Senior Golden Sneakers



  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Sneakers....

    Better late than never as they say. I have been enjoying everyones messages as well as the delightful pictures and videos that you all have put on here. I can totally relate to all of this as I have been spending time in both our back and front yards planting plants, moving bark and trying to do something with the backyard that was totally out of control when we bought the house last year. Well be so glad when it is all finally done. With our lack of rain issues here everything must be on drip systems allowing us to water just 2 times a week. I am hoping things stay alive. Thankfully no grass to worry about at this house.

    Also wanted to remark that so many of you people are so talented. The art work that you have done is amazing. Some how I was bypassed when this talent was dished out. LOL

    Marie mentioned something about having to get a new computer. Well I am currently on our new laptop, which we had to get yesterday. One day the old one worked and the next day all I got was a black screen. Mentioned to dh that Marie turned hers back on after being off with a dark screen for a week and it came on. Shall see if that happens with us also. The grandkids can always use a computer in their house. This Microsoft 8 is something different for sure, but my dh has it so it is almost set up like my old one.....thank goodness because I am not much of a techie as they say.

    We took off for 4 days to a local casino with our RV. It is getting very hard to find a place we like to go to as everyone else (baby boomers) has decided to join in the fun owning an RV. As usual we had a fun few days, but very little luck. Came home right after the biggest thunderstorm I have been in kept us awake all night long. Loved hearing the rain however.

    And Jackie.... you are not the lone wolf in the weight gain issues these days. I am getting pretty discouraged about what I have put back on. Guess I was getting real tired of eating just healthy meals though I haven't deviated much. Do need to get back on track and start walking again. Frustrating trying to be so good and the wt goes up. I can blame it on the salt.... the soy marinade on my steak was so good. Back to reality again.

    Well my dh wants to work some more on this so I will end for now. Take care everyone.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    Good evening - I just scanned through today's posts. Sorry for the computer problems Marie---I hope you get a new one soon. Diane, I'm glad you did get a new one! I've been interested in the gardening advice going from continent to continent. You are all more experienced with flowers and perennials than I could ever hope to be! I'll just say that it gets quite cold her with winter wind chills at 30 - 40 below zero. And we have thriving honeysuckles. Of course anything can, in a given year, winter kill. Good luck on all the new plants everyone.

    I did spend all day at church---got home about 4:30pm and then started to do a bit of cooking and finally got something to eat. I have beans soaking for tomorrow, have things lined up to make my weekly mushroom/onion/garlic water sautee. Need to pick up some groceries in the morning and then start packing for my working trip up North. I'll be there a couple of days so will not be around much this coming week.

    Phoebe - I hope your new rose bush is spectacular.

    Sandy - happy vacation.

    Barbie - so glad you are home and all is well.

    Diane - better luck next time at the casino.

    Jackie - Astilbe! That brings back memories. Many many years ago a friend grew spectacular and colorful plants. I hadn't thought of those for a long time. I saw in the paper that she died this year just a couple of weeks after my dad. I heard although she was living with a niece that she still owned her home and I wondered if all her wonderful perennials were still there.

    Hugs and love all the pictures. Thanks for posting everyone.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    a busy morning with a visit to the vet with Boris just for an annual check up which although expensive is mandatory because he's coming up to 17 years young so it's best to keep an eye on him. For all that he's eating, drinking, has a glossy coat and like ANNE's Tabitha Daisy, plenty of attitude. Here's a short video I've just recorded as he sat by the door that George wanted to go out of.... you can see who won that confrontation!!

    We've had overnight rain and heavy showers and I'm now waiting for it to dry out before going outside for yet more gardening.

    Anne (with an 'E') ~ So good to read you managed not only to purchase a few plants but also get them planted up before your rain. Hopefully that heavy bird bath of yours was also moved to its new home with a little help rather than on your own. Like you I have ideas in my head of what I want to do and am then amazed that my body refuses!! Had Cinders grown at all and did she help you with the digging, something George insists on doing when I'm outside!

    Sandy ~ What a beautiful spot you have there by the pool and knowing how much you've been looking forward to some sunshine and warmth I'm so pleased you can relax and yes, get that tan!! Your little lizard is beautiful too.

    Phoebe ~ Why am I not at all surprised you would place a little bowl of water out for your lizard? I doubt there's one creature you wouldn't help if needed. George stayed home when I went to the nursery for some plants because it was a warm day and he would have had to stay in the car while I looked around because they have a daily visitor... a neighbour's cat that sits in the poly tunnel or snoozes under the plants and George might have scared it. I love the title Big Iron Crank Up and will smile every time I see a steam engine trundling up the road towards me from now on! LOL My time in the garden always starts with a bit of procrastinating, usually with a cup of coffee as I decide where to begin and what to do and sometimes a 2nd cup of coffee is poured before a choice is made!! A rose with such a beautiful name will have to be glorious so I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

    Barbie ~ I'm in love! That red panda is delightful. :) So many steps but you do seem to enjoy walking so that's a great way to exercise. I've never thought to count mine and won't be going near a fitbit because I don't like anything telling me what I should be doing! LOL

    Marie ~ I had been missing you and am just pleased it was nothing more than computer woes, as frustrating as it is for you. Never mind, you'll soon be up and running with a new one and Alice will know exactly what you need.

    Diane ~ Lovely to see you checking in with us and what great news.... you had rain at last! Hopefully it didn't run off the dry ground but managed to do some good. My new laptop had Windows 8 installed but I couldn't get on with it at all so my neighbour took it in to her IT whiz kid at work and he replaced it with Windows 7 and I can't begin to say how much better it is for me. All these Aps are foreign to me and not something I think I'll ever want to know about... there again I never thought I'd bother with a mobile phone but in the end joined the crowd!! LOL I'm beginning to accept my weight creeps up every winter and I then spend the summer months losing a few before the cool weather arrives again, it's just one of those things and I'm happy not to be going back to the weight I was when I first joined MFP. I'm happy enough with healthy food and avoiding sodium and sugar but think it must be the occasional peanut butter on a cracker that lets me down!

    Lin ~ I agree that sometimes the cold will get to a plant whatever and others you think should be killed off survive the most extreme of weather. On top of the moor here I've experienced minus 15 winds that have frozen pipes but still all the plants survived and hopefully some of those that ANNE purchased will be ok because they die right back and a bit of mulch will protect them. Have a safe journey as you head north yet again and try not to overdo things.

    Battery pinging so I'm away before it cuts off.

    Enjoy your Monday.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited May 2015
    JACKIE, thanks for the laugh of the day. That's my Tabitha Daisy, she wouldn't let any dog past either! Cinders enjoyed the garden AND the garden centre as well. She was allowed in being all of 4lbs at 4 months. We stayed outside back home, because Tabitha being the owner of my place stayed in! Queen of the castle. Also It was 27C, perfect for outside chatting and coffee drinking. I didn't buy the lupins because they don't do very well in my garden, nor did I buy the Angelica gigas because the owner of the small family business said they had discontinued them because they rarely survived our winter. Everything else, yes, and more, including a very pretty pink azalea called Northern Lights. All now planted and well watered because "they" are now saying it MIGHT rain tonight.
    MARIE I was getting worried about you like everybody else, and it's so good you'll soon be back full force with a new computer.
    I can't believe the subjects we've touched on in the last 6 months! Now, it's gardening, swimming, sailing etc, and come autumn out will come the knitting needles, the quilting, the book reading etc. and then all year round we have the babies and the pets.
    Well, must get started on the chores, happy Victoria Day everybody, enjoy the fireworks, if they weren't all let off last night!

    Anne with the E, and why not just call me Annie!

    p.s, I've just remembered, when the dog next door put its nose under the fence and was barking at Tabitha she just went calmly over and stuck her claws in his huge nose! He yelped, and pulling back, hit his head on the fence causing more yelps. Owner rushed out, decided it was "Charlie's" own fault, but also blocked the bottom of the fence.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Hi All

    We are doing good keeping very busy as usual. Enjoying the videos.

    I've been able to increase my walking but it is easy to overdo it which I did yesterday.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Annie- Where in Canada are you from I can't remember. What a great cottage.
    Patsy - Lovely flowers in your yard so colorful.

    I just cruised through the posts I had 46 to read but today is laundry day so I just went through quickly.
    Everyone's pictures are amazing and all the lovely lush greenry. I took a picture of our front house too.
    I took it on my tablet so I will have to post from that.

    Yesterday was staying at the boat for the day, it was cooler than we expected and we needed a jacket to
    sit in the cockpit. So we got our chairs out and sat on the bow of the boat in the sun and it was glorious.
    We did come home for dinner and ate out the patio it was much warmer at our house. I did go up into
    town and bought another chime for the patio and it was busy with tourists. Dave is getting the boat
    ready for put the new auto pilot on which will be so nice when crossing the lake to Toronto on Lake

    Today was Yoga class and I practiced meditating on a meditation bench and I loved it! No pressure points
    or sore hip from sitting cross legged like I usually do and could stay in the moment for longer.

    Lin - Looks like a productive day for you yesterday and you are getting things accomplished it must feel good.

    Sandy - Happy flying, I saw your pictures on FB of the pool and it looks inviting. Come back well rested.

    All the flower pictures are amazing and your water scene, Barbie looks great! Sounds like you had a wonderful

    HAPPY VICTORIA DAY !! to all my Canadian friends.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited May 2015

    The front of my house with the added black mulch this year.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member

    Yesterday was my oldest sons birthday 36 years old. His wife is expecting their first baby in Sept. They are sure an excited couple. Since Cheese cake is his favorite, his wife nada I attempted to make one for him. It was fun working together on the project. It tasted good too but didn't turn out as beautiful as the ones in the stores that cost an arm and a leg. I hadn't eaten sugar for weeks and my tummy was sure churning last night after we got home. Needless to say I didn't lose a pound either but I've been a very good girl today and stayed within my calories.
    I've organized the letters that I wrote to my mom again today. I have letters from 1968 to 1998 in one binder. A fat one too. It is so fun to read what I wrote back in those days that I was raising my kids. Wonder if anyone else will ever read them in the future. If so they are all organized by year.
    13 more days will I travel to the states!!!!!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Back patio where I spend my reading time.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Shirley, everything in all of the photos is so tidy! I should photograph my yards to provide comic relief. Im serious! Lol.
    Jim is back from race weekend, they had a great time and no rain :p he has been telling me about a house 4 sale near his sister :/ . I'm not sure if I want to move. I like it here. Most things are a bit less expensive there, but not that much.
    I didn't get enough sleep, and I'm fighting napping. So that means i need to move around. Im waiting for the call to pick up Honey from the vet. I'll Always have plenty to do, so I don't have any excuses.
    Jackie, we've passed a phrase across the globe and who knows when we'll hear it from someone else from somewhere else! I'll let you know if i hear anyone Ever say 'Big Iron Crank Up ' other than the aforementioned. Re: your video, poor Georgie. He should get lessons from Honey, she just steps on anyone in her path! Very 1 track minded, and cats barely exist until they are getting treats and breakfast, in case I drop something.
    Anne, you are a smart one, you didn't say, but I think you had help with the planting, didn't you? I mean, they wouldn't want you to do all of the work! o:) I'll likely take your advice and get some small packs of soil. Dh will be working this week and I don't want to ask him to make a special trip. Fingers crossed, that my new rose will thrive in the spot I have for it. I planted a special ordered rhododendron in this spot and it died.
    Jeri, great to hear from you, i completely understand about over doing. Saturday was my day for that. My old fashioned orthopedist said 'whatever makes it worse, don't do it! ' that worked for me Never! Long slow stretching seems to do the most good.
    Lin, be safe on your trips to get things sorted. Hopefully it will all move quickly. Closure can be a great relief.
    Phyllis, you sem excited about coming to the US, hope you enjoy every minute.
    Barbie, the red panda is amazing, such a Face!
    Marie, hugs♥
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PHOEBE, I hate to say it, but no I'm not smart, I did everything myself. I just took my time. I even managed to move the huge urn and pedestal to the back, and the bird bath under the tree. Got told off mind you. Mike had a go with the urn, but he had a very bad spinal injury years ago, involving surgery, so he said it was too heavy and to leave it where it was. Mark is having treatment for back ache so I couldn't ask him. Well, I sat and eyed it and this is what I did. I got a small mat and I started with the pedestal rolling it onto the mat. Then I slowly dragged the mat across the front lawn, down the very long drive and across the back lawn to desired spot. Ditto with the urn piece. I really took my time with frequent stops and altogether it took 2 hours or so. The bird bath, although stone is much lighter. The mat is in the garbage because all the dragging caused it to split in places. Anyway, if I'm reincarnated I'm coming back as a removal man, not a secretary, lol. I haven't told my younger son but I did tell the eldest, and via text got thoroughly told off. None the worse for wear I'm now relaxing and drinking a smoothie, but I think I had better behave myself from now on. The planting was easy, getting the grass removed was the worst. Good luck with the Rose planting.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    I just watched poor little George's race about the house. My goodness, he really burned off the calories! I don't think I saw any movement whatsoever from Boris. I shouldn't laugh at his frustration. I note you did not come to his aid? :smile:

    Anne, I have done similar things so I applaud you on finding a way. I skid things around and did purchase a little hand truck for other things if I can strap them to the platform. Of course I am lucky to have a handyman to call when I can't manage.

    Busy day and have some packing left to do but am close to ready. Hugs to all and hope to see you again on by sometime on Thursday. That's Farmer's Market day and my CSA said they'll likely be ready for the first delivery that day.

    Phoebe - I hope Honey is home soon.

    Marie - has Alice helped you order a new computer?

    Sandy - are you still in the sun?

    Shirley - I love your photos. Beautiful home.....

    Time to scoot along.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello dear sneakers! Oh my, how wonderful to see everyone's photos! It is almost like we are all having a coffee break sharing the latest events in our lives. I have been really behind in my gardening. It has been cold and foggy. Not the best gardening weather. However, it is to warm up later in the week. Then I may be moved to action.

    Went to lunch with a friend today and couldn't help thinking that this is truly a sign of the times...she is in her early 70s and I sat listening to her giggle and coo about her new boyfriend. It was very interesting for me to see. It reminded me of a teenage girl. Hope her new romance blossoms!

    John groomed amazing Mazzy, the sheepdog. She has her summer hairdo now. She can still bring inside bits of twigs, leaves, blackberry thorns and mud and stones. Mazzy is a mobile dirt magnet. The other dog, MoMo, is rather expert in harboring creatures to bring inside. Slugs are her specialty. Also any loose bit of disgusting trash is her treasure! John says they are part of our fitness plan, in case we ever got lazy or bored.

    I would love to go on a vacation but I am feeling overwhelmed by tasks these days. You all are stuck with me as I whine about my garden. Maybe an autumn trip will work out.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    edited May 2015
    Not sure what happened to my post that I wrote this must be in cyber space with all the other lost posts. The birthday celebration was wonderful, great food, great friends. Today was a beautiful day at the pool with the exception of about 10 minutes of rain. I am so relaxed and loving every minute. Babe told me I may never come home and I agreed. Not really I would miss Robby, Bryanna and the rest of my family. More pool time tomorrow and for dinner taco Tuesday's with neighbors, some where they go every Tuesday. Having a wonderful time, just hope I am not going home with too many extra pounds.

    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Sandy, I imagine you are feeling very tropical there. I can almost smell the suntan lotion.
    Patsy, I can also imagine the damp cool weather that has you dreaming of vacation days.
    Honey did great, her hw treatment went well. She doesn't have to go back for 6 months. She is allowed to go for walks and resume normal activities. Her hip or spine, whatever, is still improving. So we will take it easy.
    Anne, that was still a lot of hard work, glad you are strong enough to get thru it all.
    Hi Dianne! You either get dry heat waves, or gully washers. No happy middle in your neighborhood.
    I'm about to fall asleep, goodnight,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2015
    Just gone midday here so I'm enjoying a few prawns, cottage cheese and a couple of dry crispbread because I'm on a fasting day in an effort to get my weight shifting in the right direction. Swam this morning with friends and because I'd only had a small banana for breakfast decided at that moment to keep today's calories down to 500. When I returned home checked my blood pressure and was delighted to see it's back to normal having been a little high for some time. I'm convinced months of trauma with a neighbour's builders wound me up too much a couple of years ago and it's taken this long to get myself back to my usual calm.... a note to myself, don't let others affect me out of their ignorance! Another auction this afternoon to check on a couple of bookcases they have in their catalogue and then a long walk for George because we only managed about 15 minutes this morning, enough to do the necessary, in between heavy hail storms that seem to have moved on now.

    Anne ~ Amazing lady so full of determination to get those heavy items moved and yes, you did it.... where there's a will and all that! Now the work is done you will be able to enjoy your garden knowing it's beautiful because of your hard work. Dear little Cinders at just 4 lbs wouldn't stand a chance against my Boris either as he weighed in at 5.7 kilos which by my reckoning is about 11 lbs! Not fat though, just a large build according to the vet. Your new Azalea should be wonderful with such a name because isn't that another term for the aurora borealis? All those gorgeous colours!

    Lin ~ I'm laughing too much to go and help George get past Boris when they have their little confrontations and think not always getting his own way does him good!! Did you ever find professional cleaners to help or are you going to do all yourself? If you are do take care of your joints and don't overdo or put yourself under pressure. The work will get done in the end with or without a deadline! Safe journey.

    Patsy ~ The weather always affects my mood for gardening or not and yesterday afternoon we had a cold wind and blustery showers that kept me indoors so I completely understand why you wouldn't be choosing to work outside in such weather. Don't ever think we imagine ourselves "stuck" with you because your posts are always interesting and full of humour and I for one look forward to reading what you're up to even on a wet misty day!! Your story about Mazzy and her twigs made me smile because George is much the same because he's so low-slung and Boris the cat is like your Mo-mo because he will often get up on my lap only to deposit a slimey slug on my knee!!

    Phoebe ~ That's great news about Honey who is obviously so worth the love and effort you're putting into her recovery from all she suffered from before you adopted her. She must think she died and went to heaven!! She definitely single minded if she can walk past a cat without concern for her nose getting scratched. Boris only rarely bops George on the head without claws out but it's enough to earn respect! LOL

    Shirley ~ Thanks for showing us photos of your home too which is again soooo Canadian in its neatness. A perfect spot to sit and read and chill.

    Sandy ~ Don't go worrying about a couple of pounds gained, just continue to enjoy yourself because you've worked so hard with Robby and it's obvious your old routine has gone completely out the window although we know how much you love the little guy. You deserve a wonderful holiday which it sounds as if you're getting.

    I've scraped the last speck of cottage cheese off the plate and sipped a black coffee so must now head off to view the auction and keep myself busy and not thinking about food!!
    Have a great Tuesday.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited May 2015
    Morning Sneakers, just a quickie. Here's the "ugly" stone urn and pedestal. You have to imagine it filled with trailing ivy and flowers. Annie.
    The songs of the birds for laughter
    The scent of the flowers for mirth,
    You're closer to God in your garden
    Than anywhere else on earth.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited May 2015

    A cloudy day and cool again after some humidity. Its been an up and down weather lately kind of like my weight.
    I am getting frustrated again not seeing the scale stay down. I have substituted one meal a day with a smoothie and
    that is not working. I plan on a bike ride this morning even if the weather isn't sunny. Maybe it will start to move.

    Anne - Beautiful flowers, I love this time of year when everything is so green and lush.

    We are looking forward to Kathy's party on Saturday, house warming/baby shower. Isaac will be on display for everyone to see. We ordered some outfits from Florida (Bealls) on line for him they are so inexpensive compared to our prices.
    I am kind of disappointed my sister and my friend will not be coming with us. So our van of 7 is down to 4 or maybe 5
    if my BIL comes with us. He hasn't decided if he is going with his son and their family. I picked a floor mat for Kathy
    with a bicyle on it with flowers, it reminded me of Amsterdam which she loves. I am bringing a cheese/meat tray which I
    ordered from Sobey's and I will make some cookies.

    Well Dave has already left for the boat and finishing up projects there and I will get on my bike and have a ride.

    Sandy - Don't worry about the pounds when you get back you and I will be in the same boat, so to speak, and I
    didn't go anywhere.

    Phoebe - So glad Honey is okay and her health issues are getting better. A lot of worry but that is what you get
    sometimes from a rescue dog so you have to be prepared and I know you are. How is the knee doing?

    Patsy - You have your work cut out for you with the dogs, but they are so much fun.

    Lin - Safe travels on your next venture with the estate issues. It sounds like you are handling things better.
    You can only do what your body lets you do. Rest in between, you have a lot of stress on your plate.

    Enjoy the day!

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member

    Jackie, interesting hive


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited May 2015
    PHOEBE, interesting! My apple trees are full of big fat bees this year! Won't bore you with another photo but moved the urn into a far corner among the trees and bushes. Looks better, and I just wanted you to see the size? Almost funereal?