Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    Wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! Long long day--I did some more cleaning at my dad's acreage, then the realtors walked through. Two showings in the afternoon and then I headed home and by the time I got home there were 2 offers. I countered one of the two and zap, THE ACREAGE IS SOLD!! Cash. Possession in a month. So got to get busy getting the rest of the stuff out of there and getting the furniture sold. I'm sure there will be a few hurdles in the inspection but this is a dream for me. A no-contingency offer!!

    I am so happy my friends. B)

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited May 2015
    And we are happy for YOU, LIN!!!! Happy, happy congratulations.

    Nice explanation BUZZ on World War Two. To this day, 75 years later, I can remember my mother holding me up to look at the red sky as the nearest city burned from the bombs raining on it, way in the distance, and the way she shook with fear. We thought that it was the war to END wars, naive souls that we were. Just a few years earlier my great grandparents lost 3 sons in the previous war to end all wars. It's all greed isn't it by a few initially. Greed for power, greed for land, greed for control and imposing ones beliefs and values on others. I just despair at times.

    Then I stroll around my very small garden, and at least, alls well with my little corner, and I'm truly grateful.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After a busy day yesterday with a visit from a cousin and his wife I hadn't seen since my father's funeral, today I've been walking across the moors with George in glorious sunshine listening to a distant cuckoo and the high flying skylarks and will soon get off to do a bit of shopping. Neighbours on both sides are away so I'm watching houses as well as feeding cats and chickens. Thoroughly enjoyed my cousin's company although George misbehaved and spent a lot of time barking at them in spite of several attempts at bribery!!

    Lin ~ What great news... I'm delighted for you as this means you'll soon be in a position to concentrate on you without all that travelling and worry. Hooray!!!

    Marie ~ Terrible storms and floods in your neck of the woods so I'm thinking of you and hoping you're safe.

    Buzz ~ My cousin was telling me that the other evening they had found a tiny cinema in a village close to where they're staying that was showing Mr Turner so in they went. Just 28 seats in the hall and they only had to pay £4 each which was a treat for them since they live in London where you can't get into a cinema without forking out about £20. I've not seen it myself yet but it's on my wish list and all I can say is well done for understanding the cockney accent!! I remember reading that the cinematography won all sorts of awards from the festival in Cannes to Oscars and BAFTA's so can imagine it would have been beautiful. Turner is one of our favourite artists in the UK although I doubt many knew of his rather uncouth ways until the movie came out! PATSY's paintings have a hint of the magical light/dark that often graces his work so perhaps there's been some influence there!! American Sniper didn't get great reviews here because it seemed too patriotic considering the mess that's been created and critics felt it missed the point of the tragedy that was and still is Iraq. I suppose the movie and book was just one man's view through a rifle sight so maybe he didn't get to analize the whole mess that surrounded him. ANNE is right of course, so long as one group's beliefs are imposed on another's we're going to have to put up with hideous war!

    Time to go shopping and then a cuppa in my peaceful garden with nothing but the birds to listen to. I'm blessed I know and do give thought to those in a completely different environment.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) It doesn't look like a pool day, looks more like rain. I have grocery shopping to do and an errand so it is probably for the best. Bingo tonight, wish me luck. :)

    Jackie, so happy for you that your visit went well, but bad George. I am sure he was just protecting you even with the bribes. Or perhaps he figured out if he barks he gets a treat, little devil.

    Anne, I think we forget at times how lucky we are to be living somewhere safe, with so much going on in this world I am also grateful.


    Buzz, think about this though, my daughter is in Florida, one son in Portland, Oregon, the other in Arizona. I keep telling them that I could live three months with each kid, some think it is a great idea others not so much. Haha.
    As of now staying put, like living on my own, doing what I want.

    Barbie, I have been seeing more and more rain barrels, great idea. I know what you mean about extra weight gain on vacation, I am working on mine as well.

    Shirley, it is amazing how fast our grandchildren grow, Robby looked so big to me. He is just so darn cute though and is making this frog sound that cracks me up.

    Phoebe, too bad you can't use the pool for 4 weeks but once you can it is great for the knees. Sorry to hear you are getting some flooding and hope it doesn't get bad. Windows are open today, love the summer breeze. (great song)

    Sun coming and going, might check out the pool after all. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Checking In we are about to get nicer weather next week but this week in will be another rainy weekend
    I am doing real well with my vegan plan seems like ever 3 days I have a good loss. I don,t miss meat at all. My Mother did not like to eat meat either and absolutelywould Eat chicken. I am anxiousness to see my weight comes Friday. I had gain 6 pounds before I started this
    vegan plan. I have loss all of it thanks goodness looking to be down to my 180' by Friday

    <3 Lin so glad your dad,place got sold now maybe you can get back ton normal.

    <3 Phoebe. I will be thing of you come Friday hope all goes well how long will you be off work? Love to all sneakers

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    Hello friends – the topic of war seems to always be timely doesn’t it? So much incredible brutality and unthinkable horrors visited on our fellow creatures. It stems from inside us alas. If not, would it proliferate generation after generation? I remember the pain of seeing friends going off to Vietnam and I felt powerless to do anything so I marched which just made other people angry. I get older and older and see no solution. Anne, I cannot imagine what you saw when you were a child. I’ve been fortunate enough to live in relative safety. And I’m happy all of seem to have our little bits of sanctuary right now.

    Oh Ann with the E, how does your garden grow? We had sunshine today and temperatures around 80 or so. In other words, delightful!

    Jackie, your walk with George sounds heavenly. I hope you enjoy house-sitting and that it doesn’t keep you on the run. I like to do things at my own pace but lately I find that pace is apparently too slow!

    All of this discussion about movies reminds me I should get a couple of titles out of your suggestions and see if I can sign-up for them with the library. When I have a bit of time, I have old episodes of “To the Manor Born” playing on DVD because my Internet connection seems to be going bad once again. It’s my season of discontent although it seems a tiny bit early this year. I like Penelope Keith and have also been listening to M.C. Beaton books (Agatha Raisin) on my iPad and she is one reading them.

    Sandy – thank you for the darling graphic. So great, a deal with no financing involved, no house sale, no appraisal. My attorney is still a bit hesitant about saying it’s a done deal until we find out what the home inspector has on the list of “To-Dos” but I said to him if it’s a reasonable list I’ll have to the fixes to sell to anyone. He thinks some inspectors are overly critical and recommend things that are petty and just cost $$. So we’ll see. The listing agent put up a sale pending sign this afternoon as they were apparently receiving a lot of calls at the office and he hoped that would stop them. I hope you’re out there having a wonderful time at bingo and that you win, win, win!

    Barbie – let me know how the rain barrel works for you. My neighbor got one a couple of years ago and last year he added a second one. He has a lot of flowers in front of his house and uses all the water to keep them looking lovely.

    Phoebe – I hope all goes well and that you heal up quickly. I was also wondering how long before you’d be cleared to drive again. I hope you don’t have to push ahead too quickly. And I hope Honey behaves while you can’t chase after her.

    Marie – are you more comfortable with your iPad now? Or did Alice fix up your computer? I hope you don’t get much more rain my friend. Your region has just been soaked. We got rain and have plenty now. As I was driving home last night there was water standing in many of the fields and there were also places that were drowned out which had to make the farmers unhappy. I am glad you are happy with your vegan food. Me too, love it.

    I didn’t sleep much last night. I was pretty excited and was lining up all the needed phone calls in my mind. I was very busy today on the phone, in between I was running some errands, and doing some online banking. More phone calls again tomorrow. The buyers were out at the house today and broke the garage door. The listing agent tried to fix it but couldn’t so I need to get a company out there ASAP to get it fixed before the inspector shows up!

    And another exciting development: my new stove has arrived and the installer is bringing it out first thing Friday morning. That means moving some things around and doing a bit of cleaning tomorrow.

    And tomorrow is Farmer’s Market so I think I’ll continue to be busy. I have Friday, June 26th circled on my calendar. Closing Day! Praying there are no hitches that push that back.

    Oh, and Buzz, Phoebe was right about my typos! My iPad and I don’t seem to get along when it comes to spelling. It’s a bit better on the laptop!

    Hugs to all. And wishing everyone health and happiness.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :) Lin, when my mother died, we moved into her house and didn't sell it for several years. The way I looked at it was that it was "found money" whatever we got for it, so it made it less stressful.

    :) Marie, I admire your switching to a vegan plan.....we stopped eating meat but we eat eggs and dairy. We are happy with our changes...also we are being very careful about sodium because of Jake's congestive heart failure.

    :) Sandy, so far I've done great with staying with careful eating since I've been home from our trip (no crackers or cashews or eating in restaurants). When I go to the line dance workshop in about 10 days, I'll be eating a catered meal, but careful eating until then...we won't know much about how the rain barrel works until next year after we've had enough rain to fill the barrel and then use the water in it.

    :) I added squats holding a fifteen pound weight on each shoulder to my strength training routine yesterday and today my thighs were complaining.

    We are having beautiful spring weather and the dogs and I love it.

    <3 Barbie

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone! We are also having lovely weather now. I am holding my breath for you dearest Texan friends and family. Stay safe and dry, dear ones. I always feel if you can get your family and animals to safety, all is well. Maybe not perfect but the rest is just stuff.

    I have been clearing out drawers and storage closets lately. It is just shocking, all of the things we have held on to for so long.

    I had an interesting experience lately. I have a long time friend that I am very close to, and it is her birthday. We always exchange gifts. As usual I spent hours hunting for something I think she will like. She never thanks me for for gifts. Ever! I feel silly wanting her to call or send an email to thank me. I realize a gift is something you give to someone you care about and not expecting great gushy thank you...I feel strangely depressed about not hearing from her. Am I being a super sensitive ninny? Have any of you ever had any experience like this? My John says there are folks that have great difficulty saying thank you or I love you or I'm sorry. It is usually big tough says John!

    Riding the Bike tonight, lifting some weights, tomorrow back to foot doctor. Need to get this foot healed so I can stomp my foot at the doggies when they poo in my flowers! Such naughty girls.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, a double WHOOPIE.....what wonderful news! Now, on with your very own life and goals!
    ANNE, you did a splendid job explaining the whys and wherefores of the killing fields every few years! Thanks!
    JACKIE, there was one marvelous scene in which Turner creates a red blob in the midst of a marine painting. The guards in the museum were shocked, then entranced when, using his thumb nail, he fashions the red paint into a tiny boat! He saw things so differently from the average person, and translated his view into amazing shapes and bursts of color. Pure genius!
    MARIE, sounds like you are doing very nicely! Keep it up!
    SANDY, of course I understand your plight about where to live! I'm being facetious wishing to have you closer. Everybody wants to have you near!
    BARBIE, you are truly an example of renewal! We all wish JAKE well, and I didn't realize he has CHF! Long may he live, even without that darn sodium!
    Oops, once I must go back to correct spelling (actually, wake myself to redo all the errors!jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
    I know it's bedtime!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Lin, you've worked so hard to get everything done, and here is your reward! I hope everything goes smoothly, but, like you, expect a little turbulence. After the closing, will you be finished with the trips to that area? It seems like most of your travel is to that one area.
    Patsy, I have experienced the same thing during gift giving. I try to forget it.
    Still not worrying about the surgery.
    Saw a car accident today. It wasnt a bad one, just a rear end collision. Still, it left me jumpy,
    Now im too sleepy, goodnight
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning everybody, beautiful day here again, rain. I can't remember when it last rained. Areas around us have had rain, but not us.. Whilst some of you have had such a terrible time with the flooding, I feel like going out and performing a rain dance, if only I knew how! I think I will invest in a rain barrel too, great idea for these times of yellowing lawn. Either feast or famine eh!

    LIN, just by reading your lovely long thoughtful post I can feel the lightness coming back into your life. You know, I would have been right there with you on those marches. My long gone grumpy old photographer friend used to say I was a "left over flower child". Don't know about that, but I do know ever since the dinosaurs it's the fittest survive. All that we less aggressive souls can do I'm afraid is keep our heads down, for any form of gentleness appears to be viewed as weakness, and of course it isn't at all.

    PATSY, you are a sweet sensitive soul. I was brought up to always say thank you, or write a thank you note. It is the polite thing to do when another has spent time thinking about one. Sometimes, in fact quite often, I will get a gift that just isn't me for I'm probably hard to buy for, BUT I always make sure I'm using that gift when the giver is in my company. Confession, my friend made me a hideous, to me anyway, ornament. It lives in the bathroom cupboard where I won't forget it. When she is about to visit, I spot it and out it comes. She's happy and I haven't been churlish about her effort to create this one particular gift. However, a clay pot in garish blue that my then 5 year old Mark made me sits in prominent display! So I'm not consistent in this regard! John is quite right. She probably doesn't know, or hasn't been taught, how to say thank you. However, there is another approach. You are good friends so tell her you haven't had any feedback from her, therefore you are not sure if the gifts you send are "right" for her taste.

    BARBIE, along with BUZZ, I wish your Jake well. It's possible to live without salt. Have you ever tried Spike?

    JACKIE, a very busy time for you right now! I wish you could be my neighbour!

    PHOEBE, my thoughts are with you, and good wishes for a speedy recovery.

    MARIE, SHIRLEY, SANDY, everybody, a very good day to you all.
    Anne (with the E)
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I thought this rather funny. Woman on our radio going ballistic because she found a living bug in her prepared packaged organic salad and is reporting store to food authorities. All I could think was, well at least you know it WAS organic, otherwise you'd have had a dead bug!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Thursday!! :) I don't have a lot of time as I have my meeting today and a few errands to run. Of course it is a beautiful pool day, but my meeting is more important, keeps me focused.

    Sorry no rain for you Anne, there are others here that would be happy to share.

    Patsy, I am a big card and gift person so I know how you feel. How hard is it in this day and age to at least send a text to thank someone for their thoughtfulness? A quick phone call? I tell my own children I don't need gifts but I do appreciate cards and still this year one neglected to send me one for Mother's Day. I have to let these kind of things go and it will not stop me from sending my cards and/or checks.

    Phoebe, good luck on surgery tomorrow, does this mean Jim will wait on you hand and foot??

    Buzz, you are so sweet, it would be great to see you again, but at least we have Club Med.

    Barbie, so far I have been lazy in getting these unwanted pounds off, but I will do it. I have several parties in the next few weeks so that doesn't help and unlike you I do eat their food. Time to start on the bike again now that I only have Robby for one more week.

    Lin, I can't tell how happy I am for you that the house was sold. Hopefully, the inspection shows minor things that can be fixed without too much expense. Now correct me if I am wrong but isn't there two places, the house and a farm or are they one in the same?

    Marie, so happy you checked in and everything is okay with all that rain. Congratulations on the new plan, not only weight loss but I bet you feel much better. Keep taking care of yourself, we miss you when you are not here.

    Phyllis, hope all is well with your mother.

    Jackie, enjoy those beautiful walks with George.

    Bob, where are you? Did you get tired of our women talk???

    Everyone else, enjoy this day, it is the first day of the rest of your life.

    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good afternoon Sandy thanks for the long post enjoy reading how all the folks are doing.
    Oh I do missed Bob and his pictures . And sayings.
    My menus look sort of like this corn tortilla Breakfast quick cookin steel cuts oatmeal with liquor stevia, cinnamon a little almond milk and a hand full of raisen

    Am snacks watermelon nuts

    lunch..... Butter bean soup with veggies , toasted corn tortilla and avacada tea

    Pm snack green grapes

    Dinner black eyes peas boiled cabbage, sweet potatoes tea

    After dinner snacks more fruit and nuts,

    So far no rain todayYet
    Phoebe thinking of you

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Late afternoon and I've just finished grooming George and doing my best to snip some fur from around his eyes before washing his face. He's a real wriggle-bum when I'm doing my best to tidy him but I keep things lighthearted so he won't get stressed.

    Sandy ~ I'm sure you're right and George barks for a treat because he wagged his tail and put a paw out as he barked at my cousin. I've definitely made a rod for my back there!! It's so good to read you are happy on your own doing your own thing because it means you really have moved on from that awful time when Babe's son was being so nasty. Enjoy your meeting in the knowledge the sun will shine again when you can sit by the pool. B)

    Marie ~ Thanks for checking in so we know you are safe from those terrible storms in Texas and elsewhere. It'll definitely be interesting to see how the vegan diet has affected your weight but it certainly sounds positive even before your weigh-in in the morning. I only ever eat meat sourced locally and not via supermarkets but don't eat a lot these days. The occasional piece of chicken or plump Old Cornish sausage does me and fish is my main source of protein.

    Lin ~ House sitting finishes tonight so long as one side arrives home safely. The other family got home from Italy late last night and although they tell me the weather was unusually cool, they looked well and suntanned! I did mention to them how I might struggle to get up their narrow and rather dangerous steps to the house because my hip is seizing up but they like me going because I stop to chat to Jeffery the cat rather than just feed and run but I definitely move at my own pace and figure nothing will die if a meal is half an hour later than normal!! Having lots of interest shown in your dad's property has to be a good thing just in case but we're all hoping this transaction goes through without a hitch. I expect it will feel like a long month though! What sort of stove did you purchase in the end? I remember you mentioned looking for one but may have missed what your final choice was.

    Barbie ~ A rain barrel collects water off the roof of my porch and it's amazing how quickly it fills once it does rain. At the allotment we have 2 running off a 6' x 4' shed so usually have water to hand when needing to help the veggies along. I expect I get a lot more rain than you but once it's full you'll hopefully not get to the bottom of the barrel before the next shower.

    Patsy ~ I'm afraid I've always worked on a 2 strikes and out policy if I don't get some sort of response to gifts sent in the mail. How do you know it arrived safely if no thanks are received? When I was a child I had to sit and write a card to every gift donor and although I would have preferred to be out playing it has stuck with me just how important and polite it is.

    Anne ~ No rain for us either although some was promised last night but when it did arrive it fell for no more than 30 seconds before moving on. If none is forecast tonight I'll have to pop to the allotment to water our onions! How funny that lady was complaining about a bug in her organic food... she can't be understanding the concept of organic can she!! Many years ago when all eggs came from battery farms I had my friends young son with me as I did some shopping and was explaining how when you buy eggs it's wise to open the box to check for breakages and when we looked there was a large feather amongst the eggs so I told him that was a good sign because it meant the chickens were real and not running on batteries!! He still remembers that and now he's a great cook and buys only organic and free range so maybe I had a small influence there!!

    Phoebe ~ I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and have no doubt you will feel a whole lot better for the procedure. Let us know when you're home safe snuggled up with Honey and Jim.... well one of them at least!! LOL

    Buzz ~Amazing, that scene of Turner painting the boat on to an exhibition piece was shown on a news channel when the film was nominated for one of the many awards and was what made me think I must see it. Perhaps I'll splash out on the dvd.

    Sorry I've missed Jeri and Shirley and no doubt others but it's time for me to prepare an evening meal, fish and steamed veggies since I'll be jumping on the scales in the morning. Also have to feed my own cats as well as George.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    Hello friends. Well it looks like I’m into my annual Internet intermittent service deal again for another year. When I click on something I may get no response for several minutes and it’s is happening on all my devices so I cannot blame any device or any operating system. Ack. Praying for calm and hoping this year it will just get better without all the protracted angst of calling, calling, calling, and the lack of help from my provider. Time will tell.

    Phoebe – I won’t have to look after that acreage once the sale is finalized and that will be a relief for certain. I will still own farmland in that area, I get my hair cut up that way (and I could find someone down here) but I don’t want to change attorneys or tax preparers so I’ll go there from time to time. Maybe I’ll go every couple of months for a haircut and I’ll ask a couple of people to call me if there’s a problem with the farm. Issues could include drainage problems or tile blowouts. The person who leases the farm from me operates thousands of acres so they don’t drive by often. It can work though. A guy a little bit down the road from my farm lives in another city a couple of hours away and he goes up to check things out every couple of months from early spring through harvest but not over the winter. And I am sorry you saw that car accident. It is upsetting to see what can happen when traffic/cars go from just fine to an accident situation. I too will be thinking of you….wishing you well.

    Patsy – I have instances where I never get a thank-you. It doesn’t bother me now but I’ve also radically cut back on gifts and have switched over to cash or just little tiny remembrances. I figure I gave something they didn’t like and move on. I’m sorry it troubles you and I wish folks would treat you more kindly. I’ve received many things I really did not like over the years and ultimately didn’t keep most of them but always thanked the giver for remembering me. I still have not had time to look at your book except to just thumb through the pages and once life settles down a bit; I’d like to just savor it bit by bit!

    Anne – we have another lovely day as well. Apparently that will change by this evening but I appreciate the sunshine when we have it. BUT I know rain is needed as well so I trust you will receive some soon. Will you be outdoors watering all your lovely flowers and landscaping? I laughed about the story of the bed bug. I wouldn’t be thrilled with that either but if you were eating it and found half a bug---now that would really have made me ill!

    Sandy – I am sorry you have to miss the lovely sunshine but you have to choose what is more important for your life each day. Good for you. Just one more week with Robby. Time for your summer vacation. And you’re right, the acreage is being sold but I’ll still have farmland (no buildings, just tillable acres). We’ll see what’s up with the inspection but some of the pricier potential issues are radon, a septic system that’s not up to current standards (they’ve changed since that system was installed) and DNR may not pass it, any issue from the well water testing, and whatever someone might find in the attic (I don’t know anyone who’d been up there and the realtor said if there’s any type of small leak there could be mold). So whatever legitimate items are found will need to be fixed.

    Marie – so happy you’ve not had more rain. Wahoo! Your food selections sound great and I’m glad you are getting some lovely beans! I just cooked some again this morning.

    Jackie – I’m glad your house-sitting is about over and it so kind of you to do that for your neighbors. I think we all have to move at our own pace and some days all the parts work together better than on other days. Oh, I forgot to mention that, thanks for asking---my stove has arrived and they are coming first thing in the morning to install it. It’s a gas stove and they may have to replace the line and shutoff if it doesn’t conform to current standards. Seems like government is always changing something right? I’m trying to straighten up a little bit and dust around there. The installer says when they pull out the old one they’ll give me some time to clean up all the muck that’s in that space. I don’t think the stove has been moved since the home was built in 1990. I shudder to think what’s hiding in there!!

    Buzz – thanks for all the information about the film. I’ve now been to the library web site and have my name on the list and will someday be able to check it out.

    Hugs to everyone!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    We were up early this morning, Dave had a doctor apt. He had a biopsy a few weeks ago and got his results today. It is negative, he was very relieved. At his first apt. the doctor was not concerned but you never know. The doctor is a surgeon
    so we weren't sure. It has been a few weeks on pins and needles but I had a good feeling about it and that is what kept
    me going and Dave too. His next apt will be in September to see if it has gone, so the doctor thinks could happen or have
    it removed.

    Last night we had our wrap up party from choir. One of the gals had the dinner at her house and her boyfriend, who is a chef
    did all the cooking. It was very good and some of the gals made desserts. We gave Lisa, our director, her gift from all of us.
    Our next concert will be in July, a smaller version at the Shaw Festival, which is a place that puts on theater. We will be
    singing outside. We will be doing a medley from HAIR , so I have to learn the songs before then.

    I still have to get my walk today and finish some dusting upstairs.

    Barbie - We have a rain barrel and have had it for years now. I use that water to water all plants and flowers. A few minutes of
    rain and the barrel is full.

    Lin - I am so happy for you that things are finally coming to a close. Good luck on the rest of the acreage and hope things
    get settled soon.

    Jackie - It's always nice to get visits from family and sorry to hear George was a bad dog and barking all the time.
    He's not used to all that company.

    Marie- I hope you are doing okay with all the flooding and rain. Thinking about you. Good luck with the
    Vegan way of life.

    Patsy - I used to give gifts to my nephew and his wife when his twins were little. I never got a thank you either
    and they are eleven now. Mind you the gifts have stopped since they are getting older. So you are not alone.

    Sandy - Dave got to see Isaac on his way home from cottage. I said Not Fair, just kidding. Kathy said he is
    trying to smile a little and staying awake longer now. We have our next visit planned for next week. I can't
    wait. We will be buying his high chair to take up with us. I know he is not ready yet but she will have it
    when he is ready.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited May 2015
    Whoops, apologies to the woman who found the bug or beetle in her organic salad. It IS a toxic beetle and would make one rather ill if ingested. So not so funny after all. Not your average little green caterpillar JACKIE and LIN!!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Anne, lol, she is off the hook then!
    thank you all for your thoughts and kind words. Im Cleaning and trying to declutter a bit. Makes it easier to get around. I doubt that I will be sitting on the floor anytime soon, so im trying to get my chores that require me to sit or squat all done for a while. Laundry too. Taking a break now for late dinner and a rest, then a few more things to get done. Reading the pre op instructions for one. Lol! Imagine me on the operating table with the instructions in my hand.
    I know it's the busy early summer for everyone, I appreciate all who manage to drop in to let us know you are okay.
    I think Phyllis and hubby went to their beach place for a while before she heads to Idaho.
    Probably check in tomorrow evening, have a wonderful weekend!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Enjoyed reading all your posts, dear friends, but too sleepy to comment, so PHOEBE, we shall all be with you in mind and spirit, tomorrow, and wish you the best success, and back to normal quickly! MARIE, fantastic food. Yes, we all miss BOB and hope he will return. Every one of you will be in my dreams!
    <3 Buzz