Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2015
    Marie- That quilt is amazing. Did you make it?

    Thanks Gayla about being a grandma, I love it. He is already out of the newborn diapers. He gained 2 pounds last week.
    Such a love. We will see him again on Wednesday and Thursday next week. Can't wait to hold him.

    Phyllis - Glad you are back joining us again.

    Anne & Patsy - You too should get together and paint one large painting. I bet it would be fabulous. Anne you are very
    talented and love the painting. I can do stick people does that count? LOL

    Lin - No we will still be doing our boating with trips in between to see Isaac. My daughter is 2 1/2 hrs away so its not
    a short trip. Sorry to hear about the no sale of your Dad's place. Your heart must have sunk. Maybe its
    time to sell and let the next family fix it up.

    Hello everyone else.

    Fasting tonight 12 hrs and blood work tomorrow. My choir concert is Sunday and our last rehearsal is Saturday and
    Sunday before the concert. I am a little nervous.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Oh Marie!!! That is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    I found a letter my Great Grandmother sent to my mom back in either late 1943 or early 1944. My mom was in Miami Florida at Jackson Memorial for RN training. Anyway, the writing is extremely difficult to read but it is also interesting. She lived a few miles outside of town and had to walk to town for her mail and some supplies. She was walking 5 miles a day according to her letter. She didn't have much food over the winter and when one of her children visited they brought her a turkey and she was so happy. She died in 1944 when she got off the trail in the woods on her way home and was not found for several days. Age 83. Anyway, her nearest town was Woking, Alberta. Anyone familiar with it? My Grandmother's sister lived closer to Grande Prairie in the 1950's when she came to visit but again, she didn't live in town, she was on a farm with some of her children.

    That's my research for today.......

    And I am happy to report that I am finished with the bubble wrap for now. The second set of dishes were wrapped and taken to be mailed FedEx Ground. Yes!! And I can see more of my dining room again. :smile:

    Freeze warning for tonight so I've brought my plants in the house. I brought in several very large mosquitoes with me. Wow. They are immense already. I hope I found all of them.

    Happy evening to everyone. :smiley:


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin you are always so busy.

    Shirley no I did not make it one I found on the internet but would love to have one like it.
    it is so nice to be able to read all the post without it running off the wall. Our weather report. maybe in in for bad storms later tonight and for the next 3 nights.
    B) Marie
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello out there, nice day here. Sunny but a bit breezy and cool. No complaints from me about that. I didn't get a lot accomplished today. No sure where the day went. On nice days all of the outstanding chores really do stand out. Looking up at the ceiling, I see all manner of spider webs. Where did they come from? I just cleaned up there not too long ago.

    We are watching the movie "Big Eyes" and it is holding up pretty well. It is directed by Tim Burton. Our son has done some sub-contracting work for a production of his. Not this movie, however. I saw another interesting author interview on Charlie Rose (PBS) a new bio about Gore Vidal. Interesting interview. Might need to read the book. I am deep into the Steve Jobs bio currently. Facinating man! A demented genus.

    I caught Lin's MFP post about small containers of food encouraging smaller portions. I am really excited about this strategy. Many thanks, Lin!

    The quilt was stunning, Marie. I love quilts and the more old fashioned looking the better. I've even bought them from L.L. Bean. They are nice but nothing like the treasure you have.

    Shirley, I have my fasting physical in a week or so. I hate going to the doctor. Makes me realize I am undisciplined and so out of condition. Where is the pill for that problem? I also have to endure the eye shots but the good news it that my eyes seem to be getting better.

    Anne, we will figure out how to have a Golden Sneakers Art Show. We are all talented folks here.

    Don't give up on spring yet! It is an elusive season. Just when you decide you will never be able to put away your sweaters....80 degree weather!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited April 2015
    Jacean245 wrote: »
    I was hoping for a little more criticism to be honest, hence the trepidation because without having had lessons, except at school 65 years ago, ha ha, it's difficult to know exactly what I'm doing wrong. The real painting, to me, looks okay, but in the photo, I think the tree to the right is "off".
    I'll try and keep off painting as a subject from now on.
    ANNE, I think it looks very interesting, despite it coming on my desktop upside down !!! Can't understand why , so I sent it to myself as an attachment and will try to turn it right side up in the photo "album" so I can comment! The composition looks good even upside down! Hey, it just came into my mailbox and I rotated it twice and it looks great. The tree on the right is fine, and I think if you want to paint in your father figure, possibly try it on the pathway behind the fence but approaching near that tree. There are 2 areas that to my eye are grabbing more attention than you might mean to give them; the first is the left branch on the left center tree, which seems to jut straight up, though of course I don't know that tree! Perhaps softening with a it of leaf smudge? The other area which leads my eye out of the picture is the white streak from the center skyline, taking the viewer's attention out of the canvas on the upper right. On the other hand, I probably don't know what I'm talking about and it may be the exact effect you were looking to achieve. It's a lovely peaceful scene and leads the imagination into the distance, where who knows what awaits? Keep on painting! By the way, looking up your remark about being the 3rd eldest Golden Sneaker, although you surely don't look it, you may be correct! I nudged MARIE out of her position as the oldest member, so I adopted her as my "baby" sister and have never regretted the relationship! Is there anyone here between ANNE's 79 and my soon to be 88?
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I never meant to ignore everyone else, and I always love seeing old friends (timewise, not agewise!) returning! DIANE and GAYLA, our arms are always open, and I was just looking at pictures of the 4 of us when we met Gayla and Dave! PHYLLIS, the miles are sort of meaningless in these days of the internet, but knowing you, I follow the news of Egypt very carefully, and just hope you remain unaffected by the turmoil! SANDY, I so admire your devotion to Robby and his baby body functions! I might add, you certainly do NOT look like anyone's vision of a Grandma!!! MARIE surely summed up our feelings about our members, past and current, and when I remembered how to use SKYPE, it was so terrific visiting with my special friends around the world! Now I can't seem to access it any longer!
    Oh, dear, bedtime, so goodnight, luvs!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    BUZZ - thank you so much for your suggestions, I MUCH appreciate you taking your time to have a long hard look at my effort. It's only 6.53 am here and I've just crawled out of bed, but after my cuppa tea and my eyes have refocused I'll take a fresh look. As PATSY wrote it often pays to come back to a painting after focusing on something else for a while. I'm enthused enough to start on something new! Practice makes perfect they say. Thank you again. WOULDN'T a craft show and get together be WONDERFUL! All the beautiful quilts, the photographs, the singing and dancing, etc and including the beautiful babies and our furry and feathered (chickens) friends with George in control and talking of GEORGE - It's St George's day today, happy St George's day JACKIE. Roses all around
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Whoops, lost my post, just wanted to say LIN how wonderful that you found the letter from your great grandma, but poor, poor lady getting lost and dying in the woods! What a treasure to find!
    Well, I've finally got my wild hair cut, I'm a shorn Anne now, but not exactly shorn lamb like! Should have done it ages ago!
    Enjoy today, which is rather chilly here, ANNE. PS, the roses picture above didn't turn out, imagine!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2015
    Checking in but no time to read the 40+ posts I need to catch up!! Carpet laid and cottage beginning to get back to some semblance of order.... just!
    The bluebells are just beginning to show their little faces so I'll soon have a photo to post for ANNE.... Happy St George's day! I've told my little George it's his day but he's still not behaving!!

    Things should be quieter for me by the weekend.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    BUZZ, cloud to right now gone you were so right, and doing it I spotted another problem I couldn't put my finger on yesterday. Thanks! Hopefully, no more from me today! Anne
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Life is very interesting these days. We have had contact with old school chums and it was such a shock. These folks got old! How did that happen when we are just the same as we always were! Seriously! Time stands still in my mind. I am always amazed and annoyed at little aches and pains. I never see them as age related. I also am surprised at generous younger people who offer help for little tasks. Coming to grip with the fact that I am old, look old and act old! God grief! I am going to up my game and try to at least go for a younger old! I need to walk faster, with more assurance. My Spanish classes are going well. Ready to take a class at the college. Exercises for the brain.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    My blood work is done this morning and had an EKG. Although it was snowing on the way there. I got up and we had
    snow on the roof tops and my car. It is melted now but really?
    I went for a 45 min walk today anyway and I should have worn a hat. I had gloves on and it was cold. Brrrr

    Dave has gone to Toronto with our friend Paul and has not returned yet. Our friend Tom is coming over tonight
    to book his Jamaica trip for November on line. He hasn't done it before so Dave is going to help him. It will be
    a year then since Elli has passed and he wants to go back to the same place for memories. We will order some
    take out chinese for dinner tonight.

    Hello to everyone and hope your day is going well.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, good to hear you have completed your project and the cottage is back to being "home" ! ANNE, send a reduced photo of you with your new haircut! I never thought it looked wild at all!
    Just returned from visiting friends up in the medical floor. Do I ever feel lucky!!! Once more, practice balance, as falls are a major cause of fractures, breaks, tears, etc!
    I made a lab test appointment for the wrong week, so I must change it for tomorrow, if it's not too late.
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    BUZZ - as requested new haircut, still a bit wild, but much thinned out! It was mainly the back which stuck out like a brush. Hairdresser was quite scathing about people who chop at their own hair, but I gave her a tip anyway. She had quite a pile to sweep up! I have promised to go more regularly especially as I get a discount for being O-L-D. It has its advantages PATSY!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Been to the store got a few items.
    we are suppose to have storms tonigt. Hope they are not too severe. We have had lots of rain this spring. More than we usually get

    I enjoy reading all about your crafing.

    Lin I just read some recipes using celery roosts. I have no ideal what it even look like since you are our queen of veggies thought I would check in with you.What is it and what do it look likes? Sandy since our photos are back to normal I need to go back and check all of Robby and Issac pictures. I remember seeing some of his Easter photo. such a fine looking Little man

    Have a wonderful day all Sneakers

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited April 2015

    This is celery root or celeriac. I haven't used it as I don't want to stuggle with peeling or chopping the base. Maybe others have more experience with this than me??

    Sorry Marie.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member

    smiley-happy026.gifJake spent the morning making creamy cauliflower, potato, coconut soup. It is a low sodium meatless recipe to fit his new way of eating. It was delicious but a lot more work than I would have done.

    smiley-happy026.gifI got my hair cut on Monday because my bangs were so long they were driving me crazy. It had been two months. Today one of my friends suggested that I could have trimmed my bangs myself but that's something I refuse to do. I tried cutting my own hair when I was a teenager and it was such a disaster that I vowed to never do it again.

    <3 Barbie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    remember me? whew, been a few busy days. Honey has been at the vet since Monday, she is fine. She got her second stage Heartworm treatment. we go back in about a month to check to see if they are all gone. Ever forward!! We won't have any time off again until May 7 and 8. It will be a rough time though. I am going to drive to my cousin's graduation from college. It is in Mississippi, about 350 miles. I will leave Friday, meet everyone at a local restaurant for dinner, then the graduation, then drive back to Georgia. I still need to get my clothes and the gifts ready so that I won't have that to do when we get in, hopefully by the 7th. I am Not caught up, but I read when I have free time. Jeri, I assume you are in Hawaii now.. enjoy!! And Sandy, I know you are planning a trip to Florida, yes?
    I feel like Buzz, being up so late, but just got my computer sort of working again. I had to wait while it installed 55 updates!! lol, I really goofed up, didn't I?
    Hope everyone is warming up, I am happy with our weather in the daytime, a little chilly at night. better get some sleep, more to do in the morning.
    Love you all

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi sneakers, did any of you read the topic - "You asked, you got, kind of - MFP premium"? Apparently we are doomed as a FREE site with no upgrades to be given. The free site is expected to slowly deteriorate as we are lured to the premium. That would account for everyone's problems I expect. Only available to the USA at the moment, I gather you guys will pay $50 a year for the premium, but the rest of the world can expect to pay much more. I'm not a politically minded or money making genius, so I hope some of you who are more learned will read this topic. I'm no good at posting the access info given unfortunately. Must go and read a bit more before Michael shows up for lunch.