

  • betbetrex
    betbetrex Posts: 8 Member
    My name is Bethany and my superpower is the ability to remember a funny scene in a movie or tv show that way i can always cheer myself up! I gamea little bit. Mostly old school games. I'm a big fan of the legends of zelda series. The latest a game i enjoy is Borderlands 2. I also love harry potter and the sookie stackhouse series.
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    @betbetrex I love the Sookie Stackhouse books. I started reading them after watching True Blood. It is interesting to read the book and see the differences.
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    Hello fellow geeks/nerds. My name is Patrick and my superpower would be a bit more destructive, I would have to the power to make things blow up. Why so destructive you may as? Well I'm a mine engineer that specializes in explosives and man would it make my job easier if I could just blow up the rock on my own.

    Other than that I'm more of a nerd than a geek. I game on my PC more than my wife cares for and I am currently playing Tera and Dragon Age Inquisition. When not on the computer I do enjoy most of the current scifi shows, chasing after my two mini villains, and of course working out (the last one is still a work in progress).
  • OhNoABee
    OhNoABee Posts: 31 Member
    Hello! My name is Ashley. I'm primarily a PC gamer. (Our consoles are older - such as Genesis - and are such a hassle to get to function.) I play too much World of Warcraft, love the Borderlands franchise, and only dabble in everything else I own. I've been getting into comics and graphic novels (preferring the latter) thanks to my nerdling's recent obsession with reading anything in comic form. My all-time favorite shows are Firefly and Stargate: Atlantis. (All right. . . and Supernatural. Still coming to terms with that fandom.)

    My super power is . . . uh . . . I sometimes put the new roll of toilet paper on the holder instead of on top of it?
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    I can't believe I never introduced myself - I've been lurking around this group for long enough.

    *ahem* My name is Mander and I'm an anime nut & PC gamer (ex-WoW addict) who doesn't get to game nearly as much as she wants, because no matter how many km's I run in Ark: Survival, it doesn't give me calories on MFP like running does in real life.

    My super power is to recognise an actors voice or face and remember everything else I've seen them in, but never remember the actor's actual name.
  • azurekat
    azurekat Posts: 8 Member
    Hello fellow awesomes!

    Please introduce yourself and your superpower.

    I'm Azurekat, the blue space feline from planet nine via the eight dimension. And if you are standing on the proverbially ledge, ready to jump, I'm the one to reach out to! I will talk you down and raise you up at the same time! Not much of a super power, I suppose, but what do you want? And when do you want it? Real soon. yay.
  • azurekat
    azurekat Posts: 8 Member
    jaxdiablo wrote: »
    I can fit my fist in my mouth. That's as super as it gets.

    That's pretty damn super... just sayin...

    I'm Bryan (HI BRYAN!), my super power is making any situation awkward if I choose to based solely upon the jokes I decide to tell. I can make anyone squirm in their seat (that's what she said).

    Hahahahaha I love u Bryan!
  • nade0069
    nade0069 Posts: 109 Member
    Izzy here and my super power would be my rainmany math skills!
  • betbetrex
    betbetrex Posts: 8 Member
    ptsmiles wrote: »
    @betbetrex I love the Sookie Stackhouse books. I started reading them after watching True Blood. It is interesting to read the book and see the differences.

    I started watching the tv show but, the first seasons were the same so it was disappointing. Once they changed things up it was really good.
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    @betbetrex I was disappointed when it was over, mostly because I was sad to not see Alexander Skarsgaard anymore. lol
  • MidnightVixen
    MidnightVixen Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! =] I am Emily, and my super power is reading absurdly fast. =] ~shifty eyes~
  • modestashegets
    modestashegets Posts: 10 Member
    Hiya! I'm Tara. My superpower is my static electricity. I shock myself almost constantly during the winter. When I pass by a certain desk at work, I shock myself, and I make a blank label print out of the label maker. I'm pretty awesome.
  • ceppinette
    ceppinette Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I'm Colleen and my superpower is playing the same video games over and over again!
  • Iggy585
    Iggy585 Posts: 104 Member
    My name is Chris and my superpower is remembering useless facts. Generally about movie actors and directors(I don't lose at Movie Trivial Pursuit lol)
  • nade0069
    nade0069 Posts: 109 Member
    Iggy585 wrote: »
    My name is Chris and my superpower is remembering useless facts. Generally about movie actors and directors(I don't lose at Movie Trivial Pursuit lol)

    I also have this, no one will play any pop culture based trivia game with me any more.

    Also discovered a new one today. I repel supervisors that are *kitten* nuggets. This may be my favorite so far :D
  • TwistedRider
    TwistedRider Posts: 45 Member
    Gretting and hello,
    Professional nerd.
    Super power? Can i have several? I read a lot, so know a little about a lot.
  • aliceocean2
    aliceocean2 Posts: 35 Member

    I'm Alice, 26 from Montréal/Canada.
    And my superpower is creating magic moments for humans. I'm a Professional event planner, Coordinator of Montréal Beer Fest, Emergenza Festival (Canadian chapter), Events director at the Crowley Arts Centre (multidisciplinary venue), technical director at the Wiggle Room (burlesque cabaret), and Entertainment coordinator for the Montréal Geekfest.

    So basically, my job is to create moments for people to cherish and enjoy, from weddings to music shows, geek conventions, Motivational speakers and everything in between.

    Nice to meet all of you :wink:
  • thehexenbiest
    thehexenbiest Posts: 114 Member
    Hey all! I'm Kathy from good old Germany. I'm 33 and my super-power is uh...I don't know. I can drink water from a cup without spilling any. At least sometimes. On a good day. Y'know...

    I love games (currently playing Fallout 4, still obsessed with The Witcher 3 and always dabbling around in Stardew Valley and WoW) and TV shows (favorites: Gotham and Grimm - duh!). My friend also recently got me into Marvel and right now it's all about Team Cap and the Winter Soldier for me. I'm one of 'those' fans who read fanfiction and recently got back into writing myself, though I'm still trying to build up the guts to publish anything.

    It's great to be among other geeks!

    Oh, PS: I think I used to be in this group with an old account years ago that I lost all the login info / email of, so I made a new account when I started over.
  • xxxTiaxxx
    xxxTiaxxx Posts: 310 Member
    My names Tia and my superpower is being able to lay on a couch all day and when given the chance for days on end (I like relaxing, okay?). This is all done while binge watching several seasons of a show.
  • Lulaica
    Lulaica Posts: 63 Member
    Hello all. :) I'm Lulaica and my super power is the power to cook amazing dishes on the first attempt. :)