset, it doesn't matter. What is wrong with this world. Everything is so messed up some days.

    Today, I'm going to try to start sorting out a few things for Goodwill again. I've thrown out a few things and my trash cart is about full for next Tuesday already. Ha.

    Happy Friday........


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PATSY'S mud painting brought back a funny memory! You couldn't buy much in the way of paint etc during the Second World War so my Dad whitewashed the walls of our kitchen. One evening my Mom went off with her mates leaving Dad to baby sit me. He had his pal Les over. Well, Dad decided the whitewash was too boring so he and Les made long panels out of the 3" rolls of beige tape that was used to crisis cross on the windows to stop the glass shattering from bomb blasts. Sort of 3 very long panels on each wall. Dad didn't think the beige was enough of a contrast against the white, so.......he mixed cocoa powder and water and he and Les spent the evening carefully painting the tape chocolate brown! Seven year old Anne thought it looked lovely, her mother most definitely thought not! It got worse the next day, hot summer weather, all the windows open, no screens of course in temperate England, and every fly in the neighbourhood flocked in to settle on the panels and lick the chocolate. So much for my Dads artistic efforts to beautify the old homestead. It was, alas, all gone by evening. Just saying.
    Happy grocery shopping everybody,
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Oh Anne, now That is a funny memory. So glad you have it. Lol, it's like the old tv shows, where dad gets into all kinds of mischief with his next door buddy. Thanks for sharing.
    Lin, I think a return for a full refund would be the plan for me.. then find another eye place. I'm learning, don't pay by cash or check if possible. Use credit card and suggest you can dispute the charge. I'm a slow learner though. Sounds a bit scary on the stairs though. That is where I would want to always see most clearly.
    Got to get some things done on the computer before therapy. Have a good Friday
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited July 2015
    Happy Friday! :) We had a great dinner last night in a beautiful restaurant called Portland City Grill. I had a filet as did my son and we split a lobster tail. The funny thing is that my DIL scale showed a loss this morning compared to the other days.


    This is my last day here in Portland and although it has been wonderful, I will be happy to see Robby and my own bed.
    I am going to try and play a little tennis with my son sometime today and we are also going to the mall for a t shirt for Robby. I made an appointment with genius at the Apple Store to check out my I Pad, it just doesn't seem to hold a charge.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time