Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Buzz, does holding the ctrl key and tapping the minus sign work?

    Hello all. Cool sunny day in California. Take care

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Shirley and Dave...happy anniversary. Wonderful times ahead! Our anniversary was last Friday and We have been retired a few years now. We look back often but really enjoy where we are now.

    Lin: travel safely, my friend. I hope this will not be too painful for you.

    To the new grandmothers...enjoy! Share photos when possible!

    Bob: wow! You were showing supernatural strength in avoiding temptation at the Easter Brunch. You remind me of you have a food related "kriptonite"?

    Anne: hope you will share your newest artistic efforts. I will do the same.

    Company is gone now. I have a mountain of laundry. The usual thing after visitors, towels, sheets pillowcases and napkins, tablecloth and socks (?) I don't understand it either. We only have two feet but there are what seems like dozens of dirty socks!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    FIRST: Shirley – Happy Belated Birthday…AND….congrats on the birth of Isaac…what a beautiful gift. Loved the photo. As the saying goes - "There's nothing like a grandchild to put a smile on your face, a lump in your throat, and a warm feeling in your heart."

    I had my official weekly I weigh-in this morning: “lost 2 lbs since his last weigh-in! Nikonpal's lost 199 lbs so far.” :)

    Don’t ya think I could have eeked out 1 more pound for an even 200? LOL. I’m going to hit it eventually – but really not sure I’ll stay there. I’m below my goal already and well below anything I have weighed in 20 years. Where I finally end up will depend more on the mirror after I increase strength work-out & maintain weight for the balance of 2015. I’m gonna lose that 1 pound for now…just because it’s there. LOL

    Started today with – burning 331 calories doing 61 minutes of cardio.

    As previously mentioned - tomorrow I have my rheumatologist appointment and then head for Rochester on Thursday.

    My wife got a call from my ophthalmologist’s office today. He injured himself and will be out 2 months, so I had to re-schedule with someone else in the office. This dr doesn’t know it but we exercise at the same gym and I had been looking forward to some “fun.” I’m required to see him at least 1 @ year because of one of my meds – amiodarone that I was taking for years. I have been taken off it since my last visit with him, because it isn’t a safe long-term drug. My cardiologist said it was a drug “Satin” would make LOL.

    Sandy – I’m glad “plain crepes with fresh blueberries and whipped cream and two well done sausage links” were not the table. No crepes or blueberries and the sausage was greasy looking and not well-done – so it was easy to pass up.

    Shirley – Isn’t it funny how the older we get the need to “party” because we are expected to, sort of passes. I mean we do a lot of fun celebrations but will often say “we just did this or that and let’s wait until…” Congrats on the anniversary.

    Patsy – That is one healthy brunch you cooked up! Next year I designate your son & husband as interim bottle washers.

    And yes – I do have a Kryptonite food with a calorie radioactive element. There is a certain pizza in town I only eat when someone else buys it. It is well known as one of the best in town. I can say “no” to all other pizza – but in my pre-2013 past I could order and eat and entire pizza by myself (of course, I split it between dinner and TV eating LOL). This place has been in business for decades. (photos from 2006 I tormented someone with).



    And I’ll end here with that bit of “food confession”. :)


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi, I've tried everything suggested but to no avail! PHOEBE, your suggestion brought my zoom level to 75%, which is difficult to read SANDY, my zoom doesn't show default but I used custom at 86% and will have to lower it again. I've logged out, used different methods of logging in, and nothing changes. It's only this website, so maybe it's trying to tell me something! Makes reading posts very frustrating, sigh!
    I will attempt again tomorrow as I'm way behind, as usual! love you all! Couldn't even locate the "Post Reply " button !!!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PATSY, well I started painting and I can promise you I won't be sharing my "artistic efforts" with you in the near future! I was all gung ho, and got a fairly decent sky and clouds sloshed on the canvas when I discovered nearly all my paints had dried out. Why? Tube tops all fastened tightly. It's difficult to get to the art store from where I live, and I will have to get one of the sons to drive me there. Mark tried on Sunday after picking up hot cross buns, but of course, not surprisingly, the art store was closed. Apart from that I am simply not good enough to post! However, I will continue to try because I love trying and getting covered in paint, just the same as when I bake, flour in that case! Your EASTER dinner sounded scrumptious by the way. Anyway, I'm thinking "bluebell wood" now, and especially after JACKIES video. I should include George!! Immortalize him! Poor George!
    BUZZ, I DO sympathize with you. I once used Pitmans shorthand, and I think that was a darn sight easier than this instant stuff, zooming in and out, and what have you! Nobody else could read shorthand either which had its uses.
    Loved all the posts, and all the happy good news. Everyone seems to have had a lovely EASTER including yours truly who got to see Cinders the wonder pup.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I had to show you my anniversary flowers. John really knows the way to my heart!
    He has been my sweetheart all my life.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    :D The only solution I know to the problem of the text running too far across the page is to use Google Chrome....when I use internet explorer I have the problem on any page that has a posted photo...apparently on Internet Explorer, the picture doesn't resize so it expands the whole page. MFP has been informed of the problem but who knows how long it will take to be resolved.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    WooHoo! I think MFP staff just responded to my pleas for help and fixed the view for me. The last couple of posts look almost normal!!! I'm in the midst of communicating with
    The MyFitnessPal Customer Happiness Team to let them know how we all appreciate their management! Maybe I'll be able to figure out the posts tomorrow. I did see SHIRLEY's wonderful news, but little else tonight! Miss you all!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. This morning's walk through Golitha woods was amazing, firstly because we were the only ones there.... car park empty and then, after a chilly start the sun burned through and George ran and ran through the leaves and jumped over fallen logs as if on an agility course, in fact if it wasn't expected of me to run with him I'd join up!

    Buzz ~ Welcome back to us and thank goodness the MFP team knew what to do because like ANNE, my forte was Pitmans shorthand and all this IT gubbins is more often than not beyond me so I delve where I shouldn't until I get into more major difficulties!!

    Bob ~ Excellent, just one pesky pound to go to round off at a magical 200 lbs. That's just extraordinary and I'm sure with a year on the right exercises to hone that body of yours you won't feel an urge to get back to the bad old days. Well, if you do feel it we're all here to offer support. A couple of weeks ago I spent an afternoon planning in my mind a roasted veggie pizza I was convinced I had in the freezer and even warmed up the oven ready for it only to discover it was all in my imagination so ended up with a piece of tuna and salad. Not quite the same but I did enjoy it so decided pizza is now off the menu!

    Anne ~ I noticed on this morning's walk the bluebells are coming through and we now have a carpet of green.... another month and it should turn a brilliant blue! In a box under my bed is a supply of oils, water colours and acrylics that like yours are probably dried up since I haven't dabbled for over 10 years. It seems once retired I don't have time for half the hobbies I used to enjoy! Did your snowdrops survive yet more snow? I do hope so.

    Barbie ~ I agree, Chrome is so much more user friendly than Explorer, faster too.

    Patsy ~Beautiful flowers from your sweetheart, lucky girl!! Good luck with the step counter, something I haven't tried yet because I'm sure I'd be going to bed worried I hadn't walked enough that day and end up sleep walking!!

    Hello to those of you I've missed but must now get on with serious housework and then a shared bonfire with my neighbour to clear our week of pruning and general tidying in respective gardens.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, I'm like you, I seem busier than ever since I retired to do much of the stuff I once loved to do. Or maybe, and more likely, I'm slowing down and hadn't realized it. I was over in Yorkshire 4 years ago in May and the bluebells just everywhere. Please post a photo in May to inspire me! If the painting's remotely decent I WILL put George in it! I was really shocked to find everything dried out so quickly. Maybe the dry air and central heating? Yes, my little little snowdrops survived, and with the snow now gone, my daffies are about 2 inches tall.
    BOB, 1lb to go and 200 lb disappearing into thin air. Where does the weight GO that everyone is losing! Does it just evaporate, do the cells just shrink and collapse down again? Well whatever, something to be jolly proud of!
    BUZZ, welcome back! It must have been terribly frustrating. I'm looking forward to your posts now you are back in this amazing world of ethereal messages. Reminds me of the winged God of messages!
    PATSY, beautiful flowers from the love of your life. What a sweet man!
    Good morning to all us Sneaker Friends,
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2015

    Thank you for the anniversary wishes. I too received flowers and Patsy's your's are amazing.

    It's a cloudy day and I hope to get some backyard racking done today. I hope it clears up we had
    our rain yesterday.

    Last night we went to Swiss Chalet for dinner I had the quarter chicken, salad and multigrain roll no alcohol just club soda. Trying to get back on track with all the dinners we have had lately.
    I am also trying to not to eat after dinner, which is always hard for me but I always lose when I do it.

    I have the Fit bit Flex all set up now. I tried the sleep mode last night and had 22 mins. of restless sleep. I guess I better work on that. I am really enjoying it. I have it synced to MFP but not sure how
    that works yet. Now other people want to hook up with me and I have to figure that out too.

    Bob - Almost 200 pounds what an accomplishment.

    Buzz - Glad to see you are with us again. Your Post Reply is probably way over on the page and down.
    That is where mine was.

    Jackie - I love to hear your stories about the woods. I use your woods in my meditation at Yoga.
    Yesterday though I couldn't get my mind to rest, it was all baby all the time.

    Anne - I also used shorthand eons ago. Also the Pitman method but in the states. No one could read it but me.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    YEA!!! and hip hip hooray! I'm back to normal looking text again! MFP staff is really on the ball!
    I'm so impressed with all of you "kids" and how well you construct your lives! I seem to be losing the control I once enjoyed and feel I'm coming apart at the seams. But at a Director's Meeting this morning, I spoke to our darling Director about the need for caregivers' support groups and she shared that when she was dealing with her Cancer, her dear husband was wonderful with her except when he "lost his cool" at which point she didn't understand where he was coming from. Research taught her that we are mostly all fragile human beings who cannot always be as perfect as we think we need be! I understand only too well what she was telling me, but it does not ease my guilt about trying to change my poor DH when he keeps asking or telling the same things (especially jokes :s !) over and over and over!!! And I certainly do wish I could manage a housekeeper almost daily instead of every fortnight!
    Mike has managed to gain in tiny increments, but has added 4 pounds in the past 2 weeks, while my is coming down very slowly, except I just discovered how addicting matzo can be with nothing more than my Olivio butter spread thinly! With hot coffee!
    I will try to make time to go back to posts that were illegible so I can find out how you have all fared over the Holidays, anniversaries (did I miss anyone's important dates or celebrations?) and other lovely things. We celebrated the Passover with a really beautiful Seder Saturday night here at Edgewater Pointe and then Sunday we celebrated with a lovely Easter Dinner where I learned the Last Supper was NOT a Seder, I had always believed, but a final supper for all the Disciples! Our Chaplain is both teaching and learning so much since coming to our community! Diversity can be so special!
    My day has disappeared, as usual , with myriad small things that need taking care of, so I must get back to chores.
    JACKIE and ANNE, I recall my DM telling me about her first classes in Pitman Method. I knew I'd flunk so I never even attempted to learn it! SHIRLEY, you were right about where to find the POST button: off the webpage!!! BOB, Thank goodness pizza doesn't tempt me---too much! I never allow myself even a taste of a jelly donut! Gotta run.
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    You do understand that computers are the implements of evil? I think at times it has some kind of desire to drive me to the brink of insanity! Then again I'd be lost without it.

    I have come to an amazing discovery (shock and dismay) it not so much what I is how much and how little I exercise. I should publish a book on this amazing research! Okay! Enough of this silliness. Climbing on my bike, getting out my little barbells, putting old rock and roll music on the CD player. The Eagles! There is work to be done. Have a great day, my friends.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Rheumatologist staff was happy with weight loss - as being heavier puts the added pressure on joints that can lead to more problems and hinder current progress. I have read losing 1 pound takes 4 pounds of pressure off your knees…and I have noticed climbing stairs is not as painful. Of course my BMI is also significantly lower which also helps.

    I was 2 lbs more on their old scale than my scale yesterday – but I expected that…I always weigh at 5-6am in birthday suit before any intake & on the same scale. In this case it was 5 hours later and I was fully clothed and had already consumed over 3 bottles of water. I’m expecting the same outcome on Thursday when I see the other dr out of town as my appt isn’t until late afternoon.

    Started the day by burning 326 calories doing 61 minutes of cardio exercises, including walking the treadmill at the gym 3.2. mph.

    Didn’t eat breakfast because of anticipated blood work. Ended up with a nice petite sirloin (Fit & Trim) at Ruby Tuesdays (1 trip to salad bar for only a few items) as my lunch/dinner. Gonna have some chocolate treat later. Yum.

    Patsy – Those flowers are gorgeous! John is one “in love” guy!

    Barbie – Funny you should mention the text running too far across the page etc. This only started recently. I use Firefox 99% of the time and never had a problem til now. It seems to come and go with me. So far so good today.

    Jackie – Thanks. I loved the afternoon planning for the non-existent pizza. I have actually done similar things. Like you, I always manage to find something else. But I’m not sure tuna & a salad will ever replace pizza. That is why I have only had pizza a 3-4 times since 2013.

    Anne & Shirley – Yup. Just one pound to go. But I do think it will take a couple weeks, given that 2 lb loss. I don’t care where those fat cells go – as long as it isn’t around my waist! LOL

    Time for that piece of chocolate – my daughter gave us a box of Gertrude Hawks - Dark Chocolate Mixed Nut Clusters for Easter!

    Enjoy the evening everyone! Bob
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Good Afternoon or is it Evening? I have Bryanna's little sister here while Bryanna works so I have been busy all day. Everything is good, life is good. Still haven't gotten on my bike but finally feeling stronger so one day soon.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    I am so far behind but to Shirley and Dave........


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Thanks Lin I know you are busy. Actually I am glad to have some down time after all he celebrations and dinners.

    Going to choir practice tonight only 2 more Tuesday night practices after this one then
    the concert at end of month. It's going fast.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Hello - yesterday was a big day for me and once again, I am fighting exhaustion. It's a broken record my friends. I think I am just a low energy person and need to plan better for getting rest when I know I have some of these emotionally draining events. Just call me your broken-winged sparrow. Ha.

    Was busy all day catching up on my cooking, fresh veggie prep, making almond milk, doing some odds and ends and then tried to update the software for the Navigation system in my SUV. Unfortunately I ended up with a non-functioning system. AND I have no setup disc to try to start over sooooooooo tomorrow is another trip to the dealership to try to get it straightened out again. Grrrrrrrrr. I mean they are okay people and all but I'm starting to feel like I live there!

    Oh, in addition to my walking I started doing my upper body stretches and exercises that I did last year in physical therapy. Wow, felt good when I did them.........not so much now. Ouch. So that will get better over time.

    When does Marie get back?

    Buzz - glad your back in business again here on MFP!

    Shirley - you have so much going on it's amazing!

    Bob - if you would end at 199 pounds lost it's totally fine but I'm sure you'll work on it to get to an even 200. Whatever you and your body decide to do!!

    Sandy - are you healthy again?

    Patsy - those flowers were tremendous. Such a lovely hubby!

    Anne - you and Jackie have such lovely conversations! I am always pleased to read them.

    Jackie - so you don't think you'll be running with George? Does he come when you call him? I trust the bonfire went well. It's so dry here (even with the recent drizzle) that burn bans are still in effect.

    Time to move along. I am determined to get some more rest so I made my appointment at the dealership for a bit later in the morning.

    See you soon.
