What's your Kryptonite?



  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Apple cinnamon pastries from panera
    Raisinets and Popcorn (yes at the same time)
    Strawberries (yes we can eat them in moderation, but they trigger me something fierce)
    Corn on the cob
    Belgium waffles
    Pumpkin spice lattes
    Garlic bread
    Craft beers with graphically pleasing labels
  • SkinnyKerinny
    SkinnyKerinny Posts: 147 Member
    I always like polenta over grits-- grits seem to be kind of blah while polenta had some texture to it. I made my cornbread with polenta with just a little cornmeal since cornmeal is ground much finer
  • tracy0919
    tracy0919 Posts: 46 Member
    edited August 2015
    Any sort of specialty drink: pumpkin spice latte's, pretty much any kind of latte really, coolata's from dunkin donuts, pepsi, maine root sodas...
    Thankfully my husband drinks coke, which I don't like, but he is also trying to eat better so only has a single coke about once a week. I've been able to start drinking cold brew coffee with cream, so I think that has been helping.
    But when fall comes and it's pumpkin spice latte time - lord help me!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,160 Member
    Boiled custard was hard to pass on when I was living on carbs. Thankfully I now like heavy whipping cream just as well but for some reason I can not drink two quarts in one evening like I could with boiled custard.
  • MizTenaciousT
    MizTenaciousT Posts: 69 Member
    Chips. I miss chips so bad. Specifically doritos and sour cream and onion ripple chips. I buy pork rinds to make nachos but it just isn't the same thing.

    Mine is chips too. Pork rinds help, but I do miss kettle cooked jalapeño potato chips.
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    Weird... I've never had grits before but I always pictured something crispy and possibly fried?

    Colour me stunned. O_O[/quote]
    You can refrigerate grits and then fry them when they solidify. My mom used to make the best fried grits. I love grits..
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Salted pistachio nuts, avocado oil potato chips, sweet potato fries. I try to avoid these, but can't eliminate them completely, so might sneak in a very small portion here and there, but not regularly.

    It's somehow easier for me to limit the potato, but I have difficulty with the nuts. I should not even buy the nuts in the first place, but my daughter also eats them. If this is the worst food item that I consider an unnecessary treat, then I figure we're doing pretty good. At least it's a whole food with some nutritional value and not a processed junk food.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    @toadqueen taught me the word "kryptonetic". I need to find ways to incorporate it, it just sounds cool. Lol
    I would consider my kryptonite to be chewy, fruity or sour candy. Public enemy #1 would be those delicious little devils, lemonheads... The chewy ones that come in various flavors. There have been a couple times that my son had some candy like this and he even offered me some, and i had no problem saying no so far. I've managed to avoid even one. In the past, once I started eating them, I just couldn't stop with a reasonable amount. My mouth would water, and it was like I couldn't get enough of that flavor. So, I'm definitely worried that even one taste would get that craving going hard core.
    I also wanted to chime in on the pop, soda and coke thing. I grew up in Houston, Texas. There everything was coke. You would ask "what kind of coke do you have" at restaurants or friends houses. If you actually wanted something else, you would specify Sprite, Mt. Dew or whatever. But (this was 25-30 years ago by the way) you never wanted Pepsi. If a restaurant had Pepsi products, it was a huge disappointment. When I was 12, we moved north, Ohio, and it took me years to adjust and start calling it pop like everyone else. I thought it sounded stupid. I don't ever hear anyone say soda, but I have been known to say that instead of pop just because I didn't want to say pop! Lol
    My mom, from Tennessee, absolutely loved grits! I always felt like it was eating a bowl of sweet, wet sand. Yuck!