Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm still here! Got up at 6 AM just to catch up and see what's happening to my wonderful other family. No time right now to comment, but so glad SANDY has recovered! I agree with MARIE that bay-sitting is for the young and vigorous! Also agree that LIN's reaction to her loss is bodily breakdown, which is not unusual after years of keeping tight control over one's feelings and health in order to maintain sanity! Love reading everyone's posts and seeing all the fabulous pictures and videos, and want to thank BOB so much for remembering to include the link to his success story. I just emailed it to DS. Actually, I should read it over and over for me! I must shed 50 pounds now, and it was no comfort reading that caregivers tend to add weight!!!
    Must have a small breakfast so I can have Sunday dinner, which is served at 12 noon.
    Love you darlings, and Anne and Patsy and Bob are such wonderful additions I really miss not having more time to leisurely read everything! I am approaching 88, and find I have slowed down far more than I imagined, so nothing seems to be getting done! Ah, I finally got my taxes in! Pardon my stream of thought . Stay well, y'all! :D
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    BUZZ, so nice to hear from you. We are told our bodies are designed to last 120 years, and I'm going for it!
    JACKIE, fascinating stuff! My dads mother had a real Plantagenet face, and her branch lived in remote Yorkshire for generations. It's fun to Who knows, wrong side of the blanket? Common in those days. One of my uncles told me he didn't give a damn about history, all dead and gone as he put it, yet today I realise he named his house, Bosworth house, why? In honour of the Tudors, or sympathy with the Plantagenets, or just liked the name! Well I can't ask as they are all the same as the aforementioned, dead and buried. My cousin in law has just told me they've found DNA in a chap residing in Hull.
    How's the house painting going? Lovely day here but chilly. Hi sneakers, hope I haven't bored you too much, but you can always skip if you see the Anne face looming up!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :D Well, unfortunately after feeling good yesterday morning I felt terrible again last night. I did not go to Mass yesterday or today and with the way it is raining I am content in staying home. I feel good again this afternoon especially with Phoebe's advice about gargling with salt water and hope I continue to get better. I think I slept about ten hours which I haven't done in a long long time. I hated missing Mass on Palm Sunday but I really didn't think it was smart to get others sick. If I am not better by tomorrow I will go see my doctor, but let's pray the worst is over. Robby is better also but still not 100%. I said to my son if we had to get sick this was the week to do it since his mom is off for Spring Break all week. I am getting tired of being in the house but my main goal is to get well. BTW, I met my weight goal, but I don't recommend getting sick the way to do it. Once I start eating again I will have to be more careful.

    Enjoy your Sunday.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    A little bit of English Spring and always a good sign when the white bottomed bees are a-buzzing! The photo was taken by the friend that stayed with me a couple of weeks ago but today the bees will be tucked away out of the wind!

    Marie ~ I thoroughly enjoyed my cottage cheese and pineapple and it sustained me through about 3 hours of painting walls before a refreshing cup of tea. I hope yours was just as tasty!

    Anne ~ According to a cousin's research my family is Anglo Saxon apart from a tiny splash of Huguenot so I'm probably more German than most Germans which sides me with the Windsors but promise I won't fight you for the throne! LOL I gather even Benedict Cumberbatch is descended from Richard so you'd be in good company!

    Great to see BUZZ's post. <3

    My paintbrush is soaking and most of the furniture put back against the walls I've painted so will now get a small chillie sauce made to pour over some pasta and relax in front of the fire because my neighbour popped round about 4 pm to say she was going for a walk and volunteered to take George which was a great relief as my aching legs have had enough today.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, so glad you aren't going to fight me for the throne as I'm the last person to be fighting! I sometimes wonder how my ancestors made it this far as all the lot I know are most definitely NOT into fighting. Not cowards, not at all, but more the diplomatic types! I think you and I will continue to love our bees and our flowers, our George's and Tabitha Daisies and Boris's, enjoy our bit of Anglo Saxon heritage and leave the battling to our more ambitious neighbours. Who on earth is Benedict Cumberbatch? Should I know, is my education sadly lacking?
    Hope you are MUCH better tomorrow poor SANDY!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh my goodness, just recalled who BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH is......Sherlock Holmes, etc. So sorry Benedict!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Must be a cottage cheese day. I just had cottage cheese, mandarin oranges and some chicken for lunch.

    Our dinner last night was a success. The cornish hens were bigger than we thought so not any of us could finish it. I will take ours and make some soup today.

    We just got back from the ski resort to pick up our skiis from our locker and bring home for the next season. I am hoping next season will be more times out than this year.
    The patrol director, which we have known for years, celebrated her 68th birthday so Dave and I shared a piece of cake in her honor.

    Sandy - Kathy's due date is April 6th. I am glad you are back to feeling better. (*)
    Marie - A high of 84, only pipe dream here. I heard we are going to have a cold Spring.
    I hope the weather gurus are wrong.
    Lin - You are doing fantastic on your steps.

    Hi to Phoebe, Anne, Jackie, Barbie, Bob and Patsy.

    Sunny but cold today, I did wear a hooded sweatshirt instead of a coat. That's a good thing.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Jackie – your granny was a smart cookie. If only I had stuck with moderation, I wouldn’t have gained all that weight…My usual “official” weigh-in is tomorrow morning, but I know I am ok based on “calories-in & calories-out” – I have maintained a deficit all week. I loved the macro photo of the bee. Isn’t that something Buzz should have posted? – a bit of sophomoric humor.

    Thanks re: the death of my nieces husband. The funeral is Wednesday. I saw the 4 kids today and they seem pretty emotional right now.

    Barbie – Glad you enjoy some fried fish. As a kid in my teens (for 4 yrs), I worked for a local take-out fish fry on Friday & Saturday. We served all different kinds of seafood and I never got sick of any of it. I know the fries aren’t good for dieting – but I haven’t eaten them more than a ½ dozen times in the past year (of course, they were planned calories). As for line dancing – I do enjoy watching those moves – remember Urban Cowboy?

    Anne – Thanks…death is never easy but especially hard when the person is only 38. My daughter turns 38 this year and I know it would crush me.

    Lin – thanks for the encouragement. Love reading your “positive” quotes.

    Marie – I think it is great you are always on the go. I can’t wait for 60 degrees let alone are one lucky woman. That is summer weather for us. You won't hear a peep out of me this summer re: heat.

    Buzz – Glad you got the link and hope it strikes a chord with DS. Sometimes those are things we log in our heads and then hit us at a later date. I think at almost 88 you are entitled to slow down a bit. I know people in their 40’s that do almost nothing…again…time and energy is wasted on the youth sometimes.

    Sandy – sorry you are still under the weather. It was very thoughtful of you to skip mass. I must say, it kind of bothers me when I see someone sneeze into their hands (or worse) and then want to do the “sign of peace” handshake. In those situations, I sometimes fib and say I have a tiny cold and don’t want to infect them… Did I just admit to lying in church? LOL

    Hello to you too Shirley!

    Guess I’ll watch a little 60 Minutes & then some Madam Secretary.

    Night all. Bob :)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Hello everyone - just sending along a quick note and best wishes to everyone.

    Sandy - I am sorry you're ill once again and I agree with Bob that it was considerate of you to stay home. I sat behind a very sick lady at church today. The coughing was horrendous. I am hoping my immunity is strong! And I hope you will be on the mend once again tomorrow.

    Anne and Jackie - so glad there's no fighting in your future. I wouldn't know who to root for---love you both.

    Marie - oh my, warm weather indeed. There's a rumor we may see 70 degrees again tomorrow.

    Buzz - you are definitely entitled to life your life on your own schedule now. Good for you! We always appreciate hearing from you though.

    Shirley - it will be so different for you to have DH home with you. I spoke with my friend on Friday about her plans. Her DH is retired now and she cannot decide when to retire and I asked her what plans they had or were they talking about how they will want to spend their time and what they might want to do when they are both retired. She just looked at me and finally said, she didn't think they could afford to do anything. I don't think she wants to retire and is frightened to not have her paycheck even though their stack of investments is pretty darn large.

    Phoebe - on the road again...........hugs to you, DH, and Honey.

    Patsy - I think I must have missed your post today. Sorry!!

    Going for a glass of water. My sinuses have been on a rampage today, bloody nose and all and now my throat is dry from all the drainage I think. Sorry, TMI.............

    See you soon.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Life is interesting these days. Tomorrow I have another eye injection for macular degeneration. This is very scary for me. Of all the illnesses I could have...I really hate this one. But truly, is there any illness that would please me? No! I wish for eternal youth, un wrinkled skin, good teeth and sweet breath and a Great figure and blessed good health. I'll let you guess which of these wishes I already have....wrong! It is ETERNAL YOUTH! I will report tomorrow on how brave I was and how I didn't bite the doctor. Patsy
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PATSY, I'll be there with you mentally holding your hand when you have the injection. It's something I would dread too. God bless. By the way I guessed right for once. You HAVE eternal youth. Did the doctor have to have a rabies shot? Just kidding.
    LIN, bless you, I know you wouldn't root for either of us! I can see you patting us on our heads, and saying "there there girls it isn't WORTH it", and digging out one of your wonderful calming sayings which we all enjoy reading so much. You are loved in return, and I sincerely hope you don't get the thoughtless ones horrid cold!
    Isn't it funny how people dread retirement, and especially if they actually can afford to retire. I positively skipped out of the office for the last time. No more buying of gifts for all and sundry, no more numerous gifts to certain charities I didn't want to gift, no more collections for all the people leaving during a time of layoffs for some poor souls, no more buying coffee all around, no more panty hose and looking smart at all times (oh the joy of jeans and grubbing in the garden) being able to chop at my own hair, for who cares if I look like the witch of the North, no more cash on rides to work, I was personally and pleasantly surprised after retirement that although on a much reduced income, I was actually better off!
    Have a lovely Monday all the rest of you lovely SNEAKERS, ANNE.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Phew, quite a walk this morning because seeing the car park at the woods full because of holidaying tourists I took George up a quiet steep track, lots of which had been washed out by heavy rain so by the time I got to the top my heart was pounding and lungs heaving.... I kept telling myself it was the right sort of exercise if those 2 organs were working hard!! It was peaceful with birds singing and somewhere a partridge calling for a mate. It took me well over an hour to walk round before literally sliding down a slope to reach a path taking me back to the car park and George loved every minute. I could tell because he was covered in mud and composting leaves! Just eating a light lunch, again cottage cheese and pineapple and then the paintbrush will be back out to continue painting walls.

    Bob ~ My Gran did a Home Economics course back in the 1950's and was full of such quotes..." you are what you eat" was another favourite and it certainly stuck with me and my brothers because when we met up last year we were reminiscing about just how many sayings she would come out with. Yes, she was a smart cookie but also a tough one, something I don't regret because she taught us so much during a period of rationing after the war so I've never struggled to budget whatever my financial situation.

    It's desperately sad about your niece's children but hopefully they're close and will be able to support each other as well as their mother through what is a ghastly time for them.

    Anne ~ If I'd mentioned Sherlock being a descendant you'd have thought me bonkers.... glad you got it in the end. LOL My family is also made up of more passive thinkers than the alternative and always on the side of Mother Nature.

    Lin ~ It's a shame when money gets in the way of people enjoying life; I've a friend exactly the same as yours who seems incapable of making the most of life's rich tapestry for fear of going short of a few pennies. Hopefully you've had a good rest overnight and are feeling better.

    Phoebe ~ Are you home for those 2 days yet and how's Honey? I do hope her treatment is working.

    Patsy ~ I'm thinking of you today having that injection but expect it's a necessary evil that will hopefully slow down any decline in your sight.

    Well, no excuses as I've eaten lunch, sipped a coffee and must now get down to some serious painting. I wish it was Patsy's sort on an easel but never mind! LOL

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Fast check-in before heading out for a bit.

    Started this morning by burning 397 calories doing 65 minutes of cardio exercises, including walking treadmill gym 3.2. mph and recumbent bike… Thanks again Sandy for getting me going on that recumbent bike!

    Quick BREAKFAST (Calories 210): Dole - Diced Peaches No Sugar Added, 1 individual container (113g); Canadian Bacon English Muffin with egg whites & reduced fat cheese.

    WEIGH-IN: “lost 1 lb since his last weigh-in! Nikonpal's lost 197 lbs so far.”

    Enjoy your Monday morning!
    Bob :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy are you up and perking this morning. sure hope so

    Been on the phone all morning pain in the neck getting put on holding. I think all business need to hire more people for customer service What happen to telephone operated no live voice anymore Bad morning.
    hope all is well with each of you.
    Shirley having your lunch from yesterday. cottage cheese, mandarine orange and some nuts
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Monday!! :D Finally I am feeling better, except for a tiny sore throat and a little cough. At least I feel human again and plan on going to the store for my Easter cards so I can get them in the mail. My cleaning girl is coming this afternoon so maybe life is back to normal once again, at least I hope so. My energy level is not up to par, but maybe once I get some fresh air it will help. We are expecting Spring type temps this week which we all need with some sunshine.

    I will try to get back later but need to jump in shower and get organized, not moving as fast as I would like.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Good evening – I am watching the first part of the Ken Burns documentary on cancer. What more can I say……

    Sandy – I am glad you are feeling better and hope you got some things accomplished today.

    Bob – good start to your day….you are so very consistent! Yippee!

    Marie – how was your time with Alice this past weekend?

    Jackie – how did your painting go this go-round? You must be developing some strong arms!!

    Anne – did the snow you spoke of recently melt?? We had a day of just over 70 degrees although it really was spring in that it was very windy! After picking up the mail, I was just about blown the ½ block back to my house.

    Patsy – still holding my breath hoping all went well with your injections today. I hope we hear from you soon. A friend’s husband gets those injections and for some reason they do not bother him a bit.

    Did a few errands today and finished picking up some things for a couple of Easter baskets I’ve been working on. They didn’t end up being that attractive but they will be something. I don’t think these kids will get much and I know, it’s not Christmas but kids always like to get a few new little trinkets.

    At about 19,000 steps today. I probably never mentioned that I finally tumbled to the fact that my shoes were not providing the support and cushion that they did when they were new. All the lining was worn through so I replaced them. New shoes and new Thorlo socks and oh my gosh, what a difference! So much better I cannot believe it.

    See you tomorrow………..

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    I ot me some new shoes too Lin. really like them
    alice did make it out. Sunday We hhad a nice lunch. I had black eyes peas.Swee potatos And ocolie ih a nice salad no rolls. the name of the place was blackeye peas. Then went shopping. poop me out. too.
    19,000 steps wow. that's a bunch.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Back from the eye doc and there was good news. The injections seem to be working and will be able to extend the frequency to 6 weeks apart. GREAT! This new medication is a bit irritating but tolerable. Thanks for all your best wishes on this. I confess to being terrified of losing more eyesight. I can get along fine with what I've got. I need glasses and lots of light. Can't thread needles and I paint with a lighted magnifying glass attached to a headband. I look like a demented coal miner.

    Health concerns are a never ending challenge. I know we all have to deal with that. I am grateful for the medical advances we enjoy today.

    Easter week is so special to us. Our anniversary is this week. We will host a little family Easter get together. We are a small family. We don't do this often enough. I try to do things to make it special for us. There are no children in our family now. But adults need jolly times too so I am putting together Easter baskets for each one of us. I am decorating the house and will have Easter Lilies everywhere.

    I feel blessed and grateful for the gift of continued healing, good medical care, sweet family and friends (cyber and physical).
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited March 2015
    [img][/img]392924wzseyy3jfr.gif to Patsy and her DH! Happy to hear your eyes are not an imminent problem
    Hi everybody. Thanks so much for your understanding care!
    <3 Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hi all,

    Just got back. We went up to a funeral for my uncle in the community ingle up in. About 3 hrs away. Long drive fo me but nice to see my relatives. How did my cousins get old looking -- lol.

    I'll read the comments and catch up tomorrow m

    Good night
