100% Challenge The Freedom to Choose Healthy Living June 22 Until August 2



  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    100% 8/1

    xe6392fxd36x.gifh3s9bbryc25j.gif LOST 11.8


    88492762.png 8ovjoiygai9m.gif

  • mariska9664
    mariska9664 Posts: 233 Member
    7/29 = 100%
    7/30 & 7/31 = Not 100%
    8/1 = 100%

    Lost my post earlier, so here I am again... Had a good day... Slept until 8:45 am; went to yoga & the grocery store; then rode my bike 8 miles this afternoon... Winding down this evening with a Cardinal game and need to go to bed early... Want to get up & ride my bike again before church, then off to play old-fashioned bingo with some friends at the Seminary Picnic.

    Flo - You would so enjoy that show if you ever get a chance to see it. One of my favorites, indeed. Can't wait to see it on Thursday, but just checked with the weather & now 50% chance of rain. We'll see what happens as the weather forecast changes this week.

    Sue - Feel for you with that chocolate cake! In my opinion, I think everyone is different on whether it gets easier, or not. If it's a trigger food that puts you on a slippery slope, then off limits is about the only way to go. Waiting it out worked for you!!! Way to go!!! As you get closer to maintenance, you'll have to figure out what planned indulgences you can add back and moderation is going to be the key.

    Roger - Good to see you, my friend! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sorry to hear you're recovery is going slower than you'd like. That has to be frustrating. Glad you're back in the challenge and added you to the spreadsheet.

    Rogertoo - Thanks for the new thread. Looks good to me. Should we post an invite on the other NS group to try and get more participants?

    Waiving hello to Ginny, Donna, Linda Kay, and Rhonda!!!


    !00% Challenge - Freedom to Choose Healthy Living Spreadsheet 6/22 thru 8/2



  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi guys, first of all thanks all for your support and suggestions....I am just glad that I am not alone in this and not the only one who has those thoughts of wanting that cake so badly....sigh....I'll work the battle :)

    Today was a day filled with movement...went to our getaway property and we worked on our camper and the property itself so lots of raking, mowing, pulling weeds and so on....I am sure I feel my body tomorrow....stayed on track as well :).

    Thanks for getting the next challenge started :)...I am sure there will be at least 1 day where I am not 100 %..my birthday is during the challenge lol...and yes, I promised myself an evening off...however, I want to stay op during the day..we'll see :).

    Roger: Happy Birthday :)))))

    07/30 100 %
    07/31 100 %
    08/01 100 %....drank lots and lots of water due to the heat....
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2015

    08/01/2015 100%

    Hi All
    I walked a slightly different route for 2.8 miles today, Weather was Cool and low humidity, Tomorrow the Humidity goes back up, oh well.

    I suspect that the four legged appetite was back nibbling the flowers and vegetables. I say that since it looks like more damage and the Potted Petunias were knocked over despite no wind last night.

    Have a Good Sunday
    rlshelor wrote: »
    7/30 & 7/31 - NOT 100%

    Still struggling a bit. Today is my birthday and I know I'm a NOT today. Going out to a movie and dinner with friends today. Will probably go out with family tomorrow so we will see.

    I will check in on the new thread when I get back tonight. If you need a graphic for that challenge I will get it tonight.


    Goal: June 24, 2012




    Hi Roger
    Happy Birthday ffh.gif

    Thank You for the offer of one of Your Graphics. I had cobbled together something, I do feel that something better is easily possible. If You could come up with a better graphic I can edit it into the opening post as the first post in a message thread stays editable.

    Thank You
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi All
    I have posted the new challenge, please drop by and create a shortcut to it and register Yourself

    Link here: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10224855/100-challenge-losing-on-a-jet-plane-august-3rd-to-september-13th

    Also I have a favor to ask of You. Please read it and let me know if there are any mistakes. I have proof read it however, I could easily have missed something. As it is the first post I can edit it anytime.

    Thank You

    Hi, Roger.

    I quickly skimmed, but didn't see anything that jumped out at me.

    Love the description of the flight. :)

    Hi Flo
    Thank You for looking.

    Much Appreciated
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    7/29 = 100%
    7/30 & 7/31 = Not 100%
    8/1 = 100%

    Lost my post earlier, so here I am again... Had a good day... Slept until 8:45 am; went to yoga & the grocery store; then rode my bike 8 miles this afternoon... Winding down this evening with a Cardinal game and need to go to bed early... Want to get up & ride my bike again before church, then off to play old-fashioned bingo with some friends at the Seminary Picnic.

    Flo - You would so enjoy that show if you ever get a chance to see it. One of my favorites, indeed. Can't wait to see it on Thursday, but just checked with the weather & now 50% chance of rain. We'll see what happens as the weather forecast changes this week.

    Sue - Feel for you with that chocolate cake! In my opinion, I think everyone is different on whether it gets easier, or not. If it's a trigger food that puts you on a slippery slope, then off limits is about the only way to go. Waiting it out worked for you!!! Way to go!!! As you get closer to maintenance, you'll have to figure out what planned indulgences you can add back and moderation is going to be the key.

    Roger - Good to see you, my friend! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sorry to hear you're recovery is going slower than you'd like. That has to be frustrating. Glad you're back in the challenge and added you to the spreadsheet.

    Rogertoo - Thanks for the new thread. Looks good to me. Should we post an invite on the other NS group to try and get more participants?

    Waiving hello to Ginny, Donna, Linda Kay, and Rhonda!!!


    !00% Challenge - Freedom to Choose Healthy Living Spreadsheet 6/22 thru 8/2



    Hi Mary
    As far as I am concerned, the more the merrier. Are You sure You do not mind the extra work? :)

    suegen1 wrote: »
    Hi guys, first of all thanks all for your support and suggestions....I am just glad that I am not alone in this and not the only one who has those thoughts of wanting that cake so badly....sigh....I'll work the battle :)

    Today was a day filled with movement...went to our getaway property and we worked on our camper and the property itself so lots of raking, mowing, pulling weeds and so on....I am sure I feel my body tomorrow....stayed on track as well :).

    Thanks for getting the next challenge started :)...I am sure there will be at least 1 day where I am not 100 %..my birthday is during the challenge lol...and yes, I promised myself an evening off...however, I want to stay op during the day..we'll see :).

    Roger: Happy Birthday :)))))

    07/30 100 %
    07/31 100 %
    08/01 100 %....drank lots and lots of water due to the heat....

    Hi Sue
    Since You know it is coming maybe You can do something to make it more on plan. For example I saved some user posted recipes for NS compatible frosting and maybe You can find a Cake Mix that would be better than some of the sugar laden commercial cakes?

    This sort of situation is where the discontinued NutriSystem Cake Mix would be handy. That is something I ran across in the old user posted recipes for example. Many of the discontinued items sounded pretty good. :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Stray thoughts as the Current Challenge winds down.
    One more days worth of postings on Monday for this challenge.
    Tuesday we start with Mondays 100% postings. lets all try and start off at 100% :)

    Good Luck to All
  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    Happy Birthday Roger!!!
    Not 100% 7/31 WI 203.2 (0) Stayed the same.
  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    Happy Birthday Roger!
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    I'm gonna try and start off 100% with the new Challenge. My traveling starts again tomorrow for 2 solid weeks. :)

    I lost what I gained from the other travels and then some. :)

    WI today, 8/2: 169.8 (1.4 pound loss)

    Didn't make my goal of 6 pounds, however, but came close.

    4 pound loss for this Challenge.


  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    100% 8/2

    xe6392fxd36x.gifh3s9bbryc25j.gif LOST 11.8


    88492762.png 8ovjoiygai9m.gif

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2015

    08/02/2015 100%
    Loss for this last week of the Challenge is 1.5 Pounds
    It was better on Saturday, but jumped back up on Sunday morning, No clue why, my weight just fluctuates :)

    Hi All
    I got out and walked a 2.75 mile loop, I reversed the direction of the loop so I could avoid walking into the rising sun for 95% of the walk.

    I picked up a Extra Large QC Coffee on the outbound and went back into the QC for a DeCaf on the way back home. I reused the old Coffee cup as I had just emptied it and got charged the refill rate saving 50 cents + Tax, Thank You to the Young Lady at the register.

    Have a Great Monday and the Start of the New Challenge
    I'm gonna try and start off 100% with the new Challenge. My traveling starts again tomorrow for 2 solid weeks. :)

    I lost what I gained from the other travels and then some. :)

    WI today, 8/2: 169.8 (1.4 pound loss)

    Didn't make my goal of 6 pounds, however, but came close.

    4 pound loss for this Challenge.


    Hi Flo
    Congratulations on getting back into the plan and still losing 4 pounds for the Challenge. Not to mention a good loss for the last week.

    Just in case You do not have the information, I have created a new message called Are You Traveling? Some Helpful information

    Good Luck and Enjoy Your Traveling
  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    edited August 2015
    100% 8/2 lost 6.8 lbs this challenge which was above my goal of 5 lbs.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    ginnywed wrote: »
    100% 8/2 lost 6.8 lbs this challenge which was above my goal of 5 lbs.

    Hi Ginny
    Congratulations on exceeding Your Goal!
  • CanyonDweller
    CanyonDweller Posts: 129 Member
    100% 07/31/2015 & 08/01- 02/2015
    Final W/I 172.4
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »

    I'm gonna try and start off 100% with the new Challenge. My traveling starts again tomorrow for 2 solid weeks. :)

    I lost what I gained from the other travels and then some. :)

    WI today, 8/2: 169.8 (1.4 pound loss)

    Didn't make my goal of 6 pounds, however, but came close.

    4 pound loss for this Challenge.


    Hi Flo
    Congratulations on getting back into the plan and still losing 4 pounds for the Challenge. Not to mention a good loss for the last week.

    Just in case You do not have the information, I have created a new message called Are You Traveling? Some Helpful information

    Good Luck and Enjoy Your Traveling

    Thanks Roger. :)

    I am pooped. Traveled ALL day long and finally here about 2 hours ago.

    ginnywed wrote: »
    100% 8/2 lost 6.8 lbs this challenge which was above my goal of 5 lbs.


  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    8/1 not 100, 8/2 100
    W/I 204.6. Total loss for challenge 3.2, did not meet my goal of 10 for the challenge, but at least I still lost. Hopefully the next challenge I will not have many vacations to deal with, only stress at work.
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hello guys!!

    Final day was 08/02 = 100 %

    100 % OP throughout the challenge :)

    Current weight 186.3 lbs.
    Starting weight 198.0 Lbs.
    Weight loss in this challenge: 11.7 lbs.
    Goal was 11 lbs.

    Mission accomplished :))!!

    Congratulations to all the losses!!
  • mariska9664
    mariska9664 Posts: 233 Member
    8/2 = Not 100%
    Ending Wt = 240.3

    Congratulations to everyone that lost this past week and the challenge!!! Great job!!! Extra kudos for Sue and Ginny for accomplishing their challenge goals!!! :smile:

    Rogertoo - I don't mind adding some participants and keeping track of the spreadsheet. With that said, it may be difficult to keep up with more than 25-ish, but not expecting a huge flurry of activity. :wink:

    Flo - So, where are you working for the next 2 weeks? Maybe it won't be as challenging as last time you traveled. I definitely get the exhaustion from traveling. The reduced oxygen on the plane really zaps you.

    Okay, it's getting late. I need to finish the new spreadsheet and post on the other thread.

    Make it a green week!!!


    !00% Challenge - Freedom to Choose Healthy Living Spreadsheet 6/22 thru 8/2


  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    Not 100% 8/2
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    suegen1 wrote: »
    Hello guys!!

    Final day was 08/02 = 100 %

    100 % OP throughout the challenge :)

    Current weight 186.3 lbs.
    Starting weight 198.0 Lbs.
    Weight loss in this challenge: 11.7 lbs.
    Goal was 11 lbs.

    Mission accomplished :))!!

    Congratulations to all the losses!!

    Great job on that loss, Sue. :)

    8/1 not 100, 8/2 100
    W/I 204.6. Total loss for challenge 3.2, did not meet my goal of 10 for the challenge, but at least I still lost. Hopefully the next challenge I will not have many vacations to deal with, only stress at work.

    Me, too, D. Hopefully no more traveling for me after the next 2 weeks.