Retreating from the Main Boards to This Group



  • StellaMA20
    StellaMA20 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm happy to find like-minded people - its quite odd that sometimes people don't understand that losing weight is not just about losing lbs on a scale, but about become healthier physically and mentally. I want my food to nourish my body and keep me happy and alert, and ward off depression, diabetes, liver problems, endocrine maladaptations, and mood swings. I want my calories to provide me with energy for strength and endurance. How in the world can a calorie be just a calorie when it comes to weightloss then? It isn't burned the same way, it isn't used the same way by the body, it doesn't sustain health or nourish the same way... Anyway, in short, glad to meet you guys.
  • KyanaMerinas
    KyanaMerinas Posts: 8 Member
    I'm not fully clean-eating yet but it's definitely my ultimate aim. So glad to find this board, was despairing on the main board. I looked for a sugar discussion v and the ones I found quickly descended into accusing the OP of judging others and basically being self-righteous plus arguing cutting out/down sugar wasnt that beneficial or even possible. What?!
  • moosiemom
    moosiemom Posts: 70 Member
    Relatively new to MFP, less than a month in. I'm glad to have found this group. This is where I want to be. :-)
  • lovesdivine
    lovesdivine Posts: 10 Member
    edited June 2015
    meadowey wrote: »
    I'm happy to find like-minded people - its quite odd that sometimes people don't understand that losing weight is not just about losing lbs on a scale, but about become healthier physically and mentally. I want my food to nourish my body and keep me happy and alert, and ward off depression, diabetes, liver problems, endocrine maladaptations, and mood swings. I want my calories to provide me with energy for strength and endurance. How in the world can a calorie be just a calorie when it comes to weightloss then? It isn't burned the same way, it isn't used the same way by the body, it doesn't sustain health or nourish the same way... Anyway, in short, glad to meet you guys.

    Well said. I am not going to even start trying to argue the calorie in calorie out thing. I just don't care enough about that! What I do care about is what the food I put in to my body does for my body, mind, and health. Period.

  • krotzer80
    krotzer80 Posts: 2 Member
    People want to be able to eat anything they want and still lose weight not possible I have been doing daniel plan for awhile which is basically a clean eating plan breads and sugar are my downfall kind of cheated over weekend but trying to get back on track but I am the lowest I have been in years working to find fittness that works for me dont really want to go to gym I am 55
  • dawnz75
    dawnz75 Posts: 579 Member
    edited September 2015
    A calorie is a calorie if your only goal is to loose weight...
    Loosing weight will bring great health benefits...

    I think many of us just see that we want to be healthy from the inside out, not just loose the weight. I think that is some of the focus of clean eating> to only put foods in our body that will make us healthier. My main take away is to not put man made chemicals into my body because my body has to work harder to get them processed and eliminated.

    Anyway my main reason for posting was to include some websites with pretty good clean eating recipes... (hoping that others will include some of their online resources as well ;)
    These are 2 of my go to websites...

    What clean eating sites do you all frequent?
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    Glad I found this group. People act like you're preaching to them about religion anytime you mention clean eating.
  • wildthingsmom
    wildthingsmom Posts: 26 Member
    I think after reading these posts that I'm going to like this board! I need some help cleaning up my diet. We eat healthy and clean 80% of the time, work out, but it's that 20% that we use to think (we eat well and work out so we can eat what we want on the weekends) that has now caught up with me. I'm still stunned that someone wanted to argue that oreo's are healthy.. :)
  • kostalenam3003
    kostalenam3003 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! During my recent doctor visit I expressed my worry that my weight has been going up and up and that I was a bit at a loss when it came to how to get it down again. I kept repeating my scale numbers from before I had been very sick and the ones now.. What the doctor told me really surprised me, but it actually makes sense. She said that recent research is finding that the number on the scale means nothing really. That there are people who are even 50 lbs above their 'proper' weight, but are metabolically fit, while others, who are even on the low end of their 'normal' weight have metabolic profiles of 'obese' individuals (as that word used to be defined). She said the important thing is to have a healthy diet (which includes the notion of portion control) and to exercise and that the rest will take care of itself. It made a difference for me and so.. here I am, trying to make these words practice! I'm new to it, so I'm looking forward to tips and advice! Thank you for starting this!
  • I swear the ones in the main forums are just hangry (hungry angry).
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    Oh wow, I'm glad someone bumped this thread, I didn't know it was here!

    Rant incoming!!!!

    The main forum (particularly the weight loss one) drives me crazy sometimes! I do understand that some people aren't willing to admit that different approaches work for different people, and I get it that CICO is the science behind weight loss, but so many of the "regular" posters are way too willing to throw nutrition out of the equation. To me, that is like throwing the baby out with the bath water.

    To those who manage successfully with practicing moderation, congrats! For me, moderation absolutely does not work. Eating less of something that makes me feel unwell does not make me feel any more well. I'm also really tired of reading the overused word "demonize." If I think added sugars and highly processed foods are bad for me, then I think they are bad for me. I'm not pulling sugar out of anyone else's hands. Every time I read "demonize," I think of some crazed fanatic preaching with a bullhorn. Unfortunately, the people who use that word and defend what most of us understand as the definition of "junk food," freely mock and ridicule anyone who even dares to utter the phrase "clean eating." The hypocrisy is rampant.

    So many people end up at MFP not JUST for weight loss alone. Those of us who end up being told (sometimes repeatedly) by a doctor that our health is poor or will soon be poor, and that it's diet-related, come here to learn how to lose weight AND become healthier. Supporting doing that with junk food "in moderation" makes me think it is no wonder at all that most people "fail," and end up regaining weight. What does moderation in that context even mean? That answer will differ for everyone! Once a month? Fair enough? Once a week? Ehhh, maybe? Once a day? I am certain there are people who'd define it as that.

    The Big Mac & soda pushers are, in my opinion, stuck in a denial stage. They don't want to suggest others establish better and cleaner eating habits because THEY don't want to establish better and cleaner eating habits. That is an individual's choice. But I really do not think their "THIS IS THE ONLY WAY" perspective is a good thing for newcomers to experience. /rant :neutral:
  • dawnz75
    dawnz75 Posts: 579 Member
    edited September 2015
    LOL atm in the main forums there is a thread discussing if an energy bar is really any better than a candy bar. It kind of makes me sad to see so many people defending their "candy addiction", if it fits into my calories for the day then it must be good. It may be better than what they were eating before, but it is in no means moving them towards good health. I think there is a distinction between "healthier" and "healthy". I will eat candy again, but even most energy bars are not much better than candy. I am thankful for the fresh pineapple today that was almost too sweet to eat. If I had an energy bar (mint/chocolate/brownie/mocha) then those chemical sugars would not have allowed me to enjoy my meals as much today. Hope that makes sense. Thanks for a place to come and talk to like minded people.