Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited May 2015
    Yes Jackie, it is true, you are so very thoughtful. Thank you for taking time to compose this video. I agree with Patsy, similar to Oregon forests but i believe the Oregon forests are more dense, but i love and would be at home in both places.
    Things to do, a few groceries, decluttering continues.
    Anne, enjoy your memories of that beautiful place.
    Sandy, hppy birthday Daisy!
    Buzz, hugs to you, hope you are finding pleasure each day with all you have going on, you deserve it.
    Marie, friends posted about van tx. I didn't realize Kathy lives that direction.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member

    Quick drop-in to say I am still alive and on MFP. LOL

    Weight status:

    Weird. Went to hospital 6 days ago re: heart rhythm issues. I weighed in at exactly 93 kg (205 lbs) with clothes on etc. Blood pressure issues (70 over whatever) required intravenous infusion of fluids before and after procedure.

    The NEXT MORNING – I was 11-12 pounds heavier and I hadn’t even eaten 1400 calories! Two days later at Heart Center they explained it was a lot of fluid I took in etc. and “yes” it could cause that kind of gain. I thought it would be gone in a day or two – but so far only a 2 lb loss. They took me off Cardizem because of BP and may reduce Toprol – but they had to wait a week to see etc. I return to Heart Center this afternoon and leave shortly. They will likely leave my other meds as is.

    Great news:

    Third grandchild (Brooke) arrived Saturday weighing in at 7 lbs 10oz. As any grandparent would say – she is beautiful! I look at my daughter and still see her at times as that little girl with arms stretched out asking to be picked up. :)


    Jean had her cataract procedure for one eye on Monday and had her follow-up visit yesterday. As many here might know – it is now eye drop city throughout the day with 3 different drops. Procedure was simple – they even give patients a massage and a plant. The drops are the real pain. LOL

    I’ll likely catch up on everyone’s posting over the next week.

    Best wishes to all. Bob :)
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited May 2015
    BOB your absence was noted and I just want to say I'm so sorry you and Jean have been going through such a trying time lately, and I sincerely send you both good wishes that these health issues will soon be behind you and all restored to normal. Isn't it funny, when things aren't so good, along comes something to brighten ones day, in yours and Jeans case little Brooke. Happiest congratulations! Grandpa and Grandma!!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    On my way to bed as I have to be up early for a swim in the morning but wanted to say oh dear ANNE, I didn't want you to snivel and get too nostalgic but I can imagine the song of a blackbird would easily get to anyone so am delighted you enjoyed the bluebell video even with some very shakey bits! I too watched the painting bluebell woods video and was impressed just how easy he made it look... also enjoyed the cuckoo in the distance, something I heard on a walk across the moors quite early in April. The man in the video about filming mist on Cornish wooded river often walks at the same time as me but I hadn't realised he posted on you tube but I have often seen him standing in the middle of the river with his camera although never felt the urge to follow him!! It seems he was there when I stood for an age listening to the woodpecker! There probably is wild garlic in the woods but I've not come across it yet. A few years ago I dug some up from under a hedgerow to plant at the bottom of my garden but it didn't survive... maybe just as well.

    Phoebe ~ Here's a link to a video about the incredible vet I mentioned this time with a famous cat Oscar who lost his back feet in an accident with a combine harvester but Noel worked out how to save him by replacing them, the first time such an operation was done and successfully. There are follow up videos of Oscar as he progresses and you'll see what an amazing man Noel Fitzpatrick is.

    Time for my bed. A busy day tomorrow but should find time to log on here at some point.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Sneakers.
    It's 1:00 am here and I can't sleep. I went to bed early and then my husband came in much later and I woke up, we talked a while and now I can't go back to sleep. Decided to get up and read all the Sneaker posts. Loved the videos. I hope seeing those bluebells and hearing the peaceful chirping of those birds will help me to go back to sleep. How lovely that was. What a wonderful place to b able to take walks. Quite a contrast to my walking grounds. I love all the green.
    I woke up at 4:50 this morning and headed to the track to walk/ jog. I decided to time myself on doing a mile and see how long it took. Well it took 15 minutes. I am slow I know but at least I made it a mile. I have not done a straight mile for months. I usually do a walk a half lap and jog a half lap. I was sweating by the end of the mile. It felt good.
    Visited a friend this morning, then came home and have been reading old letter that my mother let for me that I had written to her though out the years. I found some letter that I had written to her back in 1967 before I was even married. It is fun to sit and read about what I did years and years ago when my children were small and growing up. I am trying to organize the letters into years but I get so busy reading each letter that the progress is slow. But interesting!.
    I'll read a little now and then try to get some sleep. I'll be getting up in a few hours to go swim. I hope I can sleep some before that time comes.
    Good night all . Phyllis
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, Oscar and the AMAZING Noel Fitzpatrick, wow! How wonderful. Lucky Oscar to have him for a vet! Yes, I meant to mention the cuckoo cuckoo-ing on the painting video. When did I last hear a cuckoo! Well, actually last Sunday if you count Roy's cuckoo clock when he phoned from the UK. Lol. He's my late cousins widower. I believe the blackbird has the widest range of notes in its song. I do miss the songbirds.
    Goodnight Phyllis, hope you sleep and enjoy your swim.
    Goodnight JACKIE, you too, and enjoy your swim.
    Such energy! Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member

    We're home from our trip.....we drove over 400 miles yesterday, a lot of it along the rainy.Oregon coast. Here is one of the sights
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Beautiful video Jackie. I am sure I would get in trouble in your woods. Seeing the bluebells and the made me itch to be out there with a trowel doing some poaching!!

    More tomorrow I hope. Hugs to all.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Here is a picture of the track at the school where I do my walk/jogs Phyllis
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member

    Here is the ramp that I told you about that I walk and jog on in the mornings. It is the way the students go up to go to their classes. I just do teach the 3rd grade and we were on the second floor. Phyllis
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Well something Or I should say some one goofed and instead of posting the ramp it looks like I posted my toes and my TV. HA HA jokes on my. I'll try not to post the ramp too. Phyllis
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    I did finally get to sleep just before it was time to go swim this morning. But it was a beautiful morning as you can see in the pics I took this morning at the school. Now the question is SHOULD I GO BACK TO SLEEP and make up for the LOSS of sleep last night or just PLOW THROUGH THE DAY?

    Hope you are all sleeping now and resting better than I did last night.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited May 2015

    A cool but nice day here. Our temperatures have dropped to the 40's but getting warmer as the days go by. I took my pansies
    in because they predicted frost last night. We hope to plant the rest of our plants and flowers on Saturday and get the
    grounds ready for summer. I am not planting a lot of flowers this year because we will gone most of the summer with the
    boat so I will plant some greens and then some flowers. Only tomatoes and romaine lettuce in our garden this year.

    I am planning a long walk this morning on the trail by the water so I will be driving there this morning. Dave will be heading
    to the boat to put another coat of varnish on the wood in the companionway. We are going on a paddle wheel cruise this
    evening at 5:00 open to the board members of our sailing club. So I better dress warm.

    I had an accident this week of getting a steam burn on my arm. I had one before years ago and they are nasty to get rid of.
    I was reaching over the kettle to put a knife away and BAM! I guess I had a blister there and it opened up so I have a
    big bandage on my arm. What a pain! and yes it does pain. You know what they say, most accidents happen at home.

    Jackie - Loved the video of little George and at one point I could see a painting of one of the scenes. What do you think
    Patsy and Anne? Such a lovely place to walk so peaceful. My daughter bought me a book on meditation with a CD for beginners. I read the book now to listen to the CD. Such lovely bluebells.

    Sandy - Enjoy your trip to Florida and don't worry about the pounds just enjoy your family.
    Phyllis - I do see some green around pictures and what a great track to walk.
    Bob- Sorry to hear about the health issues for you and your wife. May all go well soon.

    Hi to Lin, Patsy, Phoebe, Anne, Marie, Buzz and Barbie.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) Did not win at bingo!! I am not going to my meeting today as I am helping a friend with a Church function and she asked me to call bingo for them. I have a nice strong voice and will be heard. (she means I am loud)

    Jackie, of course I teared up with the video of Oscar, what an amazing doctor. We have had two dogs with three legs, one was a rescue dog who we think was hit by a car and couldn't use his leg. We tried everything for a year to get the nerves to work but never did so finally had to have it amputated. The second was one of our Old English Sheepdogs who got cancer but lived a happy productive life after his amputation. My other Old English got some disease having to do with a degenerate spine and couldn't pee the normal way. I catheterized him three times a day for six months until he couldn't walk and we had to put him down. Besides all that four of our dogs had to have new hips put in so you can imagine how much money we spent on taking care of our babies. It was worth it all though and we would do it again in a heart beat.

    Bob, sorry to hear about the health problems in your lives but happy to hear about the new granddaughter.

    Welcome back Barbie.

    I know I have a lot to comment on but I just don't have the time right now. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Quickie from me because I want to weed this afternoon. My new geraniums and honeysuckle survived 1 degree last night and the honeysuckle, which is a fairly large plant, is already starting to open its buds, now I'm sure you are all relieved to hear that! LOL!

    You should be okay planting on Saturday SHIRLEY, seeing my stuff survived. Ouch! Nasty burn SHIRLEY! Be careful it doesn't get infected! Yes, I've really looked and looked at JACKIES video, and I think there will be another "try" down the road, now I've got a visual! Meanwhile, my ego is a little shattered! I have a long way to go! Oh, and happy sailing, you lucky girl!

    SANDY, that's truly amazing how you cared for your furry friends. I truly believe there are more caring people in the world than the other sort who seem to only want to destroy. It seems EVERYONE I know or personally know OF, is a loving person! Which makes me one lucky and fortunate Annie.

    Are you sleeping PHYLLIS? Nice toes!

    Now where are my gardening gloves, bye EVERYBODY,

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Phyllis, you have nice toes, lol... your photography skills are well, let's just say, careful where you aim!! I like that ramp, it would be a good workout and not so hard on knees.. knees are on my mind these days. The track is so nice and clean. It is in a sunny spot too.. is there any shade from the buildings when you walk there? I'm glad you finally slept.. I'd plough thru if you can.. This is from the one who can sleep 24 hours!!
    Sandy, have fun at bingo, and I cried too watching the video.. I love critter people.
    Bob, sorry that your monumental achievements in your weight loss are being dampened with these heart issues. Glad you checked in so we won't worry if you get busy again. I'm sure you can get rid of the swelling.. I'm always told to drink more water to get rid of water. Hugs to you both.
    Shirley, enjoy your walk, it reminds me to check out the trails around here.. I have to take short walks for now, but I want to see whats along the trails. I've heard there are lots of wildlife sightings, some I don't want to see.. creepy crawlers.
    Lin, hope you had a productive trip.. and I hope you are resting from it.
    Barbie, beautiful lighthouse! is it an old one or is it a new construction? It looks well maintained.
    Jackie, what a wonderful vet, and he really cares about his patients.. I love that!!
    Do you know we haven't heard from Chris in Idaho in forever??

    off to home depot, grocery, who knows what I'll get into!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    After my shower this morning and bandaging myself up I headed down to the water and walked on the trail. It's like a park where I walk very open with trees and water and you can see the border bridge where i walk, I live in a border town. Actually I walk to the bridge and back. Today I tried jogging some and walking some. I will see how I feel tomorrow with my joints.

    Jackie - The video about the cat was heart warming. You could see how proud the doctor was seeing Oscar move about.
    What strides in medicine these days.

    Bob - Congratulations on the new grandchild. What a feeling.

    Phoebe - I know Chris has computer issues most of the time just getting on here. Maybe that is why we haven't heard
    from her.

    Kathy's first Mother's Day

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited May 2015
    Wondered if you'd like to see a bit of my old cottage, plus one of the old apple trees in bloom. Annie.

    I've Just seen the happy photo Shirley, beautiful little family. It came in just as I was posting my old homestead. It's Photo day!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    And here's a bit of the back, complete with 2nd apple tree. Too early for flowers yet. Annie.
