Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome home ♥
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Welcome home Sandy! You looked like you had a great time on your trip. Loved the pool photos!

    It is stinking cold here today! What is up with this weather? I know it is a bit late but I planted nastersiums wearing my sweater and winter rain jacket. On Memorial Day weekend! I remember when I was a kid we would take bunches of flowers to the cemetery to place on family members graves. We placed small american flags on service members graves as well. I don't think people do that much any more. But I did think a lot about those dear ones who are gone now.

    Our son returned from his trip to South America today. It was a brutal flight of 18 hours! I am not an adventurer and a 18 hour airplane trip would simply unhinge me! And it isn't because of age either. When we .ived in Alaska and went to Hawaii, several times I wondered if it was worth the effort. I went, we had a great time, and I was glad I did....but each time I had to think about it for a long time!

    Tonight is soup night and I will try to lift weights and do a bike ride. The cold makes me cranky. I feel cheated. We should be in shorts and flip flops while smearing gallons of suntan lotion on! Oh well...
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Quick message to wish you all a beautiful Memorial Day weekend. We watched American Sniper tonight and I think it's an important film. It left me with numerous questions which were very disturbing! Now my eyes are closing so
    goodnight, my loves...
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    edited May 2015
    Welcome home Sandy.

    Yes Patsy, the weather is crazy! It's rainy here but still too cold most of the time. I have my furnace on again and wore a sweatshirt yesterday afternoon. I just stopped the flowers for my father's side if the family this spring. I just will not be getting to that town any longer and the florist will put out winter wreaths but don't put out summer arrangements. I can understand that because the wreaths are all the same but I had a unique summer order so would take them longer. I out out flowers last week for my parents. We always out out flowers each year.

    Buzz - good to hear from you!

    I'm going to post this now. Had problems with MFP yesterday saying 'community' was unavailable.

    I hope everyone has a safe and healthy day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I too welcome our lovely Sandy home. Hope she find all of her family doing well especially little Robbie. I don,t know how to use glitter.comon the Ipad But have learn more than I did. thanks to Alice <3 I am spending more time with Jerry <3

    I been watching all the flooding going on here in the Dallas area. Terrible unreal. and moe rain today I don,t think we are in any danger no River close by but do have some creeks near by but Mesquite is
    sitting on a hill
    Stay safe all and have a wonderful day
    <3 Marie

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Morning everybody. After all the winter moaning and groaning I did, I can now only say the weather is beautiful here! In fact we have had such a long spell of dry weather (frost one night, but no rain), I am watering the new plants every day. We are "maybe" promised rain this afternoon and I'm hoping it does! I'm so sorry the rest of you in the States are having some pretty awful stuff. Marie coping with floods in Texas, Patsy and Lin chilly and wearing sweaters, tornado warnings etc, I feel such a fraud here in the Frozen North, sat in a pair of shorts (for my viewing only!) in the back garden drinking coffee. MUCH entertained yesterday. I moved the bird bath to under the apple tree, and there has been a long queue of birds waiting to use it! Amazed how many want a bath! Much flapping of wings and ruffling of feathers. A prominence of red chested thrushes, followed by slightly smaller birds and finally the little sparrows. I was showing Mark the fresh morning water now very muddy and dirty what's left of it! Must change the bird bath water!
    Connie, I'm most interested in your massive garden project! Please keep us posted on how you continue.
    Barbie, entertaining all the friends! Shirley being entertained, and Sandy safely back home. Buzz down there in sunny Florida, Jackie working away in her allotment, oh Jackie, fresh peas out of the pod! Ooh must tell you, Michael found me a jar of British Branston Pickles! All's well with my world.
    Anne with the E.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Memorial Day!! Thank you to all who gave their lives to protect us, we are grateful. After being in the pool and/or ocean for 9 days straight, today it is raining here. I am doing my laundry with the hope it clears up and I can check out the pool at my complex. A rest day does sound good though, I am sitting for Robby tomorrow so early bedtime tonight. I can't wait to see him, I did miss him. I did an awful thing while gone and I feel so bad. My alarm clock went off at 6 AM this morning which means it did everyday while I was gone. I must have not shut if off all the way. I hope I didn't drive the people below me insane. Good news is that according to my Wii Scale I only gained 1.5 pounds which isn't too bad considering. It is always great to travel but wonderful to be home. <3

    Anne, I was amazed at the birds in Florida, so many different sounds than I hear here. My daughter's neighbors were telling me what kind of bird was making the sound and I was in awe. God gave us a wonderful world. <3

    Marie, glad to see you on here this morning, I was worried about all the flooding and destruction in Texas.
    I think it is wonderful you are spending extra time with Jerry, perhaps, snuggling???? <3

    Lin, this is the worst Spring/Summer we have had in a long time, it is almost June and sweatshirts are being worn.
    I hope you are getting some rest and taking care of yourself. <3

    Buzz, loved American Sniper and also left with questions, but googled for my answers. How is Mike doing? You are a lucky couple who lives in the beautiful sunshine state, the weather was perfect for me all week. <3

    Patsy, funny how the weather can affect our moods. I hope the sun comes out and makes you cheerful, life is too short to be grumpy. <3

    Phoebe, are you also home for the holiday? When is your surgery? <3

    Barbie, like you I am not a big entertainer so it would be exhausting to me to have lots of people. I am social and love people, I just don't like all the preparations. <3

    Connie, good to see you and it sounds like a big project you are entertaining. Your story with your husband and the A/C was funny, men are strange at times. <3

    Shirley, loved your pictures and you look great. Issac is just so cute and so big, he so reminds me of Robby.
    You certainly deserved being noticed with weight loss, you worked hard to get there. <3

    Jackie, glad to hear the weight is moving again, that system always has worked for you. Loved all the pictures and videos, again your place is so English and wonderful. <3

    I put the pound a week club on hold until next Friday, so hopefully we all see a loss.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I just lost my long post will write later. :p
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Took a break today, no housework, yay! Traditional bbq rib meal for dh, I was content with steamed red potato and corn on the cob. I love a red potato like that but try to limit it to maybe twice a week. I did check on Chris, she posted on her home page about two months ago that they were disconnecting the very poor Internet service. I miss her.
    Sandy the surgery is this Friday, I'm not concerned about it. Looking forward to less pain at least on one knee.
    Naughty me baked a strawberry rhubarb cobbler, must have a small taste, hope to sleep early, back to 6am wakeup tomorrow, like you, Sandy!
    Raining now, good sleeping weather, lol, but what isnt good for me?

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I think I cannot say "Happy Memorial Day" as it is such a sad day with all the family and friends we mourn, but it is a day of remembrance for all those who gave life and limbs when asked to defend our dear nation. Somehow in my mind, it has become a bit murky trying to figure out the why and where of it all, and I am very sad seeing pictures of young people in the obituary columns whose lives had barely begun! American Sniper left me very shaken, but I strongly recommend it! We also were shown Selma this afternoon, and Clint Eastwood did a fabulous presentation of another difficult period, and I kept wondering if we have to go through that again and again before things are really resolved! They also showed Gilda, with Rita Hayworth (!) and tonight a movie called "Mr. Turner" about a British painter of the 17/1800s, who painted the most magnificent marine canvases, way ahead of his time with beautiful impressionistic techniques, colors and shapes! Unfortunately, he himself appeared to be disgustingly vile, or perhaps it was typical of the times! The photography was breathtaking, JACKIE and ANNE!
    SANDY, Since you love Florida so, you'd be surprised how easy the transition is moving down here, and everyone in the family would love an excuse to visit you often! Perhaps it would be appealing to Babe, too!
    LIN, you lost me with the expression "out out flowers". Should I understand what it means? You are beginning to sound better, too, with less worry on your shoulders! Stay well and healthy, lovely lady!
    PHOEBE, lots of luck on your Friday surgery. I must admit almost all the recent knee replacements being done in my community have been really successful and people are walking beautifully very quickly! I guess they are being done in a much better way than 8 years ago! Perhaps even I will make a stab at it before I turn 90!!!
    MARIE, have been promised my SIL's I-pad when he gets his new one, and I hope I'm not scared of learning to use it! Almost everyone has one here!
    SHIRLEY, welcome to the lost-post-club. Jeri and I are competing for top honors!
    PATSY, I totally agree with you about long flights! From Alaska, I thought Hawaii was maybe 5 or 6 hours. We used to lose what seemed like a whole day every time we flew there from New York or Florida. Therefore I refused to go for less than 3 weeks at a time since it seemed to take me that long to recover! I'm so happy all my kids (all over 60 now) are finally somewhere on the East Coast now. Same time zone makes calling easier, too!
    Bedtime, so I wish you all sweet dreams...
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Buzz, i think Lin meant put out flowers. Lol, typos. This is not knee replacement, just fixing a tear and other things i cant remember.
    Yes, many things about war are a muddle. Wont get into all that side of it, just that I have trouble keeping up with who the bad guys are. It must've been that way in ww2 as well, at least in the beginning. And WW1? Generations have never known participants in that war.
    I'm glad Sandy has a pool if it warms up soon.
    Ive been sleeping, woke thinking it was about 5am, but it was only 1am! So up for a bit, read a little, back to bed.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Morning Sneakers, won't say good because its forecast to be hot, humid, and 30 deg C, that's 86 deg F and far too hot for temperate zone Anne. We haven't had any rain either and it's beginning to show in the greenery. Hi BUZZ, I'm not sure, but I think Joseph Turner (or then it could be Sir Joshua Reynolds, portrait painter) is considered to be the greatest British painter, JACKIE will know. I just know I wish I could paint like either one!
    Well, I'm getting my chores done early before the temperature rises to the above. It's 20 deg C right now.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning dear friends. We had a shower last night so things are a bit cool and damp. I do not mind, it is to be cloudy the rest of the day but dry. Good day to get a few errands done and make a soup.

    Late last night I watched the Memorial Day concert from Washington on PBS . Very beautiful and moving. It was one of those concerts and presentations that makes your heart swell in patraitism and pride. Of course, a few teary eye moments as well.
    I didn't go to any local celebrations. The area was filled with tourists. Good for the local economy but difficult to get around town. I love that everyone seems to have brought their dogs. The riverwalk was a parade of dogs and their owners.

    I also love Turner's marine paintings. Wow! He just blew the doors off when it came his amazing early Impressionism. I can only imagine how he turned the art community on its ear. We have a really wonderful museum here. The Columbia River Maritime museum. They often have gallery shows of marine subjects. I notice, with great satisfaction I might add, I see people standing longer in front of paintings with a bit of challenge. Turner had a message in his paintings.

    This week I will be going to the doctor again about my foot. I also need to have an ex ray. I hate to have ex Rays. We all get way too much radiation. Rant! Rant! I know but I am just saying....

    We are still getting things planted here. I usually have flowers all planted and set for the summer by this time. I am still a regular at the local plant nursery and I have some bare spots that a bit of color.

    Phoebe: I know you will breeze through your knee surgery. The recovery might be a bit uncomfortable but that's why God made aspirin.

    Anne: I am to do do 6 paintings for a children's clinic. These are for the doctors office rather than the children's exam room. I get to go a little crazy. Should be fun. I will try to get some good photos as I finish them.

    Buzz: I love your movie choices. It is wonderful to have these first run films so readily available. We rent DVDs for viewing at home. My restless John could never sit all the way through a movie without jumping up at least 4or 5 times for various reasons. The pause button is very important at our house. We get to see films about 3 to 4 months after they are in theaters.

    I've been rattling on here too long I fear. Hello to all of you dear sneakers.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PATSY, you WILL enjoy painting for the kiddies! I can't wait to see what you come up with! Do you get to choose your own subjects and will there be a theme running through the six paintings? What age group? Are they for girls AND boys? How large are the paintings? I'm a nosy old gal aren't I, but I'm really interested! Have fun!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Thank you, Marie, we got your rain!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) It has been a rainy day so Robby and I stayed in today. He loves walking around holding someones hands so I got over 4000 steps just walking him around the apartment today. He is good for my health.
    My friend Jen came over yesterday and I made us steak on the grill. It was a nice visit and she didn't stay too late so I got to bed early. I don't sit again until next Monday and I think Tuesday will be my last day if she gets out of school that week. Not sure if there are snow days to make up or not.

    Phoebe, I hope you aren't getting the severe rain Texas is getting, so much flooding and loss of life. I hope Marie is safe from all that flooding and is staying dry. I am hoping to check out the pool tomorrow at least for a short time.

    Patsy, your talent is paying off, that is if you are getting paid for the children's clinic or are you donating your paintings?

    Anne, we also have high humidity so I had to turn the A/C on which I really hate. I wait all winter for summer but if it gets to sticky outside I put it on but admit I am chilly even with turning it up. It is getting cooler later so I will shut if off then.

    Buzz, the problem with moving to Florida is that I would miss my family here too much. Maybe someday but I am not ready yet, it is a great place to visit especially with my daughter having her own pool.

    Shirley, sorry about your lost post.

    Time to catch up on my games and such. Hope you all are having a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I was hoping to use the pool for physical therapy, but the post op instructions restrict baths and pools for 4 weeks.
    Yes, weve been getting some flooding with these storms, hope not as severe as Texas. Power only went once, so far!
    4000 baby steps, the real thing too!
    we keep our house cool. Sometimes I get cold but if I move around, I warm up quickly. Its the best way to battle the humidity.
    Jim got home early today, glad for him. A stormy day is a bad day for driving.
    Time to finish dinner. We eat late.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    I hope I don't lose this post again, so frustrating. Anyway, it's humid here I probably should put the air on and maybe I will.
    We did have rain yesterday off and on but i still had to water plants today. I did get a nice walk in this morning
    before traveling across the border for lunch and shopping.

    I had a nice lunch with my friend Donna at Panera Bread. We went shopping afterwards at DSW Warehouse for shoes, I got
    two pair. One for a wedding in June and one for everyday. I don't want to go over $100 because they will charge me tax
    and duty so my shopping sprees are limited on the amount I get. :s After that i went home and have been playing
    soda crush and soda saga. Thanks many of you who have given me lives. LOL

    Dave is still up north and the roof is completed, he called tonight. They will head home tomorrow sometime. My MIL will
    be happy and won't have to worry this winter about any leaking. We hope to get her up there some time this summer for
    a few days. Just not enough time, I have been to the boat only twice so far but hope to from now on.

    Phoebe - Good luck with your surgery! Be safe from all the storms your way.

    Patsy - Painting for kids must be fun and you can use your creative juices.

    Sandy - Back home and back to baby sitting that cute little Robby. I know when i hold Isaac
    I don't want to give him back.

    Hello to anyone who I forgot. Have a good night and i am off to do dishes.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif We bought a rain barrel today...first we went to our local hardware store where the people are friendly and the service is awesome but the rain barrels were icky....then we went to Home Depot where all the employees seemed to be brand new, but we found the perfect rain barrel and Jake will set it up in the next few days.

    smiley-bounce015.gif I have been eating very carefully and trying to stay extra active since we got home from our trip and my weight is just about back to what it was before we went on our trip.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    22,000 steps
    three hours of dog walking in beautiful spring weather
    over an hour on the exercise bike
    20 minutes strength training
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yikes, the sodium in the holiday food must have been through the roof as I gained 3 lbs. overnight! And I was careful, too!
    PHOEBE luv, WW2 seems to have been the only war we immediately knew who the bad guys were! AS soon as Hitler invaded Poland back in 1939, we were hoping the US would understand how dangerous the European situation was. And without TV to try explaining what was happening and where, we never knew much about who was ahead until it was pretty much over! Back then, when the Russian troops (yes, they were our allies against the Nazis!) and American and Western Allies troops met sort of in the middle of Germany, we worried about our weary troops then being sent to the Pacific! I firmly believe all the heads of state should be forced to get into a boxing ring and fight out their differences and stop sending the flower of youth! I got the feeling Clint Eastwood was telling me the same thing!!! Isn't there an old French motto "The more things change, the more they are the same"? Lots of luck with the knee surgery.
    PATSY, does your JOHN have Restless Leg Syndrome? His inability to sit for very long is one of the symptoms. Tonight at a delightful lecture called Secrets of the Secret Service, I thought I would go out of my mind trying to remain in my chair while my left leg endured feeling like bugs were crawling inside the leg bones! I guess I had taken my medication too late, but I didn't want to fall asleep during this speaker's talk.
    Sorry about the family not being willing to move down here with you, SANDY! I was looking for a home for you already!
    For those of you suffering the rainy, humid, floody weather, I hope you will all be safe! Has JERI visited lately? And is BOB abandoning us? Come on in occasionally, as we are not all on Facebook! MARIE, SHIRLEY, BARBIE, JACKIE, LIN, ANNE, I got too sleepy to comment tonight,,but CONNIE, GAYLA, and all the rest, hello, I miss you all once I finally arrive!
    <3 Buzz