The Five-Letter Game
Kindly include nuts, grain, seed.
G R A I N0 -
Getting rain again, instantly nice.
R O B I N0 -
Really old bourbon is nice. ...not really, ick!
B O O Z E0 -
Booze oozes over Zelda's elbows
yes, really icky
E L B O W0 -
Everybody loves boozy old women ...again, not really!
W O M E N0 -
We only may eat noodles.
E A T E N0 -
Eat all the edamame now.
Y U M M Y0 -
You usually make mushy yams.
M U S H Y0 -
Marcie used stretchy hose yesterday.
H O S E S0 -
Did they work?:)
How others see escapes Sarah.
O T H E R0 -
It was a fib, I don't own any hose!
Oy, the heat equals rashes.
E Q U A L0 -
Each quantity used a lemon.
L E M O N0 -
Let's eat melon only now.
M E L O N0 -
Maybe everyone loves okra now.
M A Y B E0 -
Marcie, Aerobed, you beat everyone.
B E A S T0 -
Beating everyone ain't so terrible.
B E A T S0 -
Be energized, active today Sheryl.
0 -
Once again, you guys really crack me up!
Larry only visits Evelyn Saturdays.
Voting is satisfying in Toledo.
S H O N E0 -
Should he open new exits?
Each xylophone is sticking today.
T O D A Y0 -
The other day Annie yelled.
A N N I E0 -
your acne was nothing serious
F A C E S0 -
ANNIE - Ann noted nothing is easy.
FACES - Facts are coming each Sunday.
F A C T S0 -
Fried asparagus can taste scrumptious.
F R I E D0 -
Freddy really is easily distracted.
S E A L S0 -
Sheryl eats ALL, less snails.
S N A I L0 -
Sneaking nuts and ice lately.
S N E A K0 -
So naughty Elsie again kicked.
K I C K S0 -
Kicking is crazy, Ken says.
C R A Z Y0