Aging With an Attitude!

luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
That's me..............I'm trying so hard to stay positive and deal with the little aches and pains (I know sometimes they're not that small), the diet issues such as low salt, low fat, less red meat, or whatever our doctors recommend, arthritis, bad feet, bad back.........etc.

I know others my age, and even younger, have it much worse and God Bless them, but I get so worn out listening to the negative attitudes.

Am I the only one who has friends who always seem to make an excuse about why they can't stick to their diet (noun) or exercise plan? I'm certainly not naming names.............but I think we've all had issues that keep us from doing exactly what we want to do and most of us try to find an alternative, or even reverse some of our can be done.............I've done it!

It's all about a positive attitude instead of a "giving up" attitude!


  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    For me, this whole thing is 90% a mental game. Resisting negative thoughts is a great benefit. Recognizing them in those around us can really be motivational and help us realize we are on the right path.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    edited July 2015
    BRaye325 wrote: »
    For me, this whole thing is 90% a mental game. Resisting negative thoughts is a great benefit. Recognizing them in those around us can really be motivational and help us realize we are on the right path.

    That's why this group is so great...............not many negative folks here, most everyone is just working hard to improve their health as they age. I have a number of friends on my news feed that just wear me out though. :# Some of them barely accept encouragement..........

    I guess this is what we call a rant.........LOL
  • sassyii
    sassyii Posts: 9 Member
    Rant away! It is even more frustrating when I see such a trait show in myself - it is easy to fall into the trap - but it helps when someone reminds us not to go down that road. Then I have to kick my own backside, which is tricky but can be done ! :)
  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 338 Member
    I agree! It's too easy to use excuses, and you hear of too many people saying that they "can't, because..." There are too many stories out there that show that others have managed what ever issues they face and achieve great things. We can too!!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Today my coworker commented that "I'm funny like Amy Schumar". I'm taking it as a compliment!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,208 Member
    My mantras is "excuses, that's why we get fat". When I stopped making excuses and changed my mindset, it worked. We all have minor aches and pains or life issues that get in the way. You just have to want to do it (barring medical issues). I am with you, I get weary of the constant whining and believe me nobody is a bigger whiner than I am. The difference is I may complain, but I still do what needs to be done.
  • camblin
    camblin Posts: 38 Member
    This group, with its humor and can-do attitude, has become my pick-me-up at the end of the day. One of the judges walked up and asked me if I had been losing weight, and looked a little worried. I told him that I had been trying, and he looked relieved. He said "at our age, I'm never sure whether to ask or not, because sometimes you don't really want to know the answer." It was a little shocking to me to realize that I am now at the age where people are afraid you are losing weight because of illness, and a good feeling to be able to assure him that it was really just an evil plot to outlive my competitors.
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    a work colleague asked me today if I was on a diet.. I replied by saying " I don't want to Diet... I want to Live it"
    I smiled :) He looked at me like I lost the plot.. :/
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,069 Member
    Closing in on 60, but still an active firefighter. The kids do freak out when I strap on scuba gear for a recovery dive. They seem to take my heart attack more seriously than I do.


  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 338 Member
    Farback: Great photo!!! Love that!
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    Farback, let them try and keep up with you... You are fierce...
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Farback, love that pic and the attitude!

    As we age, it's so easy to allow ourselves to wallow in excuse-land. We may not do it like we did when we were young, but can still get it done.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    I hike regularly with the Sierra Club. I know people in their '70s and '80s who hike regularly, and some of them even still backpack! They are my role models.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    What a fierce group we have here!!! I'm so encouraged.............thanks everyone!!!
  • heart2health
    heart2health Posts: 99 Member
    Thursday I celebrated the 1st anniversary of my first HA and today is the 1st anniversary of my second HA. Unlike Farback, I'm not strapping on scuba gear but I'm certainly glad to be here and have had the opportunity in the past year to see my son graduate high school and preparing for entry into university and to enjoy my daughters victories when she completes another bike ride (some hundreds of miles) for charity. It warms my heart ... and that's a good thing.

    I believe we all find ways to accomplish our goals once we set our minds to it.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,208 Member
    Brava, heart2health! Life is precious and we should enjoy every minute.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,012 Member
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    One reason I'm reluctant to join the more "seasoned " groups is that there does seem to be a lot of belly aching about aches, pains, illness...It's a downer....we probably all have an issue or several, but yes, a lot of it is excuses. We all need to "man up" and just get 'er done!!!!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    kjurassic wrote: »
    One reason I'm reluctant to join the more "seasoned " groups is that there does seem to be a lot of belly aching about aches, pains, illness...It's a downer....we probably all have an issue or several, but yes, a lot of it is excuses. We all need to "man up" and just get 'er done!!!!

    Exactly..............I feel the same way.
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,069 Member
    Maybe it's the Bhuddism or the fact I've seen a lot of suffering, or maybe just cause I'm a Canadian, but I don't judge the people in this group or age group too harshly. Many people here have had significant health issues, and many have lost incredible amounts of weight. I respect them for both. I'm as much an alpha male as the next guy, and don't let my health history stand in my way, period. I won't, however, tear anyone down for their personal roadblocks in getting to their goals. We all have our own road to travel.