Senior Golden Sneakers



  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Good morning, I forgot to mention that my little grand daughter with the tooth missing, ( I'm sure you noticed) is only 2 and a half. About 2 months ago she climbed up on a table at the nursery school and fell off bumping her mouth on a chair, which knocked out her tooth on the spot!! It ripped her little lip a bit but she healed up quickly. She is going to have a hole in her smile for a few more years before the permanent tooth grows back in. She is spunky enough that it will be o.k. though. Her mother sure did fell bad about it at the time. Just thought I'd share that little incident.

    It's a warm day her in Cairo but we are staying inside with the fans on. I did go out and swam for 45 minutes in the wee early hours of the day. It felt great. I am so glad to be back in the swing and on the right path. In Abu Dhabi I did NO exercise and we ate out way too much. It sure does make a difference in my whole attitude when I am active on even a small level.

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello everybody. It's going to rain later, plus a new government budget on TV this afternoon, with rumours us poor starving seniors are in for an increase in our pensions!!!! MUST WATCH! So......... I got down to some more painting this morning. So enthused was I, I actually was doing it in my PJs plus an overall of course being a splasher
    of paint everywhere. I am now looking decent again should anybody come a knocking, doubtful if it rains. I'm about 2 thirds of the way and if it continues half decent, I promise I'll post it, but don't hold your breaths! Critism will be most welcome because I really am an amateur despite your kind words.
    So LIN I'm in the same boat as you today wondering where to start on the house cleaning now it's the afternoon. Skip it today I think. I'm so very sorry the folks have let you down regarding your dads place. I'm afraid this often happens. I think most people mean well, but get second thoughts and cold feet when reality sinks in. Try to take it in your stride knowing that things usually work out, and sometimes a disappointment leads to bigger and better things.
    BARBIE, I'm like LIN, rarely see the inside of a restaurant these days and when I do I usually order salmon. Can't remember the last time I was in a Chinese restaurant much as I enjoyed the food in the past.
    Well here I am rambling on again, but must say all the babies and the little one are absolutely gorgeous children.
    Oh yes, BOB, ironing IS relaxing. Try it, LOL. " When the moon hits your eye like a big piece of pie, tra la la", enjoy the charismatic Dean.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Lin – Side 2 was as good as side 1. I had never heard him sing “I’m Confessin’” – liked it!

    Phyllis – what is it about grandchildren? We have our grandson staying with us this weekend. I have to get planning some kind of “special” fun thing to do – like we did recently with his sister. Only a couple weeks until their new sibling arrives (our 3rd grandchild). This time no one knows if it is going to be a boy or girl. Can you send me some of that Cairo weather – we are going to get rain/snow showers this week! Argh! Apparently Mother Nature has mixed up her months.

    Anne – I would iron (and have that ability) but….I would get in a lot of trouble. In fact – I could get hit in the eye with a big pizza pie. LOL. For many years I offered to do laundry etc. and Jean said she prefers to do it. She has her own way of doing things (and I have my things too) – so I give her space. She even likes to still hang sheets outside “because they smell fresher.” Yup – I got it made in the shade.

    Jackie – I know what you mean about finding old books (and photos) – suddenly plans get delayed and the road to hell gets paved with….

    :) Bob
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    HI sneakers! We are having a beautiful WET day today. That fits with my plans. I have much to do inside and will not be tempted to play in the flower beds. As for our wildlife...our resident crows are keeping watch as we garden and clean up the yards. I do believe we have the same ones that perch in the same tree, same limb, on the same place on the fence, and converse with us. Silly, I know but I really think I am right.

    Anne: I want to introduce you to a wonderful source for art supplies. "Cheap Joes Art Supplies" out of Boone, North Carolina. He has great specials, often has free shipping and he has everything a girl could want! Google the name and get on his email catalog. You'll be in painters heaven.

    Grandmothers: beautiful babies! Makes me want to encourage our son to consider....ooooops! I know that's forbidden to think like that. But none the less, I do love seeing the babies.

    Lin: about really haven't missed much. We eat out at least once a week and we are disappointed more often than not. But the chance to get out and about is worth the effort.

    Bob: renting "Big Eyes" tonight. The story of the artist who was chained in her studio painting while her husband took credit for her work. Interesting story. Hope the movie holds up.

    Jackie: big black bees are in the little blue flowers on the ground cover. I give them lots of room. Scary for sure! But sort of nice as well,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, what an unexpected shock! Not a small thing at all, and you would have every right to feel you and your Dad were taken advantage of all these years Scott paid nothing for complete use of the place---and free parking, too! Feel the anger and betrayal, punch a few pillows, and then maybe put the whole thing into the hands of a really good property broker! Of course the money is important, too! I'd have been furious! And good luck dear.
    SANDY, when are you returning to Florida? Our rainy season got a head start yesterday! What will Robby be doing when you leave? I think a vacation will be very welcome...
    BARBIE, your self discipline shames me! I get very tempted by the foods we are served in our dining rooms. Tonight, for instance, we will be "visiting Holland" with interesting Indonesian foods served along with some kind of duckling. The soups are always difficult to resist, though I'm trying to control desserts (except the chocolate ones!) My doctor insists my health is excellent, and I hope he knows what he's talking about!
    BOB, Dean and Perry were oh so mellow, though I find myself longing for some of the original American jazz, too.
    Our concerts here are surprisingly excellent quality, and our Steinway sounds marvelous at the piano concerts. Easy to feel spoiled and very fortunate!
    GAYLA, PHYLLIS and SHIRLEY, the babies truly are gorgeous and the photos didn't throw the kilter out on the website! Hallelujah!!! ANNE, I, too, am glad when I am up to posting. Love reading all our stories, too!
    Sorry to cut short but the culinary staff expects us to dress appropriately tonight so I must dig up some old wooden clogs! I can't believe I'm doing this! o:) Did I mention we watched a 2006 movie last night called "Something New" ? I do like Simon Baker and I found myself thinking the situation will become integral to more and more families as we mature as a nation. Neither of us fell asleep, either!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Too funny not to share...........

    Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty
    of room at each side.

    With a 5-lb potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out
    from your sides and hold them there as long as you can.
    Try to reach a full minute, and then relax.

    Each day you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer.

    After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato bags.
    Then try 50-lb potato bags and eventually try to get to where you can
    lift a 100-lb potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for
    more than a full minute. (I'm at this level).

    After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag

    Sandy so funny, I kept thinking where are they keeping all of those potatoes

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Going to be very brave and try and post my painting which is still unfinished. I'm waiting for JACKIE's bluebells, and also thinking of painting in my Dad near the opening on the path, because I've tried to copy the meditation scene I created in my head when my Dad suddenly appeared. What do you folks think.? Critism most welcome. ANNE.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh boy, it worked! Thank you PATSY for the art supply tip, I'll look into it, although I'm not sure my amateur efforts are worth it! Paints and brushes and everything connected are really expensive! There was nothing in the budget for little old ladies like me, it favours the more well off, so that would be some saving! Have a great evening all you folks who may have a peep in the forum. ANNE
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif This has been a great day with no place to go except outdoors to walk the dogs. Jake was gone all morning so I had a few hours to take care of almost everything on my list. He got home for lunch and an afternoon of watching DWTS and Jeopardy while I rode the exercise bike.

    smiley-happy110.gif It has been fun seeing the grandchildren pictures.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful green NW Washington where it is raining to help keep the state green
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Anne....And you call yourself an amateur ? That is beautiful and definitely able to be hung as is in any home. Now I am an amateur.....can't even draw stick figures....LOL You may have a found a way to get some more of those paints at the suggested website. With your talent you could put some pictures on

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Anne - I love your painting! :)<3:)

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Anne Try to get your painting but so large on my screen hard to tell how pretty it must be. Wish whoever is in charge of this problem hurry up and get it fixed
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi There everyone. Just had to give a high five to Anne on her latest painting. I especially like the interesting cloud sweeping motion effect. To my mind it reminds me of the wonderful feeling of movement in van Gogh's starry night. I think you are on to something there my friend. Do you use oil or acrylics? Also check Amazon for art supplies. You can get supplies for pennies on the dollar. So glad you are back at your easel. It is medicine for the soul.
    Ooooooops I need to get busy and finish up a lot of half done chores.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to everyone. I have tried to catch up on your news but I have missed so much over the past few months. I feel like a stranger in my own home! So nice to see new names as well as the familiar. It makes me realize I should introduce myself a little. While not a daily visitor I do love these folks a lot and miss hearing their news. So nice to see so many new names, friends I haven't met yet!

    I live in Saskatchewan, Canada with my husband, Dave. We are both retired and love the lifestyle. I call it my reward. I am a nurse, retired but will always be a part of who I am.
    We have 3 sons, 2 dil's and our wonderful grandson. We sadly lost our granddaughter at birth last May.
    I often comment on my son, Neil, in my posts. He has both cognitive and physical challenges but always does the best he can. He now lives in a very good group home and generally comes home for weekends.

    Marie -- your family is getting bigger! What a little cutie great grandson. Hope you are feeling well.

    Buzz -- hope you and Mike are doing well. I treasure meeting both of you and only regret our visit was so short!

    Barbie -- I was wondering why you were changing your diet. I hope you and Jake are doing well and just looking for a change. I feel very out of the loop with everyone. My own fault, of course. I need more discipline in my life!

    Phyllis -- so nice to see your precious grandbabies. Lovely!

    Shirley -- congratulations! Being a Gramma really is the best.

    Lin -- how are you? Still working hard I expect. I hope your life is getting to be more relaxed.

    Sandy -- I see you are still busy with childcare. He looks like a happy little guy.

    Bob -- you don't know me yet but I want to tell you how happy I am for you that you have been able to get a new lease on life. Enjoy your new lifestyle.

    Jeri -- how is the family? Are you still enjoying your photography? I always look forward to your photos.

    I know I have missed people and for that I am sorry. I hope to be here more frequently. Take care and keep smiling.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello GAYLA, I'm Anne to your East in Ontario, nice to meet you. I've been making friends here since November and a very nice group of people they are, as you know. I gather I am third down the line when it comes to age! I am looking forward to your posts.
    I posted that painting with much trepidation, and I am quite genuine in wanting criticism, but it was met with such kindness that I'm quite overwhelmed and of course, now encouraged to hopefully accomplish bigger and better things.
    PATSY, I sometimes paint in oils, but that painting was done mainly in the primary and neutral colours of acrylics. I like to muck around mixing hence GETTING so mucky in the process. I was hoping for a little more criticism to be honest, hence the trepidation because without having had lessons, except at school 65 years ago, ha ha, it's difficult to know exactly what I'm doing wrong. The real painting, to me, looks okay, but in the photo, I think the tree to the right is "off".
    Sorry to ramble on, everybody! MUST do some housework today! Oh, and I'll try and keep off painting as a subject from now on.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I only have a few minutes as Robby is playing before his nap. Just want to tell Anne I love your painting but wonder if it a cloudy day? The idea of your dad on the path I think is great. There can be no criticism when there is nothing to criticise. Gayla, love that you are back and feel your heartbreak when you wrote about your granddaughter. Owen sounds like he is one smart boy.
    Ummmm, my nose tells me Robby needs changing.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SANDY, yes clouds. I was trying to get the effect of clouds scudding along with intermittent sunshine. ANNE. Going for a much needed haircut this afternoon. I've Looked like the witch of the north way too long!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Sneakers

    <3 Sandy after 2 days with Grayson there is no way I could handle him. he is a handful

    Gayla I miss that about you daughter in law will have go back and check the topics out
    But great hearing from you

    In case some of you don't know Gayla is one of our originals posters on the Golden Sneakers Thread. along with Phoebe,Gayla and myself goes back quite a few years We met on the Wendy plan on another web site 10 years Disbanded and we came to MFP . here we met up with Sandy, Buzz and Barbie, Jackie,., and a bunch of others. and been here ever since now we have some new Sneakers Patsy, Anne and now Bob
    let me tell you My first impression of bob. I had a thread call Golden years. . he posted there and I think I must have ignor him for I thought he might be span. He finally Sent me a message and I decided he was for real.
    Don't know how he got here to the Sneakers, But he is one swell guy. So enjoy reading his posting even if he is a d*** Yankee ,Anne is one interesting person too. with her painting. She got us thru the winter and all without a car. . Amazing So happy she has her 2 sons to watch out for her .Patsy I really need to get to know you better So glad you are a Sneakers now.
    love my Sneaker
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    It's been nice to read about the history of the group and how it started. Thanks for sharing. I'll add my stamp of approval as well as appreciation to all of you who have been so good to me even thought I come and go. That's the story of my life. Never quite know what will happen next. Or where I'll be.
    Have a great c day. Live the painting Anne and all the many interesting posts that everyone posts.
    Love ya, Phyllis
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2015

    testing Lin
    <3 Marie

    The best I seen in a long long time HOOWAY