Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning from sunny Ontario! Gardened all afternoon yesterday and now stiff as a board, but you can't keep this old gal down, today I'll repot the indoor plants, outside. A little less forking and spading and BENDING!
    Another lovely memory Phyllis. Yes, we looked at clouds too! I liked to watch "faces" changing with the wind, and seeing I've never QUITE grown up, still do.
    PATSY!! And here's me thinking you would be the perfect child!!!! Big mistake you singing alone, our teachers couldn't cane all 300 of us singing in UNISON. And writing of childhood memories, here's something especially for Barbie and Lin and Jackie and me who all love our veggies, a little verse that goes:

    I eat my peas with honey
    I've done so all my life
    It makes my peas taste funny
    But keeps them on my knife.

    Hope you are much much better today MARIE, and LIN did you go street dancing? Welcome home Phoebe and Bob if you slim even more, pass that t shirt on in my direction. Need t shirts badly now the HEAT is arriving.

    "See" you all hopefully tomorrow, wash day.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Anne, When I was teaching Kindergarten I taught my students that little poem and they recited it to the parents at one of the parties we had. Brought back memories. I loved teaching Kindergarten. Back in the day when they treated the kindergarteners as 5 year olds and did age appropriate learning. Now days it is push, push, push them into reading and writing. I don't agree with that at all. I say let them explore the world and and learn by exploration... they will have plenty of years to hold pencils, or ( LAP TOPS) as they grow up. I think that handwriting might be gong by the way side too with all these devices we have these days and there is So much a child can benefit from the mere holding of a crayon or pencil and writing on a paper. But that is me on my soap box again. Seems I am there a lot lately. Better get busy and do something else today. BYE
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member


    Do take care sweetheart and keep drinking that water!

    Thinking of you. <3
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PHYLLIS, (my aunt lived in Cairo for a while in the fifties) make room for me on that soapbox!!!! With you ALL the way! I don't know about the UK anymore, but here in Canada it strikes me that the little ones are pushed into hockey, karate, soccer, beauty contests (unbelievable), you name it, FAR too early. Where's the joy of exploring and imagining and getting downright mucky with knees stuck with grit from tripping up, and instead of being rushed to the doctor, your mom saying "serves you right for climbing up that bank, and tumbling off it onto the gritty road" as she plucked the grit out with tweezers. (Got a scarred knee among other "war" wounds.) it's how one LEARNS for goodness sake! No one wants to grow old, but I'm very glad I was a child "back then".
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Last PS, PROMISE!

    In summertime we children are glad that we are small,
    For we can see so many things grown ups can't see at all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Sunday!! :) Another gorgeous day and with the windows open it is just beautiful. I went to Mass by myself last night since Babe went to his granddaughter's softball game. There is another game today but he isn't looking forward to it or going to his son's house. It seems his son came to the game "drunk" again and was obnoxious as he gets when he drinks. After almost three years of separation Babe told me today he should have thrown Philip and Cheryl out of his house the day it all blew up even if it meant never seeing his son again. I told him I waited three years for him to tell me that but it wasn't entirely his fault, as we all had a part in it. He is miserable by himself and I have no idea where this will end. Would I go back to him? Not sure. Definitely not in that house but then could I handle the guilt if his kids never talked to him again?? Taking things one day at a time, for now I am content most of the time with a bad day here and there. Off my soap box now.

    I hope Marie is feeling better today and if not will go to urgent care to be sure things are okay. Anne, try and take some pictures of your finished gardening. Phyllis, an hour of swimming is excellent and yes I remember laying in the grass and seeing faces and animals in the clouds. Patsy, I had a hard time last night trying to get on MFP, finally gave it up. Phoebe, good to hear from you, stay safe driving. Jackie, hope the rain stopped.

    Enjoy your day, hope it is as beautiful as mine.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    It is a beautiful sunny Sunday here. We had coffee on the deck and just chatted. Most of the subjects were fun and positive.
    However tomorrow is the yearly physical and we hate doing this. Our doctor of many, many years is very old school. He hates it that we look at health news and topics on the Internet. We will grit our teeth and once again decide if we want to go through the effort of finding a different doctor. I vote yes! Hubby is slower to made this division.

    Sandy: my dear friend, we have close relatives in you exact same shoes. Yours is a hard choice. No matter the decision, you will second guess yourself and tie yourself in knots. It is good that you have other activities and family to concentrate on. Not the same but diverting at least.

    Anne: oh how great to hear these wonderful nursery rhymes. My grandmother spent hours teaching me hundreds of them. I taught them to my kids and my daughter still remembers some of them.

    I am such a ridicules softie...I am thrilled about a new baby daughter for the Dutchess Kate and Prince William. Of course I think all babies are wonderful. Got admit that young mother is drop dead Gorgeous!

    I love the Kentucky Derby. My grandparents were racing fans. My uncle was a horse trainer. We always listened to the race on the radio, of course. We wore funny big hats while we listened and then ate my grandmothers famous cocoanut cake and celebrated the winner.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Hello friends - another wonky day for me with my laptop and MFP......just wanted to stop by and see how everyone is doing. Hope I can go back and read all the posts with my iPad. Wishing everyone a good evening..........

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    pinkperil wrote: »


    Do take care sweetheart and keep drinking that water!

    Thinking of you. <3

    Thanks Jackie you remember I like bears.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Monday!! :)


    Will try to get back later.

    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Marie - A kidney shutting down is a serious thing, I hope you have been to the doctor.
    I am worried about you my friend. Keep us posted how you are doing.

    Patsy - I think you should vote looking for a new doctor. Not to scare you but my girlfriend had an old
    school doctor and not up on things. He didn't give her a colonoscopy because he thought it was invasive.
    Well she is no longer with us due to colon cancer. Be proactive with your health and if you don't like
    what is going on push to get some answers.

    Sandy - If you want my two cents keep as you are you seem happier without the drama from the

    Phoebe - Good to hear from you and stay well.

    Bob- You are still doing fantastic, a lot of work to get where you are, be proud of yourself.

    Lin - I guess I didn't catch you are helping a family from church? Sounds like they are in dire need
    and its good they have you to lean on.

    Another beautiful day here and we going to have lunch with my sister since it is her birthday today.
    She is 8 years younger than I am. Dave will be joining us and we will be meeting Joe her new beau.
    After lunch will be doing some errands and I want to get a new pair of running shoes today. I got
    another badge from Fit Bit for going over 15,000 steps. My runners are wearing out.

    Dave got the boat all waxed now and can go into the water any time. He is still in bed and pretty tired
    today from buffing and waxing all weekend.

    Hello to rest of the Sneakers.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning
    thanks Sandy for the bear. real cute.
    I have a doctor appt this afternoon.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Good Morning All,

    We are back from our fabulous cruise and Hawaiian vacation. What a great time we had. We got back yesterday. An overnight flight leaving Honolulu at 10:30 pm, a stop in Vancouver, BC and the. Home to Calgary. Long, long day.

    I'll catch up with you all later once I'm re accustomed to the 4 hr time difference.

    I skimmed the posts, glad to semi catch up. Loved the pictures of the little ones.

    See you all later



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I struggle to get on to our seniors page yesterday and still having a few problems now so will just quickly check in and say all fine here.

    Marie ~ How could I forget you love bears!! I do hope the doctor can help, do let us know.

    Sandy ~ Shirley hit the nail on the head, you've seemed so much more settled and ok with the way things are with you and Babe so think long and hard before going back into that environment because you can bet your bottom dollar his son won't be changing for the good in the near future!

    Anyone heard from Buzz? Hope she and Mike are ok. Perhaps I'll send a message later today.

    Welcome home Jeri. Can't wait to hear all about the trip.

    Must go and feed the hens their afternoon corn and then the cats that are sitting all around me giving me long looks!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Back.The doctor said I was losing control of my bladder to take 2 water pills a day till I lose this water retentions , Drinks lots of water. Go back in 2 weeks. So not as bad as I thouht.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Oh Marie - thank you so much for glad to hear your update.........HUGS.....and MORE HUGS!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Anne – Loved the changing of the words story from your school days. And yes, I can imagine the outrage over the cane / standing in the corner punishment. Our nuns used a long “pointer” for pointing and “whacking.” I told my father once when I got hit. He asked what happen. I said “she told me to stop talking and turn around.” He asked “did you? time do what you are told.” It was a time before “not my child.” LOL

    Jackie – Nice to see we all got treated “equally.” LOL. For the most part, I think we had a healthy fear of authority – sometimes over the top – but like you said – it didn’t really do us harm in the end (poor choice of words). As for the “all girl establishment” – the guys lived it when they put on a dance – I mean these were the girls we never got to see daily. I’ll admit I was a bit of a flirt – ok the truth – I liked girls a lot. BUT – I had none of the knowledge the typical 12 yr old has today. Middle school was pretty much holding hands and a little kissing. :)

    Sandy & Lin & Shirley – Glad you liked the shirt. It was unexpected, as there was no planned award at the outset. The current challenge will award 3 tee’s.

    Marie – Hope your kidneys are functioning better. Will keep you in my prayers.

    Patsy (and group) – You’re right in many ways. It is the simple things I appreciate the most. I took my first real bike ride in years this weekend! Instead of a shower, I can enjoy a nice hot soak in the tub without displacing too much water – funny & true. I climb stairs a bit easier and can really “play” with the grandchildren. Going to a restaurant no longer requires waiting for a “table” because a booth was impossible or uncomfortable – the list goes on.

    Jeri – Please share more stories and photos from that dream vacation! Looks wonderful!
    My status –

    Like most Sunday’s my sister hosted a family/friend dinner (30-40 people). She does this every weekend. She is the fabric that keeps many of us connected. It is a diverse group - of young & old, liberal & conservative, tattooed and non-tattooed, drinkers and non-drinks (no alcohol is served), religious and non-religious….and everyone manages to put aside drama / differences for the day.

    I had one niece visiting from Colorado and 2 other nieces were celebrating their birthdays. They were born EXACTLY 2 years and 7 minutes apart. This year they both got “Birthday Ink” (tattoo’s) marking the time of their births. One at 5:51 and the other at 5:44.

    I kept my calories in check at 305 for the entire meal and no dessert. I saved my treats for later.

    OK – enough typing for one post – LOL

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    smiley-bounce013.gif Marie, glad to find out that you're OK
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Me too !!!. God bless!