Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Just have to share a smile. I've received an email from Fitbit telling me I've walked the entire Hawaiian archipelago. Pity I can't get there to do it in person.......but still, imagination is a great thing!
    I've already done the complete London underground system, so enormous achievements lie ahead!
    ANNE, world here I come!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just want to say to Bob, FANTASTIC! Amazing journey. Congrats on the 200 pound goal.

    A rainy day today, looks like a storm is brewing as we speak. Dave has left to take his mom for her
    eye apt. I am still on the computer but will get off to do my work out.

    Patsy - Wild bears, sounds scary. I love animals but not the wild ones when they are lose.

    Marie - I hope you feel better soon. The July 4th challenge has taken a life of its own. Every time
    I go to post there are 80 or more posts to read. I can't possibly read all of them, takes too much
    times. I will do my best to keep up.

    Lin - I have noticed you have been having trouble with your internet again. I hope you can
    get it resolved, we would miss you too much. I see you are slowly getting your Dad's
    estate accomplished. What a job!

    Well I have to get off of here and get my work out done. Thanks for the compliments on Isaac,
    he is so adorable. We are seeing him on Monday and staying overnight. I can't wait.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited April 2015
    Congratulations Bob-I am just bouncing with joy for you!!


    Time to get back to work. So happy to hear from you Shirley, Marie, Anne, Patsy and Bob (and everyone I've ignored). Need to get a few more things done indoors and then tomorrow the plan is to work out in front of my house clearing off the old vegetation from my landscape plantings. Then have to get myself scheduled to make a trip North to see what pieces of my mom's china I will sell to the replacement company as the offer is only good for 30 days. Gotta get on it!

    Wishing everyone well. It is sunny and windy here today but no storms. The storms last night did so much damage.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello All

    Bob - wonderful job. And big big congratulations.

    Shirley - oh so sweet

    Marie - sorry you were sick

    Lin - a big job. We only had my Mom's townhouse to clean up and sell and we were all consumed and exhausted from it all. Take it easy on yourself.

    We've been very busy and I am continuing to have health problems. Feet, legs, sciatic and general nerve pain. Darn. Quit my physiotherapist as I think she was causing more harm than good. I am taking it very easy on myself. But, I really miss my walks and my treadmill.

    We leave next Friday for Hawaii. Can't wait.

    Hopefully I'll catch up later.


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Thank you for the kind congratulation words. I honestly didn’t think I would care this much.

    My wife snapped this updated photo today. [I just noticed you can see the Holter monitor around my neck LOL. Maybe I’ll tell people it is my “Rocky Balboa Muscle T” – “YO, ADRIAN! I DID IT!” OK – no one will buy that.] I might update my other page – but this will be that last “selfie” until something new happens. :)

    Not sure if I posted this before, but earlier in the week I found my doctor office notes for November 2013 – my BMI was just over 54!
    Weather here is getting a bit better…should be in the 60’s next week!

    Enjoy your Saturday!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Bob! I have to say look pretty darn "hot" in your Yankees tee and new 36# jeans! You jhave worked to add years and better health to your life. I am sure you have plans on how to spend that time and energy. Further note here...don't think you can dump us! We know where you live and we will not let you forget these Golden Sneakers. Just saying....
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :D Bob, you look are proof that it can be done, if you want it enough and are willing to work for it.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited April 2015
    Will catch up tomorrow when I have the day to myself.

    Just wanted to apologize to Marie. I have no idea why I thought the latest greatest grandchild was a girl, but you do have a great granddaughter also don't you? Or a fairly new grandaughter? Or am I losing it?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :D Finally some time to myself, although my son picked Robby up early yesterday so I took advantage and went to my niece where she did my hair. I went very blonde and although almost too blonde I am starting to like it. I really wanted it frosted but my hair takes so quickly and is so thin it does look all blonde. I will try to take a picture and you can judge for yourself. I then went back to my own area and had my nails done so it was a pick me up day for myself.
    I forgot about weigh in day and today I am up two pounds. It only proves if you don't work the program and get in a little exercise things will reverse. Today is the first day of the rest of my life and taking care of myself. I will be riding the bike starting today. I have another trip planned to visit my daughter in Florida in 5 weeks so I need to be bathing suit ready. (the best I can at my age)

    <3 Barbie, truer words were never spoken, we have to work for what we want and the rewards will follow.
    <3 are a funny lady and are you flirting with Bob?? (just kidding)
    <3 Bob, you were a handsome big man but you look so much better 200 pounds lighter.
    <3 Jeri, sorry about all your health problems, did we ever hear the results of the latest mammogram? Did you try the shots for the sciatic? Surgery was the only thing that cured mine. HAWAII? I am so jealous, could you possibly pack me in your suitcase????
    <3 Lin, I hope there comes a time when you can just stay home and take care of yourself.
    Being without siblings must be hard when it comes to settling an estate. Wish we could help. We had at least 4 tornadoes touch down on Thursday, one destroyed the town, so scary.
    <3 Shirley, spending the night with Issac will be wonderful, just love grandchildren.
    <3 Anne, I am curious how you set up your fitbit to tell you that you walked the Hawaiian archipelago. I must have missed something or you have a different version.
    <3 Marie, I am so sorry you aren't feeling well and me calling your grandson a granddaughter didn't help. I do hope you are better today and can get back in the fold with us. Buzz had the problem with the big screen she emailed MFP and they fixed it.
    <3 Jackie, Phoebe and all that I missed, thinking of all of you and wishing you the best.

    Here is a picture of me and Robby after Mass at Church. This is before I went blonde.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh dear Sandy, you know me and computers, Fitbits etc. I can only tell you that when it pops up, all brightly coloured, it says at the bottom ...............
    "You are receiving emails for badges at (my email address) because you have elected to receive emails on badges collected"
    (Did I REALLY elect, so bewildering).........
    or words to that effect. They sent another one today for climbing stairs, the Redwood Forest Badge, just from going down to the basement doing laundry! Apparently I've climbed the worlds tallest tree, not bad for an old biddy of 79!
    By the way, I think you are one pretty lady HOWEVER you colour your hair. Mines like a birds nest, I must go and get a haircut sometime! Can't keep bleating "does it really matter at my age". According to one gorgeous DIL it does! Sigh.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited April 2015

    And here I am blonde............ <3
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SANDY, you look good in both photos, so just go with the Color that pleases you the most.
    Peering in the mirror at my mass of frizzy straight (it curls in humidity) hair I had a brilliant idea. In my long ago past life I was on the stage a few times not too far from Stratford and the Shakespeare Company there, IF they are doing Macbeth, maybe I should toddle off and audition for one of the three old crones, I certainly wouldn't need a wig, or much makeup, and maybe I'd make some money at the same time! Both my sons have inherited my thick hair (yes it grew in again after earlier complaints by me of losing it, through slimming, apparently) and at 50 and 53 are much envied by their less hairy friends.
    At least THEY are happy. My hair was the despair of my poor mother who could do no more with it as a child than I can today. My forum photo was taken a month ago, and the hair much plastered down by me. Sorry to go on so, but we all have some cross to bear. YOU look good.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hello everyone - well another interesting day.......I updated my operating system and then the computer would not make it through the start-up. I think it was about 7 hours before finally it started up and finished installing the Windows updates. I lost track of the number of restarts I tried. But finally--Wahoo! I thought it was a goner this time!

    I did get my outside work accomplished but had a few unexpected things happen. My sink drain was leaking. Called my handyman before going outside. He showed up, had the parts to replace the rotten area. All was well until later when I ran some water and a huge puddle appeared under the sink. Called him back, he said he'd be back in an hour or two. Meanwhile, I messed around and thought maybe it was the drain on the other side but when he got there and I ran the water for him he said no, NOW it was the faucet. And it hadn't been leaking when he tested it earlier. Now it was running a river!! So we went online, found a Delta faucet in-stock and he ran over and picked it up. Now I have a nice new faucet and a warning from him that the garbage disposal will likely be next.

    Also got caught up on my laundry and sorted through one box that I'd brought home.

    So all in all, an interesting day but so incredibly happy all the problems were addressed today. And onward to the next one right?

    Meanwhile, I have once again enjoyed reading the posts.

    Jeri, I am sorry you continue to have health problems but hope you still have a wonderful trip to Hawaii.

    Marie, are you feeling okay?

    Sandy, you are beautiful no matter your hair color. Really.

    Bob, I am glad you are getting more new clothes. It's always best to have things that fit. That being said, I am putting around here today in a pair of cords that are close to falling off.......they are so comfortable and I wasn't going anywhere today and if they get ruined in some chore-related mishap, I'm fine with it.

    Anne, I think your hair looks just fine in your picture.....

    Patsy, what are you doing this weekend?

    Shirley, did you get the windows cleaned?

    Barbie, I hope you and Jake are feeling well and having more happy days.

    Jackie, are you there?

    Everyone I've missed----HELLO!!!!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Well now this is really the PITS! I have a cold and to make matters even worse, so does hubby. Everyone knows when both of you get sick, we have a disaster of major proportions.
    Tonight we are watching a crime movie while doing exercises. I am not too thrilled with crime movies but we need to accommodate each other's taste in movies. I confess to being partial to Disney and Mickey Mouse.

    I lowered my calorie goal and so far have been slightly over for a few days. I am still adjusting to what and how much I can eat. Not sure about tonight's exercise. I have a running nose and a headache. I have been sort of shuffling around doing small chores, without energy or enthusiasm. We have had a real Oregon weekend. Rain, hail, wind, sun and cold. It means when you go outside you wear a rain jacket with a sweater tied around your waist, in case....

    Lin: I have to tell you about a friend with a small very old farm house that they decided to demolish and rebuild. In preparation for the demolition, the wife was packing up the items she wanted for the new house. There were many things that she didn't want or need any more. Thinking of perhaps donating to Goodwill or a yard sale she was talking to her husband about how much work this all was. He said, "don't worry, sweetheart! I got covered!" And indeed he did. He hired a back hoe to come and dig a gigantic hole. He had all surplus items pushed into the hole and covered over. He declared it a sort of modern day archeological dig...for the future. True story!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member

    Sandy, you look great in both pictures
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :D It is going to be a beautiful day here today but I have no plans other than grocery shopping. Babe and I went to Mass last night but didn't go for dinner as he is not sleeping well. Daisy keeps waking him up in the middle of the night and he is getting no sleep. I think she is in charge of him instead of the reverse. :D
    I rode my bike yesterday and plan on doing it daily, I sure felt good and was even able to run around the yard to play with Daisy. Have to keep these old bones moving.
    Thank you for all the compliments on my hair, you make me blush. B)
    Still getting used to it but everyone seems to like it so will see how I feel in a few days. I think I will like it better after I get it trimmed once but that won't be until I am ready for Florida.

    Barbie, love your smiley face!!!!!
    Patsy, sorry you are under the weather, hope both you and hubby get well soon. Love the story of the burial for the time capsule. LOL
    Lin , sorry about your house problems, always something. I think that is why I prefer renting to buying, so I don't get those expenses.
    Anne, you paint, you act, you are a woman of many talents. That is wonderful!!!! BTW, I see nothing wrong with your hair, you look great!!
    Shirley, I see that you too get badges for different Countries, what kind of fitbit do you have? And do you pay for the premium service?
    Bob, where are you?
    Jackie, where are you?
    Marie, where are you?
    Phoebe are you home or on the road?

    Have a wonderful Sunday, I hope the sun is shining for you.

    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Dave has already left for the boat. He wants to gets the tarp off. I don't go because it is still on the
    cradle and you have to climb a ladder and I don't like heights. So I wait until it is in the water.
    The weather here is beautiful and sunny for a change and I think I will take a nice walk.

    Yesterday we went to Home Depot, Dave got a $1300 gift certificate from work for 25 years of service and we decided to get new
    carpeting in the downstairs. So we went to check it out and talked to someone. We have to go back and get some samples to bring home
    as one of the samples was out by another customer. We also went to Walmart to get some sleepers for Isaac with Grandma on it but no luck.
    I bought him 3 sleepers any how and some bunny slippers since I couldn't see him on Easter. LOL

    Since Dave is at the boat I will do some laundry today since we are away tomorrow and overnight. :D
    We are going to see Isaac tomorrow and stay overnight, I can't wait!

    :) Sandy - You look fabulous in your Easter outfit with cute little Robby. He is getting so big already. Marie is on the other thread 20 lbs by July 4th so
    she is not posting as much. I am sure she will sooner or later.

    :) Jeri - I am sorry you are having so many health issues. I hope Hawaii can make some of the hurt go away. :D Enjoy yourselves.

    :) Bob - You look amazing with all that weight off. Great job and I know it was hard work.

    :) Patsy - Feel better soon and hubby too!

    :) Lin - yes we got all the windows done between Dave and myself. The weather outside was cold and gloomy but its done now.
    Today the sun is shining and they look great! Good luck with your plumbing problems. Another mess you have to contend with.

    Believe it not I am still in my PJ's so I better get going and get some things accomplished.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SANDY, the word is DID a bit of acting in the past. Like I said before, Jack of all trades, master of none! I sort of fell into the acting because I joined a group for scenery painting and costume design. THEN the company wanted a certain "type" to play the principal boy in an English pantomime. Sort of a comic role, I was persuaded to have a go, and after that got to play poor mad Ophelia in Hamlet and a few other parts, but then my life took a downward swing and it was bye bye to any further "goes". I just like trying my hand at everything. After all, if you don't have a go you'll never know what you really want to do!
    Just been to the stores and spent my tax refund (still to arrive, touch wood) on some much needed summer pants and tops.
    Hope everyone is enjoying Sunday! Beautiful day here.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Site gone crazy again! I'd need a desktop a mile wide to read this page! And I thought it was fixed! I guess I'm glad I'm not alone with this problem. 2 Funerals and a hospital visit and that's more than enough for 1 day! Robbie's picture with his Nana holding him is gorgeous, but spread over about 2 feet of space! I could not get it in one picture!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    BUZZ -- YES -- the site has gone crazy again -- very annoying!

    Patsy – Thanks for the compliment. In my wildest dreams, I never thought I’d see 36! I still take 38 – guess I’ll have to see where I settle. I’m not sure if you’d call it energy or what – but suddenly I have the urge to live a lot more life! I have no plans to exit MFP / Golden Sneakers…the last thing I want is a relapse and I know the importance of staying on top of this.:)

    Barbie – You’re right. Ya gotta want it and be willing to pay the price – discipline in the face of temptation. That is why I am sometimes hard on myself – it is what I need to stay on the straight and narrow.

    Sandy – Loved the photo – you looked GREAT! Sounds like a nice trip to Florida before the real heat sets in. I always remember going in July one year because I had some “points” expiring and I didn’t want to just lose them. My only memory is being outside the MGM Studios – sweating – and an ice cream cone melting down my hand faster than I could eat it. I swore off Florida in July…LOL

    Anne – All this talk of hair --- (color, curls, humidity) reminds me of my blessings – I don’t have as much to worry about as in my youth, To think the barber would sometimes need “thinning shears” is almost laughable.

    Lin – I am in fact glad to be buying some clothes. My old size never was “on sale.” I have a ton of clothes that I spent a lot of money on over the last 18 months and I think I’m going to list on eBay. If it was just a few items, I’d just give them away, but lots of these items haven’t even been worn 3 times. I bought lots on sale when I thought 2 or 3 x would always fit… never really thinking I’d see plain ole’ L-XL. I thought of keeping some of all the sizes and then decided – nah… if this is permanent weight loss – what’s the point. Still – like those “cords” of yours, I’ll keep a few comfy fav’s forever.

    Status –

    The out-of-town cardiologist I saw was “thrilled” with the weight-loss, as was his staff. One nurse was going to download MFP. Results weren’t exactly what I was looking for, as I am back out of rhythm etc. I take a half dozen or so Rx daily and the one they had me on that worked for 5-6 yrs (Amiodarone) wasn’t safe long-term. I left wearing a Holter and that gets returned tomorrow – then we’ll see. Yada yada – it is what it is…


    Granddaughter (turned 5 last month) slept over for the first time. Her brother (age 7) will stay over soon. Grandchild #3 is expected next month and this gives “mom & dad” a chance for some special time alone with each before the new arrival.

    So it has been Old Maid, DVD, Music galore – she sings a lot (Taylor Swift is her fav), took her to see a few hundred cows on display, she helped cook dinner and we went shopping for “special bread” at a place that has been open OVER 100 YEARS and lots more but you get the idea. Very smart young lady. Not afraid of anything new.

    Time to grab a bite to eat….enjoy your Sunday night everyone! :)
