Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Patsy - I hope you and your DH are feeling better. Got quite a giggle out of the solution to clearing out the house! There are days this might sound good!

    I've looked through my bids from the china purchasing company and will probably drive up Tuesday to retrieve the specialty items, coffee server, teapot, butter dish and several other items from one set and maybe NOTHING from the other china pattern. But I need to look at the items in person. My strategy is to sell the highest value items and let the local company try to sell the things that are quite low value since I'll be paying for shipping. Anyone have a different opinion? Am I missing something??

    Bob, your heart is out of rhythm? Does that mean A Fib or something different??? I'm not trying to be be overly inquisitive but my dad had A Fib and I was told that was likely the cause of his stroke. He was not on blood thinner prior to the stroke but of course was on blood thinner for the rest of his life. I had genetic testing and found I do have a higher than normal probability of A Fib. I am a whole-food, plant-based person and asked Dr. Esselstyn at a presentation at our local heart center if this type of diet can help control or prevent A fib. Unhappily he told me that electrical problems are not reversed with use of his diet. Blockages, yes, electrical no. I also submitted a question for a conference call with Dr. Joel Kahn if he felt any dietary or lifestyle changes would lessen electrical problems. Again, his answer was NO!

    I hope your results turn out to be very good. If I'm too intrusive, tell me to shut up. :wink:

    Buzz, I'm sorry the site went crazy for you again. I don't know what to suggest. Is there any way to adjust the size of your page with the zoom function?

    Shirley, you have some wonderful days coming!! Enjoy!

    Anne, did you hear that as we age that it is soooo healthy for our brain function to be creative and do art projects? I think I should do more than my coloring book! :smiley:

    Sandy, I hope you've had a great evening. Call the Midwife is on and I'm trying to listen to a nutrition conference call at the same time (oh yeah, and typing this message)! I'm not a great multi-tasker!

    Hugs everyone. Tomorrow is dentist day. Wish I'd flossed more often.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz It seems to be when someone post a picture it is oversize and make all the posting oversize. you can get rib of it by turning your computer off and back on but when some one post anohter picture it will do that again. At least that is what I do.
    a lot of troubles tho.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning everyone. Sorry for the absence but had a busy although enjoyable time with unexpected visitors, allotment digging and finally watching the Masters golf... amazing! To cap it all my broadband system went down so I've had to fiddle with switches and plugs to get back in touch with the outside world. Currently waiting for engineers to install a water meter outside the property that should mean a halving of my annual bill. A knock at the door just after 8 this morning got me out of the shower so I had to peep round the corner of a gap in the door wrapped in towel with another turban style round my head!! Not a pretty sight but I made them laugh saying it looked like I had my shower just in time! George and I will then be off out for a walk and although it's a little misty at the moment it is quite mild and will no doubt get warmer as the day goes on.

    Patsy ~ Feed a cold, starve a fever is a sensible old wives tale so do as your body requests until you're feeling better.

    Buzz ~ If your page is only expanding on the MFP site it has to be their problem. It's not happened to me yet but then I'm on a different time zone so it may be it gets a lot busier when you're on... in other words I don't have a solution!! Sorry to read about the funerals and hospital visits. I suppose it goes with the territory but very sad nonetheless.

    Well, the installation of the water meter that was supposed to take half an hour has now been going on for nearly an hour and I can hear lots of banging and thumping no doubt because the plumbing is 100 years old and they have to find it underground first. Which reminds me LIN ~ When I first moved into this property and needed some plumbing work each job seemed to have a knock-on effect so that in the end the whole system was replaced bit by bit.... just saying!!!

    Yesterday I managed to remove the carpet from the open staircase so am ready to gloss paint the sections that won't be covered with new and had better get on with that job because I'll soon have a call to say the fitter is on his way.

    Hello to everyone I've missed, again congratulations to BOB and ANNE glad to know you weren't hit by a train during your walk through the London underground!! LOL

    George is in the garden barking at the engineers so I'd better go and get him......


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning sneakers, it looks to be another lovely day so after all the chores are done I'm torn between tidying up the garden or having another go at the "masterpiece". Lol. I'm quite pleased with it so far, but I'm at the stage that I'll probably spoil it.

    Can you pop over PATSY and paint a few trees in? Hope you are on the mend!

    Poor LIN off to the dentist? I read your comments about you and BOB with some dismay. I'm clueless when it comes to medical terms. Please forgive my ignorance but what is A Fib? Irregular heart beat? Ignore me if I'm out of line of course.

    Glad to read your post JACKIE, spring must be a very busy time of year for you. I Hope your plumbing is sorted out, although George enjoyed a distraction to his calm day. Not to mention the plumbers when you opened the door! Had to smile at your comment about one job leading to another! Do you remember Michael Flanders and Donald Swan singing "the gasman cometh"?

    If you can find it on the Internet BOB it might give you a smile too! All house owners will relate!

    When I walked to my favourite store to replenish some of my sadly ageing summer clothes yesterday afternoon, I checked my Fitbit before setting off. 2320 steps only so far. When I walked back I checked again and it read 10,321 steps. I was quite shocked I'd walked that much. Mind you, I do 6000 steps every day doing 1 hour of walking in 2 sessions, and always walk over 10,000 steps daily, but, OVER 8000 just ambling to the stores! Nice surprise. I'll be getting another email soon I expect from Fitbit telling me I've walked the Sahara desert! LOL.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning ! I am still dealing with an incessant headache. We have now decided this malady is allergy related. We have clouds of pollen everywhere. Just miserable not life threatening. It does make both hubby and I a bit cranky. It is rainy today so the pollen isn't flying around. Good!

    I have yearly physical in May and I always dread that. I seem to operate under the premise that if I don't think about it, it will go away. I really don't have any big issue to be dealt with. But the Dr. Scares me. My blood pressure goes up before the appointment. Immature and rediculous but there it is.

    I am also wanting to dive into refurbishing our house. It feels sort of dumpy and in need of a good clean up and reprinting job. One of life's little mysteries is the reaction to change. I love it most of the time. Hubby is genuinely uncomfortable with most changes in our surroundings. I think it might be a male/female thing. Rearranging the furniture is very upsetting for him. Life is all about compromise.

    What is happening to our TV? No Downton Abbey! Great performances on PBS was lackluster, at best! I am exercising to old movies that we have collected. I am now using the 10 lb. weight for all the weightlifting exercises. I do the exercises but I am still old and fat...I keep looking for that fountain of youth. No luck so far! I will keep looking and will advise you of my progress.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hello And good afternoon. I am still alive and kicking I am still having problens with this oversize print. and pictures. Barbie says if we went to crome it could handle the correct size of pictures
    how do you get Chrome Do anyone have it. I have exployer
    is that my problems or is it my computer.?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    If you think you can do it Marie, go to On the top it says download and follow the directions. If you think it would be better for Alice to do it then wait for her. Hope that helps.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Hello everyone. Did quite a bit of veggie cooking today including rainbow chard and a head of cauliflower. Yum and double yum. Also cut up lots of fresh veggies to eat raw. That should hold me for a couple of days. :smile: .

    Went to the dentist this morning. The tooth with a crack in it hasn't gotten worse so they'll let me go for a while with my promise to call immediately if there are any twinges or sensitivity in that area. I'd like to postpone another crown for a while. Ha. Also got in a bit of trouble, it seems they don't want me to chomp on apples and such due to that veneer, I'm to cut the apple up and anything crunchy is to be eaten on the other side of my mouth. Gosh, that's darn handy isn't it? I told them I'd try. But I really love holding an apple and crunching into it--it will be difficult for me.

    I am going to make a trip North to pick up dishes tomorrow and am going to have a visit with my dad's cousin who will turn 90 on the 25th of this month. I've talked to him on the phone a few times since my dad died but I haven't seen him for a long time.

    Another friend with health problems. She called today and said they don't know what's wrong yet and she has tests upcoming. Meanwhile, she can't eat and has lost 10 pounds in the last week. I am concerned about her but her doctors seem to think it's not an emergency so she has to wait until the end of the week for her next tests.

    I've tried to get in touch with the husband of a friend who's in Texas having cancer treatments for lung cancer (he was going to stay home) but he's not answering the phone. I hope all is going as well as possible and I do wish I had the phone numbers of some of their kids/grandkids.

    Gosh, let's all stay as healthy as we can.

    I bet Shirley is enjoying her day!

    Sandy - are you back to Robby sitting now?

    Marie - glad to see you and I agree with Sandy, I use Google Chrome as my browser and have fewer issues with MFP (although it doesn't work perfectly).

    Patsy - sorry about the allergies. The last day or so the blooming trees are just popping all over the place here. Sniff. They are miserable.

    Anne - that was some massive shopping trip! I never get that type of mileage in a store! I must stand and look at things too long. Ha.

    Jackie - hope the water meter was installed soon after you wrote to us. The plumbing in my kitchen seems okay today. No leaks, no new problems. I thought I would find a puddle again and end up with a new garbage disposal given the way Saturday went!

    Time to get the trash out, finish my dinner, do the dishes, pack the car and prepare a lunch to take along tomorrow.

    Hugs to all my pals.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :D Another beautiful day here with the sun shining and temps going to the 60's. Robby is napping now but will take him for a walk later. Babe is sick and is going to the doctor later, unfortunately I have to go to his house later to sign the tax papers and get them mailed. I hope I don't get sick again. I might walk Daisy while I am there it depends how tired I am. I have been good on my bike but walking is such good exercise. I did walk Robby yesterday but the little stinker wouldn't take his afternoon nap so his mom wasn't too happy.
    He did sleep for her for 45 minutes which was good but she sometimes makes me feel like I don't know what I am doing. I am surprised my 4 kids survived with my parenting. (just kidding) I really do enjoy having him and since I have been going to bed early I am able to stay up any get things done while he takes his morning nap.

    Just a FYI.....Babe's son has gone in rehab for three to five days, mostly to detox from the alcohol. Say a prayer that he finds recovery and can give his wife, daughter and father a normal life.

    Have a great day and keep working your program, it only works if you work it!!

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy alice will be ou Sunday and get her to check into it. in the mean time I am just reading as far as it goes.
    makes me dizzy going back and forth
    Love to you all.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, as soon as I have time (glug, I feel like I'm drowning sometimes!) I'll transfer this site to Mozilla Foxfire and figure out how to use it! Chrome has a problem recognizing me as Mike is also registered and they (or I) get confused with passwords etc! My grandkids are much savvier than I am on tech stuff! I was busy last night making Get Well cards, Anniversary Cards (73 years, 68 years, and a 50th combined with a Get Well from heart surgery card) 3 birthday cards. Also MFP is stringing way out and ZOOM makes no difference. I just can't read it smaller, but it still runs off the page! Frustrating as heck! SANDY, will 3 to 5 days do anything for Phil, really? I should think he needs months if not years of rehab t do anything! I hope he is doing it because HE wants it! So good luck! Sorry, I must stop as so far this is all on one line running on forever! Nothing much has changed here, and I hope you are all well. DD may visit in June, and I'd better lose lots of weight before then. I don't know what I've written see ya all!
    Heart Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, I tried Firefox, same stretched out problem, so I came back here to report and it looks perfectly normal on this page, which says 86, and is a new page! 100% zoom level and looks nice and compact again! However, I'm afraid to go back to catch earlier posts or it may revert, so forgive me but I'll keep a low profile. Have several errands before our monthly Birthday Night Dinner tonight, so I must run!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    For the heck of it, I tried page 85 again, and it went all the way east to the ocean, where a whale must have swallowed it! I think MARIE must be right about pictures posted change the zoom level! So what do we do? Is there a way to post pictures differently than the blown up size? BOB, you are our photo expert. what does your research tell you?
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Buzz ~The shrink-pic free download above works well on my computer but am not sure if it would mean everyone posting photos using it on theirs! My brother put me on to it years ago and it does seem to get a good rating. Photos coming into my computer get shrunk so it might be enough to stop the wide pages you're getting if you download to yours?? You took the words out of my fingers (LOL) re Babe's son because I thought the same thing.... less than a week of rehab will do nothing for someone with such a massive dependency.

    Sorry to be negative SANDY and I do hope I'm proven wrong. Another comment, hopefully Robby's mother appreciates all you do to allow her to keep working and is not critical because she has no right. None of my business I know but since you posted the comment......!! You are such a wonderfully giving person no one should take you for granted. <3

    Anne ~ I found the day the gas man came to call on You Tube and had a giggle to myself!

    Short and sweet tonight, or maybe not so sweet, but I've had a busy day culminating in washing paintwork down ready for me to start putting gloss on tomorrow.

    Hello to everyone!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Whjle I got a short version of this post. would like to get caught up on a few tings
    <3 Sandy love that you are a blonds looks sassy our glamour girl.Do hope Babe son gets the help he needs before he drive Babe bookers.
    Wish they would get this long version fix. driving me crazy

    I lost 11 lbs on our Easter Challenge no the 4th of July challenge is going strong never in my life would dream it would get so big so quick. met a lot of new people and all so nice. But they are all mostly young.
    Want to thank Barbie for pithing in with her helping wisdom And Shirley for sticky with me and such a nice looking grandson she has in Issac he is a darling.
    So is my great grandson enjoy our visit with the family
    I have a lovely lady name Connie who agree to be our leader and is doing a super job.
    And I swear I will never open another Thread Just to much for this old lady I was thrilled when Sandy agree to do the golden Sneakers Perfect leadership. whom we all love.
    time for Dinner ,. Will be around more often. Sneakers.
    Think the world of all of you.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, glad you had a giggle at the gasman cometh. So true don't you think! It WAS in my day anyway, hope you have better luck! Another memory coming up!
    When my boys were babies we moved into a new house with a gas stove. I could smell gas, husband of the day couldn't, but what did he know with a polyps in his nose about to be removed. So, I phoned the gas board and along came a cheerful chap who said he couldn't smell gas either. "I'll prove you don't have a leak" he said, "I will do something to this piece of paper and if it turns blue you've got a gas leak." The paper turned a brilliant blue and off shot the now less than cheerful chap who returned with a work crew who promptly dug up the front doorstep, the path and half the garden to find the leak. Husband of the day was NOT happy when he saw the devastation, but think, if I hadn't trusted my own nose, I might not be writing this in Canada!
    I had a busy day today too SNEAKERS, which is how you came to be spared from my epistle of the morning.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi thereSneakers, it is an off and on again day here. Beautiful skies right now with more dark rain-filled clouds on the near horizon. Hubby and I have been busy today getting cleaned up for the week. You know...vacuuming, laundry, dusting, changing sheets and towels, all the stuff that must be done in order to live comfortably. I am not sure why but it seems to get harder to keep up with it even though we don't have big parties like we used to. The kids are grown and the dogs are well behaved. So who is making all this dirt?

    We will be working outside this coming week. Sun is promised! Hope so. I am so pale and white, I look like is crawled out from under a rock. Time to get dirty and happily spend hours walking
    around in the plant nurseries picking out bedding plants. There really is nothing more wonderful.

    I will post my newest painting as soon as it is dry enough to photograph. I hate to say it, dear sneakers, I am getting weirder each day. I love to experiment. The gallery owner will walk around it and say....".hummmmm Patsy, tell me the story of this ," as she points at my painting with a quesitive look. Love it! Confounding gallery owners is a great joy in itself!

    The rain has settled the pollen a bit. Not as sneezy as I was. Eyes are less red and teary also. Yay!
    To the babysitting grandmothers, "enjoy the moment! Remember how fast they grow up."
    Lin: hope your travels went well. This makes me realize how important it is for me to downsize. I have way too much stuff.
    Anne: my dear friend, I hope your painting is going well. At our gentel age, we get to express what ever we want...anyway we want!
    Buzz: I'll say it again. Computers are instruments of necessary evil. They are out to get us!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PATSY, now there's a subject for your next painting and to confound your gallery owners - an evil computer! So far so good with my painting, but I shall probably wreck my hard work at this point. I'm making do with what paints I can still rescue, but Mike will probably take me to the art store on Friday. I need titanium white and after scraping the tube have had to stop for now.
    Like you, I'm doing all the chores so I can have time off for fun things at the weekend. I'm really looking forward to seeing your latest painting. You are very productive! Takes me an age! Weren't you a teacher in a past life. An art teacher?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh dear, a glorious day with hot sunshine and clear blue skies so although the paintwork has been washed down and my hands are shriveled up from the experience, the thought of opening a pot of smelly paint and being inside when the garden calls is just too much of a predicament! Decision time, do I leave the painting until this evening when it's cooler and then sleep with the smell or summon up the strength to start now? I think I know the answer LOL. Because the groomer is due this afternoon to tidy George I thought it best to avoid the river banks so instead we walked on the usual moorland track and I was interested to see a movie crew are preparing to start filming on Friday. It's to be directed by Tim Burton and Dame Judi Dench, and Samuel L Jackson are to star amongst others. Based on a book I don't know entitled Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children.... a sort of Harry Potter dark story! Plenty of dark locations on Bodmin moor LOL.

    Anne ~ When I listened to the gas man it did come back to me as something regularly played on the BBC light programme... now that is going back in time!

    Patsy ~ As ever your posts give me a big smile and I do wish I could be a fly on the wall when you uncover your latest work of art at the gallery!

    Some odd messages popping up at the bottom of my screen so had better run the Malwarebyte then must get on and yes, the garden won!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Going back in time! Ha yes! I used to listen to my grandad doing it, and here I am repeating history. The garden is going to win with me too, to heck with painting trees, I'll be out pulling up maple saplings instead! Can you, Jackie, and George of course, get a walk on part in what sounds like an interesting new movie.
    PATSY, like Jackie I get a huge smile from your posts as well. They brighten my day, carry on confounding us all.
    Hi LIN, hope yesterday went well for you.
    And indeed all SNEAKERS, happy Wednesday!