Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I can't believe I hit the wrong button and lost my post. I will write later.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited April 2015
    Happy Saturday!! :D Another beautiful day, it feels so wonderful to have windows open.
    I am meeting friends at the Casino later, we were supposed to spend the night but my roommate cancelled so I am just going for the day. Babe ended up in the ER yesterday due to dehydration. His son took him back to another doctor and he told him to go to the ER for fluids. I guess they were there for 7 hours but at least he is home and feeling better.
    I asked if he needed me today but he said no, so I am sticking with my plans. I went to grill some chicken on the grill and as it started to cook my propane tank emptied so I had no more flames. I finished on the stove and although still good I prefer grilled. My son will come and get my tank to have it exchanged today so I can make chicken wings for my granddaughter tomorrow. I make a good chicken wing using only salt and allspice but love them more well done and crispy. I love summer!!!!!!
    I ate too much food yesterday even though I walked two miles with Robby and my scale showed a slight increase. It is those darn veggie straws and the salt. I stopped buying them but bought them for bingo Wednesday and brought home the leftovers. It is a constant battle with my weight but one that I am constantly in tune.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Okay I will try again. The dreaded back to other page button again and lost my post.
    I know excuses. The computer is only as good as its operator.

    I am getting to know my tablet better, my phone and facebook. I am really getting into the games, I have to get myself off or you can do that forever.

    It's a sunny day and Dave and I just got back from a 40 min walk and now I am glowing as they say.
    Dave is repainting our front door it needed it. So many things he never had time for are getting done.

    I have pictures now of Isaac in very room now. Not loving being grandma much. :D
    We are in the planning stage of a house warming party/shower for my daughter Kathy in May.
    It will be a house full of people to see the new house and the new baby. So Kristina will be going
    to see her May 2 and talk planning and see Isaac again. By the way, Isaac had his doctor
    apt on Friday and he gained two pounds Yay! So the breastfeeding is going well.

    After Dave gets the door painted we are heading to Home Depot to get those carpet samples and
    see what color we like.

    Sandy - Enjoy your casino day and what is exactly wrong with Babe? Is it the flu? Always a battle
    with the weight. I am do more maintenance than losing and that is not my goal. :(

    I know Jeri is having a wonderful and hope to see pictures when she returns.

    Jackie - I can't seem to get your forest back in my meditations. Isaac keeps coming through. LOL

    Buzz - Sorry for all the losses in your residence. My MIL who turned 89 this month tells me
    all about the people being carted out in ambulances day by day in her building. Unfortunately,
    aging is not pleasant at times. <3

    Patsy- I hope you got your gardening done and your back held up

    Anne - It's great after all these years you are discovering the real you. Taking care of
    family and friends doesn't give much time for yourself.

    Hi to rest of the group.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello sneakers, just me popping in to say hi, and a very whacked me I am. How's that for English! The reason I am whacked or pooped as MARIE calls it is because my dear old Michael took me off to the art store, and I came back clutching a new no. 2 paintbrush, and a few new tubes of paint and I've just spent four glorious hours engrossed in my bluebell wood. Dare I say it, I'm rather pleased with it so far, but pessimistic as ever when it comes to painting, I will hardly dare touch it tomorrow in case I spoil it. It's about half done and quite a large canvas.
    SHIRLEY, isn't it marvellous being a grandma! I remember it well, those lovely early days. Maybe, just maybe I might get to be a great grandma, and won't that make YOU feel young! Not that either grandsons are showing signs of settling down or even courting if that's what you still call it! So I won't hold my breath.
    Walnut whips are STILL my favourites JACKIE. Fortunately I've only had the one since I've been in Canada! You eat the walnut on the top, then lick out the creamy centre, then nibble your way down the chocolate cone to the walnut chocolate base, oh my! Drool, drool. How's YOUR painting coming on to change the subject!
    SANDY, poor Babe does have a lot of problems doesn't he, and so do you, worrying about him.
    And JERI, are you doing the hula hula for exercise?
    Are you into the roast pig picnics I've only read about!
    Everyone else, whatever you are doing this glorious spring day, enjoy!
    A very mucky paint splattered ANNE. PATSY do you get paint splattered too?
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Saturday Ramblings / Thoughts:

    Gorgeous sunny day today with a high of 68F.

    Got a card from my wife Thursday. She left it on a table where I would find it while she was out. No occasion. A simple “hi & love-you” type card. I think that is why things work so well. I’m the same way. I prefer to bring flowers or do something when it is unexpected or required.

    Last night we went to see a band…a young band that is up-and-coming. The lead singer is about 23 y/o and has an awesome voice. All the band members are talented. We knew some 40-something people we knew were going too, but said nothing. They were shocked when they spotted us.

    Went to bed at 1am and made sure I was at the gym before 7am…..there is a frozen black-raspberry yogurt cone with my name on it --- to be devoured before the sun goes down.
    Friday we visited Barnes & Noble. I picked up a collection of famous and familiar poems (over 400). Jean never knows what to expect from me. I go from movies of the 30’s & 40’s to everything Clint Eastwood to sci-fi to romantic comedies to Broadway plays to Josh Groban to Rolling Stones to – the list goes on....

    The poetry book reminded me of a teacher I had back in elementary school / Jr High. She instilled an appreciation of how verse can express emotions, life and death etc. We memorized many works from Longfellow, Dickinson, Yeats, Shakespeare, Browning, Frost etc. I’m not sure the majority of kids get that kind of exposure today.

    Lin – Loved the china wrapping story.

    Buzz – Sorry you are going through such an emotional / depressing time. Jean just visited another friend Thursday that is in the nursing home. Doctors have been blunt and told her she has about a month. Her outlook is amazing….she has actually comforts anyone that sheds a tear. But I think each situation is different and it depends on “all” the circumstances. Jean’s cousin recently wanted to go – after a lifetime of fighting / suffering – she was in her 50’s. My nephew that died this month was 38 and felt the complete opposite – despite bone marrow transplants etc. and years of suffering.

    Patsy – I read Walter Isaacson’s book about the “hygienically-challenged” Steve Jobs. There was a lot to admire and a lot to be used only as a cautionary tale on how not to live. Biographies are my #1 read. I have a Kindle but rarely use it – I LOVE the feel of turning a page. I Love re-read books. I haunt bookstores! LOL

    We loved “Enough Said.” We saw it at the movies when it first came out in limited release. A great movie for the older crowd…we knew it wasn’t going to attract the under 40 crowd. Hence the quick move to pay TV / DVD. I have watched it twice since the theater.

    Oop’s – gotta run – Jean just yelled out – it’s time for that frozen yogurt and her chocolate chip ice cream!

    Have a great evening! Bob :)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Hello once again - I have good intentions each morning on posting here and then other things get my attention and by evening I am soooo tired I think I make no sense whatsoever!

    Yesterday I did a lot of cooking, went to a local nursery that is going out of business (owners are retiring) and spent a lot of time there since it will be my last visit, and finally went to visit an antique dealer about selling some items.

    Also had a long conversation with a friend I'd not spoken to for quite a long time.

    Then scanned some old photos to send to a different cousin (one on my mom's side).

    Patsy and Bob - thanks for the heads up on "Enough Said." I have my name on the list to check it out of the library. Since I didn't have that I watched "Fed Up" on Netflix and a number of TedX talks and a film on the Hadron collider. Now I'm watching an old Bruce Lee movie on TV. And I finished reading a mystery that needs to go back to the library.

    We had a rainy day which was great as we needed some moisture.

    It sounds as if everyone is having a nice weekend. I'm sure Jeri must be having a wonderful time in Hawaii.

    Marie - is Alice coming tomorrow?

    Anne - I am so glad you got new materials and started a painting. Wahoo!

    Sandy - win some more $$ at the casino. You are a pretty luck lady.

    Shirley - you guys are so busy now that DH is retired!

    Jackie - is the house painting completed? And I have no idea what walnut whips may be but I'm sure if I'd found any as a child, I would have eaten them. I have always adored walnuts and any sugary treat would have been on my list of favorites.

    I'll go to church tomorrow and will help the lady doing communion. Her friend was to help her but hasn't been getting to church and she is in the midst of chemo therapy and isn't very strong although she's quite determined that she will do it.

    Once again, see you soon!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    the elimination diet:
    "Remove anger, regret, resentment, guilt, blame, and worry.
    Then watch your health, and life, improve."

    Dr. Charles, CoachMD

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif This was supposed to be a rest day today but I took a long walk with a friend and rode the exercise bike a lot in the afternoon while watching TV with Jake.

    smiley-happy110.gif Every day I say that I'll respond to everyone and so far it gets to be bedtime and I haven't even read the posts. I read everything today and love being part of this friendly community.

    smiley-cool05.gif I have made several attempts to eat vegetarian when I lived alone and then Thanksgiving came along and I wanted turkey. Jake has been a meat eater, so together, meat has been a part of our diet. I don't eat pork at all and a few years ago I gave up beef and lamb because I didn't digest them well. When there was a big spread in the AARP magazine about Bill Clinton eating vegan after his heart problems, we briefly considered making a change, but I'm not willing to do all that food preparation and there's no chance that we'll hire a family chef. This most recent plan of Jake's is tricky because it's making two changes at once and in some cases, they are oppositional to each other. So it's another challenge and certainly an opportunity for us to talk more about something that's important to both of us. Fish, dairy, and eggs are part of the plan.

    <3 Buzz, until MFP figures out a solution to the wide pages, the only solution is to use Google Chrome.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif26,000 steps today--three hours of dog walking, two hours on the exercise bike194904olsgis3xqe.gif

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Wow! We had one of those golden spring days here on the Oregon coast. Couldn't help it...we had to dash off to Costco and buy three large hanging geraniums, bright red, of course. So now, we are off and running for spring. I had other things planned but that sort of evaporated. Geraniums got in the way. Hubby had to make his weekly pilgrimage to Home Depot. They know him down there on a first name basis now. We both have ambitious lists and then opt for going and getting "stuff" to accommodate doing the jobs on the list. This way lies madness!

    Lin: when my son moved from California he took all of the dishes and glassware to the moving company and they sat then on a stiff piece of cardboard and shrink wrapped them in place. The cardboard was then placed in boxes surrounded by foam worms. There was many China pieces wedding gifts and inherited stuff. Came through without a bump or scrape or chip! Not cheap however!

    Anne: we are all excited about your renewed interest in painting. It is strange how hours just go away when you are working on a painting. I have lost whole weeks...have no idea where they went. I am working on a couple paintings at once. When I get anxious or stumped on trying to achieve a technique, I shift to the other one. Things go much better when I return to the first one.

    Bob: I love to give books as gifts. One of my favorite books to give new mothers is the Carolyn Kennedy book, "Poems to Learn by Heart." The illustrations are Jon J. Muth. This is a charmer that every grand parent should have in their book case. Hope you and your wife run into it sometime. You will love this beautiful book and the collection of poems....well, all I can say is...take a look at the book store next time you have a chance.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Today the website seems normal, and so was my day. Our friend's triple by-pass at age 87 went swimmingly well, his wife went to the hospital in a state near collapse and she was also admitted. Now she's back here, he will recover slowly; the lady who broke her shoulder falling in fear when she saw a Great Dane bounding down the hall is now apologizing for setting the stage to getting the owner of the huge animal fired from her new job as head of nursing staff! Whew, never a dull moment! Eleven o'clock and I'm first sitting down to say hello to you, my MFP family, and open and delete most of my 156 emails! Once more, I'm too tired to comment to each of you. We watched a beautiful DVD of running, cycling and whatever else down Haleakala, the high mountain on the eastern side of Maui that we never drove . Is it JERI or SHIRLEY who is going to Hawaii soon? I had always hoped to get back one last time to drive that side of Maui which I hope is still a touch of the real old state before tourism changed everything!
    Talking about grandchildren and great-grandchildren,...not one of our 8 grandkids shows any sign of marriage yet, and they are between 24 and 35 years old! I had my 3 before I turned 25, but that was a totally different world back then!
    Loved your posts today. Wish BOB could influence more men to keep the excitement in their relationships rather than taking life for granted! SANDY, I'm detecting a more independent you emerging, one not too easily manipulated! Hoorah! BARBIE, LIN, MARIE, JACKIE, ANNE, PATSY, and everyone I mentioned in the text and those I did not mean to overlook, have a super SUNDAY!!!
    <3 BUZZ
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Buzz and Marie....I too am having the same problems with the site. The words never stop on one line and Shirleys photo of herself with her new grandchild was so large I never got to see it. Thankfully I did see a recent photo on FB. I have notified MFP of the situation going on with The Sneakers Site. Supposedly it was fixed but this is a prime example that it is not fixed.
    Until more recently I was not having a problem using Firefox on this site. Thinking of everyone. Shall pop in occasionally to see if this has all been resolved.


  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Buzz and Marie......I see this part of it works fine at the moment, but didn't when I was reading all of the posts a few minutes ago. Was surprised to see it print out correctly.
    Shirley....Please send us another baby photo so I can see if the image problem has been resolved also. And don't we all love computers..... I definitely have a love/hate relationship with them.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A beautiful sunny day which I started early with a walk in the woods with George and a friend who came along to keep us company. I'm now in the process of taking as much furniture out of the lounge as possible now so that I can pull and cut up the old carpet and finish the last bit of painting so no Lin, not quite there yet! The dining table I use with my laptop is covered in house plants and a variety of bits and bobs that will probably go to a car boot sale in the summer as I'm now going to de-clutter.

    Patsy ~ A could post a photo of the room as it is now for a before and after session but don't want to mess up Marie and Buzz's computers. Hopefully MFP will sort themselves out soon and I'll get a photo of the completed lounge posted.

    Buzz ~ Today on the walk we met a very nice man with a Rhodesian Ridgeback dog that was wonderfully calm and gentle because he was apparently runt of the litter! He was huge and at one point jumped up on my back and nearly sent me flying so I suppose I can understand the fear of a Great Dane hurtling in someone's direction. A shame that dog's owner would get the sack though!

    Bob ~ As I cleared my bookshelves to get to the area behind with a paintbrush I rediscovered a rather dog-eared copy of T S Eliot's "Old Possum's book of practical cats" so an flicking through the pages when I should be stirring paint.... I'll have to shut my eyes as the other books are carried out!

    Anne ~ So who taught us how to eat a Walnut Whip because we all seemed to attack it in the same manner?? I'm delighted you've been encouraged to get back to your painting as you do seem to enjoy the pastime and as PATSY commented, it is a wonderful way to pass time!!

    Barbie ~I have the same thought about vegan food in that so much preparation seems to be involved but also for me I do enjoy my meals and planning something different each day.

    Oops, well past midday so I must get on with my plan to finish painting today in the next couple of hours before going to view an auction that will be held tomorrow because I see on line they have a couple of antique bookcases that might look good in my cottage.

    I just came within a whisker of losing this post so will wish you all a wonderful Sunday, SANDY, DIANE and all that I missed.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Happy Sunday morning! What a lot of lovely interesting posts to read this morning! So enjoyed them! I've taken a leaf out of LINS book on veggie eating and try to prepare more than one meal at once. I made a bean, pasta and veggie stew which will keep me going for a couple of days, plus it's very tasty. Thus leaving me free to have another go at the, ahem, "masterpiece" today. I had to smile at the art store which supplies the local university I guess. A large notice on the door proclaimed "leave your bags at the front desk" so in I bounced and proffered my bags and handbag. "No, no" said the sweet young thing at the desk, "YOU'RE okay". So......I BOUGHT my supplies, being an old, trustworthy granny I suppose!!! Maybe if I don't make my fortune at painting................ Just joking!
    JACKIE, you ARE having fun with redoing your cottage! And as for the eating of walnut whips (does the UK know it has a national treasure there!) I think the eating of them is a natural instinctive thing lol.
    Must get my son to find another one! Will bore you all no further with my ramblings.
    Everybody, all you interesting people enjoy today. ANNE.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Quick PS. Thought for the day: Painting should be recommended for all of us wishing to lose weight. One gets so engrossed one forgets mundane things like meal times! I don't think the emaciated looking artists of the past where actually starving in garrets at all, they just forgot it was dinner time!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited April 2015
    Happy Sunday!! :D I lost at the casino which does not make me happy, but I have to admit I have been lucky so one loss isn't too bad. I am going to Mass this morning so just wanted to check in and say good morning.
    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Too funny not to share...........

    Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty
    of room at each side.

    With a 5-lb potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out
    from your sides and hold them there as long as you can.
    Try to reach a full minute, and then relax.

    Each day you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer.

    After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato bags.
    Then try 50-lb potato bags and eventually try to get to where you can
    lift a 100-lb potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for
    more than a full minute. (I'm at this level).

    After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SANDY, very funny!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Hey Lin – I think you will like “Enough Said.” I’ll have to check out that Fed Up childhood obesity doc sometime….did you like it?

    Barbie – I can’t see myself ever going true vegan. I have cut my red meat intake probably by 75% compared with old eating habits and I no longer get the biggest size cut – when I do order.

    Patsy – I will check out "Poems to Learn by Heart.". I wish I had read your post earlier – I was at Barnes & Noble earlier today. The store is on the other side of town, so I don’t get that that often (but this week I was there twice).

    Buzz – Thrilled your friends triple by-pass went well. As for keeping relationships alive etc…. it took a LONG time for me to realize. For many, I think it comes with age. As we lose loved ones – young & old – we are reminded of that saying “no one is promised tomorrow.

    Along the same topic. Church was an emotional place today.

    The 84 y/o family friend my wife has known for decades (and has about 1 mos. to live) was in attendance. She still lives at the nursing home and can’t walk etc. but her grown children are wonderful to her and take her out etc. She is the kind of person you want to do things for.

    My wife went to breakfast with her girlfriend (dating back to high school) this morning. Her friend is having a tumor removed from her breast tomorrow and then will need daily radiation for a couple weeks.

    Another friend / parishioner let everyone know they would be out of town. Last Friday, her 19 year-old niece was killed in a car accident by a drunk driver. Again – the lesson on how important each day can be.

    I started the day by - burning 320 calories doing 60 minutes of cardio exercises, including walking treadmill gym 45 minutes.

    Then breakfast of (Calories: 112) Dannon - Light & Fit Carb & Sugar Control Vanilla Cream Yogurt, 4 oz.; Dole - mandarin oranges in water NO SUGAR 1 container; Sugar Free Jello , 2 Snack; Fresh Blueberries - 1.5 oz [blended then let it freeze a bit and ate as sort of a mid-morning treat]

    Tonight we will be watching The 2015 Academy of Country Music Awards -- not sure I can watch it all at once as it goes from 8pm to 11:30pm -- I might watch til 10pm then flip to something else and tape the remainder...

    Got our bikes out yesterday and discovered both had rim rubber falling off etc. so I dropped them at the bike shop. I haven't been on my bike in "years" because of super obesity. Looking forward to riding the bike path at the nearby lake this summer.

    Have a great evening everyone. Bob :)
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    oop's just saw there was another page of postings I missed -- I will quickly add...

    Sandy - with regards to -- EXERCISE FOR PEOPLE OVER 60 -- I'm going to post that on my FB page! LOL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :) Bob, I gave up red meat a couple of years ago because I found myself with digestive problems after eating it. Our decision to give up meat has some ethical reasons involved. I'll never move to vegan because the Isagenix shakes I have as part of my eating are based on whey protein. Isagenix makes a dairy free shake but it's not as tasty as the chocolate one I love so much. Jake eats a bit of cheese, too, and puts milk in his coffee. We also wanted to be able to eat fish and eggs.,,,,congrats on thinning down enough to be able to ride your bike again.

    :) We just came from lunch with super good friends who spend most of their time out of state. We ate at our favorite Chinese restaurant (too much sodium). I had broccoli in garlic sauce and brown rice.

    <3 Barbie