Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member

    Bye.......see you later!!

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Bye Sandy.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Bye-bye Sandy, have a wonderful break.... missing you already! <3 Isn't that an American saying? LOL

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ I'm off to visit a local nursery now to pick up some bedding and tomato plants so will see if I can come up with some ideas for planting under your apple trees that won't give too much extra work.

    Sunshine here and a gentle breeze.... perfect except a neighbour is building something and the knock, knock, knock is becoming a bit like Chinese torture!!!

    Back later.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Bye SANDY!
    JACKIE, I'm all gung ho, and once the general chores are done I'm going out to dig up the sparse weedy grass. Lady's mantle grows here, and I've loads so I'll put some near the border front edge. I want to get going before the humid heat arrives and the Mosquitos, I get eaten alive by them! And also swell, ugh. Anyway, I'm thinking maybe a low lying bush near the tree. I have a huge bed of lily of the valley down the side of the house which do TOO well in the shade, but are just starting to bloom and smell gorgeous, and the hostas do very well. I'm in zone 6 if that counts in the UK. My garden is very small really, but a bit of "landscaping" might create an illusion of size. Wish I was coming with you to the garden centre! Have fun. Oh I planted two weedy tomatoes in a long planter yesterday! Not for me though, for the family IF they survive!
    Anne (with the E).
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    HI Gang! The posts are jumpy again! Wonder what causes that? It is cloudy and a bit rainy today. This is my grown grandson's birthday. I have been trying to get in touch but, as you might imagine, he has other things to do! Ha! It is quite interesting how gardening has set our brains aflame with ideas for the garden. It is a special time of year. I am full of grand ideas, but I am aware that I tire of my projects about mid-summer.

    Yesterday was not a great food day for me. I didn't have huge amounts but the food I did eat was way too high in calories. John and I decided to half a turkey sandwitch and a lotte while out on errands. Then Friday is pizza night. Even though I fixed a veggie pizza and only one piece, I fear I blew the works, so to speak. Back to a more modest fare now. I didn't weigh this AM. I didn't want to know how badly I did.

    Anne: is that a picture of your dear Tabitha Daisy? She looks to be happy and comfy in her own chair?

    Jackie: we are enjoying your videos. I am going to share the animal ones with our vet. I know he will enjoy them.

    Lin: your words about clutter hit home! We call it "messy mind disease." My art dungeon has gained family fame as what can happen when things are left too long. They multiply and...well you can only imagine!

    Have a lovely weekend sneakers!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Me again and a very worn out me! I spent most of the day digging out the grass for the new plants when I finally get them! As you can see in the photo it isn't a very big border I've cut out BUT it took me HOURS. I'm not the gal I used to be alas.

    Yes PATSY that's dear old Tabitha Daisy, who's in better shape than me at the moment and I guess in cat years about the same age. ALL of the chairs belong to Tabitha Daisy, I'm occasionally allowed to sit in one. Her ladyship doesn't believe in gardening preferring to wash her paws for her days exercise.


    Going for a much needed scrub down, Anne.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Sandy, enjoy, enjoy!
    Anne, your soil looks dark and well amended. I wanted to get one large bag of potting soil, but I couldn't lift it. I dont think I need it after all.
    Its been a day. I save all my errands and do them in one day. So I wont have to leave home any more than necessary.
    Marie are you busy with Alice today? Hopefully your computer is still working.

    Have a great evening
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    This is the Pacific Ocean south of Crescent City, California

    The Heceta Head lighthouse in my earlier picture opened originally in 1894

    I love being home with my dogs and cat and my familiar neighborhood and routines.

    smiley-happy110.gif This has been a busy up early, walked the dogs, went to an early meeting then to the grocery story....later I walked with my favorite walking friend and came home to lunch prepared by Jake..I got some work done in the yard and walked the dogs some more and now I'm sitting and relaxing with all of you. Later I'll ride the exercise bike and watch TV with Jake.

    smiley-cool05.gif I love all the photos. Thank you for taking the time to share them with us.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Good evening - busy doing chores around the house again today and some corresponding with one of my cousins. Now I'm tired and will likely wrap things up early tonight. Tomorrow I need to get up early and get ready for a long day at church. I have no idea when I'll be home so I may not catch up with my favorite people---you---until Monday. Hugs to all.

    Love the pictures. Keep them coming. They are wonderful.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2015
    Just enjoyed a light lunch of marinated salmon and salad sandwich and am now planning to get into the garden before promised rain arrives. Had a lovely walk in the woods again and the bluebells are still sitting up and smelling glorious!

    Anne ~ Your flower bed looks wonderful and ready to welcome a variety of plants. Since you are able to grow hostas you're obviously not plagued with slugs so how about Lupins for a bit of height or a low slung azalea. Another grand plant to give height and late colour is Angelica gigas that would look lovely at the back of your border and perrenials such as Dicentra and Penstemon as well as Astilbi do well in my garden that you can imagine can get very cold weather in the winter months being so high on the moors. My trip to the nursery was most enjoyable as I wandered through the poly tunnels and chatted to the brothers that run it. I came home with a variety of 4 tomato plants, and a Cotinus royal purple shrub that probably won't grow to full height in my lifetime and Monarda that I'm sure is something the bees love.
    Halfway home I had some fun when I met a huge green steam engine with the roller on the front and brightly polished brass parts that filled the whole of the single lane road and trundled along at about 3 mph so I had to reverse a few hundred yards to find a gateway to get out of its way as there was no way he was going to reverse! I assume it was heading for a steam rally, something that's often held in these parts. Ah, the good old days!! Tabitha Daisy is looking very cute in her one of many chairs!

    Hello to everyone else but I must get on as clouds are rolling in.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, thank you for the tips, duly written down for the next time I can get to a nursery. I love going to them too. Azaleas ARE lovely, I'm not sure about our winters though. I'll have to ask. I'm surprised honeysuckle can tolerate temps as low as minus 20, so maybe. You won't believe this but I have a working model of a steam engine made by my dad who's hobby it was crafting models and ships. People have offered to buy it, but of course I would never sell.
    I'm about to go out in the garden again and try and move my stone bird bath which is heavy, and a very large old carved stone urn that was thrown out years ago by the folks opposite but I think beautiful. However it is REALLY heavy and comes on an equally heavy pedestal so I probably won't manage it. See how you've inspired me!
    I was so whacked yesterday, I had a bath, and toddled off to bed missing my favourite detective programme. Today though, up with the lark, revitalised and rarin' to go again. Everything I planted last week is flourishing including the two tomato plants which surprised me.
    PHOEBE, the soil IS good. When I buy potting soil, I can only manage small packs in my shopping trolley.
    Hi everybody, promise, I'll mainly shut up about gardens from now on, unless YOU bring them up.
    Nice to have you home again BARBIE. Beautiful seascape.
    LIN, don't work TOO hard.
    Hi MARIE and EVERYBODY!!!!!!
    Anne (with the E, Jackie)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Sunday! My daughter went to Church ( I went to 5:00 yesterday) and I am sitting on the patio having coffee. It is so beautiful here and if you are on Facebook you saw within an hour of arriving I was in the pool.I had a little friend join me for coffee, something I don't see where I live.
    After Mass yesterday my daughter picked me up and we went to a great restaurant for dinner, came home and watched a movie. Life is good!
    Today is her husbands birthday but he won't return from Minnesota until around 6:00. He was there for the weekend videoing dance recitals which is a side job he does once a year. Kristy is surprising him with some friends for a birthday celebration.
    This is where you will find me for the next week.

    Wish you were here!
    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited May 2015
    Oh, Sandy, a shady pool is perfect on a warm day! What a wonderful way to relax. Has Kristy suggested you move yet?
    I know you won't but I wish you could stay longer or visit more often. I love lizards. I'll never forget the little one that was so thirsty during our droughts a few years ago. I was watering a shrub in a large pot, the little lizard walked from under the shrub to drink the water. I had to put a little dish of water in the pot. ♥
    I just ordered one of those triangular sailclothes for patios. I talked myself back into shade but no umbrellas. We'll see how it works.
    Anne, I think those heavy things require at least two people. I almost let the bowl of the birdbath slip onto my foot. Take care.
    Jackie, i can see you trekking backwards on your lane. Was George with you? My husband loves all things engines. He and his father enjoyed the annual 'Big Iron Crank Up'. Lots of old,working engines.
    No need to stop talking gardens, I enjoy it. I see lovely things but stop myself until dh finishes the 'shed project', which can't begin until the removal of a large wild cherry tree. I hate to cut it down, but it is gradually dying upwards. Large branches die then fall. It's a bit scary, a hazard to humans and critters. Storms bring down more branches.
    Lin, you get more done in one day than me in a month! Lol, I wish I were exaggerating. I'm a true procrastinator. Enjoy your Sunday! ♥
    Marie, hope to hear from you today ♡
    Im not letting this day be wasted, so im gonna make myself busy.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    P.S., should have said that I Try to stop myself from buying plants. I couldn't resist a rose bush in the color I saw at the rose garden during my trip to my cousins college graduation. The name of the rose is 'Live Anna's Promise'. I ordered it from Hope it isn't a disappointment, but how could a rose ever be that?
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PHOEBE, I haven't seen any after 42 years in Canada, but in the UK we had little green lizards (like the one in Alice in Wonderland) living in the cotoneaster that grew up the house wall. Lovely little things. Like little jewels. Well folks, I've been thwarted in my gardening efforts because family have decided to visit. Cinders, the wonder pup is coming over to show me how much she has grown, now she's about 4 months old. She was like a large mouse when Mike and Sandy adopted her, so she'll probably be about the size of a large rat now! This means I will have to lock Tabitha Daisy in a bedroom as she's a cat with attitude when it comes to other animals. I can't garden tomorrow either because we are promised rain. I also won't be able to attempt to move the large stone urn on my own, which as you say, is probably a good thing. They've just arrived!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member

    This is the pool in full sun.....I already have a tan. Time to get ready for party.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Just letting JACKIE know, Mike, Sandy and Cinders took me to the gardening centre and I bought your suggested plants. All now planted before tomorrow's forecasted rain, broke, but happy!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member

    This female red panda and her sister were born a few years ago at the zoo in Eureka, California that I visited on my trip last week.

    <3 I love the garden and pool pictures...perfect spring enjoyment

    :) 26,000 steps today thanks to an extra long dog walk in the morning and a long walk with a friend after lunch.....time now to relax

    <3 Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoeb I am having so much problems with my computer thar ijust manage to log in nrx but fillld you in on my Saturday
    Alice and ki going out to buy me
    Now computer. I hate this I pad can, read anything or see what I type
    Here is what I Been up to. I am eating lots of beans fruit,veggies on a plant protein plan this is my fourth day on blood sugar has improved so much better. Stay in 100 at every testing yesterday. Than ever had that before.
    Going to close for now before I lose this post love you guys bare with me till I get a new conputer
    Love you guymarie