Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited April 2015
    Pasty - I do like your paintings. Love the color and texture you chose for the first one and the second one draws me right in. Nicely done.

    Lin - thank you. You are right about how your taste buds adapt. It takes awhile for sure and somethings never become tasty but most do. LOL

    Bob - thank you for your kind words. Macros of flowers are always fun for me. I'll have to look for that movie.

    Jackie - nice to see you pop in

    Anne - you have the eye and observation of an artist. Your comments to Patsy show that.

    Shirley, Marie, Sandy, Barbie, Buzz, and everyone else whose names escape me at this moment. Have a wonderful day.

    We leave for the airport at 6:00 am tomorrow morning and arrive in Hawaii at 11:30 am their time, 4:30 pm, ours. A long day but then the fun begins. I can hardly wait. I will probably be able to check in the first 7 days but after that we are on the cruise and I won't be buying an Internet package there.




  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, my goodness you are right on! PATSYS painting - WALNUT WHIPS, and would you believe son Michael bought me one over Easter! He found them in a local store near him! Something...Barns I believe! I was thinking - if you and George get jobs as extras, we will know it's you because of George! Carry on being friendly, you never know!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JERI, safe journey. Wish I could be with you. Be sure to tell us what your impressions are. Your flower picture is so pretty.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz tis is crazy I just found out I lost all of my friend list. I just have 13 and they are all new. plus everytime some post a photo it is so large and and the runs off of the page. hoping Alice can get me fix up
    For some reason look like Ask has hijack my computer. it is on my homepage. just kidding really don't know whats going on
    Does this happen to anyone else? I have wrote MFP and so far no answer As soon as the page is filled it reurns to normal. till someone post a photo.
    I uess us old fools needs to stay off the computer.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    We must be on a new page for everything is normal again. Till we get another photo
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I just lost my post. Will try a little later.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley see you in the morning on pound a day. lets go girl.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi Marie!

    Buzz :) I have been having the same problem with my page. I posted a picture and my head was
    huge, not pretty. ;) I went on another page and it was normal. I can't figure out why this is either.
    Other people are having problems I just wish they would fix it.

    Jeri :) Have a wonderful time on your trip. ENJOY! I hope all your health issues have been
    dealt with so you can enjoy fully.

    Patsy :) Love the painting, very unusual. I have a friend who is involved in art and gallleries
    I wonder what her opinion would be. I am not an expert by any means. Like the use of

    Bob :) - Keep us informed of your heart testing. I hope all goes well.

    Barbie :) - Are just changing to vegetarian or have been for quite some time? My daughter is
    vegetarian now she is a pesscatarian (sp) she eats fish now. She almost became Vegan,
    but too hard when she travels.

    Lin :) - You are one busy bee, and good luck with selling the china and packing it. :o

    Today was shopping at a Canadian Tire store I have never been to. It was very large
    and had everything. Then went for a nice walk, the weather has been in the 60's.
    After that a full massage, still my Christmas gift, and now feeling extremely relaxed.

    Good evening friends,

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Jeri - bon voyage! <3<3

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley as soon as that page is full it will return to normal till someone post another photo.
    driving me bunko as far as I can tell it is just MFP
    I went to facebook to see little Issac

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Now for a laugh---I spent hours wrapping and wrapping each piece of china, boxed them taped them, labelled them, put on the fragile stickers and took them to be shipped. They told me one large box would be much less expensive SOOOOOO we ripped all of my boxes apart and they built a custom sized box for the items. Yipes!!

    Onward to the second pattern that I'm selling. They suggest that I just bubble wrap each item, take a tote with the items to the store, fill out the paperwork and they'll determine the box size and finish the packing. She said they guarantee nothing will be broken (although I don't know how they know that). So more bubble wrap in my future but this should cut down the time involved by a couple of hours at least!

    I also sent a picture of the crystal goblets to the company and their research department will let me know in a week or so if they can identify it.

    I've been trying to look up Wallace sterling silver to determine the pattern of my mom's flatware with no success. Salt and pepper shakers--figured out the manufacturer but they are likely not saleable. Just no demand so I'll polish them and keep them.

    Time to wrap it up! Haaaaa. Couldn't resist. I watched a video conference with Dr. Neal Barnard earlier and there's a nutrition conference call coming up.

    Wishing everyone a good evening.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    have a fun trip jeri.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Of course 'I can't give up on my dear group, but it's so frustrating trying to read that I merely skim what I can and scroll down.
    News of friends in hospital getting depressing, as spouses are now being admitted as well as singles. Stress does strange things to people! Quite tired after busy day...
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Quick note....I just bought the new book about Steve Jobs. "Becoming Steve Jobs." The authors were interviewed on Charlie Rose, PBS. Off to a great start.
    Also a cute, charming romantic comedy film , a couple of years old I really recommend. "Enough Said." Stars James Gandofini. It will keep you smiling. We all need more smiles I believe.
    Heading to bed at last.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Me again...I will not post any more photos until you all get your internet and MFP troubles resolved. What an annoying situation. I would feel it necessary to yell at someone, but WHO?
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Had some trouble this morning logging into Sneakers. I'll keep off site for awhile.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi, just had another go, and after logging out, then logging in again, all seems well. Teething problems now MFP's changed hands?

    BUZZ, I'm so sorry about all your friends and I can relate only too well. I lost all my immediate family, all my friends save one, and my DIL's also lost their parents and aunts and uncles, all in the space of 3 years. It was devastating. I seemed to spend all my time at funerals. 3 years later now, this horrible time past and life is a new norm. Weird though at times, my old friends went back years, some to school days, and now I am adjusting to life with a younger generation. Not quite sure how I fit in, but, and a BIG but, I AM very happy and contented these days, and in a weird sort of way, I'm discovering perhaps, my true personality. Hang in there. My thoughts are with you.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Want to jump in the shower while Robby is napping. It is going to be a beautiful day here with temps in the 70's so I want to be ready to walk him. Babe is still sick and miserable, I know how he feels since I had the same thing just a short while ago. But MEN, no offense Bob, are just such whiners. B

    I lost a pound and feel good about that, funny how if you watch your calories and do a little exercise how you can lose weight. Of course walking with Robby is fun as well as healthy.

    I better get going or he will be up and I still won't be showered.
    Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~Walnut whips were my favourite as a child and my memory is of a much larger swirl of chocolate than is on offer today but then my mouth was smaller!! My paintbrush is also out today but nothing too creative, just a coat of satin on the exposed wood on the stairs. Of course my hair now has splashes of white too!

    Barbie ~ Like SHIRLEY I'm interested to know if the vegetarian diet is something new for you or perhaps you've slipped into it a bit at a time. Meat isn't often on my menu these days although when I do buy it's from a butcher who's supplied by local farms that take animal welfare into consideration and therefore produce top quality meat that's not pumped with nasty chemicals. I'm fortunate to be in a position to grow my own veggies and then have a variety to make different sauces to put on pasta or a jacket potato as well as rice. Again, it's everything in moderation for me!

    Sandy ~ Congratulations on the pound loss. In my rush to get out to the local supermarket early this morning I forgot to jump on the scales so will check in tomorrow..... not feeling hopeful as my weight fluctuates so much. :(

    Marie ~ I'm missing you on here as the site plays up on your computer and just hope Alice can sort it out when she visits. I'm at a loss to understand what could be going on unless there's a gremlin in the works!

    Jeri ~ I'm in the jealous club about you travelling to Hawaii, somewhere I nearly visited many years ago but ended up heading east instead of west.... a long story!!

    Buzz ~ A sad time for you with so many friends passing. I'm thinking of you. <3 When does DD visit and have you managed to lose a couple of pounds to avoid a slapped wrist!!!

    Tea's finished so back to the paintbrush, this time to stretch up to the ceiling but one good thing about these old cottages is it's not too high and I'm tall so shouldn't get a crick in the neck!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I am up after a short night. Not sure what was going on with me. My eyes would not shut and the dreams would not come. Oh well, I will start the day and schedule a nap when the energy starts to to fade.

    We are to have sun and warm weather this weekend. I plan to do as much gardening as my back and energy will permit. Even our old sweet furry girls are wanting to snooze in the sun and supervise the gardening effort.

    Just a thought on the computer problems, do you have a Microsoft patch that needs to be downloaded? When I need to attend to a patch, my computer is totally useless. All manner of problems. But then it isn't just with MFP, it simply will not work at all.

    Anne your life philosophy is wonderful. Making new friends but remembering and honoring the old ones. It is something I strive for and can accomplish most of the time. Not always. I get cranky and and depressed occasionally. It is then I start to clean out a closet or wash curtains. Works every time.

    Jackie, will you send photos of your newly redecorated rooms? It sounds wonderfully comforting to have ones home repainted and refurbished. I have that on my summer list of tasks. When considering paint colors, my husband always wants everything to stay the same. Change can be scary as we all know!

    Time for coffee and toast and there is a request for a dog biscuit.