Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, we live in interesting times. My sons are still very "English" despite having emigrated at the ripe old ages of 8 and 11 years, and we try and watch all that is going on in the UK with great interest. I wonder if Mr Cameron will keep his promises to review EU membership and demands, and also future immigration policies. it's really great having someone from the old country report on various aspects of life now that our own family over there have in the main gone, and for that I truly thank you. I am an optimist by nature and in my bones I feel that good will come from all this "upheaval".
    I guess George was too young to vote! Let's face it I bet his choice would have been as good as anyone's, probably only asking for a "treat and bone allowance" when old! We 3 loved your woods photo, happy memories of hunting for "conkers" by the lads.
    Michael took me out for lunch today for Mother's Day. I made it memorable by waving my arms about and swiping a full glass of water off the table and onto his pants! The card from him read on the front "Mom because it's Mother's Day I took a minute to write down ALL the things you've done for me. It's a surprisingly short list". Inside a spring bounced out with "EVERYTHING" written on it and "I told you it was a short list!" For such a big chap he is a real sweetie. Mark my younger is a sweetie too. I see him Sunday. I am truly blessed!
    Beautiful Hawaii JERI. I do hope your health problems will be soon over. Just awful for you and you such an active person normally.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Being an odd duck, I sometimes wonder who and why Mothers Day was invented. I love it, but when my mom was with us it was extremely stressful. I would remind my brothers that Mother's Day was coming. One brother was such a goof, I would buy a gift and card for him to give mom. It always made me crazy that she was so pleased that he remembered! I would be awash in mixed emotions. I finally came to the decision that my actions regarding my brother was a secret gift to mom. She loved thinking that we all remembered her on Mother's Day. And in another odd way, it was a secret gift to my brother. He just beamed when mom showed such delight in the card and gift. Holidays have such an interesting family dynamics. One of the great things about aging is that calm way we can look at things. Understanding without judgement or prejudice. We love our matter how old they are. It is in our DNA!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    An interesting election indeed. I really had no idea who would win. I guess I should add that I'm not too political even in the U.S. elections although I do vote.

    Jeri, I'm sorry you're still having problems. I see you are still walking everyday. I hope it is not causing you too much pain. And thank you for the rainbow. I love it!! What city were you staying in when you took that photo? I see at least one construction crane in the background. Gorgeous rainbow.........

    After checking with a few folks, sitting on my behind for a long time exploring gas oven options online, I finally went to the store and ordered an LG 30" 5-burner self-cleaning double oven range. They had a similar electric model to look at and I *really* liked it and especially the blue light when you opened either oven door. I could really see inside the oven. That's quite important to me as my vision's not so good these days. :smiley:

    It's ordered and paid for but unfortunately it will be 6 to 12 weeks for it to arrive. They actually didn't have many gas stoves in stock. There were lots and lots of options in electric stoves. But my stove is still limping along so the wait shouldn't be a problem. I like having everything taken care of--they take away the old stove and install the new one making sure the gas shutoff for the stove is up to current code. The shutoff is the same age as the stove which is 25 years and they are sure it will need to be changed.

    Yes! One thing in my long list of worn out stuff seemingly settled. The next thing I need in a little while is a new bed. I'm not sleeping very well on this old pillow top mattress and I didn't even purchase a new box spring when I got this last mattress so I hate to think how old that is. Anyway, that's next on my list.

    Someday I'll have a good usable stove and a better bed. Won't that be lovely?

    Now I need to get up and walk for a while.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited May 2015
    PATSY I believe Mothers Day or Mothering Sunday as it's known in the UK is tied to Easter and is 3 weeks before Easter Sunday there if I am correct, hence the date difference between our countries. Here, always in May, in the UK tied to Easter. One eats Simnel cake on Mothering Sunday. I love it. It's a fruit cake baked with a piece of marzipan in the middle, and 12 small balls of marzipan around the top of the cake like a crown. These represent the12 disciples. So originally it was a religious holiday now commercialized alas. Simnel, who invented the cake, I THINK worked in the kitchens of Henry VII. So the holiday is a very old celebration of mothers and grandmothers, tied up with Jesus, his mother, and Easter. Hope I got all that right!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited May 2015
    Gosh took me forever to read everyone posts when you miss one day.

    Yesterday was cleaning the inside of the boat and that is done. Tomorrow will be taking some things
    down like jackets and toiletries I leave there for the summer. Some food products but not alot yet.
    Our liquor supply, yes we do drink. ;) and some soda water and Pepsi for guests, we don't drink soda and water
    of course.

    Today was Yoga class and as of June 15th she has added Tuesday and Thursday morning to the usual
    week of Yoga classes so I have my choices when things get busy.
    After Yoga class I did some grocery shopping for the boat and the house.
    Dave has been at the boat all day today still getting things done like some varnishing in the companion way.
    I got a pedicure at 1:00pm and now my feet are nice and soft.

    The temps are getting higher it was in the 80's today and will be all weekend.

    We are going to see Isaac on Sunday a surprise, we were going in a week and our plans were
    taking my MIL for brunch and making reservations but now a road trip will be taken instead. More pictures.
    Kathy's first Mother's Day. Fraser's parents will be there too so it will be nice to see them again.

    Jeri - Your pictures are fabulous as always. Sorry you are having some medical issues. I hope they
    will get resolved soon.

    Sandy - Enjoy your time off you will need it after much babysitting.

    Lin - Good luck with your estates plans it sounds like some things are finally getting resolved.

    Buzz - Hope your back gets better, I can relate.

    Jackie - Another beautiful woods picture, so serene. Little George is loving it too.

    Phoebe- My dear, good luck on the surgery. My friend from London,On had surgery yesterday
    and i have not called yet to see how she is doing. Good luck with yours! So glad Honey is doing fine!

    Phyllis - Happy celebration with family.

    Buzz - Healthy days a head I hope. You guys can add me to the list of losing posts too.

    Patsy - Hello and here to green thumbs!


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Time to meet my relatives. Im in the coffee shop next door. More tomorrow
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JERI, Hawaiian rainbows are so-o-o-o magnifique! Hope your physical problems are short term :s Rough day here, as we needed 4 things at the store, but crucial ones like TP ! I've not been up to driving since last Saturday
    , but I crawled downstairs, got into the car, realized my neck wasn't turning its usual radius so went only to Publix, filled the cart with 17 terribly important things (fortunately 2 small fresh orange juices) and standing at checkout I glanced at Mike, realized he was suffering a hypoglycemic attack, grabbed an OJ bottle and made him drink it right there! It did bring him around but scared the daylights out of me! Happening too often lately! Read everyone's fascinating posts; had just listened to an analysis of the UK election results, and wondered exactly what it might mean so JACKIE's remarks were quite meaningful to me. Sounds like politicians everywhere are the same breed!!! Must go lie down, so catch you all tomorrow. PHOEBE, best of luck on your surgery!
    <3 Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    Hello from beautiful NW California. Our trip is going well but we miss our pets.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Just a brief note to Buzz: I mentioned that I am diabetic so this is what I do...I always carry a largish handbag. I have a little emergency kit just for times like you and Dave experienced. Carry Daves medicine, a note card with the doctors name and phone number, the nature of his condition, a roll of lifesavers, a small bottle of the diabetic juice or milkshakes made just for this purpose. (Ask your pharmacist for recommendations) It is a comfort to have this all in hand if the need arises. When an emergency happens, we all loose our minds! I couldn't remember my own phone number. All my best wishes, I know you are dealing with a lot right now.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hello. Had a nice family celebration last night everyone was all smiles, had plenty of food and laughs except for the little boy who we were having the party for. He cried almost the whole night. Only saw a smile slip out as we were all leaving. I don't think he was used to all this attention and having so many people at his house. He was glad to just hang out with mom and dad.
    When I got home I had an e-mail and pic of my mom from one of my sisters. Mom was earing a facemask and was receiving one of those breathing treatments. She has developed a bad cough and the doc says her chest is like a swamp full of congestion. They are trying to break up the mess in her chest and get her breathing properly. Also she is on antibiotics and another med. to prevent her from getting a yeast infection that is caused by the antibiotics. I tell you it is a science to figure out how to get some people well. I feel so bad for her. and I am really glad I booked my ticket to go see her. I just hope nothing bad happens before I get home. Hang in there MOM!! I called to talk to her but she was sleeping so that was good. I just talked with my sister who promised to let her know that I did call. I call every day and if I miss a day she gets worried and wonders why I didn't call. Take care everyone. Phyllis
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2015
    I'm back from a lovely long walk and now enjoying a brew of coffee before an early lunch and some allotment's all go! I was smiling at the comments about culling books because at the moment I can't get into my spare bedroom without tripping over the books that were moved upstairs before I decorated. The old bookcase I cobbled together when I first moved in has been put out for rubbish and tomorrow I'm going to view a local auction in the hopes of picking up an antique one. A friend who regularly visits auctions tells me I should get one for next to nothing as people don't want them anymore because, guess what, they don't read!! It might be more to do with e-books but even so, how sad!!

    Jeri ~ We seem to be on a similar journey of gaining a few pounds before losing them again but never quite shifting the last 6-7 lbs to reach our goals. Frustrating isn't it! Like Lin I'm curious to know where that lovely photo was taken as I was amazed at how much construction seems to be going on. I do hope you soon get an answer from doctors about your nerve problems. Could it be something trapped in your back or neck; that can always have an adverse affect on our extremities without us realising why?

    Patsy ~ My oldest brother never ever sent cards to any family member and I remember my mother sighing and saying 'oh well' but accepting he wasn't going to change. What a thoughtful sister and daughter you were to make sure your mother received one anyway, not something that crossed my mind I'm sorry to say. The funny thing is that now my brother is into his 70's he's not only obsessing about family and ancestors but telling me who I should be in touch with and I feel myself getting quite cross because he doesn't realise I've kept up with all of them, even when living in Canada!! It's not something to fall out over of course so I bite my tongue and smile sweetly!!

    Anne ~ Yes, certainly interesting times and I envisage a few battles at Westminster once the SNP gets its feet under the table. In the last couple of weeks electioneering Cameron was practically promising us anything we might ask for and billions of pounds invested in the NHS, care for the elderly, infrastructure, social housing and one great big pie in the sky!!! Politicians and empty promises go hand in hand these days unfortunately! Gosh, what memories you brought back about Simnel cakes; I'd forgotten all about that tradition. I seem to remember Judas was left out of the marzipan balls but the 12th was in fact Jesus who in our house was placed in the centre. I shall now go searching next year around Mothering Sunday and Easter to see if they are still available... perhaps I'll have to bake one! If the weather is fine tomorrow I'll see if I can take a short video of the bluebells and birdsong which was amazing this morning.

    Lin ~ It seems when it came to our election no one had any idea who might end up in power because the polls had them neck and neck... so much for polls! LOL The light in my oven packed up quite a few weeks ago but because my hands aren't as strong as they used to be I can't unscrew its glass cover and keep forgetting to ask my neighbour when she pops in. It's certainly not the same when you have to peer in to the dark oven to check if something is cooked. You know you're right to get out for a walk having sat at your computer for a while. There's a shocking report out recently that says less than 25% of Americans walk more than 10 minutes in a typical week and I thought goodness me, that's less than 2 minutes a day, how unfit must they be??

    Buzz~ I do worry that life is a struggle for you right now and I hope you'll take Patsy's advice and always have something close at hand wherever you are to get Mike to eat if he feels that way. I'm guessing he missed his insulin or a meal again?? Can you get some physio for your neck and back to ease the pain and obvious stiffness? I do hope so because I know how debilitating such problems can be.

    Barbie ~ Lovely to hear from you and delighted to see you are enjoying yourselves but understand you'd be missing those frisky poodles. Hoping Bernie is ok too.

    Phoebe ~ Do you have a specific day for your knee operation and how long do you expect to be in hospital? Hopefully Honey is now used to Jim and they'll look after each other while you're in there.

    Must get on and have rambled on enough. Have a great weekend everyone.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2015

    Writing about Scotland reminded me of a wonderful holiday I had there with friends about 3 years ago and thought you might like to see a couple of photos. The one above taken by the coast as so many dog walkers wandered past in the sunshine. This next one as we headed for the Highlands although we never quite got into the centre of them, but stunningly beautiful scenery even from a distance.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Phyllis - My thoughts are with you and your mom. Safe travels.

    We are heading to the boat this morning after breakfast and showers. Still more to do to get ready for the summer but
    getting there. We are 45 min from where we keep our boat so it's not real close.

    A sunny day already 72F and rising.

    Buzz - Good advice from Patsy, I hope things improve to make life easier for you.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, I've just read your post and thoroughly enjoyed it. Also the stunning photos! Are you trying to make me even more home sick! The last time I ate Simnel cake was the year Mom died. That would be 1996 and I bought it in the village bakery so I guess you can still buy them. You are right, 11 disciples on top, Jesus in the middle, Judas was gone. I wonder what the marzipan in the middle represented? Judas in Hell? Anyway, if I'm not too doddery next year, I'll have a go! LOVE fruit cake at the best of times and love fruity, yeasty, hot cross buns too! Good luck with the bookcases and such fun buying them at an auction. All of ours, yes we ALL still love a good, and the feel, of a real book in our family, came from Ikea. Mine long and low, Mark and Michael's to the ceiling in their modern homes. In fact Mike and I went to Chapters yesterday to get his boy books for his birthday.

    Well lots to do. Must get some potting soil today and I'll think of you as we both are grubbing in the soil!

    Hello to all sneakers on this beautiful day. Cheers from Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello and happy Saturday! I was going through some of my photos from an old gallery show and came upon a photo of a painting I did several years ago. It is a bad photo because there is a reflection in the glass of other paintings in the gallery. It is the only image I have of this painting since it sold long ago. Anyway it reminds me of the spooky woods Anne and Jackie talk about.

    Also wanted you all to see my Mother's Day roses. Our kids are "out of pocket" for Mother's Day but they have made sure I was properly remembered. I will make sure I mother our big furry kids and my big old kid that I try to look after. He is in charge of the Mother's Day dinner! (?) John is not the greatest cook in the world but he is earnest in his efforts. He will dirty every pot, pan and dish in the kitchen as he cooks. We have been married over 50 years so I know how this will go. We will have fun cleaning the kitchen together.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    That IS a spooky wood PATSY, beautiful though, can see why you easily sold it. Your flowers are lovely! Haven't we all got lovely, lovely children. After Friday's outing with Michael, youngest son Mark is taking me to the gardening centre tomorrow for bedding plants and lunch. More work, for me! We are a very practical family, no beautiful bouquets for me alas! I might even choose perennials as they come BACK every year barring bad winters! Maybe I'll try my luck with a rose bush, now there's a thought! I repotted all the house plants today after walking to the organic store for potting soil and I hadn't realized a street garage sale was on. I'm all lemonaded and cookied out from the children's stands. Proceeds for the humane society, the one where my Tabitha Daisy came from. Worthy cause, but I dread to think of the calories! One HAS to eat the cookies they proudly and beamingly sell one - "made by me and my Mommy".
    See ya all, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Good day – well I was off early this morning to pick up my additional packages of pomegranate seeds but surprise---they’d not arrived. The broken truck was delayed lots longer than anticipated and it would have been late morning or this afternoon before it arrived. Then they’d have to sort out finding my box so I said I’d come back in the morning. As a consolation prize they gave me a lovely bouquet of flowers. Wasn’t that sweet?

    Back at home I spent quite a bit of time cooking/preparing food today. Cleaning, peeling, cutting up veggies, made broccoli slaw, baked crackers, cooked some veggies, water sautéed my usual onion, garlic, mushroom mix. I received my shipment of purple sweet potatoes so I baked a few of those. They sent tiny little fingerlings instead of the regular-sized potatoes so I am quite disappointed but will just power through them. Instead of baking 2 regular-sized potatoes, I’ll put 9 or 10 of them in the same space. Truly though, they don’t taste as lovely because they are mostly skin and little center!

    Jackie – I hope you are able to win the bid on the bookcase you’re after. I have 2 tall bookcases right now and I am trying to find a way to bring home the 3rd bookcase that had been mine but is now in my dad’s home. Long story—I’d purchased the 3 bookcases and had them stained and finished to match the woodwork in the house I lived in with my then hubby. When we split up, I got 2 of the bookcases and got them moved to my home but the 3rd one went on the auction block and my dad bought it. The limiting factor may be the cost of getting it moved down here. But it would be lovely to have all of them once again.

    Oh, and I don’t sit that long normally. They are telling us to get up and walk around for at least 2 minutes each hour of the day. Even if you take a walk or walk a lot, they still want you up each hour. They keep saying sitting is the new smoking. I don’t know how much other people sit, I would guess quite a lot when you have a desk job.

    I loved the photos of Scotland. It’s so great to have people share pictures! That is my travel!

    Shirley – I hope you got lots accomplished at the boat today and that you enjoy your visit with your daughter and new grandbaby tomorrow.

    Patsy – what totally gorgeous flowers! So bright, lively, well-arranged and appealing!! Roses and lilies are a great combination. Enjoy cleaning those dishes tomorrow, I'm sure your DH is well-intentioned. And oh my gosh, the picture of your painting is just ghostly and moody.

    Anne – always practical. Good for you. Once upon a time I was always disappointed and broken-hearted because I could never have the things I wanted. That is, if I wanted a certain set of pots and pans, nope, I had to get a different cheaper set. Or if I was pining for a new coat, it was never the one I wanted. I had a big problem in that area I think because I felt I had to *settle* in all things. And I went through a time of buying exactly what I wanted in some things (after I was divorced). Now I’ve come to some peace with these issues and I’m happy and grateful for what I have. Although some people would definitely say I’m still not entirely practical.

    Buzz – that episode with Mike is kind of frightening. Having a kit as suggested by Patsy sounds like a wonderful and practical idea. Hugs and I hope you are feeling okay today.

    Barbie – I hope you and Jake are enjoying your vacation. I think I missed how long you’d be gone or if there was a special reason for going. In any event, I’m sure you miss your darling doggies but you’ll be home soon I’m certain.

    Phyllis – I am sorry to hear of your mother’s problems…….thank the Lord you have your plane ticket.

    Phoebe - I hope you're doing okay given your knee problems. I hope your DH and dear little Honey will look after you as you have your knee surgery.

    Hugs to everyone. ……

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hello All,

    The rainbow picture was taken in Honolulu at the far end of Waikiki Beach right next to the Hilton. We look out at the marina and Ala Moana Park. We could see the cruise boat when it came in from our room as well. The construction is the new addition to the Ala Moana Shopping Centre. Lots of construction around everywhere as a matter of fact.

    Jackie - Again more gorgeous photos. Yes, I wish I could get to the root of my nerve problems too. My doctor was supposed to make an appt for me for a nerve conduction test but that got screwed up. I'll phone next week to make sure they have sent off the request. My husband is concerned that I have a stenosis of my spine as the symptoms are very similar to what he had that led him to have a laminoplasty. What they did was open up one of the discs compressing the spinal cord and put in a spacer, Hopefully that is not what I have too. I find that if I walk for short period - 15 to 20 minutes at a time, it doesn't seem to affect me too much. I am trying that process. My doctor thought as long as I wasn't being too strenuous that it would be okay. Hope we are both right. LOL

    Phyllis - hope you get home to see your Mom soon.

    Phoebe - Good luck with your surgery. Any date yet?

    Second Mother's Day without my Mom. Seems wrong not to be buying her a card and gift.

    tomorrow will be busy though. Out to our dd's for a get together. We are celebrating a whole raft of birthdays and Mother's Day as well. Should be lots of fun.

    This photo was taken at Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historic Park on the Island of Hawaii. I think that was our favourite island.


    Have a wonderful Mother's Day everyone.
