Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Great hearing from busy bee SANDY, and I can't believe Robby is crawling already!
    MARIE, thanks for sharing your experience with me! Today we picked up a new blood test machine with instructions included and I asked the PA to show me exactly how to use it so if this happens again I should be prepared! And yes, I am trying to ignore his personality change when it happens, as he appears unaware of his actions! So far, he says he can see his insulin well enough to prepare himself. Thanks again, sis!
    PHYLLIS, how funny you and I were the only ones seeing the upside down painting. I solved it by emailing it to myself, where I was able to rotate the painting once I received it! I no longer can do a headstand, dear girl!
    ANNE, thank you, too, for explaining your system, which few USA citizens seem to understand. We are so terrified of the words including "socialized" that people forget Social Security and Medicare are actually socialized systems and we could certainly use a national health system here as well! Instead it got scrambled into a mess run by the insurance companies, which is like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse! DAILY CARE in the USA is a matter of purchasing very costly Long Term Policies, provided one qualifies ( no serious conditions, including diabetes!) and then often waiting periods before they come to the rescue. These are private insurance companies because our voters are misled about how well the Canadian and British systems work! I'm so sorry to hear about your friend and her unhappy ending! And no, you are anything BUT presumptuous, you are very kind!
    JACKIE, chicken salad sounds yummy. Sorry you are too far to join you! I read your statement of the NHS, also, and feel worse than ever thinking about what a mess our possibility became once the political system mucked it about! It's now such a mess they may have to start from scratch. Anyway, I must admit I was the one who did not make use of what Edgewater has to offer, and instead of clicking our buttons (which are on a wristband!) I panicked and forgot to call the nurse! I was afraid of her sending Mike to the hospital, but of course she would have simply checked his sugar and given him something to raise it! Dumb me!!!
    We are all agreed about your dreamy cottage!
    I don't think I have seen Poldark on our PBS, but I'll keep an eye out for it. I enjoy watching a good show while my compression pump is on, and I really miss D.A.!'
    Does anyone else watch Blue Bloods with my former hero Tom Selleck? I used to love Magnum PI when he was young, slim, and somewhat comedic! He fills the role of Commissioner and Grandpa quite nicely today!
    Hi, to all our absent friends and hope everyone is enjoying this last week end in April. I understand today is National Pretzel Day, so have a happy nosh!
    <3 Buzz

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello dear sneakers, spring is over here...we have returned to winter. We had a fire in the fireplace this morning and a fire this evening in the wood stove. It is sweater and scarf weather again.

    Reading about the health concerns, I can relate to that. I also have diabetes and it is often difficult keeping everything in balance. I sometimes drop the ball, and then life gets very interesting. My husband comes "unglued" when I am in trouble and then there are two of us in trouble. Not an easy issue to keep in close control.

    We have come to a very happy but sad time. The book we published has sold out and we are thinking we will not okay a second edition. We enjoyed the book signings and author talks and I loved writing it. But my husband feels we need to move on and finish up the editing and publishing details of our new book. It feels like we just let our kids go off to college. We will miss everything having to do with "Women Of The Sea." Oh well, time to move on.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PATSY, my goodness, what a very interesting and successful person you are! ANNE.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Sandy asked how it is here. I think about 95 F. I took a walk this morning to go and pay my internet bill and also to buy a new phone card and it was quite a hot walk but I still enjoyed being outside.
    Can't wait until 5:00 am in the morning so I can go for a swim.
    My parents both have or had Type 2 Diabetes and it is a balancing act to make sure that they got the right shots. I learned how to give them to by dad before he passed away this summer. It was not as hard as I thought it would be. My mom give them to herself usually but I also can give them to her if she wants. The tricky part is to remember to give them. Sometimes we'd go off to town and take the injections with us so incase we grabbed something to eat and then would forget to give the shots before she ate. Mom told me that once she gave dad too much insulin and it made him go crazy. She said he was running around like a little kid and jumping on the bed and giggling his head off. she didn't know what to do so she called my cousin, a nurse who lived next door. Luckily she recognized that it was an insulin problem right away and got it taken care of. boy you have to be careful to make sure the dosages are correct all the time or you can expect all heck to break loose.

    Also for what it is worth, now that my mom has had her hip replace, the state does send in help to her home. A nurse comes in and checks her and she also has different people come to do in home therapy. I think it is all through medicare.

    I'll personally be glad when I can get on medicare because since I retired in June we don't have any medical insurance. Of course the medical bills are not too high over here but then again if something major should happen I would prefer to fly back to the states or Europe to get it taken care of. I'm just crossing my fingers I stay healthy. Which is another reason I like this group. and MFP. Love ya all. Phyllis
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    The concert was a success and i made a couple of mistakes but I think no one noticed. My hands were sweating and my
    feet fell asleep from standing so long and my arm was sore from holding my music up. I was nervous at the beginning
    but pulled it together after a few songs. Good thing was I had my reading glasses on and couldn't see any farther
    than our director. Everyone else was a blurr. :)

    The men's group were so good with their strong voices. The lead person told jokes before each of their songs and
    they were hilarious. We did the last number with them together and it was such fun. Lisa our director got flowers
    from all of us and a gift. We are having a wrap up party later in May with a catered meal. I plan on attending and
    it will be nice to chat with the women who i don't know yet.

    After the performance we went back to our house with my sister and MIL and we ordered white pizza and had
    veges and dip. It was nice getting together. I will see my sister again on her birthday on May 4th and Dave will
    be joining us for lunch and I will get to meet her new boyfriend.

    Tomorrow is our visit with Isaac and I can't wait to see the little guy again. We are stopping on the way at
    IKEA to pick up a bookcase for Kathy for her recipes books for the kitchen. She wants the house fixed up
    for the housewarming party later in May.

    Patsy - You are so talented with painting and now an author of a book. You put me to shame.
    Sandy - I can't believe Robby is crawling already. That will keep you busy.
    Buzz- Sorry to hear about Mike's failing healthy, my heart goes out to you. <3
    Yes we watch Blue Bloods all the time.
    Phyllis - Loved the jello mishap. Kids are so funny.

    Hi to everyone else and hope your weather is improving. Yesterday was beautiful.
    Today cloudy,cool and rain on the way.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    WOW PATSY ! I'm very impressed with all your varied talents! Actually, once we get to know everyone here, there's a great deal of talent on this forum!
    Ex MA . Gov. Romney gave a speech at a Jacksonville graduation yesterday, in which he says the pursuit of money does not make one successful. Success is doing that for which you have a passion and which leads to "giving back" to the society. While he was not my favorite candidate several years ago, I was nevertheless impressed with his message yesterday!
    I really appreciate the insight Patsy, PHYLLIS, and MARIE have given me regarding insulin, sugar, and diabetes! I thought I understood the problem, but You gals are turning into my "caregiver support system"!!! Bless you and thank you!
    By the way PHYLLIS, my Primary Care Physician is from Egypt and we think the world of him. His entire family, including sons, are physicians!
    SHIRLEY, what a nice story about your concert! Sounds like a great group. Hope you will enjoy visiting little Isaac tomorrow. I wish our great grandchildren would settle down so we could have that pleasure one day while we can enjoy it! Adulthood seems to have slowed way down in our family as I think our youngest grandchild is now about 24. The 35 y/o grandson is in no condition to take on responsibility and I hope he becomes an adult before his parents put him in a facility for addicts. I know some of you have been dealing with this beautifully, and it's my fervent wish we will see success with everyone afflicted!

    Well, I finally figured out the best way to not lose my post (I hope), is to put it in Notepad and copy/paste to Reply, as there is no longer a way to open in a second window. At least, I couldn't figure it out!
    Have a great day, you all. Mike is having a decent day, and so am I !
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) Robby has gone home and was a good boy today even with his crawling. He took a 3 hour nap this morning and a 2 hour nap this afternoon. His mom had to wake him to take him home or he might have slept longer. I got an hour nap this morning and was able to shower and get ready for the day. I also did laundry and my cleaning girl came to clean my place. A good productive day but now I will just chill on the couch unless I can convince myself to get on the bike.

    Have a good evening.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) Robby has gone home and was a good boy today even with his crawling. He took a 3 hour nap this morning and a 2 hour nap this afternoon. His mom had to wake him to take him home or he might have slept longer. I got an hour nap this morning and was able to shower and get ready for the day. I also did laundry and my cleaning girl came to clean my place. A good productive day but now I will just chill on the couch unless I can convince myself to get on the bike.

    Have a good evening.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) Robby has gone home and was a good boy today even with his crawling. He took a 3 hour nap this morning and a 2 hour nap this afternoon. His mom had to wake him to take him home or he might have slept longer. I got an hour nap this morning and was able to shower and get ready for the day. I also did laundry and my cleaning girl came to clean my place. A good productive day but now I will just chill on the couch unless I can convince myself to get on the bike.

    Have a good evening.
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Sneakers. We are in another storm watch this evening Seems to be an ever evening thing for us here lately.
    I am sure some of you are going thru the same thing.
    phyljen wrote: »
    Sandy asked how it is here. I think about 95 F. I took a walk this morning to go and pay my internet bill and also to buy a new phone card and it was quite a hot walk but I still enjoyed being outside.
    Can't wait until 5:00 am in the morning so I can go for a swim.
    My parents both have or had Type 2 Diabetes and it is a balancing act to make sure that they got the right shots. I learned how to give them to by dad before he passed away this summer. It was not as hard as I thought it would be. My mom give them to herself usually but I also can give them to her if she wants. The tricky part is to remember to give them. Sometimes we'd go off to town and take the injections with us so incase we grabbed something to eat and then would forget to give the shots before she ate. Mom told me that once she gave dad too much insulin and it made him go crazy. She said he was running around like a little kid and jumping on the bed and giggling his head off. she didn't know what to do so she called my cousin, a nurse who lived next door. Luckily she recognized that it was an insulin problem right away and got it taken care of. boy you have to be careful to make sure the dosages are correct all the time or you can expect all heck to break loose.

    Also for what it is worth, now that my mom has had her hip replace, the state does send in help to her home. A nurse comes in and checks her and she also has different people come to do in home therapy. I think it is all through medicare.

    I'll personally be glad when I can get on medicare because since I retired in June we don't have any medical insurance. Of course the medical bills are not too high over here but then again if something major should happen I would prefer to fly back to the states or Europe to get it taken care of. I'm just crossing my fingers I stay healthy. Which is another reason I like this group. and MFP. Love ya all. Phyllis

    Phyllis I have never run around like a crazy kid, if it real low I break out in a sweat wake me up in My sleep. feel woosy and balance is completely gone Voice is slurred . I now keep a protein shake on my night stand so I don't have to make a kitchen run and I don't mind drinking it at room temperature But I might act crazy to Jerry. By keeping the shake by our bed I do not have to wake him up to help me. out my low blood sugar. I just drink it and go back to sleep.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Good evening - Sunday was a very busy day. I won't bore you with the details. Today I did errands and got put together a tote of things to take to the consignment store tomorrow.

    My laptop is acting up again and doesn't sound too good so posting a few words as a comment on friends' posts on the newsfeed is okay but typing lots of text is going pretty slow.

    Maybe tomorrow things will be working better.

    Wishing everyone good health, safety from the storms, and happy days filled with the best life has to offer.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I had problems as well yesterday. The posts skidding up and down.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I am having the same posts are sliding up and down as well! I have had this problem before but I thought it was my iPad. Mysterious forces in the universe I guess!

    Today the temps are back to the 50s. This temperature change is so confusing. The doggies were not happy with the warm weather. Also hubby took the opportunity to power wash the front deck. That was very alarming for the doggies. It made a big scary noise. It interfered with their naps. It does look so nice now. We are ready to bring the large flower pots back on the deck. I love planting the annuals and getting the preeniels trimmed and ready for the season.

    Getting outside is like medicine for the soul. It feels so wonderful. Today I have a few errands and I will doubtless spend some time looking at bedding plants. I placed a good art supply order with my favorite art supply store. New pots of paint, new brushes and a new supply of heavy watercolor paper. Can't wait until it gets here. I am not out of anything but there are a couple of pigments that are getting old and dried out. I love new juicy pots of paint. Inspiring!

    Read a fascinating piece in the newest National Geographic on Dolphins. That is spooky and unbelievable. These creatures are really the Mer people of the old fables. Their intelligence is only just now being understood.

    Off to make coffee and get ready for my trip into town.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jacean245 wrote: »
    I had problems as well yesterday. The posts skidding up and down.

    me I don't remember What went on yesterday.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Still having laptop sounded really bad today.......shockwave has crashed more than it's been running........trying to listen to an audio recording---not working
    YouTube, can't hear a darn thing. Loading posts here A PROBLEM!!!

    I'm just going to try to read what everyone's written. B)

    Some day I am going to have to switch to a new laptop........grumble, grumble, grumble.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    edited April 2015

    Robby turned Nine Months today.....took him for his pictures. These are two of my favorites.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Morning everybody, just want to say I am having difficulty and long waits getting onto this site. No problem with the food or the home page, just with community. Today should be a good one, my friend is finally plucking up courage and driving over for the day. So a lovely day of shopping, having lunch and "girl" talk. She lost her confidence over the winter, but now seems more like her old self. I spent yesterday clearing up the garden, the garden looks neat and tidy, but not me, I'm covered in scratches from defiant bushes. At least the ivy is cut back, it was traveling all over the lawn.
    Well, a big hi to everybody because I don't want to linger too long in case I lose my post again. Not sure if it's my iPad or MFP! ANNE.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member


    Most seniors never get enough exercise. So, in His wisdom, God decreed seniors would become forgetful so they would have to search for their glasses, keys and other misplaced items and move around more. And God looked down and saw this was good.

    Then God saw there was yet another need. So God, in his wisdom, made seniors lose coordination so they would drop things, which would require them to bend and reach and stretch. And God looked down and saw this was good.

    Then God considered the functioning of senior bladders and decided, in His wisdom there should be calls of nature more frequently, requiring more walking to the relief station, which would burn calories. And God looked down and saw this was good.

    Seniors were obliged to exercise more from these senior shortcomings and, as a result, did become more active. So if you find you are required to get up and down more as you age, remember it is God's will and in your best interest, even though you mutter under your breath.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy love the joke and it is so true
    Also love the picture of that handsome Robby. what a fine looking boy he is. how long have you been keeping him. While Lisa working Can't believe he is already 9 months and crawling too.
    But know you are anxious to go to Florida in that nice warm Sun shine. Hope it is not rainy to much while you are there.
    hello Lin, Anne, Jackie, Bob, jeri, Patsy, and all of you I miss Phoebe,& Gayla miss you very much when you don't post.

    Jackie I started the Fast diet this morning to see if I can handle the 5oo a day diet 2 days a week and eat anything I want on te other 5 days But this diet is not the one I remember That one called for the milk shake replacement meal. may go hunting for it today. I have so many books on my kindle it is hard to find anything it would be easier to do for 2 days.

    going to go for a walk and come back and have Breakfast
    love to all
