Workout Check-in September



  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    another 3@68

    ahem. the above means '3 sets of five at 68', because i'm not leaving bragging rights on the table. and the way i put that, someone might think i just did three singles. most certainly not.

  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Lifted this arvo - got a preworkout sample and was short on time = vomit inducing supersets Hahahahaha (disclaimer: I did not actually vomit but came close!)

    Squat 5x5x140lbs
    OHP 5x5x80lbs
    Deadlift ugh ugly!! 1x3x230lbs then 1x2x230lbs

    Superset lower half of doom 3x8
    Bulgarian split squat with Dumbbells
    Front squat with barbell
    Hip thruster 145lbs
    Romanian deadlift 145lbs

    Not cool to rush. Much food needed
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Well it was a struggle getting to the gym, but I'm glad I went! (BTW, MP Assault Pineapple Mango = nasty. Magnum Hi5 Blue raz & peach? even worse. Yay sample sizes so I never buy bad-tasting stuff like that lol. It did the trick, though.)

    Squats 170x3x5 - considering the amount of leg work I'll have to do with GBB I think 3 sets of 5 is plenty here. Made it, although the last rep of the last set was atrocious. But that's 1 out of 15 so I'll keep on pushing a bit here :)

    3 rounds of 30s ON/30s REST
    - KB Goblet Squat (30lbs) 17/15/17
    - Push-Ups 6-4/9/10
    - Recline Rows 12/11/13
    - 2KB RDLs (2x30lbs) 12/12/13
    - plank variation 30 plank jacks, 30s decline, 30s decline on forearms

    4 rounds of 20/10 each
    - sit-outs 7/6/5/5
    - hollow rocks 12/7/8/8

    The sitouts were a bit mean to my shoulder so I wasn't able to really push. Also, aaaaaabs! And legs. Mostly legs. Whoops

    Aaand i finished up with a superset of
    - V-Bar straight arm pulldown 25x20, 35x20, 45x15
    - EZ-Bar cable curls 25x15, 35x12, 45x5->25x7->15x4 drop set

    Going back tomorrow for Bench and another sweat sesh! ^^
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    edited September 2015
    krokador - Thanks for the tip on opening up my hips. Sorry I didn't respond sooner but have been MIA with my workouts the past few weeks due to travel.

    SL question- I feel like my thighs are getting too "thick" doing squats (note that I didn't use the term "bulky" and my legs have always been strong) so I'm tempted to go lighter on the weights and do extra reps for all the exercises. Thoughts?

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    dcresider wrote: »
    krokador - Thanks for the tip on opening up my hips. Sorry I didn't respond sooner but have been MIA with my workouts the past few weeks due to travel.

    SL question- I feel like my thighs are getting too "thick" doing squats (note that I didn't use the term "bulky" and my legs have always been strong) so I'm tempted to go lighter on the weights and do extra reps for all the exercises. Thoughts?
    No problem there, hopefully it helped a bit!

    And to answer your question, wouldn't going lighter and doing more reps actually stimulate hypertrophy even more? I'm not too knowledgeable here - I already have ham-sized legs so I don't care about them being thick from squats, so I never looked into it, but from the usual bro-science logic, more reps/volume = more size. So it might be counter-productive. Maybe what you want is to "offset" the extra size with some booty work instead? (it's not unheard of for girls to stop squatting entirely for that reason, actually. I've seen many threads about this in the main forums and I rarely even go in there... lol. I wouldn't advise that, though. xD)
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Deadlifts 1 day, probably the only thing that I look forward to enough to drag myself out of bed on Monday morning.
    My goal for September was to hit 210 lbs x 3 and I did..
    165 lbs x 5, 185 lbs x 3 and 210 lbs x 4 wooot woot, might have had 5 in me but my grip was done. I felt so strong it was awesome
    5x8 155 lbs sumo deadlifts and finally EMOTM x 5 5 front squat 65 lbs.
    I am pretty stiff and I am hoping to sneak out for my run soon to get rid of some of my kinks and such. It is pretty cold and icky though blah.

    Oh and my glutes demanded a cookie with my protein and chia tea this morning, but other than that I am sticking to 11-7 feeding window.
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    Sunday Funday. Got my workout in during my kid's naptime so I wouldn't get caught in the same workout vs. Fear the Walking Dead conundrum as a couple weeks ago.

    Squats 5x5x67.5 lbs
    OHP 5x5x50 lbs
    DL 1x5x95 lbs

    Too lazy to remember my warmup sets, but they definitely happened.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    My workout today:

    -5 mile run this morning
    -SL: Squats 8x5@135lbs, OP: 8x5x45lbs, Dl: 8x1@ 135lbs.
    -2 one-minute planks
    -20 regular pushups
    -bike to work then home- 44 minutes total.

    Gee, I think I'm going to be sleeping really well tonight.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Well, I caught up to the darn wagon again. This time we have a new place, and space for my treadmill, and we decided we would make space for a lifting set up. I am out of excuses now. It will all be in my house. So far the bench and cage are on order but I have the weights!! The only downside I realized is that leaves very few culprits for the whole "so there was this guy at the gym..." .... I am now the guy... or girl rather. But anyways I will probably regret this later, but it was a Monday that needed worked out, hard. So, I did my running on the dreadmill, and I hate solid runs on the darn thing so I pulled up the C25K app to do some interval running and try a faster speed than the last time thru. And then proceeded to do my first ever official 5x5 workout.
    Squats - 5x5x45
    OHP - 3x5x35, 2x5x45 - I was not convinced I could do the bar without dropping it on my head, and with no cage I erred on the side of caution and pressed a 35lb plate. After deciding that wasn't as bad as I convinced myself it was, I did a couple sets with the bar to gear up for a real attempt next time.
    DL 3x5x45

    I have been staring at this program for YEARS, and just never had a good place or good set up for it to be a feasible option. SO, I am possibly overly excited for the fact I can actually try it now. I hate squats and I am still excited.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Slept through the morning alarm so I had to really rush to get it done, and I didn't have time to hang out and wait for my C4 to kick in... that happened around the time I was getting cleaned up for work lol!
    OHP 1+ day
    55 lbs x 5, 60 lbs x 3, 70 lbs x 4 and with a little longer rest I could have probably gotten 5 but sleep happened.
    Then I supersetted together all of my accessories to save on time
    OHP 45 lbs x 8, hanging clean 45 lbs x 8, assisted pullups x 5, DB row x8 per side 25 lbs, 5 times through.

    30 minute tempo run scheduled for pre lunch. And my office has a chair yoga thing going on a lunch that I am going to try to make.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Booya! I feel great today! It was AMRAP and bench time!

    Bench 100x5x5 - bit challenging, but not too much. Gots to remember to keep lats tight! I have a video of my second set and you can see my (barely existent as it is) arch collapse slowly until I realize what's going on and tighten up again before my 5th rep. It's actually kinda funny.

    5min AMRAP
    - burpee->squat thrusts x3 (did 2 rounds of burpees, then regressed. Shakeh arms)
    - band assisted pull-ups x5
    - DB push press 2x20 x5

    got 4 rounds and 5 pull-ups, finished the round, then realized I was supposed to do THRUSTERS and not push presses. So I did 2 sets of a single KB goblet thruster x10 with 35lbs to make up for that xD

    5 min AMRAP
    - KB sumo deadlift high pull x 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 14
    - Push ups x 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1

    4x 40yd shuttle sprints (didn't have my watch so didn't time them)

    And i finished off with a bit more pulling:
    semi-wide seated rows: 40x15, 55x15, 70x12, 85x8, 70x10

    I feel gewd! ^^
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    edited September 2015
    dcresider wrote: »
    krokador - Thanks for the tip on opening up my hips. Sorry I didn't respond sooner but have been MIA with my workouts the past few weeks due to travel.

    SL question- I feel like my thighs are getting too "thick" doing squats (note that I didn't use the term "bulky" and my legs have always been strong) so I'm tempted to go lighter on the weights and do extra reps for all the exercises. Thoughts?

    Not an expert, but more reps at lower weight is hypertrophy (eating at maintenance/surplus) which means muscle building and the "thickness" so many females fear. If you are on a deficit, you won't build muscle at this point because you've been doing this a while, yes?

    So, if you are building muscle because of excess calories, then you can decrease to maintenance, increase weight/reduce reps for strength or decrease weight/increase reps to endurance level (very light/15-20 reps). Your goals will determine your routine.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i always tell myself more consistent stretching couldn't hurt with fixing the fireplug-legs look too . . . but i hate stretching my quads like i hate almost nothing else in this life, so i've never given it a proper test.

    also, i tell myself that physiology plays a role too. i seem to have short tendons and long muscle bellies. which is great for strength, but i'm probably never going to look like a gazelle. i'm aiming for the kind of 'cute in a sturdy sort of way' look instead.

    today was a waste of time, workout-wise. i went to TWO rec centres this evening and passed on them both. the first was full of that trainer i truly can't stand, who should be running a kindergarten and is still trying to make me have an 'injury' so i'll fit in with her picture of people who have r.a. she was teaching a new 'class' of women how to lift, i.e. demonstrating one or two light dumbbell lifts, and then showing them around all the machines. even if the rack had been free i wouldn't have been able to lift with her in the room. she watches me like a hawk trying to find something she can scold and warn me about.

    so i went an extra mile to the second one, and it was just . . . mobbed. the entire bro-therhood was in there doing their squat-king/pecs thing in a gang. there wasn't even floorspace available, forget about bars. i just walked in, turned around and came home.

    #sulks and resolves to get up early tomorrow instead.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,131 Member
    13294 steps 9/15
    6.06 miles
    86.83 miles total

    Squats 5x100, 5x105, 5x110, 5x5x100
    Sumo Squats 5x5x100
    BP 5x65, 5x70, 5x75, 5x5x78
    BR 5x5x85
    DL 5x5x145
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    Back from my vacation. My cruise ship had only dumbbells, so I ended up just front squatting a single 70lbs dumbbells, double 25lbs OHP and double 35lbs romainian deadlift. It was super awkward and much harder to do as stabilization was tricky - kudos to all who only use dumbbells! Anyways, back home and it took me a week to vacation from my vacation.

    Low Bar Back Squats 5x5 140lbs (warm ups 1x5 45/45/95/125). Right after doing these my quads were dying. Like not injury dying, like omg so much work tired dying! Dat hamstring pump too was huge!

    Bench 5/5/5/5/3 90lbs (warm ups 1x5 45/45/75). It was a weird fail. I had no issues with the weight, so it had to be my breathing. I was also singing to myself.

    Dumbbell Rows 1x20 35lbs. It's getting more obviously my left is better than my right. I think next time I'm going to try doing my right arm first.

    Shrugs 3x5 75lbs

    Band assisted pullups 1x5
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Oh yeah, I should post yesterday's. Would have after the gym but person staying at our apartment was already asleep on the couch and I didn't want to disturb her. Had short shift yesterday instead of the day off but it worked out fine that way. Back around to upper body heavy lifting though I'd had less than 1000 calories all day long before gym and I'd really felt it when I was trying to push things up. Did okay despite low fuel but could have done better.

    Morning cardio = 2 mile jog

    Day 5 - Upper Power

    bench press 3x5 @ 90 - quite heavy
    db incline bench 3x8 @ 30 - harder this week
    bent row 3x4 @ 95 - heavy for that type for me but difficult, sort of did 5 reps but the last weren't great so didn't count them.
    lat pull 3x10 @ 60 - less than last time but far easier, no shoulder issue
    OHP 1x5, 1x4, 1x5 @ 70 - heavy but managed
    bar curl 3x10 @ 30 - easy but don't have a fixed 35 so did this instead
    skull crusher 3x8 @ bar - better than last time, elbow wasn't cranky but arms still shaky. Held bar in middle of where it dips instead of on the inside part and seemed to help a little.

    After that I came home, had a pb honey sandwich and a little candy (options in order to not disturb house guest, then went to bed. Today may or may not be day off, waiting to hear if someone is able to work their shift or not. We'll see.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Last nights adventures in lifting

    Squat 5x5x140lbs
    Bench 5,5,5,4,4 x100lbs just could not eek out the final rep in the final sets
    Row 5x5x105lbs loving these at the moment!!!
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    W1D3 C25K @5.5mph

    Squats- 5x5@45 - I hate squats, my form sucks, I am working on this
    Bench 5x5@45 on a stability ball because the bench hasnt come in yet. It worked, but added some levels of difficulty in terms of stabilization and equalization
    Rows 5x5@45... also need to do more research on form for these. One of those where you think you know how it works... and then you actually try it...
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    This week has me only doing the core exercises of the program and no accessories so Monday I did:
    Squat w/u; 3x6x105
    Deadlift w/u; 4x150; 6x150

    Tonight was:
    Bench w/u; 3x6x85
    Row 3x6x75
    Ohp 3x6x55
    Lat pull down 3x6

    I'm feeling pretty happy with my form and performance so far this week so I'm crossing my fingers it continues.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited September 2015
    squats: 2x5@45, 1x4@60, 1x2@70, 5x5@75. went pretty well and felt pretty okay. using the trainer's warmup pattern seemed to go well. i may have done an extra set or rep or two at the 60lb point, but i ain't saying.

    ohp: BIG STORY. i invested some time with the broomstick before i even started this lift today. just holding it and getting that 'make a shelf' thing down, and then repeating it in sets of 8 until my nervous system knew all about engaging all the muscles involved, and how it felt. plus, i did rows in between warmup sets, to make sure my upper back and rear shoulders were really going to show up for the game. and finally, i had my handy little 1.5lb weights so i could give myself a consistent rate of increase across warmup sets. and here's what i got:

    2x5@30, 1x4@38, 1x3@45, 1x4@53, 4x5@53. so i missed completing the first set but i'm booking it anyway because i had to clean everything up to that point on my own. that was extra work and i also couldn't get set up as well. when the rack became available i moved in and the next four sets of 5 were smooth like butter. me and my tiny sock weights. i'm just going to say because i'm so high on myself: i had the usual ohp experience where you're fine while you're fine but then all the gas disappears completely between one rep and the next. all the same, the first three reps of every work set were EASY. so i'm very very extremely happy and pleased with myself.

    deadlift: i made a mistake. so i did warmup at 65, 85, and 115. forgot i was using the full-sized bar by warmup 3. so i thought it was just 100 and was disappointed about it being so hard. added another 10lbs because my trainer-day dl two weeks ago was 105 and i was NOT going to go backwards from there. did one set of 2 for warmup with that, and then finally realized i'd just pulled 125. so instead of adding more weight i just went back and did another 3 to complete a work set. i'll say one thing: finding a lift way harder than you expected it to be really makes you focus your mind and tighten your form up, sometimes.

    then i had the kind of dinner where you're eating the hamburger meat out of the pan as fast as it browns, because you just can't wait for all the fancy extras to happen.