100% Challenge The Freedom to Choose Healthy Living June 22 Until August 2



  • CanyonDweller
    CanyonDweller Posts: 129 Member
    100% 07/15/2015
  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    7/16 100%
  • mariska9664
    mariska9664 Posts: 233 Member
    nwsocal wrote: »
    Hi all. I've found you all again. Who is left? I'll need to play with this site so it will be easier to find...still linking through the back door of the NS site.

    I'd like to join this challenge if I may?

    SW: 252
    Goal for rest of challenge is 11 pounds
    WI day will be Wednesday

    I'm restarting Ideal Protein but I work out and add so stats will be appropriate for NS.

    Hey Rhonda!!! Good to see your smiling face! Welcome back and I will add you to the spreadsheet!

  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    Roger...I have heard of zig zag cycling but I don't do it because I hate counting calories. It makes me think about food too much. :)

    Welcome nwsocal!!
  • mariska9664
    mariska9664 Posts: 233 Member
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello gang :), had a couple busy days, did lots of moving around in the evenings but stayed on track :).

    Welcome Rhonda :).

    07/14 100 %
    07/15 100 %
    07/16 100 %

    Hoping that the week quiets down a bit...and off to bed I am ...good night ya'll :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2015

    07/16/2015 100%

    Hi All
    It was a beautiful morning outside today, I walked to McDonalds for Coffee and covered 2.75 miles. I almost broke a sweat it is so nice, Low Humidity and it was 65 degrees when I left :)
    Currently I have windows open in the front and back of the house rather than running the AC.

    Have a Good Friday
    nwsocal wrote: »
    Hi all. I've found you all again. Who is left? I'll need to play with this site so it will be easier to find...still linking through the back door of the NS site.

    I'd like to join this challenge if I may?

    SW: 252
    Goal for rest of challenge is 11 pounds
    WI day will be Wednesday

    I'm restarting Ideal Protein but I work out and add so stats will be appropriate for NS.

    I do not see a problem joining. I suggest bookmarking this page. Ctrl + D works with FireFox and Internet Explorer to bring up the bookmark / Add to Favorites Dialog.

    Another Option is as follows. I am attaching to images with a Arrow showing what to grab with the Mouse and drag to the desktop to create a Icon on the desktop to go to a specific Web Page.

    Good Luck
    Roger, you are gonna turn into a banana. LOL!

    Hi Flo
    I sure hope not Bright Yellow is such a unflattering color for my skin. :)
    ginnywed wrote: »
    Roger...I have heard of zig zag cycling but I don't do it because I hate counting calories. It makes me think about food too much. :)

    Welcome nwsocal!!

    Hi Ginny
    It was just a stray thought :)

    Have a Good Day
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    7/16 and 7/17 100%

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  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    100% 7/16
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    07/17 = 100 %
  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    edited July 2015
    100% 7/17
  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    7/17 100% sure hope Mr Scales stays as nice as he was this morning until weigh in day. Maybe after mini vacation and conference trip I am over the hump and am getting the train moving again. Have a great Saturday.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    07/17/2015 Not100%
    Long Story involving Chinese Food

    Hi All
    I woke up early this morning 5:45 and after looking out the LR window, decided to start my walk early due to what last nights weather forecast was saying. I was out the door at 6:05 AM, Saw a fair amount of others walking, jogging and walking their dogs, probably for the same reason. Sunrise was around 5:45 but I never did see the Sun through the overcast. Sometime after 8AM The forecast Thunderstorms and rain arrived so I made the right decision starting early. Nice looking day now with more Thunderstorms forecast for later on.
    2.75 miles walk today. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer & even higher humidity.

    Have a Great Weekend

    Hi dharris
    I will keep my fingers crossed that Mr. Scales is nice to You :)

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    What's the long story, Roger??

    100% 7/18

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  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    7/18 100%
  • CanyonDweller
    CanyonDweller Posts: 129 Member
    edited July 2015
    100% 07/16/2015-07/18/2015
    W/I 172.8
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    07/18/2015 100%
    07/19/2015 Weigh In was a 1.4 pound loss for the week. Monday to today (Sunday).

    Hi All
    It was 77 degrees at SunRise and Humid. I decided to walk anyway. At least by getting out before 6AM I missed having the sun beat down on me making it even worse. I still worked up a bit of a sweat :)
    2.75 Miles walked despite the weather.

    I did get lazy and let my brother pick up 2 Lettuce and some smallish Bananas for me at the ShopRite Grocery Store.

    The weather forecasts are showing the THI or as they seem to be calling it now feels like temperatures over 100 Degrees for most of the state including the next town over.

    Have a Nice Day
    What's the long story, Roger??

    100% 7/18

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    Hi Flo
    Since You asked, Nothing much. My Brother came home from the Nutritionist Hungry and after much pondering I folded and had him add a order of Chicken on a stick (4 Pieces) and two Egg Rolls as part of my lunch. There must have been a lot of sodium in there too. Weight went up the next morning and a lot of that came out overnight last night. Dang it, I was doing so well resisting temptation :)

    Have a Good Day
  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    100% 7/18 WI this morning 205.2 (-1.2) ?
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    You need to stand your Brother in a corner, Roger. LOL!
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    edited July 2015
    100% 7/19

    WEIGH IN 7/19: 173.6

    I had gained 3.2 pounds from my 2 1/2 weeks traveling (up to 174.6).

    And, now have lost 2 pounds after getting back on plan. Still have 1.2 pounds to get back to where I was 2 weeks ago (which was 171.4).

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