Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning sneakers. A cool day with a northerly wind that reminds us winter hasn't quite left us and there's still snowfall in Anne's old neck of the woods! The river was running high on our walk and George got soaked trying to dig stones out of the sand in the shallow areas, this after I'd spent some time washing his eyes and ears and grooming him generally... like a naughty child! LOL

    Delighted to read a post from BUZZ and know there's support for you when needed and impressed with PATSY'S little bit of Spring clean to suck up the last of those pine needles!!

    Time for me to pop into our local town for a bit of shopping and then hopefully more gardening because yesterday my plans went awry when the garage phoned to let me know a fault had been found on a sensor that was telling me my new car was overheating when it wasn't, at least I think that was the diagnosis, so back I went to collect it and hand back the courtesy car with much relief because my long legs struggled to squeeze under the steering wheel of that vehicle!

    Have a lovely day whatever you all have planned. PATSY, I might just book you to pop over the pond with your vacuum cleaner to kick start my Spring clean! LOL


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :D Buzz, Marie, Anne, and Patsy, thank you for the birthday wishes. It has been a great day of doing what I wanted to do. "The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" was great. There aren't many movies that I want to see, but this one was super and I'm glad we went. Jake had a small popcorn and I ate nothing at the movies.

    <3 Barbie

    What a wonderful day. I have been itching to see that movie. I loved the first one and adding Richard Gere cannot be a bad thing. I always wait to see movies until they are available at the library or are on Netflix. I fear this will be a looooobg wait for me!!


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning sneakers, at last the snow is almost gone in my back yard and I can get out walking again, and indeed I took the old grocery cart for walkies yesterday to stock up my veggie supplies. Mind you, the only word for the road outside my drive is mucky. One of the old houses in the street was knocked down last fall, replaced with a mansion, and yesterday, in pouring rain, the workmen out digging it's drive up to lay pipes. Already, a for sale sign displayed. The one next door to me that was built on my beloved waste ground went for over a million dollars and this new one is bigger! I guess my dear little old house will suffer the same fate as time goes by, but at the moment here I am, a glass of beer amongst the champagne! One or two old timers left but our days are numbered!
    You had a lovely birthday BARBIE, but I'm like LIN, I will have to wait a while to see the movie. Did you think of me JACKIE out in the woods with a patch of snow? LOL. I Bet old D's ghost was nowhere to be seen, but didn't little George have fun! Oh to be young again and in our case, splashing through water in our wellies!
    BUZZ, I don't reply much, but you are in my thoughts a lot. Very, very hard being a patient caregiver.
    Have a lovely day all the rest of you lovely SNEAKERS,
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    It's SNOWING! Aargh! 'Nuff said!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Good morning! I've gotten in my mandatory 10,000 steps and will be listening in on 2 conference calls today so definitely will up that count!

    Catching up on kitchen chores again---almond milk is made and a hodge-podge of ingredients is cooking away in my InstantPot so will hopefully end up with some tasty lentil soup.

    Tomorrow I will meet up with a friend for some talking. She has been debating for months on selecting a retirement date. Unlike Barbie who has so many friends willing to walk, I don't seem to have anyone who's in physical condition to walk so we will mostly be sitting as she has terrible problems with her feet. It will be nice to find out what's going on in her world though---it's been a long time.

    In the evening I'm going to another card making class at the library. This time we'll be making birthday cards. It should be fun as it's the same instructor as the last class when we made Valentines.

    Anne - NOOOOOOOO, no more snow! I hope it's just a flurry.

    Off to check email---I think I have over 300 to sort through. Argh!

    See you later.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    dropping in to see what all our sneakers are doing. seems like everyone is fine.
    I am doing great. nothing new. lad to read everybody post.
    having pizza toniht using the gluten free English muffin love those muffins

    hopin you all are having a great day
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited March 2015
    Happy Thursday!! :D Not feeling great, I think I am catching Robby's cold. I am fighting it as much as I can with Tylenol, Emergen-C Immune + and Cold-Eeze. I hope tomorrow is a better day, I have no time to be sick. Robby's nose is running and he has a cough, I wish she would take him to the doctor but she is waiting to see how he is over the weekend. I didn't know I was off all next week, I though Lisa's break started on Wednesday but she assures me it is all week. This is a good thing since I am worn out.

    Just wanted to check in, will try to get back tomorrow.
    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member


    A rain snow mix today. I left around 10:30 am to drive to my sister's for shopping and
    lunch. I hit something in the road, don't know what it was, a piece of something and was
    worried about my tire but I made it there and back without road side assistance. ;)

    We had a lovely day despite the weather, she has a new boyfriend and I got the scoop on that. She bought some nice things for the baby and then we had lunch at her favorite restaurant. We both had the chicken souvlaki salad and it was delicious and coffee. She gave me my birthday gift early so it was a pleasant day.

    Anne & Jackie - Yes Dave is the one who scooped me up and took me north. Going on 41 years next month. Not looking back. He will be retired on Tuesday, his last day.

    BUZZ - You are a gem to all of us, and I think of you when you have to take care of Mike and what he is going through. You are a great caregiver, even though your patience may get the best of you. Its part of the process. I saw the movie with Steven Hawking and enjoyed it too. Surprised how many kids he had and wives all during his illness.

    Marie - Hi and your pizza sounds delicious. Its almost dinner and I am getting hungry thinking of your pizza.

    Lin - I hope you start to feel better soon. Maybe its the Spring change, or maybe you are doing too much and working too hard on your Dad's stuff. Time to take some Lin time and rejuvenate. Your card making sounds fun and just what the doctor ordered.

    Barbie - How did the line dance go that was so difficult. Did everyone survive? ;)


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SHIRLEY, that's SO romantic. I have visions of Mounties, the Indian love call and "Rosemary" floating through my head! I arrived here in 1973 (where's the time gone!) around about your time I think. I guess we both fully qualify as Canucks now! Shall you do something special on Dave's first day of freedom next Tuesday, or just relax over a late breakfast with a leisurely look at the newspapers IF you still get them!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    edited March 2015
    Don’t know where the time goes…a feeling I think each of us has on a daily basis. Funny – as a kid, I thought I had nothing but time. LOL

    Buzz – saw your note from 3/24 – the link you wanted for DS was:

    I do plan to see "The Theory of Everything" at some point. Happy to hear your community started a support group for caregivers and the insight they provide.

    Barbie – Happy Belated Birthday! If memory serves, you were born in 1959 so that makes you 56…never mind – I confused you with that other doll.:) I’m sure you danced up a storm. Guess I have to put "The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" on my list too.

    Jackie – I can relate to the “cool day with a northerly wind that reminds us winter hasn't quite left us.” We should get 1-2 inches tonight and Saturday’s high will be 27F!!! I’m not greedy and would just like some 50 degree weather.

    Lin – so you’re a Richard Gere fan? Hard to believe it has been 25 years for Pretty Woman. Years ago, I ran into Richard at the local grocery store – in the produce section of all places!

    As for walking – I know what you mean. There are a lot of people that simply cannot walk much – at least not more than a few blocks. I’m looking forward to getting on a bike this spring (if it ever shows up) for the first time in years.

    Anne – Glad your snow is on the way out. My wife mentions every day how she wants to get back to her walks. She doesn’t mind cold – but doesn’t exactly love 27-35F (and lower with wind chill).

    Marie – That pizza sounds good! I might have to make one soon.

    Sandy – I hope you get better real soon. Thank goodness you will be getting a little “time off.”

    Shirley – Glad you didn’t need roadside assistance. Around here the main thing we hit is a pot hole. The city has more than a few. Congrats on the 41 years!

    Anne – as for Rosemary – my father introduced me to that movie decades ago and I have seen it several times. I’m a big 30’s, 40’s movie fan. A link to the song:

    Time to get some things done. Nite folks. Bob :)

    Ps -- Anne - you might like this too:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    101 temperature, chills, aches and pains. No sitting for me tomorrow. My son was kind enough to bring me Tylenol and pm and am NyQuil. Should sleep good tonight.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    Bob where do you ride your bike. It ia awful; over crowded in NYC

    Sandy for goodness sake if Robbie gets to poop you out tell them so.
    You are in retirement and should b ejoying your time. you earn it. I know you love them I love my grandkids too but I refuse to keep them on a full time basic.. They will still love you.
    I will shut up now.
    Love marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    101 temperature, chills, aches and pains. No sitting for me tomorrow. My son was kind enough to bring me Tylenol and pm and am NyQuil. Should sleep good tonight.

    Poor Sandy. :( Just take care of yourself..........


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    BOB, you never cease to amaze me! Simply......Thank you. ANNE.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :D Lin, it's not that I so many friends who like to walk, it's just that I have so few friends.

    :D Bob, I was already out of high school when the Barbie doll debuted. However, I partnered as a second grade teacher many years later with a man named Ken.

    :D Sandy, taking a nap in the afternoon helped me get over my cold.

    :D Shirley, thank you for the birthday wishes.

    smiley-happy110.gif This has been another super day with dog walking, dancing, time on the exercise bike, and a nap with the whole family.

    smiley-sleep012.gif Barbie
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Just popping in for a second.

    Sandy - hope you are well soon !!!!!!!

    Been busier than I want with kids and appointments. Had a massage today and Physio tomorrow. Not sure if I am making progress or not.

    I'll check in tomorrow

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Good morning - Trader Joe's trip for the day = DONE. Over 15,000 steps. Ready to make a bit of lunch, listen to a conference call and then off to meet my friend. I may save part of my lunch to take along since we are meeting in a food court and she may want to go to a restaurant.

    Busy busy Jeri! We understand that.

    Barbie - I don't have many friends either. I repeat---none of them walk (either they aren't capable of walking much or in a couple of cases, they just don't want to).

    Sandy - hope you are feeling better.

    Buzz - love you and hope all is going well today.

    Bob - I have to check out those videos. My laptop is old and seemingly will no longer play YouTube videos. Have to get on my iPad.

    Jackie - hope you are doing well. Hugs for George.

    Patsy - hello and hope your weather is great. I'm still attempting some meditation each day but I find unlike past attempts at this, I am having problems shifting my mind out of overdrive into neutral. I'll keep at it.

    Anne - no worries about me going too deep with my meditation (at least not right now). Sorry you had experiences that troubled you. In the past, I've found the time refreshing and pleasant.

    Marie - happy day to you.....may many Texas Bluebonnets be in life! Love those flowers. I heard your season is early this year.

    Onward everyone. Wishing everyone health and happiness.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited March 2015
    Happy Friday!! :D Still under the weather basically just got out of bed. Babe has called me twice to ask about his own health issues forgetting that I am sick and I really don't care today. I am so grateful that my son was able to take off and keep Robby home, there would be no way I could have done it today. I am a person who rarely gets sick, I can usually handle it with mind over matter but not this time. I am spending most of my time sleeping so hopefully I will be fine soon. We also had snow on the ground but it is gone now.
    Enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time or today maybe One Minute at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    LIN, isn't it a shame that we can't "beam" somewhere else like in Star Trek, because I'm in the same boat as you and BARBIE. My friends have either gone to the happy hunting ground or the few remaining are no longer driving let alone walking. Mind you, I'm sure, if we COULD beam to a common meeting place, you and BARBIE would be twice round the block before finding me again and my leisurely amble. I too found the meditation wonderful and did it for 3 years before I "met" dad. Maybe I'll stop being a chicken and get over myself and give it another go.
    We are still getting snow, but it isn't really settling, just old man winter having a final try before expiring.
    I'm having a day off from Fitbit watching etc. still watching the food intake, mind, but relaxing this afternoon with a novel I've been reading. I hope that's what you are doing SANDY. Sounds as if you have got the dreaded virus thingy most of us managed to catch round about Christmas and on.
    You need a day off too JERI.
    Have a super Friday all of you SNEAKERS!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Stored LOTS of calories so far today (currently at a net of (-) 2; our last Lenten fish fry before Easter is only 2 hours away!

    I am going to savor every bite of fried fish, coleslaw and maybe a few fries to boot! Yes – they have broiled fish – no I am not eating the broiled fish LOL

    There are 48 calories in 1 ounce of boneless (yield after cooking) Fried Battered Haddock. I'm hoping to stay within 5-6 oz. (288 calories). Coleslaw (3-4 oz.) around 100 calories. Fries around 250 calories. That leaves plenty of room for dessert and a couple low-calorie TV snacks…and I will still be under my daily goal!

    This is a photo I took of one of the fish dinners. I might at least skip the tartar sauce (that I love).


    Marie – I live upstate (not near NYC) – although we do take train rides for fun. I live in a decent residential area that allows for plenty of safe bike riding. In fact – I live less than 5 miles from a beautiful lake with specially designed bike paths.

    Anne – Thanks!

    Barbie – Love the “Ken” reference. Gotta just go with the flow when it comes to our birthdays.

    Lin – I know what you mean. It seems I have to upgrade my computer every 5 years just to handle new programs.

    Sandy: Be good to yourself and just kick back for the entire weekend :)

    Heading out soon…bye bye…there is a fish with my name on it. I have to drive across town first to pick up my father-in-law. I told him I would bring him to the fish fry – Jean “works” the fish fry. But before that – I want to kill 45 minutes at Barnes & Noble…

    Bob :)