Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning sneakers. I've just been putting my curtains or drapes back up after a bit of a spring clean. However, in answer to your question LIN, yes I still have a small amount of snow in the back garden, but then, it WAS minus 3C overnight. I have a cardinal sat looking hopeful on an apple tree branch, but the poor guy is out of luck because I have no seed left. This afternoon it will be plus 5C, that's about 40F I believe, so quite a ways to go before catching you lucky people up.
    PATSY, happy anniversary, and happy EASTER with the children. SUCH good news about your eyes! I'm so happy for you.
    And SHIRLEY, Dave's last day I believe in the work force. All those lovely golden hours of freedom ahead of you.
    JACKIE, nearly finished painting I expect and a lovely new carpet coming to snuggle your tootsies in.
    BOB already at the gym? BUZZ going off for breakfast? PHOEBE out on the road? BARBIE out with the dogs? JERI, home safe and sound, MARIE fantastic weight loss! SANDY getting better and ALL of you, happy last day of MARCH!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just passing through on my way to shut the chooks away for the night and then get the furniture back from the middle of the sitting room again. Had a good swim this morning as I met up with friends at 9 am and we got nearly an hour in before the local children, all on their Easter break, piled in for a fun and flume couple of hours. No place for any adults to be with all that splashing and crashing about!!

    Your weather seems as crazy as ours but I see why, the jet stream is going at full pelt whipping up high winds and cool temperatures from your continent to my little island!

    Lin ~ Yesterday it was such a gloomy day my wall painting came to a rapid stop because I couldn't see new paint from old as I ran the brush over the walls so thought it best to give up otherwise only have to repeat the whole process today. Delighted to see your new shoes have made all the difference and think sometimes the obvious can be right under our nose and we don't spot it for a while!

    Anne ~ I did spent a few hours this afternoon after my swim and dog walk through the woods painting but still have quite a bit to do as there's the dreaded gloss to put on the woodwork waiting to be done and tomorrow I'm out all day. Easter looks a quiet time for me so I can crack on over the weekend.

    Patsy ~ Such good news after your visit for those injections as it seems they are working and I'm sure we all totally understand and empathise with your fears, especially since you so obviously love your art work.

    Almost dark outside so must get those hens shut away.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :D I had a bad night again last night so I made an appointment to see my doctor this afternoon. Of course I felt much better today but went anyway. She said no pneumonia a little bit of bronchitis so she gave me an antibiotic to the tune of $103.00.
    I don't take any prescriptions drugs so I have no drug plan so I was shocked with the amount. Now let's just pray that they kick in and I will be fine for Easter.


    I am glad the shots are working for you and can imagine how scary it is to see a needle coming toward your eye. Reminded me of my cataract surgery which I survived.

    Jackie, you keep your little cottage neat and tidy even though it is hard work, you are super woman. For the new people you once again have to post a picture of the outside because it out of a story book. <3

    Anne, all this spring cleaning is making me feel lazy. However, I haven't even lived here a year so I don't think I need to do any extensive type cleaning. I am, I think and hope finally getting better and expect full recovery by the weekend.

    Jeri, sorry about your uncle, my deepest sympathy.

    Marie, lunch sounds like it was wonderful with Alice. She is such a good daughter, how is her weight watchers going???

    Lin, glad you got some new shoes and are able to enjoy all those steps you are conquering.

    Bob, glad you like the recumbent bike, I know I really do like mine when I am healthy.

    Now why I posted this on Facebook I have no idea but will share with you only because I think it is funny. I put on this mask at the doctors office just to be nice but I could also be ready for surgery if needed. Too many wrinkles are showing but oh well.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Good afternoon dear friends – some more zipping around today because the weather is fabulous here and it seemed a good thing to take advantage of it to do some errands before it changes again. Got a fabulous lot of fresh vegetables at Trader Joe’s this morning. Got them unloaded and then took my SUV to the gas station for a fill-up (it is going in for all day maintenance on Thursday so thought having gas was a good idea). Then over to World Market for a few things and home again---added to the Easter baskets I’m taking to those children at church on Sunday. Patsy, I don’t have family so I guess I just snare folks who look like they could use a little extra. Hope no one gets insulted. Oh well, I’ll risk it.

    I’m taking it easy on the walking. I was too enthusiastic in my 20 and 30 thousand step days and now my knee is not particularly happy with me. I’ll be calm for a while. Ha.

    Marie – oh yes, new shoes are so good aren’t they? Glad you had a good time with Alice. And I am glad you got some black-eyed peas----one of your favorites.

    Patsy – congrats on your good news from the eye doctor. I would want to follow all treatment as well. Losing your eyesight is a frightening thing although I know many many people do very well without it. And as I mentioned, the baskets I am making are not for family, just a couple of little kiddies at church. I am glad you make the day special for the adults. Yes! And Happy Anniversary to you.


    Buzz – hi---so glad you stopped by.

    Jeri – also great to see you.

    Anne – I can see a poor sorrowful Cardinal sitting dejectedly in your yard hoping for seed…….awwwww. Hoping it warms up soon in your area.

    Shirley – how did the day go? Is your DH sad now that he really is retired?

    Jackie – my gosh, lots left to do on the painting project. I hope it goes well over the weekend. Enjoy your day out tomorrow. The weather does need to calm down doesn’t it? Now it is so dry here everyone is on fire alert. Today there was a controlled burn along the railroad track and they had so many guys there turning the brush over to make sure all the fire was out and they were soaking down around the large wooden utility poles to make sure they didn’t catch on fire. I’ve never seen so many people working at one of these fires! Oh I would imagine swimming with all the kids around would have been a nightmare. I was in a store yesterday and two ladies had several children with them and just let them run wild. They were literally running through the store and screaming and making all sorts of noises. The ladies looked as if they didn’t hear them, wow, I did. As they went by me I could not believe how loud those two little kids were. But I live alone, I don’t yell at myself so I don’t hear that often.

    Sandy - it was considerate of you to wear a mask. So many people are ill and do not do that. I hope the bronchitis is history soon!

    Onward my friends. I hear that documentary on cancer continues tonight. I don’t know if I’ll watch it or not. But that’s a decision for later.

    Wishing everyone good health.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Thank you dear sneakers for your beautiful anniversary wishes. We married right out of high school and went to college as a young married couple. Being young and silly, we were too busy with college studies and jobs to ever even consider any other life. It is romantic and fun to look at school pictures and college momentos. What a journey we have had!

    An orca pod has shown up near Cape Disappointment. There is one newborn and mom amoung them. These whales are tagged and tracked by satellite. Everyone is out trying to get a few pictures but they are staying out of camera range. We have not seen them yet.

    Very chilly today. We will see showers all week. We used to schedule Easter egg hunts for the kids in the local park but the weather has been so untrustworthy in recent years, this has been abandoned. I remember the elaborate egg hunts our family used to have. We all had sets of rabbit ears we wore all day on Easter Sunday. Our daughter wore hers even to bed. Since she is in her 40s now, I believe she has given this up...I Think!

    I saw a checkers set with black and white bunnies in a local gift shop, I fear I must get it!!! I am sure we need it for after the Easter Dinner activities. What are your Easter plans, my dear sneakers? We are having salmon. We live in Oregon, after all. We eat seafood for every occasion.
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Good evening Sneaker friends.....

    I know it has been a while since I have been on here, but we have been traveling with our travel trailer again for the last 10 days. First we headed north to the FRA convention for 3 days. Gambled a bit since it was at a casino, but had no luck unfortunately. We then headed south on our way to Santa Barbara Ca. with a stop in between for 1 night. Once in Santa Barbara we made the usual trip to Solvang, which is a cute little Danish town. We also took a lengthy drive to a beach, which was much further than we anticipated...curvy roads and all, but the scenery was so pretty. Once Sat came we got together with my sister and husband for lunch and then a tour of the Santa Barbara area and surrounding communities where my brother in law pointed out all of these incredible estates owned by various movie stars. One would never know there were houses up on these hills as they were densely covered with oak trees. On occasion we could take a peak at the incredible ocean views these homes have. We ended the day by having dinner with them in the cute little town of Los Olivos, which is now quite popular for its wine tastings and art galleries. They have lived there for about 20 yrs now. Sadly we had to leave the next day with our usual stop half way home for the night and then homeward bound. We had a very relaxing time and were more than ready to get out of town.

    See it still has been cold in some areas where you live, but glad to see that spring is starting to come in your various areas. While out of town we were in the upper 80s, but it has since started to cool down to the mid 70s this week. Our green hills are already turning brown and with these warmer temps already I really think we are in for a hot summer with little water and unfortunately the forest fires that result from little rain. It is going to be a wild ride I am afraid.

    Have enjoyed reading your notes, but have lots to catch up on. Just because a place says it has Wifi doesn't mean we have had internet capabilities. The RV parks are way behind in updating their wifis. Lots of RVers these days with all of the boomers retiring, which also means more crowded parks and Wifi issues.

    Well it is getting late, so I am going to call it a night.

    Until next time,

    :) Diane
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. I'm still getting used to our loss of an hour at the weekend as we crept into Spring so must dash off for doggie walk because it's already way past 9 o'clock! George will then travel with me to Bodmin town where friends are now living having moved back from Brittany a few years ago. He gets to visit and no doubt get lots of treats while I go on to my hairdresser... just a tidy this time! The sun is shining at the moment but the forecast is for more showers which may or may not come my way.

    Sandy ~ I do hope those antibiotics ease your chest so you get to feel your normal self again. As you say, at that cost they'd better work! Someone somewhere making a fortune out of others ill health! :/

    Have a good Wednesday. No chance for me to avoid naughty food because my friend likes to bake but I've been very good all week and will continue that regime the rest of the week so no real harm done!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member

    Patsy – That checker set sounds unique you should consider purchasing it. We all need a bit of whimsy in our lives. Enjoy! Living here in the Midwest everything sounds so exotic to me. Orca pod? Wow. Amazing.

    Diane – your trip sounds wonderful. I love your descriptions of all the places you visit. Interesting that Wi-Fi is getting overloaded. I hadn’t thought of that although it makes sense because even in our local Starbucks it can be difficult to anything when there’s a full house. So happy to see you.

    Jackie – enjoy your day even with the treats. You seem to be able to handle having just a bit and getting right back on track. That is wonderful. I’m not wired that way for the most part. There are few things I can handle that way. Hugs for George!

    And a good morning to everyone. I’m changing up my routine and my errands are finished but instead of doing my walking now I’ve decided to do all my email and online chores early. I clearly am tired most of the time when I finally check in.

    I bought all the needed ingredients to try a new bean burger. I have to decide if I want to go through the long and laborious process to make them. But it would be nice to have something to take for Easter that wasn’t just salad and fruit. So we’ll see.

    Happy day to all may you not be fooled!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    edited April 2015
    Happy Wednesday! :D Going to a movie with Babe, let's hope I don't cough through the whole thing. (bringing cough drops) I found a coupon for my antibiotic and I am going to go back to Walmart to see if they give me some money back, will let you know.
    I feel pretty good except for the cough, just waiting for the antibiotic to kick in.
    Have a great day and don't get fooled by the jokers for April Fools Day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2015

    April Fools to all the Sneakers!


    Happy Belated Anniversary Patsy!

    It has been a super busy week with much more to come. Yesterday was Dave's last day of work so we started out with a nice breakfast out and then headed to his head office in Mississauga for his retirement luncheon. There were about 50 of his coworkers there and after the lovely luncheon we headed to the conference room where speeches were made. It was an emotional time for him. He had 25 years in the company. After receiving some gift cards, a bottle of champagne, and the most generous of all a
    $3,000 gift voucher to take a trip. We were both floored with that and had tears in our eyes on the way from the lunch. He also got a large card with everyone's signature on it.

    We were pretty tired last night but I did go to my choir practice and we had our pictures taken for the newspaper. I did manage to get up this morning and make it to Yoga Practice. Today Dave is taking his mom to the doctor's for her check up with the oncologist. So that is where our life is right now taking care of his mom and all finances. I know many of you have gone through this as we did with my parents. Now to enjoy the rest of the retirement years together and take whatever life throws at us.

    Now things to come are, my birthday on Saturday, our anniversary on Sunday and then my daughter having the baby on Monday.
    Exciting times !!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    the elimination diet:
    "Remove anger, regret, resentment, guilt, blame, and worry.
    Then watch your health, and life, improve."

    Dr. Charles, CoachMD

    smiley-cool05.gif I lowered my step count goal this month because I've found myself obsessed with steps and have neglected other things (strength training, time with my Jake, getting to bed on time, household chores). I am looking for more balance and this might be the beginning.

    smiley-sad010.gif My line dance class this morning was cancelled because the instructor thought there was something seriously wrong with her eyes (detached retina, maybe) and scheduled an appointment with the eye doctor immediately. I used the time to dance at home and ride my exercise bike and watch figure skating. Later she called me to say that her eyes were fine. The symptoms she noticed were not unusual for someone her age and she'll be back dancing again tomorrow.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbiesmiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi, just a real quickie as my desktop seems to have been placed under a magnifying glass and is making me dizzy. Sentences are strung out from here to Kalamazoo! My zoom level is still 100% and if I go smaller I can't read it, so I figure Internet Explorer is having a fit and I'll just leave it alone! SHIRLEY, incredible gift, and welcome to retirement! Glad BARBIE caught herself before steps took over her life, and JACKIE, the picture must be gorgeous but it came onto my computer so oversized I couldn't see it! Gotta run, so take care everyone.
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Morning everyone. Just a quick note so I aren't forgotten! I've read all your very interesting posts and SHIRLEY your Dave's wonderful last day at work was so like my own, well one's got to wonder...... However, I don't recognize him, but wouldn't that be interesting if I did! I left my place 14 years ago though, boy is it THAT long, after 25 years of work, so even if there was a coincidence, we will have both changed!
    BARBIE and LIN I only manage about 11,000 steps a day. Even walking to the stores and back only takes up 3,000. I don't want to go over that because for me anyway, I don't want to overdo it, and I'm a teensy weensy bit older too! I keep well away from machines other than a normal pedal bicycle because it would be too much wear and tear on the old Anne knees. Just those steps a day have really strengthened my knees and calf muscles. I had to smile at myself yesterday, I had, I guess, a real exercise day. Apart from the store walk and the usual trot down the basement stairs a few times for wash day, I looked at my freshly put up again drapes and decided I rather liked the look without them at all. Just the blinds. So up I climbed and took all 6 panels down. Loved the look, sun shining etc. however, come evening, it seemed cold and bare without them, so up I climbed again and put all 6 panels back. Peered at them awhile, and decided it looked too cluttered. Up the ladder again, and I removed all the panels again to then put 4 back. Perfect! Had a good nights sleep, wonder why!
    This afternoon it will be a 15 glorious centigrade degrees. Finally, I might get in the garden and clear up the twigs etc from last winters storms, and start cutting the dead stalks back.
    Have a glorious Thursday all you sneakers, Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    edited April 2015
    Happy Thursday!! :D Lots of rain today but I am still going to go to my meeting. I am feeling good except for lack of voice and cough. I brought the coupon I found at to Walmart and got a $69 refund. I recommend this site if you do not have prescription insurance, they will get you the best deal. I am getting the free card to use for future prescriptions.

    I have to run time is slipping away again.
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sandy - Nice job on the discount coupon. I hope you are on the mend now.

    Barbie - Yes balance is very important. Your steps are awesome but the body needs other parts
    to be worked on hence the balance. I always try and mix things up so my upper and lower body are worked. Yoga works all parts that why i keep on going and its great for strength training.

    Anne - Yes wouldn't that be funny if your paths crossed. Stranger things have happened.

    A beautiful day this morning but now it is clouding up and they are predicting rain. I am just finishing
    my lunch and will go for my walk now.

    Dinner tonight with our good friends, my friend who I grew up with and her husband. They want to buy dinner for Dave for his retirement. I will be good and mindful tonight. :p

    No news on baby yet but will keep you informed. Monday is due date.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    edited April 2015
    smiley-happy110.gif I have the house to myself for awhile this afternoon. Jake has gone to lunch with a friend. I fixed one of my favorite meals---scrambled eggs with broccoli and sweet onions. The dogs are napping on the couch and as long as I don't get up, they'll stay asleep and not pester me to go for a walk. I called my cousin (the one in the nursing home). It is a daily challenge to make conversation with her because I don't really have any news from day to day and she almost takes pride in the fact that she does nothing and has nothing to talk about. She doesn't like the food, so even that isn't a possible topic of conversation.

    smiley-cool05.gif At line dance today I got the schedule for practices for those of us who will be performing at the county fair in August. Our first meeting will be next week and will be to choose the dances we'll do. I have a few suggestions. The group is smaller this year and all the dancers are good experienced dancers and fun to be with.

    :D Sandy, that's good news about your lower cost prescription.

    :D Shirley, you're right about yoga being so good for your whole body...I have two good videos that I used to do and will plan to do again.

    :D Anne, that's a great story about your taking the drapes down and putting them up and taking them down....very good exercise.

    :'( Buzz, sorry to hear that your internet is misbehaving...very frustrating

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member

    Buzz – gosh sorry you were having problems with your computer. I trust you are getting some rest and that you are enjoying the events at your community.

    Anne – you should do what feels right for you as far as walking and exercise. I’ve been trying to bump it up some lately to burn off any stress and boost the feel-good chemicals in my brain and to hopefully sleep a bit better. I find really sleeping well takes A LOT of steps each day but my feet won’t take running so I just do my best. With all the up and down the ladder you really got in a workout didn’t you!

    Sandy – glad you got your refund and hope your health is improving each day. We got a tiny bit of rain last night—most of it went around us. You can send some back if you'd like.

    Shirley – wow, another night out for dinner! You and DH are some of the most social folks I know. Enjoy the evening. There’s a lot of celebrating with Dave’s retirement! Mindfulness is your watchword!

    Barbie – my gosh, time to start working out the dances etc. for the fair? That seems quite early. But then it is April. It sounds as if you have a good group and it will be lots of fun.

    I had my vehicle in the shop most of the day for all that deferred maintenance I mentioned a while ago. I received a discount coupon for some of the labor so decided it was time to do this before the coupon expired. I also had another loyalty card with them that gave me another discount. Okay, now that’s done. Next thing to think about is an eye exam. Maybe in May……we’ll see.

    I received some very sad news late last night. A friend I worked with, sang in several groups with, and that was part of a group of us that got together for birthdays suddenly died. Her funeral is tomorrow and I plan to get there. I’m still a bit in shock. Other than some joint problems she was always in very good health. I’ve been talking to another of our friends and she says she probably won’t be able to fit it in her schedule due to all the activities of Easter week. But we did talk a bit about dear Virginia.

    I also tackled a job I didn’t want to do and am pleased that it’s finished now. I had to contact a government agency about changing the titleholder information on the farm. I found out their requirements, hunted down the information, made copies, wrote a little cover letter and took it out to the mailbox. Yes! Now we'll see what else they want. :wink:

    I listened to a conference call at lunchtime and will be listening in on another call this evening so will likely walk some more. I don’t want to wear out my joints and cause pain but I also don’t like to sit that long. I jump up all the time and move around—that helps my joints while sitting for very long just does not.

    Hugs to all. Be healthy. We seem to be missing so many folks on this thread these days. Must be a very busy time for everyone.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hope you all had a nice April fool Day
    All is fine here in our neck of the woods.Sun is shinning and rater warm.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello dear ones! I am sneaking a break instead of finishing my chores. I want to finish stretching a canvas and I am in the middle of applying gesso on another. This is the boring part of painting. Oh well, you have to break eggs to make an omlette. It is almost Easter, so I am speaking in egg talk these days. Bhawaaaaaahaha!

    Things are leafing out nicely. Still wet and chilly but it is green, so I will not complain. More interesting wildlife news. The neighbor came to tell us he ran into a den of coyotes down by a tiny little creek that runs near by. Several small animals (cats) have disappeared lately. We are watching our old furry girls as they venture out for their night potty run. I feel like we live in a National Geographic special. I love all the wildlife. But we do watch out for our old sweethearts.

    Lin: trying to up my game when it comes to exercise. I have been lifting 10 lb. weights and that may. sound lite but to me those barbells are heavy. My knee talks to me constantly about stressful positions. Heel lifts are good for the legs but the knees say....easy there! Add only a few more per week. Does everyone talk to their knees? Do their knees talk back?

    Anne: I can fully understand the curtain and ladder exercise. You would really enjoy seeing me rearrange the furniture. My husband usually goes on some errand and comes back just as I finish the moving. He also usually hates any new arrangement. "Looks better the other way!" Ohhhhh baby, we do have fun!
    Remember not to eat your chocolate bunny ears first. Always start at the toes!