Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Our power went out about 6pm. They're working on it. Just a quick hello to everyone. Phoebe
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello everybody! Hope you are out of the darkness and into the light PHOEBE
    PATSY, always eat the ears first! On your chocolate bunnies that is! How can you BEAR to eat upwards with those little chocolate bunny eyes peering accusingly at you! I'm the queen of furniture moving. I get told off on a weekly basis for shifting things around. Remember the sofas and the narrow kitchen door? I've resisted tearing the drapes down again. So far!

    Today I go over to my eldest sons place to see Cinders the wee black "grand"puppy. She's been with them a week and settling in nicely I gather. Looking forward to that. Dinner too, looking forward to that as well! No cooking for once! Wonder what dessert will be! Have it so rarely now! A treat indeed.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Wishing you all a wonderful Easter time....not too many choc bunnies and eggs and just a few hot cross buns!

    Anne ~ I can see you spending the time hanging and taking down your curtains... hilarious!! While I'm decorating I'm moving the sofa from one side of the room to t'other so know how these things sometimes grab us. It's currently back where it started!

    A bout of food poisoning lost me a day yesterday but I'm now less queasy and confident enough to move a few yards from the bathroom again and get on with life! Not my cooking I hasten to add!!

    A peaceful Good Friday to everyone.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Jackie, I posted on the pound loss thread, but again, I'm so glad you are feeling better and ready to tackle any EASTER egg that comes your way! Keep out of the way of hot, very cross, bun(nies) though, living out in wilderness Britain as you do! I always think of Monty Pythons "attack bunny" at EASTER!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    edited April 2015

    Just a bit early as the next several days will be busy. Sunday starts with sunrise service and will be gone all day.......and Monday I'll be out of town.

    Anne - you now have me thinking of Monty Python's killer rabbits.

    Jackie - oh no!!! Food poisoning? I am so sorry.

    Phoebe - I hope the power is on now.

    Shirley - congrats on the birth of your grandchild.

    Hugs to all the Sneakers......


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member

    Congratulations Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Dave!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Friday!! :D I made my goal, even though being sick wasn't the best way. Still hanging on to the cough and I still don't have my complete voice but each day seems better. Hopefully by Sunday I will feel like my old self and can get back into a normal routine. Monday I start watching Robby again and I have to admit I do miss having him.
    I would like to get my hair done someplace today but not sure where to go so I will see.

    Shirley, what a great Easter for you with the birth of your new grandson Issac. I pray both mother and baby are doing well and you can begin your bragging rights!!!! <3

    Lin, have a Blessed Easter and enjoy your day. <3

    Jackie, bummer on the food poisoning, I hope it is all out of your system. <3 What do you think caused it?

    Anne, enjoy Cinders, I just love puppies, kitties, etc. Love animals!!! <3

    Phoebe, I hope your power is back on by now, your not home long enough to have these things happen. Was it do to weather or a mishap?

    Patsy, 10 pounds of weight is more than enough in my opinion. Be careful of your back as well as your knees. <3

    Buzz, Barbie and Jake and all who celebrate beginning tonight.


    Have a wonderful Day.
    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    What a wonderful EASTER gift!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Congratulations granma Shirley! I saw Sandy's post.
    Lin, sorry about your friend, the sudden death is a struggle for everyone to deal with. Drive safely
    our power was back about 9 hours later!
    time to pick up Honey from her bath. She's doing okay, just a bit tired and more anxious than before. We are doing our best for her.
    Marie and Buzz, hope you are both doing great. Its Springtime!
    Must go but Hi to all of you

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    WOW – Lots of posts to catch up on this weekend.

    Only made a few quick stops on my MFP home page over the last few days and thought I’d at least make a quick pit-stop here, just to “report in.”

    My wife had her macular hole surgery follow-up exam on the 1st and all looks well. She can now move forward with her cataract issues. This is all kind of new to her. She has never been hospitalized and takes no medications (never has). I always kid her by saying – “welcome to the group.”

    Attended my granddaughters dance recital. What a beautiful 5-year old princess. Next weekend it is her turn to “sleep over” with us and she is excited! So are we.

    It’s Good Friday…so I watched my food intake so far and did some extra exercise – so I can eat some fried fish!

    We will be dining out for Easter. My daughter and son-in-law bring everyone out for brunch as “their treat” each Easter. It’s very sweet of them. I will go with the flow food-wise. At first I was tempted to say I would just order off the menu etc. but did the calculations and it would only save a couple dollars and I never like to make my eating choices a topic of conversation...

    Next week, I have appointments with my rheumatologist on Tuesday and then a follow-up exam with a heart specialist out of town that I haven’t seen since last year when I was about 340. Looking forward to stepping on their scales. I also have follow-up visits with my cardiologist and podiatrist in the next 3-4 weeks.

    I always laugh when thinking about my weigh-in's at the rheumatologist office. Often, I would just make up a weight number. Their scale “only” went to 350 pounds. My cardiologist could weigh me accurately...although I did stand awkward once when it was going over the 400 mark.

    Oh well – my better half is calling!

    Have a blessed Good Friday or Happy Passover or – gosh it’s tough being politically correct…LOL :)


    Ps - Sandy -- Love the mask! :D
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A busy weekend so won't be able to check in until Monday but wanted to congratulate Shirley and Dave on the new arrival.

    Anne ~ Unfortunately I fear the food poisoning had something to do with a meal I had at my friends' place on Wednesday although I haven't phoned to check if they've been ill too as it seems so rude to suggest....!! We had a beef stew that had apparently been reheated and even had a conversation about how important it is to hit boiling point when doing so but I was aware it had been microwaved so am guessing! It's something I never ever suffer from so it was a shock to the system to be sitting in the loo with a bowl on my knees at 2 in the morning. You can imagine the rest! Pretty well over it now so no real harm done.

    Phoebe ~ I do hope dear Honey will get a little rest before you head off again. Perhaps the anxiety is just being away from you for a couple of hours having spent all her time with you recently. If so she will adjust over time I'm sure. Nine hours is quite a time without power but good to see all is switched back on.

    Sandy ~ Take care of that cough and don't overdo things next week. You must give yourself time to recover as much as you love having Robby.

    Bob ~ I get your drift ~ enjoy your Easter/Passover/break with family and I'm sure knowing what an amazing transformation you've accomplished the conversation is bound to come up and your food choices will be understood.

    Lin ~ So sorry to read you've lost your friend and hope the funeral isn't too upsetting, especially so soon after your dad's. Thinking of you.

    Hello to all I've missed but must get on and out.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, quickie from me too. Your assumption appears right about the food poisoning and I agree you can't really find out about the friend unless she phones you, and I would imagine she will be too embarrassed to do that. I've been very fortunate in that respect, but DO have an idea what you suffered. When we first came over here we went to the Falls for the day. The family had fish in a restaurant whilst 8 year old Mark at the time, wanted a beef hamburger as he disliked fish as a child. The poor child was so dreadfully ill that we broke the journey back to Quebec to get emergency treatment! My first "taste" and only taste of food poisoning. Frightened me to death and I keep well clear of beef especially in restaurants. I'm so glad you are now over the dreadful experience but what will you do when the next invite comes along? Plead vegetarian? That's an option!
    Happy day everybody!!!! Little puppy Cinders was adorable and a very healthy, playful Cinders indeed. ANNE.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good Morning,

    Isaac Henry was born yesterday 8lb 10oz and I will post a picture. Just got back from a hair cut and now to yoga class with Kristina. Busy times!

    Here comes Grandma!!!!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello baby ISAAC!!!!! Congratulations on his safe arrival to parents and proud SHIRLEY and DAVE.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :D It is cold right now but it is supposed to warm up and be a beautiful day for Easter. I am going to early Mass with Rob, Lisa, Robby and Bryanna and then to breakfast. We want to beat the crowds thus my sleeping late is officially over as tomorrow starts waking at 6:00 AM. I also made plans to meet friends for an early dinner tomorrow so I will have a full day. Babe just invited me to dinner tonight to celebrate our Easter together so I better start watching those calories or there goes my goal. B)

    Shirley, Congratulations again!! Big baby boy, how long was he?? I love the name and can't wait for the pictures. <3

    Anne, you have so many cute and not so cute stories, you should record them all for your grandchildren. <3

    I am so sorry about your friend. <3

    Jackie, I am glad you are feeling better and your friend will probably let you know if she was ill next time you talk to her. No use in embarrassing her and asking her if she got sick from her food. The good thing is that it was gone in one day at least for the most part.
    Is George getting an Easter Basket? <3

    Bob, have your doctors seen you since your weight loss? I am sure they will ask what happened to the other person that traveled with you. How nice of your daughter and sil to treat all to brunch, that is very generous of them. <3

    Phoebe, poor Honey, give her an extra hug from me. 9 hours without electric seems like an eternity to me, no TV, no computer, yikes what did you do?

    Marie, hope you are well and still looking forward to your trip to see your great granddaughter. <3

    Have a wonderful day and a Blessed Easter.


    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2015

    Here is Isaac Henry
    8 lb 10 oz
    21 1/2 inches long

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Here is Grandpa with Isaac Henry
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I will try and read all posts today. Still catching up!

    Going out for dinner tonight for my birthday. I already got the best present ever plus a Fitbit. So
    anxious to set that up. I think I will get Kristina to help me.

    I have started my own Facebook account so anyone here who wants to friend me, I look forward to hearing from you.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    edited April 2015

    Issac is beautiful and big like Robby!!! So happy for you!!

    Need a way to find you to friend you....what name are you using?
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh, what lovely pictures!. ANNE