Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Tuesday! :) Another beautiful day in the Sunshine State, I am grateful. My daughter had her yard landscaped so my job for the time I am here is to water the new plantings. As long as I am getting sun, I am happy to help. It has gone back to the 50's at home, so it makes it even better to know I am missing low temps. Tonight is Taco Tuesday with the neighbors, a tradition they do weekly. Sounds like fun.
    Because I am on my IPad, I can't go back to far but did want to tell Shirley how beautiful your house is, thanks for sharing.
    And yes, when I get back home we can motivate each other.
    Annie, ( Anne with an E) I can't believe you moved those heavy things by yourself. Correct me if I am wrong but aren't you in your 80's? It looks beautiful, but like your boys consider yourself scolded.
    Phoebe, I am so happy Honey is doing better, she is so lucky to have you as her mommy. My daughter has a West Highlinder Terrier who is 15 years old and it is so sad to see him aged. He can't really hear anymore, and has a hard time walking, but is so loved. I do hope when his time comes, he just never wakes up, it would be so peaceful that way.
    Jackie, still waiting for pictures of chicken and bees. Phoebe's video looks interesting, would it work for you?
    Patsy, Daisy just got her summer haircut as well. We don't shave her but a short cut is perfect. Good for your friend meeting a new guy, your never too old.
    Marie, I see on Facebook you are doing well on your new eating plan, good for you.

    Time to eat and get outside. Hope your day is as great as mine.

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lovely patio Shirley love it.

    Hugs to you too my phoebe. Love you.

    I will have to go back and re read all that's post hen I get my new computer wih a bib monitor on
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    And this is what I do most of the day. And to be honest, this picture was taken on Saturday and I kept my makeup on for pictures. I don't look anything like this when I go in the pool, where I am heading now.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Wow, georgeous SANDY! You really ARE our pin up girl! No Sandy, I'm not in my eighties, not yet. Still 79! However, if I think about my age, which I rarely do, I think of myself as late fifties or early sixties. This is a great trick to have because folks in their fifties can move urns whilst a 79 year old might hesitate. So it's really mind over matter, or being in denial of course, or just plain gormless more likely. Can't you stay another week at your daughters? You look so relaxed and happy. Obviously the sun and the heat suit you. I bet poor Babe IS worried you won't return!
    Did you get your bookcases this time JACKIE? You live a most interesting life! Garden centres and auctions, Anne heaven!
    HONEY, bless her doggie heart PHOEBE, what a kind and loving lady you are. We need more like you in this sometimes harsh world.
    PATSY, we DO live in changing times. My 73 year old cousin in Australia has acquired a "boyfriend" too who's 18 years younger. I can't help but look at all this elderly giggling and courtship with a jaundiced eye. A boyfriend MIGHT be a useful addition when it comes to moving things, but generally, for me, nah! Different strokes for different folks, and hey I'm all for people getting a new lease on life if that's what they want!
    The house warming party will be lots of fun for you SHIRLEY, plus, and a big plus, you'll get to see that lovely little grandson of yours.
    MARIE, good to hear from you. Can't wait for you to be all fixed up.
    ALL SNEAKERS hope today is a good one for you all.
    ANNE. My mother hated it when people called me "Annie", but I rather like it. All Anne's should be elegant, and I am most certainly not! Definitely a "granny Annie", lol.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy you look like one happy person.. You need to moved in with your daugther.. Great ideal.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :) Jackie, great video of George and the cat.....I don't have a fitbit...just a simple Omron pedometer that I carry in my pocket....there is research that shows that people who carry pedometers walk more than people who don' is a great motivator for me.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    nap with Jake and pets
    20,000 steps
    three hours walking dogs in beautiful weather
    over an hour on the exercise bike
    an hour working in the yard

    smiley-happy110.gif Today I visited my friend who had knee replacement surgery. She is in a rehab/convalescent place because she was dizzy and had very low blood pressure and needed more care. She is the one who follows a strict no sugar or flour, three weighed and measured meals food plan. The facility wasn't able to accommodate her food plan so her husband has been bringing food to her. I admire her so much and it was a joy to visit her.

    <3 Barbie
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi sneakers,
    11 more days till travel time to the states. Yes I'm excited! I won't deny that Tomorrow we are going to our beach house for 4 days. Need to enjoy a few days with my husband before I desert him.
    Better start getting things ready and v packed up so we can B leave after my morning swim.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2015
    A lovely day in Cornwall after a chilly night and I've already been shopping and walking in the woods where I took even more photos of bluebells. A light lunch and then off to yet another viewing of an auction in a town about 8 miles away. From the internet catalogue I'm not sure they have what I'm looking for but it's worth a look.

    Phoebe ~ That video of the honey tap was fascinating and at first I thought it was a joke!! My bees would be all over those containers like a rash in seconds at the very smell of the sweet honey but it does look like an amazing invention that saves having to extract the messy old way. I'm going to send the link to our local apiary as I know they'd be fascinated too so what with that and the big iron crank up you're educating a lot of us Brits!!

    Anne ~ No luck at the auction viewing yesterday but a nice little trip out anyway to Lostwithiel, an ancient stannary town that dates back to 12th century and still has a lot of architecture from way back. Another day, another viewing although I'm not anticipating seeing what I want. Your view on elderly "boyfriends" had me smiling as I feel much the same, probably because I've been on my own for some time now and am so independent I don't want to get lumbered with someone who expects meals at a certain time, washing, ironing and general picking up after them so know I'd be impossible to live with. Yesterday I posted a birthday card to my old school friend Anne with the 'E' on the back of which was that quote "life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely but rather to skid in broadside thoroughly used up, worn out and loudly proclaiming "WOW ~ what a ride!" and agree with you that age is just a number and these days I can honestly say I've got more energy than most 40 year olds that have been brought up to live a mostly sedentary lifestyle which is quickly catching up with them.

    Sandy ~ Looks like you're getting all the sunshine you need to store up for when you return home. It's lovely to see you so happy and MARIE has got a point!!

    Barbie ~ As ever I do admire your determination to keep to a routine that obviously works for you. My more lackadaisical approach certainly has its downside but I do my best!!

    Marie ~ Hang in there with that iphone and hopefully you'll soon have a new laptop. We couldn't do without you!! <3

    Yesterday I survived my 500 calorie intake although went to bed feeling hungry so will now enjoy a slightly less light lunch before going out.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Marie - has Alice helped you order a new computer?



    No Lin that is on Saturday her plans is to bring her lap top and a small moniter for me to try it out an go buy me a latger moniter to hook up to a lap top. I will be so glad I am sick and tire of this I pad
    Don.t know how to do anything much. type and lose my post I love it for reding books but cannot get the print large enough for me to read
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, glad you feel like me, I've had some very lucky escapes! Why my cousin would want a chap who comes with an AWFUL lot of baggage beats me, but then she doesn't have the experience I've had, some gained from a friend over here. J and her sister were ecstatic when 81 year old Mom in the UK announced her impending marriage to a youngster in his early seventies. "We won't have to worry about Mom now, she'll have B to take care of her" they happily said. Well no prizes for guessing what happened, B soon developed failing health and Js sister in the UK ended up looking after them both. Like you, I've been alone for quite a long time, and it's bad enough mopping up after messy eater Tabitha Daisy without adding some chap of MY generation to the mix who would want waiting on hand and foot! "Listen to the gipsy's warning" as the old song goes! Hope you find exactly what you want today in the form of bookcases!
    That's a smashing quote! My lads couldn't believe I moved that urn, so there you go!
    Have fun, the other ANNE with an E.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My vegan diet is working miracle on me. I notice this morning my back did not hurt as bad. I am adapting pretty well wih this plan. wOw I may be chasingJerry around the house soon. Ha. Ha
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Wednesday! :) Had a good time at taco Tuesday until my SIL said something to upset me, but I am trying to let it go so my vacation is not ruined. I drove home with my daughter and she agreed with my SIL so I told her we will have to agree to disagree. She hopes it won't put a strain on our visit so I am really hoping I get over this soon. I really don't want to go into all the details but it does have to do with both of our sons recoveries. The sun is shining brightly so it looks like another beautiful tanning day. Carl has a school friend who is on business in Florida coming for dinner tonight, they do keep busy.

    Jackie, due to above post, I really don't think I could live with my daughter and her husband. I, like you, am used to being on my own so I think I will stay that way. I like visiting my kids but they have different lives than me.

    Phyllis, have a great time at your beach house and your alone time. After the beach house you will only have a week before seeing your mom. How long is the flight?

    Barbie, still going strong and walking amazing steps. I am happy to get 5k steps a day.

    Anne, you made me blush, and once again I apologize for adding years on your age, but even at 79 that is a lot of work. I do agree that I do not feel my age and sometimes wonder who is that old lady in the mirror I call Babe every day and he does ask if I will ever come home since it is so beautiful here. I really would miss the friends and family I do have back home, so not ready to move yet.

    The sun is calling my name. Have a wonderful day!

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SANDY, me poking my nose in again BUT, if Babe misses you, and you miss Babe, and Daisy loves you both, and you love the heat, and everybody is American and doesn't need passports, why on earth don't you 3 sell up and buy again in Florida.? Nice new start for you and Babe, and your family will LOVE to visit in the winter, and YOU can come North in the summer. You don't even have to cross the Atlantic like most of us ex Europeans. I know, I know : what DO I KNOW, butt out ANNE, BUT I wouldn't mind having that decision to make! ANNE.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    Much easier said then done Anne. His kids run his life and he doesn't do anything to change it. Love your concern and wish it was that easy but unfortunately it is not. Wonderful day at the pool today, life is good and I am grateful!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Greetings sneakers! I had a busy errand day. Some of it medical...ugh! But now we are home. John's down for his afternoon nap, doggies are napping as well. I have a quiet time to chat with you all. John checked out the movie "American Sniper" and I'm not sure I am tough enough to finish watching it. It is pretty violent. I will most likely stay upstairs and work in my art dungeon tonight. I love drama but not drama with blood and explosions.

    Must mention about our latest glamour gals...Sandy , you look very tan, relaxed and pretty darned cute in your swimsuit, splashing in the pool.

    Annie: wow! That new photo on your profile shows what a slim glamorous lady you are. You are right to think of yourself as in your 50/60s. You look it and act it. Moving concrete masonry around isn't for the old and faint of heart.

    Marie: I've thought about going vegan. I could do it without any problem. Hubby, John would think I'm trying to starve him to death. I mention Bill Clinton and how great he looks but it doesn't seem to carry much persuasion. So I sort of do 1/2 vegaterion thing.

    Jackie: I wish I could offer you one of my bookcases. Right now it is full of books but my dream is to cull the excess literature. I am drowning in books.

    Large salad tonight with salmon fillets to keep John alive and happy.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Holy crow, missed all since at least the 13th, so am kind of skimming to see how you all are! Since it's almost midnight, I hope I can stay awake before I finish!
    Loved JACKIE's bluebells, as well as ANNE's and PATSY's reaction to the beauty! Wish I could drive up to Jacksonville to see skinny SANDY again, but am not as comfortable about a 400 mile drive as I used to be! So sorry, but hope she's having a great vacation! PHOEBE, does decluttering ever cease? I spend so much time thinking I'm about finished...and then I see the pile on my kitchen counter and shrug! Better luck to you! Loved your sweet hugs! When are my favorite peaches ready?
    BOB, so many of my friends have that heart rhythm problem, and wear defibs which always seem to need attention. I hope yours, plus that sudden weight gain, have stabilized! Congratulations over BROOKE and much good luck to her family! Hope JEAN recovers as well as I did from cataract surgery. I love being able to see without glasses for the first time since I was 8 years old!
    Oh my word, I just saw that amazing cat , JACKIE! Some doctor, eh?
    PHYLLIS, sleep seems to become more difficult as we mature, and I hope yours returns to normal. A 15 minute mile is actually better than average and don't forget it's a 4 mile hour! Sounds good to me unless you are planning to race! Your kids might enjoy those letters some day!
    BARBIE, beautiful photo of your trip! The upper northwest coast truly is magnificent! SHIRLEY, sorry about that nasty steam burn! And yes, meditation is wonderful once you learn to "let go"! Gorgeous photo of Kathy and family!
    ANNE, charming cottage and are those tulips back there? Squirrels used to eat the heads off ours!
    MARIE, too bad about all that rain you've had. My sister in CO says the same as you! Happy about your computer reviving!
    LIN, you must be feeling relieved at all you've accomplished! It will be finished soon!
    PATSY, your rhodies look like prizewinners! I do miss them as it's too warm here.
    JACKIE, we Floridians love el Nino as it keeps the hurricanes away from us! We worry about la Nina!
    CONNIE, I am hysterical at your photo, since I recall when you first started digging up and moving rocks to form lovely rock gardens! This one looks beautiful, too!
    Good to hear from DIANE again! I can identify with your computer worries. And weight gain. But for me the battle is really being lost as the food gets better and better!
    Having a bit of a problem as I attempt to go to the next page. MFP doesn't want me to do that and tries stopping my every attempt! Cries "ERROR" each time I turn the page! And I dare not type anywhere but my Notepad, or I'll lose it!
    SANDY, love your darling Gecko! They eat the other bugs, including fire ants! You must look divine!
    Well, I did finish reading all your posts, and am happy but sleepy! Made a 30th anniversary card for my eldest DD and her DH and as I was about to lick the envelope, I reread it once more...thank heaven! I had repeated the cover poem on the second page and had to redo the center pages! Luckily I had made it with a separate middle page so all I had to remake was the inside. What a waste of time! My DS has lost 20 pounds and is thrilled enough to continue his modified Paleo diet. I wish his mother would learn to eat that way! I succumb to all the delicious dishes our chef has been cooking! I try portioning, but not much success so far. We ate dinner tonight with 3 ladies we've not eaten with before, and it was really a delight. One was the 72 year old niece of one of the other women and her stories of how she traced the lost father who was shot down as his parachute floated down over Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge were mind-boggling! And fascinating, and she should write a book about her adventures. Mike was positively charming (if a bit risqué at times) and they seemed to enjoy his reaction to their company. It was almost like the "old" Mike! It was delightful to laugh at dinner again! He has gone back to singing in the chorus and working in the workshop with some really nice fellows. They watch him very carefully! There's probably more to say, but my mind is blanking out...Oh, my son-in-law is going to send me his I Pad as soon as he receives his new gift of the latest model on Father's Day. Should I be excited? I've never used an Apple product.
    Please forgive spelling mistakes as they no longer seem to be automatically protected.
    I just remembered something I wanted to mention to SANDY; our oldest grandson is addicted to pain pills and other drugs and he just turned 35 on the 17th and has moved down here to his parents' home. Has never held a job since he stepped into a hole while attending Police Academy many years ago. How does one go about suggesting AL anon for the parents? They, or at least his mother, are in denial, and he is suffering from their enablement! I dare not say a word, but what about his mother's siblings, or her father?
    (who happens to be my DH ). I think if her Mother were still alive, she would be more pro-active than acting like a ostrich while her daughter continued enabling grandson with excuses for using pills! If it were my daughter, I think I would get involved, but it's easier said than done. A life wasted at 35 seems a pity to me. Any suggestions? OK, I'm stumbling off to bed. Hope to have time tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2015
    Warm sunshine and plenty to do in the garden so will pop back this evening to catch up with you all. No suitable bookcase at the auction but I'll keep looking. BUZZ ~ wonderful to hear from you but by my calculation you were sitting at your computer well after 1am so hope you got a good few hours sleep. <3

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    GREAT to hear from Buzz, I was getting concerned.
    Im so sleepy, getting up at 6am is toooo early! Ill be back!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    Home again..........totally beat.......had spasms in my hands while driving home (had to pry my fingers apart from time to time), then when I got home my vision went wonky and I had spasms in both legs and in my feet. I drank a lot of water, had some dinner and went to bed with a heating pad. I was up and down all night long with the pain so I think today will be a slow day for me. Just finished some laundry, have some sweet potatoes to bake, need to make a trip to the bank and maybe a quick stop at Costco. Farmer's Market late this afternoon and there's a conference call I want to listen in on tonight.

    I did work very hard and had a service come in to do the basement and the garage yesterday but they only had 5 1/2 hours to help as they had to be somewhere else (I thought we had the entire day so I was disappointed). Anyway, when the guy finally gets the screens back and replaces the front doorbell (at least I got the old one unhooked so I could tell them what was needed), it will just be a matter of the guy doing the mowing and trimming, and me keeping weeds at bay in the landscaping beds, and the house sparkling. So my friends, please pray this place will sell QUICK! Meanwhile, Tuesday morning we are having a realtor's preview---the realtor said to expect perhaps 40 - 50 agents! Yipes! Guess I'll be getting up very early go do final straightening up.......

    Time for me to get going before I decide to go back to bed!

    Hugs to everyone. Here's a poem I found in my inbox this morning and I thought I'd post it because I'd never read it before.


    Don’t Quit
    When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
    When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
    When the funds are low and the debts are high,
    And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
    When care is pressing you down a bit,
    Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit.
    Life is queer with its twists and turns,
    As every one of us sometimes learns,
    And many a failure turns about,
    When he might have won had he stuck it out;
    Don’t give up though the pace seems slow–
    You may succeed with another blow.
    Often the goal is nearer than,
    It seems to a faint and faltering man,
    Often the struggler has given up,
    When he might have captured the victor’s cup,
    And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
    How close he was to the golden crown.
    Success is failure turned inside out–
    The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
    And you never can tell how close you are,
    It may be near when it seems so far,
    So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit–
    It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.
    – Lawrence J. Wilcox (1940-2010), Ottawa ON

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited May 2015
    I agree, BUZZ, good to hear from you and a lovely long read over my morning cuppa. Yes, tulips indeed, the last of them, those being the late bloomers in the shade. The squirrels don't eat mine because they are too busy raiding the bird feeder, along with the chipmunks and a big fat bunny who lives in the far corner.
    PATSY, good morning! I'm ALMOST vegan, no red meat but eating fish, eggs and beans for protein. I simply don't like the taste and texture of animal or bird flesh. Force fed as a child, I can do as I like now! Like you, I HATE violent movies, but love a good detective story on the lines of Father Brown, Midsomer Murders, or Daziel and Pascoe, have I got the names right? Well, I'm off to "join" JACKIE in the garden and water the new additions.
    Good morning everybody, Anne.

    Posted my bit and then found YOUR post LIN! I'm really, really sorry you are having such a tough time love.
    Post that poem on your fridge during this time in your life, it's great. Lawrence J. Wilcox, I don't THINK I know of him at all. Must investigate. He was 5 years younger than me and a wise chap.

    God bless, it will all be a thing in the past soon. One thing I'm grateful for, you are doing this in the good weather and not driving in winter conditions.