100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Congratulations to all that are losing, wearing white pants and moving forward. Hang in there if you are stuck! Talking/writing about it does help.

    I am having one of those rare special days....all my buttons have been pushed.....someone please come and stop me from crazy eating.....meeting with the staff at the rehab facility for a care plan regarding my fathers care went well. Those of you with the privilege of being the care giver for a parent will understand that I am so grateful that the staff think he is "cute" has dementia but is funny with it. For me, I received the full brunt of his anger and frustration with his situation. 86 years old, had an above the knee amputation 2 weeks ago and is really doing better than I could have hoped for. His anger directed at me just hit me by surprise and at least I ate some really good tasting food to bury the hurt. Had a spinach quiche tart and a cherry pie tart at the French bakery. I did not get the honey baked ham sandwich which is over 800 calories.

    Calories speaking it is not so bad. I just hate the out of control behavior looking for comfort in food. I plan on going to the beach next week and I am planning on having extra seafood and extra fresh fruit. Just resent going backwards with emotional eating.

    Ok, I'm back on track in my head. Thanks for listening.

  • mslesam
    mslesam Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Nene, I work in a nursing home and I see similar situations all the time. The resident who is so cute to all of us is angry with the family because of their situation and blast them with anger, then the family leaves and they are back to their sweet selves. I've always felt so bad for the families when that happens, but often times the next visit everything is fine.

    Roger I told them I could easily go to Jenny Craig and get my food locally and not have to wait for my food to be shipped but that I prefer this program.

    Jane I'm on UY, I much prefer the frozen foods over the SS.

    Jan good luck with the foster, I'm sure you know that younger dogs often re-energize younger ones and help them live longer too.

    Have a great evening y'all.

  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks Lesa. It is a privilege to care for our parents but it isn't always easy.
  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi all - been mia lately - busy, unfocused.

    Finally thought it thru - NS worked so very well for me as all I had to do was grab and go - little cooking, little planning, no brick walls. Although the plans I've been following also work if I stick with them, they're not as easy overall. Involve cooking and planning. I know now that wheat and dairy cause problems for me - so as much as I'm tempted to go back on NS, food composition could be a problem, although it worked before.

    Cleaning and pitching. Still haven't gone fishing - our schedules and the weather are no where near synched. Watching BB finals as Cavs are playing - normally not into sports much, but this is interesting.

    Found phone msg tapes from decades ago - quite a treasure - mom's voice, my BFF who died shortly after mom did, my ex husband and son's conversation shortly before ex died, exes - including one conversation about watching a vcr tape - every movie I offered got turned down - I was with that dude for 8 yrs - go figure! And most precious of all, msgs around time of my mom's death - calls from doctors, the nursing home and preacher about her funeral - cried over that one. Will consider if I want any digitized on CDs so tapes don't fall apart and aren't audible in the future. I did buy a device to convert audio tapes on my computer, but unsure how to work it and right now don't know where I parked it.

    Got 1/2 my digitized memories back - having fun watching from decades ago. Thankfully our camcorder also recorded sound. Very interesting watching 5 17 yo boys not willing to help because they were on vacation! That memory came back to us very quickly while watching them hacky sack and goof off while we were packing the cars. That vacation had medical memories too - stepson got food poisoning, most likely from shrimp at the state lodge. Son's hand swelled so much we considered finding a hospital, not easy in Hocking Hills compared to around here, (it was either a bee sting or a spider bite) and DH sprained his ankle. So glad my son purchased a camcorder with his inheritance.

    Made a fantastic shrimp stir fry yesterday - bean sprouts, snow pea pods, carrots, onions, shrimp and a little sweet chili sauce with crushed red pepper. Had some sesame oil drizzled on top too. Was to include water chestnuts, but we were out.

    Finally watched 50 shades, disappointed - really preferred the book as it included background, thoughts, and readable electronic communications - even our 50 inch TV didn't hack it - DH had to read emails and texts to me. Went to see Spy today - ok movie - may go see Jurassic World in 3D next week. We like seeing big epic movies at the show - spy would have been ok to see at home, but as it was day #10 that we were not able to go fishing - went to the show instead.

    Happy weekend all! Keep on moving and losing.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Nene, that must be so hard to go through. During my mom's last year of life, I called her daily and we'd have good chats, but she was a 14-hour (each way) drive, so I only visited every few months. [My sister lived nearby.] At the last visit, she had no idea who I was. I was surprised because I had talked with her the day before...but in person, she treated me like I was a hospital volunteer. After the 3-day visit, we went home, and I resumed calling daily...and she knew who I was on the phone. But anger would have been so much harder...even when you know it is not intentional, and it is just what they can do at the time. Thanks for being there for him.

    Hi Lesa, Thanks for sharing the behind-the-scenes perspective. When my mom didn't have any idea who I was, a nurse pulled me aside and told me that my mom always loves getting my calls. That helped.

    Hi Shirl, How cool to find those phone message tapes. I would put them to CD. Some touching memories, and other helpful reminders of what was really going on (with the 8-year dude). I have no interest in 50 shades, but really wanted to see Spy. I'll wait to see it at home. Thanks!

    Today, Em and I will be driving 3-hours to Houston to visit a friend I haven't see in 8 years! He's a work colleague that moved to Singapore and got married and now has a beautiful baby girl. He's only in the US for a couple weeks...so going to get together for lunch. When we were deciding where to meet...I mentioned that I'm eating healthy now and it would be really hard for me if he wanted the Cheesecake Factory. So, we're meeting at Souper Salad (a buffet with tons of healthy options, plus pizza, pasta, backed potato...but I can have all the veggies I want!). Hope the thunderstorms aren't too back during our drive there and back!

    Hope you all have a super day! Keep yourself on your priority list!!! Don't let anyone or anything take that away.

    Hugs, Val
  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Congratulations to all that are losing, wearing white pants and moving forward. Hang in there if you are stuck! Talking/writing about it does help.

    I am having one of those rare special days....all my buttons have been pushed.....someone please come and stop me from crazy eating.....meeting with the staff at the rehab facility for a care plan regarding my fathers care went well. Those of you with the privilege of being the care giver for a parent will understand that I am so grateful that the staff think he is "cute" has dementia but is funny with it. For me, I received the full brunt of his anger and frustration with his situation. 86 years old, had an above the knee amputation 2 weeks ago and is really doing better than I could have hoped for. His anger directed at me just hit me by surprise and at least I ate some really good tasting food to bury the hurt. Had a spinach quiche tart and a cherry pie tart at the French bakery. I did not get the honey baked ham sandwich which is over 800 calories.

    Calories speaking it is not so bad. I just hate the out of control behavior looking for comfort in food. I plan on going to the beach next week and I am planning on having extra seafood and extra fresh fruit. Just resent going backwards with emotional eating.

    Ok, I'm back on track in my head. Thanks for listening.

    Nene, I'm sorry things are so hard with your father. I understand from a different perspective - someone close to me who shows family so much of the anger and unkindness side while others outside the family see the pleasant and charming. It's hard in another way, too, because others don't see it and just think how 'lucky' we are. Anyway, I do sympathize with both the situation and the emotional eating...I get attacked by a 'Who cares, anyway?' attitude and then I use that as an excuse to indulge.. <sigh> Working on that becoming a PAST reaction and now taking control! :smile:
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi y'all. Been a few days. Good job to all you losers! Y'all work so hard at it. Things are going well. Still not 100%, but most days I am 90% or so. Most of the time it's because I don't eat everything that I'm supposed to. Still trying to get the hang of eating so much food. It's hard.

    Anyways, have a great weekend.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi All
    It was still 76 degrees at 7:05 when I said to myself I skipped my Walk Yesterday so I'm going today. 1 Hour later and 1.9 miles later with a stop at the Quick Chek for a extra Large Black Coffee I tottered up to the house, Then I started the sprinkler for the flower bed in the front of the house. I decided to get double duty from it and put the hanging plants down where they got watered too. Then while that was going I went in back and watered the garden that rings the Patio.

    That was the conclusion of my exciting morning :) Right now I'm sitting here with a Soup Mug used as a coffee cup with Decaf coffee in it. IE Fresh brewed using Folgers coffee bags, Just in case they work like tea bags.

    Have a Great Weekend

    I posted the above in another message as a FYI. I'm being lazy doing it here too. :)

    Add on: Out in Pennsylvania not that far over the border from NJ, in Bethlehem, Pa. The news this morning was showing a warehouse with part of the roof blown off and some Tractor trailer trailers blown over on their side. Thunderstorms and Rain too. Here in NJ We never saw any rain nor got any Thunder, it dissipated before reaching us. We got lucky :)

    mslesam wrote: »
    Hi Nene, I work in a nursing home and I see similar situations all the time. The resident who is so cute to all of us is angry with the family because of their situation and blast them with anger, then the family leaves and they are back to their sweet selves. I've always felt so bad for the families when that happens, but often times the next visit everything is fine.

    Roger I told them I could easily go to Jenny Craig and get my food locally and not have to wait for my food to be shipped but that I prefer this program.

    Jane I'm on UY, I much prefer the frozen foods over the SS.

    Jan good luck with the foster, I'm sure you know that younger dogs often re-energize younger ones and help them live longer too.

    Have a great evening y'all.


    Hi Lesa
    Not to mention that I believe Jenny is much more expensive since I bought a bunch of the NS Gift cards when they were on sale at $59.99 earlier this year. Add in a membership fee at Jenny. I read user reviews on Jenny and many mentioned that they never did get the rebate on the membership fee that they had earned. It seemed to be a problem with some of the franchise Locations. Add in the reviews about their Counselors pushing food whether or not You needed it since they get a % of the sales from what I read and/or they have sales goals to meet for the franchise owner and I went to NutriSystem where it is all NS owned and much better reviews.

    Anyway, Have a Good Day
    Hi all - been mia lately - busy, unfocused.

    Finally thought it thru - NS worked so very well for me as all I had to do was grab and go - little cooking, little planning, no brick walls. Although the plans I've been following also work if I stick with them, they're not as easy overall. Involve cooking and planning. I know now that wheat and dairy cause problems for me - so as much as I'm tempted to go back on NS, food composition could be a problem, although it worked before.

    Cleaning and pitching. Still haven't gone fishing - our schedules and the weather are no where near synched. Watching BB finals as Cavs are playing - normally not into sports much, but this is interesting.

    Found phone msg tapes from decades ago - quite a treasure - mom's voice, my BFF who died shortly after mom did, my ex husband and son's conversation shortly before ex died, exes - including one conversation about watching a vcr tape - every movie I offered got turned down - I was with that dude for 8 yrs - go figure! And most precious of all, msgs around time of my mom's death - calls from doctors, the nursing home and preacher about her funeral - cried over that one. Will consider if I want any digitized on CDs so tapes don't fall apart and aren't audible in the future. I did buy a device to convert audio tapes on my computer, but unsure how to work it and right now don't know where I parked it.

    Got 1/2 my digitized memories back - having fun watching from decades ago. Thankfully our camcorder also recorded sound. Very interesting watching 5 17 yo boys not willing to help because they were on vacation! That memory came back to us very quickly while watching them hacky sack and goof off while we were packing the cars. That vacation had medical memories too - stepson got food poisoning, most likely from shrimp at the state lodge. Son's hand swelled so much we considered finding a hospital, not easy in Hocking Hills compared to around here, (it was either a bee sting or a spider bite) and DH sprained his ankle. So glad my son purchased a camcorder with his inheritance.

    Made a fantastic shrimp stir fry yesterday - bean sprouts, snow pea pods, carrots, onions, shrimp and a little sweet chili sauce with crushed red pepper. Had some sesame oil drizzled on top too. Was to include water chestnuts, but we were out.

    Finally watched 50 shades, disappointed - really preferred the book as it included background, thoughts, and readable electronic communications - even our 50 inch TV didn't hack it - DH had to read emails and texts to me. Went to see Spy today - ok movie - may go see Jurassic World in 3D next week. We like seeing big epic movies at the show - spy would have been ok to see at home, but as it was day #10 that we were not able to go fishing - went to the show instead.

    Happy weekend all! Keep on moving and losing.

    Hi Shirl
    I think the No cooking needed, only heating is one of the reasons NS works for me.

    It sounds as if You have been busy.

    50 Shades? I never read the book or watched the movie, to much hype and that turns me off.

    Hi Nene, that must be so hard to go through. During my mom's last year of life, I called her daily and we'd have good chats, but she was a 14-hour (each way) drive, so I only visited every few months. [My sister lived nearby.] At the last visit, she had no idea who I was. I was surprised because I had talked with her the day before...but in person, she treated me like I was a hospital volunteer. After the 3-day visit, we went home, and I resumed calling daily...and she knew who I was on the phone. But anger would have been so much harder...even when you know it is not intentional, and it is just what they can do at the time. Thanks for being there for him.

    Hi Lesa, Thanks for sharing the behind-the-scenes perspective. When my mom didn't have any idea who I was, a nurse pulled me aside and told me that my mom always loves getting my calls. That helped.

    Hi Shirl, How cool to find those phone message tapes. I would put them to CD. Some touching memories, and other helpful reminders of what was really going on (with the 8-year dude). I have no interest in 50 shades, but really wanted to see Spy. I'll wait to see it at home. Thanks!

    Today, Em and I will be driving 3-hours to Houston to visit a friend I haven't see in 8 years! He's a work colleague that moved to Singapore and got married and now has a beautiful baby girl. He's only in the US for a couple weeks...so going to get together for lunch. When we were deciding where to meet...I mentioned that I'm eating healthy now and it would be really hard for me if he wanted the Cheesecake Factory. So, we're meeting at Souper Salad (a buffet with tons of healthy options, plus pizza, pasta, backed potato...but I can have all the veggies I want!). Hope the thunderstorms aren't too back during our drive there and back!

    Hope you all have a super day! Keep yourself on your priority list!!! Don't let anyone or anything take that away.

    Hugs, Val

    Hi Val
    One thing to remember is that all Burned CDs will die sooner or later, it really depends on the Quality and even the dye used in the blank. I have cheap generic ones from staples that have died and the Good, more expensive Made in Japan Fuji brand still work.

    I would consider putting important things on Optical disk, External Hard Drive and a Thumb Drive for redundancy.

    Good Luck at the Souper Salad (never heard of them either)
    Terri70 wrote: »
    Hi y'all. Been a few days. Good job to all you losers! Y'all work so hard at it. Things are going well. Still not 100%, but most days I am 90% or so. Most of the time it's because I don't eat everything that I'm supposed to. Still trying to get the hang of eating so much food. It's hard.

    Anyways, have a great weekend.

    Hi Terri
    I had problems losing weight after a while of not eating all my foods, be careful that way. it took me a while to get the hang of eating every 2.5 hours.

    Good Luck
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    edited June 2015
    Terri70 wrote: »
    Hi y'all. Been a few days. Good job to all you losers! Y'all work so hard at it. Things are going well. Still not 100%, but most days I am 90% or so. Most of the time it's because I don't eat everything that I'm supposed to. Still trying to get the hang of eating so much food. It's hard.

    Anyways, have a great weekend.

    Hello Terri, I can so relate to that. It was hard for me in the beginning to change my whole thinking within the eating process. I used to just eat when I wanted to and yeah we all know where that got me....I remember when I first unpacked the NS box and saw all that food I was shocked...then I saw I am suppose to eat veggies and stuff in between...couldn't believe how in the world I am suppose to manage that.

    Today I am looking forward to my foods and I think that's a huge success for me. I eat also about every 2 - 2.5 hours depending on when I get up in the morning but it works. When I started I set myself a timer on my phone to remind me to eat my foods lol...silly I know but it helped :). You will get the hang of it and you are on your way! It takes some time to learn this process.

    As of for me I can proudly report that the 200 lbs. mark is history now....the weight scale was like a magnet this week because I was so close to get below that mark lol...I am as of today 198.8 lbs. and it feels wonderful not to see that 2 in front of my weight anymore. This was a goal I set for myself when I started..so to speak my midway goal. Honestly speaking there has been lots of times where I wasn't serious with goals and gave up in the middle of it. It's a lot easier now to look at my final goal of 150 lbs. I know I am still ways away but I am in the same 100's range which is wonderful lol.

    I hope ya'll have a great Sunday :) I was hoping to go to the lake but the weather is not that promising so we'll figure that one out in a bit :).

  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sue - welcome to onderland! You go Girl! I found when I ate every 3 hrs the wt just fell off - the trick is fitting the eating in on time.

    I need to find the tape conversion tool I bought from Vermont Country Store and figure it out. I have an external hard drive so think audio would be safe there. Just takes time and organization skills.

    Couldn't sleep last night so after lying there 2 hrs, got up and worked on the family tree til 9 am this morning. Using My Heritage, another paid site, and finding things that haven't turned up before. Seems to be an easy site to use, but still in the learning curve, so lose my way here and there. Last night scored several pics of living relatives from another tree that I know is accurate. This guy does a annual reunion for my aunt's family. Also news articles, death notices for ancestors, and 2 articles concerning me - a 1964 piano recital and 2002 fundraising crop I was co chair of. That was 1/2 page article - pics didn't show, but how awesome is this - sit in your own home and find this at 4 am. Pretty awesome. Haven't figured out to get pics/docs to another tree on my computer, may not be able to - may be proprietary. Will have to puzzle it thru.

    DH is weed wacking out front and cutting the grass between rain periods. It's too high. May not be as dry as needed, but overall should look better when finished.

    Still no fishing - either raining, too humid, too hot, or one of us isn't up to it. Disappointing.

    Off to fill 2 wks of pill boxes and make some city chicken for dinner. Have a great week - and work the program.
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Good morning everybody :). Monday it is and last night we had a heavy summer thunder shower. It was nice to watch it from under the covered patio. The air felt very fresh afterwards and that's kind of unusual for Texas but it was great. I am starting another class this week and my mornings will be filled with staring at a computer screen. Have to figure out my eating schedule during that time as I am not allowed to eat in the class room. I guess I have to change my morning snack around but will manage ).

    Have a great day everybody!
  • 5mates
    5mates Posts: 54 Member
    Sue - congratulations on getting below the 200 mark. You are now my inspiration to persevere. See you on the other side :smile:
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I walked to the McDonalds Yesterday and got a Large Black Coffee and back and walked 2.52 miles.

    Today I walked to the McDs also and back using another longer route and walked 2.75 miles. I got out fairly early (7AM) after the rain had ended. It was Still wet out when I left, Humid and around 70 degrees. Tired afterwards on both days too. :)

    Have a Good Week
    suegen1 wrote: »
    Terri70 wrote: »
    Hi y'all. Been a few days. Good job to all you losers! Y'all work so hard at it. Things are going well. Still not 100%, but most days I am 90% or so. Most of the time it's because I don't eat everything that I'm supposed to. Still trying to get the hang of eating so much food. It's hard.

    Anyways, have a great weekend.

    Hello Terri, I can so relate to that. It was hard for me in the beginning to change my whole thinking within the eating process. I used to just eat when I wanted to and yeah we all know where that got me....I remember when I first unpacked the NS box and saw all that food I was shocked...then I saw I am suppose to eat veggies and stuff in between...couldn't believe how in the world I am suppose to manage that.

    Today I am looking forward to my foods and I think that's a huge success for me. I eat also about every 2 - 2.5 hours depending on when I get up in the morning but it works. When I started I set myself a timer on my phone to remind me to eat my foods lol...silly I know but it helped :). You will get the hang of it and you are on your way! It takes some time to learn this process.

    As of for me I can proudly report that the 200 lbs. mark is history now....the weight scale was like a magnet this week because I was so close to get below that mark lol...I am as of today 198.8 lbs. and it feels wonderful not to see that 2 in front of my weight anymore. This was a goal I set for myself when I started..so to speak my midway goal. Honestly speaking there has been lots of times where I wasn't serious with goals and gave up in the middle of it. It's a lot easier now to look at my final goal of 150 lbs. I know I am still ways away but I am in the same 100's range which is wonderful lol.

    I hope ya'll have a great Sunday :) I was hoping to go to the lake but the weather is not that promising so we'll figure that one out in a bit :).

    Hi Sue
    I credit party of my success to eating every 2.5 hours too.
    Sue - welcome to onderland! You go Girl! I found when I ate every 3 hrs the wt just fell off - the trick is fitting the eating in on time.

    I need to find the tape conversion tool I bought from Vermont Country Store and figure it out. I have an external hard drive so think audio would be safe there. Just takes time and organization skills.

    Couldn't sleep last night so after lying there 2 hrs, got up and worked on the family tree til 9 am this morning. Using My Heritage, another paid site, and finding things that haven't turned up before. Seems to be an easy site to use, but still in the learning curve, so lose my way here and there. Last night scored several pics of living relatives from another tree that I know is accurate. This guy does a annual reunion for my aunt's family. Also news articles, death notices for ancestors, and 2 articles concerning me - a 1964 piano recital and 2002 fundraising crop I was co chair of. That was 1/2 page article - pics didn't show, but how awesome is this - sit in your own home and find this at 4 am. Pretty awesome. Haven't figured out to get pics/docs to another tree on my computer, may not be able to - may be proprietary. Will have to puzzle it thru.

    DH is weed wacking out front and cutting the grass between rain periods. It's too high. May not be as dry as needed, but overall should look better when finished.

    Still no fishing - either raining, too humid, too hot, or one of us isn't up to it. Disappointing.

    Off to fill 2 wks of pill boxes and make some city chicken for dinner. Have a great week - and work the program.

    Hi Shirl
    Just remember have anything important stored on two different devices at a minimum.

  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    suegen1 wrote: »
    Terri70 wrote: »
    Hi y'all. Been a few days. Good job to all you losers! Y'all work so hard at it. Things are going well. Still not 100%, but most days I am 90% or so. Most of the time it's because I don't eat everything that I'm supposed to. Still trying to get the hang of eating so much food. It's hard.

    Anyways, have a great weekend.

    Hello Terri, I can so relate to that. It was hard for me in the beginning to change my whole thinking within the eating process. I used to just eat when I wanted to and yeah we all know where that got me....I remember when I first unpacked the NS box and saw all that food I was shocked...then I saw I am suppose to eat veggies and stuff in between...couldn't believe how in the world I am suppose to manage that.

    Today I am looking forward to my foods and I think that's a huge success for me. I eat also about every 2 - 2.5 hours depending on when I get up in the morning but it works. When I started I set myself a timer on my phone to remind me to eat my foods lol...silly I know but it helped :). You will get the hang of it and you are on your way! It takes some time to learn this process.

    As of for me I can proudly report that the 200 lbs. mark is history now....the weight scale was like a magnet this week because I was so close to get below that mark lol...I am as of today 198.8 lbs. and it feels wonderful not to see that 2 in front of my weight anymore. This was a goal I set for myself when I started..so to speak my midway goal. Honestly speaking there has been lots of times where I wasn't serious with goals and gave up in the middle of it. It's a lot easier now to look at my final goal of 150 lbs. I know I am still ways away but I am in the same 100's range which is wonderful lol.

    I hope ya'll have a great Sunday :) I was hoping to go to the lake but the weather is not that promising so we'll figure that one out in a bit :).
    Great encouragement, Suegen! I think I need to get my between meal foods ready ahead of time because I get busy working and don't get them in otherwise. Can't wait to lose the 2!
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    suegen1 wrote: »
    Terri70 wrote: »
    Hi y'all. Been a few days. Good job to all you losers! Y'all work so hard at it. Things are going well. Still not 100%, but most days I am 90% or so. Most of the time it's because I don't eat everything that I'm supposed to. Still trying to get the hang of eating so much food. It's hard.

    Anyways, have a great weekend.

    Hello Terri, I can so relate to that. It was hard for me in the beginning to change my whole thinking within the eating process. I used to just eat when I wanted to and yeah we all know where that got me....I remember when I first unpacked the NS box and saw all that food I was shocked...then I saw I am suppose to eat veggies and stuff in between...couldn't believe how in the world I am suppose to manage that.

    Today I am looking forward to my foods and I think that's a huge success for me. I eat also about every 2 - 2.5 hours depending on when I get up in the morning but it works. When I started I set myself a timer on my phone to remind me to eat my foods lol...silly I know but it helped :). You will get the hang of it and you are on your way! It takes some time to learn this process.

    As of for me I can proudly report that the 200 lbs. mark is history now....the weight scale was like a magnet this week because I was so close to get below that mark lol...I am as of today 198.8 lbs. and it feels wonderful not to see that 2 in front of my weight anymore. This was a goal I set for myself when I started..so to speak my midway goal. Honestly speaking there has been lots of times where I wasn't serious with goals and gave up in the middle of it. It's a lot easier now to look at my final goal of 150 lbs. I know I am still ways away but I am in the same 100's range which is wonderful lol.

    I hope ya'll have a great Sunday :) I was hoping to go to the lake but the weather is not that promising so we'll figure that one out in a bit :).

    OMG I know. That box of food is daunting. lol I've done good for the last few days. I'm hoping I can continue doing so well. It's still hard and I keep getting the biggest amounts at night, but at least I'm getting them in. lol

    I wish bigger women's jeans came inbetween sizes. I used to wear a 24W but they are literally falling down on me. 22's are still to small. I wish there were 23's out there. lol I guess I'll have to get suspenders (belt doesn't work for me). lol Dress pants with suspenders! LOL Couldn't you see the looks I would get? lol
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    edited June 2015
    5mates wrote: »
    Sue - congratulations on getting below the 200 mark. You are now my inspiration to persevere. See you on the other side :smile:

    Thanks :)...it's been a journey...but I feel sooooo much better and the below 200 lbs. mark gave me even more strength.

    I wish I knew how to post some result pictures but I can't get it to work...any suggestions? I got them uploaded on my profile but can't figure out how to post them here :(. Any help is appreciated
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Sue - WOW...Such a difference...such a NEW YOU!!! B)

  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    Susan - ditto!
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Thanks so much Val.....for some reason they didn't display for me lol...wow what a difference...A smile is needed haha because I am smiling from one ear to the other right now to see that :)...
  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sue - WOW...Such a difference...such a NEW YOU!!! B)


    Sue, you're looking wonderful! So fun to see what good food choices do for us!