Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Evening Sneakers! I stopped at a motel for about 6 hours coz i got sleepy. Then only slept for four hrs! It helped me to get home, safer not sorry.
    My surgery is May 29. They will contact me if it can be done sooner.
    I slept most of today, bleary eyes, that's me. My cousin, Lane-the graduate, acted a bit strange at the pre grad dinner. I hope he was just a bit overwhelmed. It has just dawned on me that none of his relatives on his fathers side were there. Aunts uncles, i mean. His step brother and sister made it. It was a huge group of people, in a big stadium.
    Im loving all of these photos, they are all great.
    Honey is much better, just some wobbles. She missed me! Mentioning her reminds me it is time for her medication.
    hope you are all enjoying the spring. Have a great Mothers Day♥♥♥
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    What lovely Mother's Day cards,,sneakers. Isn't it wonderful how we can share this special day? I feel you are all great friends! Since I have so little family, having you all to share the day is great. Hope you have a lovely day remembering your mom and that you enjoy special moments with your children, sometimes it is our furry children!?
    Cloudy day but will still enjoy doing some special things.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Early this morning on my way home form the swim I saw my daughter in law. She wished me a Happy Mother's day. Later on my daughter sent a message on my phone and she also sent one to her father to NOT FORGET. He had forgotten and said he was glad she reminded him. Later on my daughter and law and son took us out to dinner and we had a nice time visiting together. And last of all my son in the states sent a Happy Mother's day wish to me. So I heard form all my children. Most of the day I have been reading old letters that I wrote to my parents in the 80's and 90"s. Mom saved all my letters and gave them back to me this summer. It was like a walk down memory lane. I had forgotten so many things that I wrote home about. I laughed a lot thinking about some of the things that I have done while living over here in Egypt. I am so glad I wrote all those letters and more glad that she saved them and agave them back to me. Now I have a history of my life raising my children.
    Waiting for a few more hours and then I'll call my mom and wish her a Happy Mother's day. I called earlier but she didn't answer. Maybe she was sleeping??

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    So true, lovely, lovely Mother's Day cards! I've had a glorious 2 day event, first with Michael and the water disaster laugh, and today with my youngest Mark. First he gave me a gift, a beautiful little gift. I know you like birds Mom he said, and it was a beautiful, wrought iron, humming bird feeder complete with glass bottle for sugar water, glass red flower and stem to place in the bottle, plus hanging upside down umbrella to fill with water and keep the ants out. So delicate and pretty! THEN he said, you like flowers too and off we went to the garden centre. There, instead of a rose I chose a sturdy honeysuckle climber, love the smell of honeysuckle, and a bunch of geraniums for the terra cotta planters plus more potting soil. THEN he said, you like to eat as well, so..... A lovely lunch! No cooking today, yeah! This is good because I've just crawled in after planting all of the above; somewhat grubby and a weeny bit tired! Grandson said he'd help tomorrow, but......I want to be independent as long as possible! There's a big fat red breasted thrush splashing in the bird bath, and that's where I should be, in the bath!
    Thank you for all the wonderful photos, like LIN, the photos are the extent of my travels these days. I am content with this. The last time I went to the UK, we sat on the Tarmac for 5 hours whilst they removed and installed a whole new washroom AFTER spending the first hour trying to repair the old one! LOTS of disgruntled passengers, 13 hours on the plane instead of 7 because they didn't let us off! AND we couldn't use the washrooms for those 5 hours!
    Hope your day was as wonderful as mine! Cheers, Anne.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Mothers Day to you!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    [img][/img]1234981pjt8a7cwu6.gif !
    PATSY, thanks so much for the reminder for Mike (I believe Dave belongs to SHIRLEY!) and I will plan on carrying this at all times! I fear leaving him alone in the house since his endocrinologist mentioned the danger of falls, breaks and worse! He forgot he had sugar pills in his pocket the day we were shopping!
    BARBIE, happy your trip is great, and you can be sure your pets miss you two, also!
    PHYLLIS, your Mom will be so happy to see you! We are all sending her "white light and best wishes"!
    PHOEBE, exactly what will your surgery be, and when is it scheduled?
    JACKIE, thank you so much for your lovely thoughts!!!
    BOB, my son gave me the best MD gift today, the good news that his modified Paleo diet has taken of his 1st 20 pounds! As I have said, he never seemed to care, Now he is motivated!
    I hope everyone of you dear friends is enjoying a wonderful day!

    We had a lovely buffet for Mothers' Day, though I missed most of the delectable dishes since my omelet, 1/2 waffle and piece of noodle kugel with my cup of coffee filled me up! Afterwards a sing-or-dance-along concert in the main lobby kept us all in happy spirits! Tonight we can watch Black and White in our auditorium, a recent movie with Kevin Costner. We hope to see it
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh Goodness sakes! I do apologize to Buzz for the mistake in calling your husband Mike the wrong name. It is very curious, really. I enjoy reading these posts so much. I was really convinced I had internalized names and faces. But there are times when my brain just goes on vacation without me. I am so sorry.

    Mother's Day was very nice. Talked to our son twice! Flowers from our daughter and my personal sweetheart and husband, John. We had a lovely day. I am so glad you all enjoyed time with your family or remembering happy times with your mom. Once again I am amazed that this thread has allowed strangers from across the world to share a bit of ourselves. In a short time I feel like we are all friends. I told my husband that I almost feel like I would recognize you all if I past you in the street. Sleep well my friends,
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Patsy, you are very sweet.
    Marie, have you forgotten us?
    Buzz, I have a torn meniscus in my right knee. Some other things were mentioned, but I dont know what it meant. Too much information too fast and i only know it will be done laproscopically? Outpatient on May 29. Recovery 2 to 4 weeks.
    An early dr appt this morning, so goodnight Phoebe
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Patsy, I agree with you I think I would almost recognize you all on the streets tool It's funny how you all seem like my friends for real, well you are but you know what I mean.
    When I am writing sometimes, my husband says who are you writing to, and I say, well some friends in my MFP group. He just thinks I'm silly. He doesn't know what he is missing.
    Phoebe, good luck on the surgery. Sometimes when those doctors start using all their MD lingo, I just nod and say Yes... YEs YEs... It's all so technical? I guess it makes them feel smart.
    Marie: I hope you had a happy Mothers day and enjoyed lot so fun with your family. MISS hearing your comments!
    Anne: sounds like you had a heck of a good Mothers day. You really got spoiled and you deserve it so I was happy hearing all the great things that you got to enjoy.
    Buzz: Can't wait to hear about this movie Black and White. Never heard of it but should be good if it has Kevin in it.

    Lin, Shirley and Sandy: Lovely flowers and cards that you posted. I still never figured out how to get all those graphics. But I am enjoying the ones that you always post. Thanks!
    Well not much going on in my world today. Just texting my kids and having lazy conversations and reading some books.
    I did go to the track this morning and jogged/walked for an hour. I went up and down the ramps to give me a little extra incline and I was sweating when I got home Water never tasted to good.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi, me again wishing you all a very good day. It's funny what's just been said about being friends because it's the same for me. I find myself saying, "oh I've just been "talking to my friend PATSY in Oregon, or JACKIE in Cornwall, BUZZ in Florida, PHYLLIS in Egypt, LIN in the mid west and all you OTHER spread about FRIENDS! So the Internet is a good thing because without it I would have been in ignorance that all of you amazing folks existed!
    Yesterday, for me, was just amazing! I did all the things I love to do and had precious time with my 2 boys. My DILs have both lost their parents so I spent just this ONE day ALONE with my two sons, and my DILs had the same one on one with their children. I hope we do this again, I don't mean the gifts, but the TIME to really talk to our children like we did when they were small. Before, we had "all together family barbecues" and it's a shame the other parents didn't get this alone time, people being so busy these days. I DID chat with the girls on the phone though, and I have a loving relationship with both.
    PHOEBE like everybody else I wish you a speedy recovery from the knee op. Not nice.
    After all the gardening yesterday I woke up as stiff as old boots, but my usual 30 minute early morning amble has got me all supple and girlish again, lol.
    Have a lovely Monday friends, even if it is still wash day for some of us!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Monday! :) I had a wonderful Mother's Day and today is a busy day. I have a service man coming to check all my appliances, thanks to my landlady and my cleaning girl is coming this afternoon. I have Robby today and tomorrow with bingo on Wednesday and helping a friend with a Church function on Thursday. Friday, I have another service guy to check out Air Conditioner. I also will go for mani/pedi and then pack to leave for Florida on Saturday. I wanted to get my hair trimmed but not sure I can fit that in this week. I also have to go to Ford to have a brake light replaced and pick up Robby's nine month pictures. So I don't sit still much these days but that is a good thing since my weight is dropping. Well it was before this weekend, but I will get rid of it before Friday. Time to get in the shower, serviceman is giving me a four hour window, so I have to be ready in case he shows up early. Have a wonderful day. I am attaching a picture of Robby and his mom that I took yesterday because I really love it. Also the cup they gave to us grandmas.

    One Day at a Time

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Sandy, I don't see your cup, but I do love the photo. A great one for framing.
    back from dr appt. Pre op tests done. Focusing on one room at a time, today is the bedroom, my shoes are cluttering up the floor. Past time to put winter boots to the back of the closet. Honey is now treat restricted, so those must be put away for now.
    Marie, I miss you. Ive enjoyed reading Mother's Day doings from you all. And you energetic morning people just wear me out!

    have a great day

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited May 2015
    Phoebe, I saw the picture with the cup on Facebook but not here. I put my winter boots away a couple of weeks ago but have the heavy coat at the ready---and it's a good thing because it's darn cold here once again. Well, a few weeks until your surgery Phoebe. I hope you're able to get around okay until then. And sorry Honey's treats must be put away. Gosh, I love treats and so I feel for anyone who has to go without them.

    Sandy - I adore that picture!! What a busy week you have ahead of you! Wooo!!

    Phyllis, Anne and Patsy - me too! I often feel you folks are more my friends than many of my IRL friends. You're kind, helpful, let me say anything I want to say without recriminations and darn it, you're all so interesting! Plus if you're rolling your eyes at me over something I've posted: I.Can't.See.It. :smiley: I am thankful for all the Sneakers.

    Buzz - I don't know anything about "Black or White" either so now I have to go and look it up.

    Marie - worried about you. Are you out there??

    Bob- are you okay?

    Barbie - safe travels to you.

    Jeri - I love the picture you posted earlier. Gorgeous. I've never been on the island of Hawaii. Just Oahu and Maui. Both beautiful and I'm guessing all the islands are spectacular.

    Well, packing for a very long day tomorrow up North. Multiple appointments regarding the acreage. If the day gets just too long, I may stay over rather than driving tired once again. See you when I get back.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes I am here. The storm knock out my computer
    It was one scary day so bad
    Alice and Kathy did not make out at all. So no mother day around here.
    I felled on the But no broken bonespot last bight mighty sore.
    Got flowers from my son an a telephone call
    Kathy is coming by after wor to bring me my present
    Alice will not make it out till
    Love marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    and I hate using this thing but better tha nothing.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Marie, sorry you fell. Jim fell last week. He sprained his wrist, looked like the hulk! Swelling has gone so he won't go to the doctor. Saw the storm reports too.
    what a cute keepsake, Robby will want to use that cup when he's older. Im sure you know this, but hand wash only. Sandy, i forget, do you have a pool there?
    Lin, from your earlier posts, i know this is a big Tuesday for you. Good luck, hope everyone shows. By all means, rest before driving back.