Ripping off the bandaid

kmac1196 Posts: 188 Member
So, in all the threads I'm reading, and the what to expects, they all are about slow increases over time to reset.

Is there any on what to expect when you just jump right to expected TDEE and how long to stay at first guess and rebound weight gain before true weight gain comes into play? I'd like to read them if there are.

I started off hoping to increase slowly...but from 1200 went to 1800 in a few days. If it helps, I only was at 1200 for 3 weeks. I'd been at 1700 ish for the vast majority of nearly 3 years with breaks here and there. In Feb, I tried a reset and was at 2100 for a few weeks.

Just curious. Thanks.


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Well, normally if someone had a suppressed TDEE, down at whatever level they were eating, then for some number of days they would actually be eating in surplus.
    So if eating 1300 was actually maintenance for months on end because of no weight change, and started eating 1800 out of the gate, there would be a 500 cal surplus.
    So if it took the body a week to decide it would indeed speed up, you'd gain 1 lb of fat weight.
    During that time you'd also be increasing glucose stores, so water weight from that too.

    So it's not awful bad, usually a way to figure out how to eat the more, as some get stomach bloating and such.

    So you didn't really make a huge change then - likely no problem.

    Water weight increases is going to be first couple weeks, then those are done.
    If your workouts start getting more serious now and causing damage, could have new water retain there for healing too.

    So at least 4 weeks with valid weigh-in days to minimize known expected water weight fluctuations.
    Then go for the 2 week 250 test as soon as you know the timing is good for not including expected water weight gains, may have to plan that one well.
  • kmac1196
    kmac1196 Posts: 188 Member
    Great. Thank you. I'll have to plan that one carefully, yes. I'm going to read and reread.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    Check out MandaLeigh123's journey. She just jumped into it and has been reporting on it for a while. This update has links to most of her story.
  • kmac1196
    kmac1196 Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks! I did find her a while ago. Love the updates there. Sounds like me. I just jumped right in. I don't expect a ton of rebound weight since I was up to 2200 ish in Feb so it hasn't been that long. Wish me luck.
  • kmac1196
    kmac1196 Posts: 188 Member
    So results for ripping the bandaid...up 7 lbs for the week. Should stabilize now that glycogen is full. Will report back. 2k cals this week.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Commented on someone's else too, and reminded myself of another common thing I usually fail to mention.

    Usually eating more means eating more sodium, so more retain water there. Even if the % is the exact same healthy amount - it's more.
  • kmac1196
    kmac1196 Posts: 188 Member
    Could be...but I take a water pill (HTZ) so maybe not. Either way...I'm ok. I'm not going to die. LOL

    Question about fit bit? I used to wear Body Media armband which I liked but it's so big and bulky and it's summer you guys think that the fit bit hr is as accurate as BodyMedia?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    My opinion based on using both, and doing informal poll on MFP regarding the BMF - about 50% can have better accuracy with BMF if the workouts are easy.

    The sensors that adjust your BMR that they use don't seem to work well for about 50% of people by my informal poll of at least 100 responders.
    And then even for people they do work well for, the sensor's don't do well for decently vigorous exercise. If walking/running where it uses movement to mainly get the calorie burn than fine, otherwise, loses accuracy if just based on sensors.
    And really bad if the sensors don't work well on you.

    Fitbit assumes a BMR based on gender, height, weight, age - and at very overweight levels, will likely be inflated.
    The step-based calorie burn for daily activity is pretty decent, as long as stride length is confirmed.
    The HR-based calorie burn for exercise just depends on first accuracy of reading the HR, which varies from person to person and the level of intensity of exercise, and how well the HRM formula for calorie burn works for you.

    But what are we talking about - the 23 hrs of the day outside of exercise, or the 1 hr of exercise?
  • kmac1196
    kmac1196 Posts: 188 Member
    Right...the 23 is more important overall than the 1.
    I thought the newer fitbit HR used sensors, too...not just generic numbers.

    I'm looking for close to exact numbers and I know I'm not going to get them. I'll just have to test out the numbers myself until winter when I can wear the body media again. LOL
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Some models of Fitbit use HRM for during the exercise time, hence my comments above regarding HR-based calorie burn in general.

    Even if the Bodymedia does work well for you with sensors, you can improve it's ability to adjust.
    Because it does start with same stat-based BMR as MFP and Fitbit.
    It then has expected sensor readings, and adjusts the used BMR to fit those.
    But if the adjustment is too far off, it can't adjust enough.

    Now I don't know about their personal stats now - do they allow you to manually set a stride length now for walking and/or jogging?

    Because you can sure change the height to make them start with a BMR that is closer to a better calculated value - and then it has less movement to adjust to.
  • kmac1196
    kmac1196 Posts: 188 Member
    Hmmmm I don't think so. Not really sure, I'll have to look into it. What's funny is when I first started wearing it it was one average and then over time, the average, I don't know if it's because I was trying to cut at the time and I really was lowering my TDEE because of deficit or it was getting more accurate over time. Not sure.

    I've never found my maint. so I'm not sure if it was accurate for me at all. I'm working on finding that now. I just miss having the readings to go by daily, I guess. The fitbit is easy to read but if it's just giving me the same numbers as scooby calc with activity then why bother spending the money, you know?

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    kmac1196 wrote: »
    Hmmmm I don't think so. Not really sure, I'll have to look into it. What's funny is when I first started wearing it it was one average and then over time, the average, I don't know if it's because I was trying to cut at the time and I really was lowering my TDEE because of deficit or it was getting more accurate over time. Not sure.

    I've never found my maint. so I'm not sure if it was accurate for me at all. I'm working on finding that now. I just miss having the readings to go by daily, I guess. The fitbit is easy to read but if it's just giving me the same numbers as scooby calc with activity then why bother spending the money, you know?

    Because your TDEE will change daily and scooby calc or any other online calc can't do that, plus Fitbit sends you a weekly report of how you did each day, not only in burn, but your intake. I can see how much I do or not do every day, and if I want from the dashboard, hourly. I needed something to motivate me to just move more, not just when exercising but all those other hours in the day. Most days I am over 2300 but some days I can go as low as 1900. Big difference and I need to adjust my eating to that. That is the value for me anyway, ymmv.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited June 2015
    Also - seasonal changes - if you have seasons where you are anyway.

    Confirm you are correcting the Fitbit for exercise it should be corrected for.
    Also, Fitbit is free once initial purchase - BodyMedia is monthly fee for usage.

    But the BodyMedia would probably get you by for now.
  • kmac1196
    kmac1196 Posts: 188 Member
    Ya...we have seasons....all in one day. LOL I'm in New England. Near Boston....towards the Cape.

    Free fit bit is always appealing. And ease of wearing it. But the accuracy thing gets me. I'll look into it. I have some $$ I earned on Amazon so the cost would be much less (almost free).

    Retire happy...I have big swings like that on my rest days....very low since I'm sedentary those days and relaxing. But the rest of the week I'm high (2300-2700) according to past body media. Might be higher now. Don't know.
  • kmac1196
    kmac1196 Posts: 188 Member
    So update...avg daily cals 2900 aprox

    Weight stayed exactly the same. LOL that never happens.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    That sounds good to me. :D
  • kmac1196
    kmac1196 Posts: 188 Member
    I know!

    I broke down and work the body media yesterday. Put it on after 6am. Burned 3145 It was an exceptionally busy day.

    Sensors seem to be working good (.8 sleeping and 1.3 avg sitting watching tv). I'll gather a few weeks worth of data and see where I am.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    That's awesome detective work (and nice to know that you are burning a lot).
  • kmac1196
    kmac1196 Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks. Yesterday was no work day and just cardio and normal errands and stuff and burn was 2657. I've heard it takes a couple weeks for it to get to "know" you ?? We'll see
  • kmac1196
    kmac1196 Posts: 188 Member
    So interesting info....I updated body media info to say I'm maintaining and how active I thought I spit out 2720 as target burn. Ok...I see that's based on formula.

    Yesterday was a lifting day...about an hour and a half. And I house cleaned a bit. But no work or running around to speak of. Steps 10497. I burned a total of 2634. Which is close to estimated. Should I assume my metabolism is not surpressed? Or...did it not calculate my lifting accurately and I'm still surpressed?