2015 MFP Grand Tour Challenge - SIgnup and Discussion Thread...



  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    already received a request for more info - does anyone have anything, even nonMFP email for example?
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    Here's what shows up as address using Google: Clifton Road 35, West Yorkshire, Wakefield WF41AS
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    And looking at that on google maps it's reasonably close to his ride starts on Strava.
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    thanx - we'll see
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    Thank you, faugsu! I am praying here!
  • canbbot
    canbbot Posts: 37 Member
    Big yin. We are all thinking about you.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    @faugsu - Keep us posted on anything you hear.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Has anyone phoned the Police in the area to see if they can go around, or, if he has been admitted to Hospital? Or shall I do it?
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    I think faugsu has spoken to them but he's over here so might not hurt for a local to check in with them mate. If you could, I think it would be best.
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    no word, here's hoping for Mark.
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    Keep us posted. Praying...
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Cloggsy just heard from him. In the hospital, alive and kicking. No internet access.
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    Whew. Hate that he's in the hospital, but that's a bit of a relief.

    Get better quick TBY!
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    Yes, good news, the one time being there is good news!
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Nobody was thanking their lucky stars as much as me!

    Yes, it sucks he's in hospital, but at least he's Ok... I'm sure he'll fill us in on all the details when he's back at home!
  • Bram61
    Bram61 Posts: 69 Member
    Great news - get well soon Mark.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Sucks to be in the hospital but better than the morgue. Get well soon Mark!. :smile:
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,474 Member
    TDSeest wrote: »
    Cloggsy just heard from him. In the hospital, alive and kicking. No internet access.

    Thats great news. That he is OK, not that he is in hospital. Speedy recovery Mark!
  • Dahamac
    Dahamac Posts: 213 Member
    edited September 2015
    Glad to hear TBY is still with us & praying he'll be well soon!
  • steffenson
    steffenson Posts: 312 Member
    Great to hear to you doing alright Mark! I hope what ever you are in for is not to serious and you recover quickly!
  • canbbot
    canbbot Posts: 37 Member
    Sorry Pie peeps for the lack of km. Ntnunk and I had some terrible news this weekend about our gorgeous Great Dane and English Mastiff mix. We will probably be losing her today.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    canbbot wrote: »
    Sorry Pie peeps for the lack of km. Ntnunk and I had some terrible news this weekend about our gorgeous Great Dane and English Mastiff mix. We will probably be losing her today.

    Oh no! Unexpectedly losing a pet is terrible. I wish you both the best. Please take time to read the 'Rainbow Bridge' poem.
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    The husband and I will not be contributing much for a few days. Today we drive 500 miles to Houston for his quarterly cancer check up (and he is precluded from exercise for 24 hours before his tests/scans) and tomorrow we have most of the day in the hospital then Friday a few more hours in the hospital and Saturday drive back home 500 miles. We do have bikes in the car but who knows if we will get to ride them (and the husband will not be putting up good climbing numbers anyhow because Houston is flat).
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,474 Member
    edited September 2015
    Strava decided to have a nervous breakdown today, it has me riding through 2 stores and a row of houses. So my mileage is not correct. It cut off a pretty big chunk at the end of my ride. It also gave me a max speed of + 44 mph (or over 70 kph). There is absolutely nowhere in this neighborhood where I can get that kind of speed. I know by my route how many miles I lost, but I am only declaring what Strava actually says.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA this week, Pastana. I'll try to get some slow miles in on the MTB tonight and tomorrow while my roadie is getting tuned for the big ride on Saturday.
  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    canbbot wrote: »
    Sorry Pie peeps for the lack of km. Ntnunk and I had some terrible news this weekend about our gorgeous Great Dane and English Mastiff mix. We will probably be losing her today.
    My apologies to my Pastana teammates. @canbbot and I had a pretty rough weekend and early week leading up to and then losing our dog, Des. She was very much like one of our kids and we've both been struggling to overcome the shock and sadness of her loss. I've gotten a few trainer rides in but haven't managed to do much more than that. I'll try to start getting some outdoor mileage in over the next few days.
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    ntnunk wrote: »
    canbbot wrote: »
    Sorry Pie peeps for the lack of km. Ntnunk and I had some terrible news this weekend about our gorgeous Great Dane and English Mastiff mix. We will probably be losing her today.
    My apologies to my Pastana teammates. @canbbot and I had a pretty rough weekend and early week leading up to and then losing our dog, Des. She was very much like one of our kids and we've both been struggling to overcome the shock and sadness of her loss. I've gotten a few trainer rides in but haven't managed to do much more than that. I'll try to start getting some outdoor mileage in over the next few days.

    So Sorry. So very sorry.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Well, today I thought I'd try and catch up on a few things... so switched on the main machine to check emails,saw 500+ headers getting downloaded and walked back downstairs. I'm going to be limiting my online time (either work-or-recreational) until get used to the beta-blockers headache so time on here will be sporadic, but I thought i'd let you know WFT happened.

    12:30am Wednesday - woke, to serious palpitations - ie heart alternating between 30bpm and 180+ in 10 second bursts. Managed to climb out of bed and put some clothing on, slid downstairs on my bum, and phoned 999, paramedics appeared in under 3 minutes (I was timing, to check on the heart arythimia)

    12:45 in the resus room at Pinderfields Hospital. Heart stabilised, various injections seemed to do trick. Moved to Coronary care 8 hours later (when a bed freed up)

    rest of day under obs, lots more meds, lots of ECG machines and adhesive dots to remove chest-hair.

    15:00 Thursday, Sent for Angiogram. Took 4 attempts to find the correct artery in my groin hit the vein 3x which REALLY hurt when they tried to introduce the catheter guide sheath). Top of my leg looks like a shoulder of liver. Angiogram shows 2 arteries were perfect, third generaly good but with ONE constriction, right where it "turns a corner" and right under where the worst of my Pericarditis in January was confined. Seems that theres been a little bit of damage done to the artery, causing it to leak slightly, and hence build up a "calcium Deposit" that needed "drilling" out (okay they call it Rotablation, but basically it's a fecking diamond drill that is used inside your arteries!). Sadly, the second consultant needed to perform that operation had "done his time" with the X-Ray exposure for the day, so the had to repeat things the following tuesday.

    18:30 thursday, back in CCU, removed the "guide" for the angiogram and had a bleed into the surrounding leg tissue. Spent the next 5 hours, lying on my back, naked from the waist down, flat on my back, with a relay of any 3 from 5 nurses each of which having a very, very, VERY firm grip of my thigh muscles, or pressing down with the heel of their hand upon the gap between the pubic bone and the point of the hip socket. this was if anything, even less pleasant than it sounds. Oh - yes, did I mention the loss of around 2 pints of blood.

    Friday - Monday. Bed rest, de-coagulants, platelet blockers - pills, drips, injections, fecking misery. p***ing in bottles and s***ting in a cat-litter-tray. I have now Officially NO self respect remaining.

    9:30am tuesday. Happy Days, another Angoiplasty attempt. This time on the other side of my groin. whoop-de-f*****g-doo.
    Another 4 hours on the workbench in the Cat lab. The blood thinners and clot-busters had improved things enough that getting a guide wire in was easier. Only took a hour. Then another hour of repeatedly passing larger and larger diamond burrs through the blockage until it was clear. Followed by another 40 minutes of fitting a stent to help reinforce the cleared artery. Operation was a success, even to my own eyes - basically the artery went from looking like the Calder and Debble canal, with a couple of the lock gates shut, and ended up looking more like the Danube.

    As soon as they pulled the balloon out of the stent I actually got a "head rush" as the flow improved massively. Which only left the tough bit... closing off the artery down by my knackers. After the debacle of the previous "fastening off" they decided to get in a "vascular Specialist" to tie thing away at the end. He tried, bless him, he really tried. Three times. And failed. So, I was packed off to the ward again, for 4 hours of total imobility to let my clotting return to normal after the heparin infused in the operation expired. They then broke out what looked like a massive G clamp, fitted it under the bed, and onto the pulse point in my groin and cranked up the pressure until my toes were starting to go numb. backed off 1/8 of a turn and removed the catheter in the artery. 10 minutes later, backed off anoher 1/4 turn, waited 2 minutes with no bleeding and repeat. BUT if it did bleed, it went back up 1/2 turn and restarted. Just over 80 minutes of this and I was de-clamped. Another 2 hours later I could sit up (no more than 20 degrees, and after another 4 hours I could actully climb out of bed, and go shower the sheets off my legs and *kitten* - held on with another couple of pints of coagulated blood. Back in bed sometime past midnight, only to be woken at 6:30 this morning by the nurse "Wake up Mark, try and be clean, tidy, dressed and out of bed for 9:00 m today when the Consultant does his rounds if you want to get out today."

    I Did, I convinced him, I actually feel pretty s***-hot apart from one knackered black and blue leg, and both sides of my groin looking like I stopped a cannonball in them.

    End of the story roundup....

    It was very close but not quite a heart attack (not enough protiens in the blood to be conclusive) - so - it's unlikely theres any lasting heart muscle damage.

    I'm on statins for a year at least (even though my total natural cholesterol was under 2 at my last test)
    I'm on platelet reduction products again for at least a year, as protection with the stent
    beta blockers - BP reduction (likely to be temporary, until I get back to regular activity)
    nitro-glycerine spray, in case of any transient angina attacks post operation.
    and a shed load of other crap.

    BUT - I walked the half a mile or so from the ward to my uncle's car (its a BIIIIIIG hospital and carpark) without any issues - and considering one week earlier I couldn't walk down a flight of stairs.

    and, now, I'm afraid I've had my time on here for a while today at least folks. Loss of sleep last night and the beta blockers are giving me a stinking headache...

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Good to have you back Mark! :smile: No offense, but after hearing all that, I'm glad it wasn't me. :smile: I can certainly see why you have no self respect left. Glad they got the blockage cleared. Rest and relax and keep us posted. :smile: