Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hi! Wanted to take the time, while I have it!
    @Lorraine, Beginning this woe is difficult at first, but the benefits are so great, and it becomes super easy after a little while (couple of months, tops, to feel secure in food choices). Hang it there, you'll be glad you did! Welcome! I take friend requests too!
    @Judy, welcome! Please hang out here and let us know what's going on with you!
    @Janice! So happy for your new low on the scale!!! :smiley: 190 must feel marvelous. I second all of your comments about this woe being for life! Why would anyone want to return to eating the foods that make them sick? I understand your indifference toward veggies too! They don't really matter, do they? Plus, that's a lot of hard work! I know you've enjoyed it, but it may be time to find other hobbies. Like dating! I'm happy you are feeling good in your skin and feel like you want to! Everyone deserves companionship. I hope for the best with that! I sure hope your homelessness at work come to an end soon so you can get your work life back to routine. That has to be terribly frustrating, I can't imagine! Hang in there!
    @Kathie, hello dear, hope it's not getting too cold too fast! We had temperatures in the 50 degrees Fahrenheit last night (which is record lows for us this time of year) in south Mississippi, USA. So, I'm sure it's much cooler in your neck of the woods!
    @DominoTr, welcome to the group here! When you are comfortable please share your first name with us. Our original poster liked it that way, and I do too, though that's still up to you!
    @Ellen, your summer hasn't been much fun either, has it? I'm so glad you are getting recovered from your medical issues and getting back into a routine again. I pray your sons tests results come back negative! I'm sure your mind won't rest until they do, but try to take care of you too. I'm sorry about the death of your sister in law too! I'm super happy about your new low on the scale too! Woo Hoo!

    I had an upper endoscopy done this morning. It shows that I have an ulcer in my stomach. Here's the thing though, I'm already taking all of the meds available to prevent stomach ulcers! Ugh! No new instructions, other than exercise. I'm not real sure what to eat now. I know LCHF doesn't have many "bland" options. Nothing in particular makes it hurt though so I don't believe I will be changing what I eat. I do need to nag my husband more about raising the head of my bed. That's the only thing I've never done. Will see how this goes, lol!

    Scale is finally dropping for me after my three months recovering from splenda! I'm so glad to "feel"thin again, like I did in May! Thank you all for hanging in there with me! I have learned so much, but am sure there will be more challenges along the way! Knowing you all are here is a great comfort!

    Hugs everybody! :smiley: It's time to rest now!
  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    Hi girls, I've been absent lately too, decorated whole house, knitting, holidays and work, where does time go. Wanting to get back to lchf, trying to kick the evening wine is tough. I live in Middlesex UK, happy to add more friends
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,073 Member
    Hello Ladies, old friends and new ! So glad you found out what has been the matter @Karla ! I'm not sure what to do for an ulcer, I'd have to google it. Hope you feel better soon !

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I have been lurking here gaining knowledge and support from alot of your posts. Just in my 4th week, with some slips, using Atkins as the base. I have to revamp some when my BP rose because of salt intake but I am doing much better now that I have reduced all the processed meat.

    I lost about 25 lbs before this WOE and I am down 7 more and still gradually falling. I like this WOE because I am not often hungry. I did have problems today because of a restaurant meal and what I thought was a good choice turned out not to be. I am still watching the calorie count as well as the carb count.

    I am from rural Southern Ontario, outside a one stoplight town on a lake. It is getting cooler here but this week should be good weather. I do miss the summer fruit and I am still not thrilled about breakfasts. Getting egged out, But I am determined to keep on.

    Enjoy hearing about all your trips, gardens and other activities. And your successes on LCHF. It is great to know this works for so many. The joy of finding a diet that works shows through so many posts here.

    I have a wedding at an Italian restaurant this week. That is going to be difficult. Idea?
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    @Karlottap Does your doc know that ulcers are caused by an infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)? You may have to go at this from a different direction than just eating bland food.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello @Iris, so good to see you here again too! Good luck with jumping back in!
    @Janice, thank you. It's not my first ulcer, but is the first since being LCHF. Hugs!
    @dasher602014, it's so great to see you here with us! Choices become easier once you get comfortable with this woe. I find now that I can eat wherever I want. I just order what I want and either leave the carb junk or have them not bring it. I get some weird looks at first, then later a comment will come from a server about someone they know who doesn't eat bread, sugar... I've only had one subway employee tell me that they can make it without the bread "this time" (I haven't been back). Good luck and keep us informed on how things are going for you!
    @canadjineh, I have had ulcers in the past that I tested negative for H. Pylori. I believe he tested for this yesterday and since that is done through biopsy it takes a few days to get results back. I will find out about that next week, at my follow up appointment. Thank you for the information!

    Will see you all later! Hugs!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hello ladies. Been a crappy few days here, weatherwise so stuck inside.
    @Ellen sorry to hear of all your troubles this summer. Am thinking of you.
    @Karla glad the scale is finally moving for you. Hopefully you'll get the ulcer sorted out soon.
    @Janice you make me tired with all that you do. Good for you!
    Left the IF too long yesterday (22 hrs), so was starved by supper. Over ate on biscuits, then felt awful. Hopefully this lesson will not need to be repeated as often as it has.
    Looking after grandbaby & trying to recover a chair. We'll have to see how that goes.
    Have a great day everybody.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hello everyone, old friends and new!

    I'm afraid you dont get rid of me that easily,lol. Some of you know I have been away for the last 3 weeks on my long awaited holiday to the UK. I live in Dubai and hadnt been home for 2 1/2 years so it was busy busy with seeing family and friends and visiting favourite places. Before that we were manic with the Chocolate shop we run and I became so lax with posting. Sorry!

    After the 45C+ temperatures here we arrived to torrential rain for 2 days and 14C temps!! Bliss! hehehe.
    Collected my mum who is 83 and brought her to our place for 4 days so she could have a break and have exclusive time with us which went surprisingly well considering our history! Boy has she aged physically though and she isnt quite as confident away from her home/familiar areas as she used to be. Taking her to new places was like taking a child....she was quite bewildered looking.

    I finally got to see the Gynae/Urogynae Consultant I had wanted to see from the start regarding my prolapse but obviously hadnt as we were here! He says I can have the op done as a package for less than half what it would cost here($9000 instead of $18-20,000!!!!) There was the possibility that I could have had it done by staying on until 22nd sept but it turned out he didnt have room on his Theater list and he only operates at the private hospital once a month. I dont really mind as 22nd is my birthday and I can think of better ways to spend it! So now I am booked for 20th Oct and last night hubby booked our flights so.......back to the UK we go on 17th oct. Seems I can fly after 2 weeks as long as I take the meds to prevent blood clots. FINALLY booked, yaaaaay.

    The most amazing thing of the hol has been...........seeing my younger son! After 6 years! For those of you who havent read all the old posts Andrew stopped contact with us totally over a year ago, not seen him for 6 or spoken on the phone for 3. I knew where he worked and walked past a couple of times but didnt see him then I was having lunch with a friend who was trying to persuade me to go. I freely admit to being scared of his reaction! I didnt want any rejection face to face or anything like that or to disturb/disrupt him. lolol, we drove past and I saw he was there! I got cold feet and was being reassured by my friend but i was shocked at seeing him. I said no and she drove me almost home, still going back and forth when I suddenly thought...what the hell! I cant lose anything else so we went back. We walked in and he had his head down and he looked up and saw me! He had...Hello,lol. Me, well, I lost it! I was crying and shaking and could hardly stand! Then...he came and put his arms around me in a big hug!!!!!!!!! Oh how often I had dreamt of that and there it was actually happening! My friend, bless her, was chatting away and asking questions about how he was etc and I just had to sit down and gather myself! We were a bit stuck for words(not something I usually suffer from as many on here can testify!!) But we chatted a bit and my friend left us but his work colleagues kept interrupting us so we didnt get to really talk. I did ask him if he was of the same mind and he said he didnt need any complications in his life. I asked if I could at least have his phone number to call him on his birhtday but he said....you have my email....so no joy there but the absolute joy of that hug was amazing and the fact he came again and gave me another as we left. I keep hugging myself with the memory of it! Since then I have had many discussions with myself about whether I should go again or email him or drop something in or whether I should just leave him to recover and to show I am respecting his wishes. Boy did I pray for guidance to do the best thing and finally I decided to leave him and maybe contact him when we go back next month for my op. He may have softened, may not. All I can do is pray he has and if he hasnt, well, I got my hugs and that will keep me going for now.

    Aside from that I finally saw a cousin whom I hadnt seen for about 25 years! We used to get on really well but life took us in different directions. She was visiting my 91 year old aunt so we managed to meet and it was like I only saw her last week! We had such a laugh and so much fun. I think thats the first time my hubby has actually met any of my few cousins....he thinks we are all mad! Lololol. He may have a point!

    So, back here on wednesday morning and straight back into work. The house is full of sandy floors and surfaces, a water heater burst and flooded my in laws bedroom and the scales are stiing in the corner looking accusingly at me!!! Lolol. I am resisting getting on for a few days( a feat in itself given my usual daily weigh in) but I want to get settled before facing them!

    Karla, Kathie, Ellen and Janice....sorry to leave you so long! Any new girls, welcome aboard. You are joing the BEST thread on the whole of MFP! (in my humble opinion,lol) You will find support, knowledge, love and fun from all us here as we travel this path with our 'special needs' as older ladies. If you want to add me as a friend plkease feel free.
    Janice I am soooooo sorry that you are facing yet another upheaval especially when this summer has been one of the best for ages at work for you.

    Can you believe that we started talking about the weather getting mild enough for you to plant and now its the end of harvesting time and autumn(Fall) is just around the corner! Where did that time go???????? Ah, the joys of getting older!
    Lots of love and look forward to hearing more from you all.xxxxxx

  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    @jumanajane your update brought tears to my eyes and made my heart ache for you. I can't imagine being cut off from one of my children. I'm so glad you took the opportunity to try to reconnect and got your hug. Here is one from me (( )). I pray for you that one day he lets you back in completely. It sounds like you had an amazing time with family and friends. Welcome home!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,073 Member
    Glad to have you back safely @Jane ! That's wonderful news about your son ! And hopefully the scale will cooperate with you.

    Well, yes, I have extreme stress at work now. I did have a lovely summer, sure miss it now. There was kindness and fun and I was catered to, that's for sure. But now I can't believe what is happening. A truly toxic workplace with unkind behaviour directed at me has emerged in less than 2 weeks.

    It started with my move back upstairs into the managers' office post-flood. The managers who work there do not want me there, and when my ergonomically correct keyboard tray and computer monitor arm were installed last week on "their" desk, much hostility was expressed, not all to me, but to my supervisor, who unleashed her fury on me on Tuesday. My boss has accused me of not having the right to modify the office, but the boss above her was the one who authorized it. This seems like a no-brainer, but it mushroomed into a lot of false accusations about petty things. My anxiety, which has been much improved, and almost in remission, came back full force. I do not have the support of my boss, and I am out of the domain of support of my knight in shining armour, although he is trying to help me still in some ways. I feel like I am on my own, but I have to be strong and fight for my rights. My right to work in a respectful workplace that protects my physical and psychological well-being. I have composed a letter which I will deliver tomorrow to her boss and hopefully be able to have a discussion as well. I am scared, since I have no support, but I must do this. I just hope I can keep my wits about me. It was not my fault that the building flooded and I need a place to work and I have the right to ensure that my shoulder and lower back injuries do not result in further injury due to bad ergonomics since the managers resent me working in that office. This morning when I arrived, my keyboard tray was loosened and it fell apart in my hands. The screws had all been taken out and I had to scrounge for them on my hands and knees under the desk, find them and construct the tray again. There is a nastiness going on here that I hope I will be strong enough to endure. If I do not get satisfaction from the boss, I will go to our HR lawyer, and if that fails, I will contact government agencies to help me. Workplace health and safety at the very least should help. But I am afraid of the confrontation and potential for further trouble. I must keep my head tomorrow, and be able to think on my feet without falling apart emotionally, because then I will be done. My chiropractor will write me a Dr's note necessitating proper ergonomics, and if I am not accommodated, I will take further measures. But I'm scared.

    Wish me luck. I've got a new haircut and new blouse size medium petite, to help give myself some courage. I have to think positively.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,073 Member
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    You look great, Janice!!!! The small-minded pettiness of some people never fails to astound me. I hate confrontation, also. But you deserve a safe & healthy (physical & mental) workplace. Go get 'em, girl! You can do this! Big hugs!!!!
    @Jane The trip sounded wonderful! Am so sorry to hear of troubles with your son. The courage it took for you to go see him was incredible. Hold the memory of those 2 hugs close. Hopefully he'll come around. Children can be such a trial sometimes. I've had some very trying times with my son a few years ago, but he seems to have straightened out now (I hope) & thru it all I just kept praying he would come thru unscathed. Bad choices/decisions, bad way of life, etc. I kept wondering where/what I had done wrong, but finally realized he's responsible for his actions, not me. (Really tough, tho).
    I'm so sad to see the end of summer. I don't enjoy our winters at all. Hubby doesn't mind & thinks I'm a bit of a whiner. I just think he's nuts & a dumbass. Once I get my basement reorganized I'll be able to get into my sewing room & start quilting again. So that will help pass the cold winter months.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    OMG!!!! Look at you!! Lolol. This pic is wonderful and the light in your face is so lovely.....get this on a couple of dating sites asap.....you will be flooded with men wanting to know more about you!!!
    So sorry that you have been forced to take so many steps backwards but think how much stronger you are now than before the summer! You can stand up to them and for your rights. I hope you suddenly find another knight(or Lady!) in shining armour to come to your defence! We are all rooting for you anyway.

    @ea101367 thank you for the hug and prayers....thats all I rely on now......whatever God wills and I am accepting of that but have a huge amount of hope.

    @Kathie, lol, get your basement done and warm and snuggly and you can go down there and paint summer pictures on the walls and get a sunlamp! Shall I send you some from here?? Hibernate until it is spring again and pop out with a finished quilt and healthy tan!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Welcome home @Jane! Glad your travels made it possible for you to come always with some good memories to hold on to! Am so glad you had the opportunity to see your son! I can't imagine the strength it must have taken for you to see him! Good for you! {{{Hugs}}}
    @Janice!!! You look sooooo beautiful! Yes, get yourself out there! You deserve every happiness this woe can bring you!! So sorry about the work issues too! Sometimes coworkers, even management, can be envious of what they perceive to be "special treatment" that they don't get. You hang tough! It's their own ignorance that makes them look foolish. Don't ever be afraid to stand up for yourself! Best of luck! :smiley:
    @Kathie! I enjoy warmer weather over the cold, any day! Your comment about you thinking your husband is a "dumbass" made me laugh! I love Jane's idea of creating that space for you!

    I am down another .6 pounds today, bringing me to 3.6 left until back to my lowest! I could be someone's science experiment for sure! Met some friends yesterday evening (who I had seen just two weeks ago) and they all agreed that I had lost weight! So much fun! I am wearing another size smaller (down to size US 16 bottoms and some of my XL tops are getting too big!!) It's worth sticking it out! Have a wedding this weekend and some football programming to watch! Have a great one everybody!!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,073 Member
    Thanks Friends for the kind words. I struggle with my own appearance, acceptance of it that is. My experiences this summer have proven to me that I need to get out there and try dating after many, many years. I haven't done that since before I got married at age 23, and the relationship I had after my marriage just sort of happened without trying, and ended almost 5 years ago, and I've been in hiding ever since, trying to regain my health and self esteem. I am getting more accustomed to viewing myself as having potential to be desirable, and if I hadn't had all that attention from my Knight this summer, I may not have come to this conclusion as quickly. I want more of that kind of attention, but from someone who's available. It sure felt good though, a man 15 years younger than me telling me I am beautiful. I appreciate you Ladies telling me that, but at first I was in a state of shock when my Knight started calling me that, but I grew to like it, and there's nothing like an amazing man telling you that.

    But now the party's over for me at work. I have an appointment with the boss above my boss on Tuesday. But I heard through a little bird that many of my issues will be addressed. They will accommodate my ergonomic needs, and the ones present were told that it was not appropriate to bully me for being in that office, unfortunately the ones who needed to hear it were not present. I still need to address the remaining concerns, but will gauge according to how my mtg goes and what has been done by the time we meet. It is my belief that my knight has said something to the boss already, because they were lectured on some of my issues, but I haven't submitted my letter or spoken to them yet, so how did she know ? I was able to relax a bit after that. I want to be self- sufficient and be emotionally able to handle stressors like these on my own, but it's nice to know someone is on my side.... Not sure who...,

    I am sitting in the sun outside soaking it up, and will soon rip up a roast chicken with my bare hands, then I will have a long walk, and maybe a drink and relax.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @Janice, the feeling of being admired by others is a good feeling! You deserve it! I so glad you are working on you to make the dating experience you will have even better! When we love ourselves we have confidence. That's what others see, admire, and wish to emulate! It's good that your administrators are getting the message, however they are getting it. Hopefully the others will get it too! It's always good to know when someone has your back too! Hope your evening was fantastic!

    I have a wedding to attend this evening. Dinner will be served at the reception. Will be interesting to see the choices since the groom is an M.D. and she is a NP. Will get through this one the same as the others I've been to lately.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend! Bring on the football!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    So after 2 nights no sleep, I caved yesterday. Passed by the donuts at hubby's shop successfully, but had pizza for supper, then 2:00 am rolls around & I'm eating pizza again, darn it. I know I'm an emotional eater, but this is getting ridiculous. Been a bit of family drama & I let it get to me. Neice's son was put in crisis nursery after cops took her to shortage-term detox. Deal was if she agreed to 10 day rehab her stepsister could look after the boy (4yrs old). She checked herself in, decided the world was out to get her, & promptly bolted. So social services stepped in & it's been hell trying to get them to allow family to keep the boy. Decision will be made Mon. The boy's safety is our main concern now & since the addiction is what she's decided to hold onto my brother has put his "tough love" hat on & won't let her have baby til she gets help. Bad situation all the way around. I'm 3 hrs away and can only offer support verbally, but will drive down next week to see if there's anything I can do.
    Meanwhile, gotta get back on LCHF track, & smarten up.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    @Kitnthecat - Usually 'higher-up' management know that the company must toe the line in regards to bullying, proper ergonomics for the health & safety of employees, etc. As with any bullies, those other sub-managers are watching to see how you handle it. You can be strong, and do ask that your letter be kept on file. A record of what is happening is the best offense in this case. I used to be Employee rep on our Workplace Health & Safety Committee for the city I live in. I know what I'm talking about. If there are any issues continuing, speak to your immediate supervisor (although that person is resistant) as that is the correct procedure. Point out the legal requirements and if problems continue then go to the next person up the chain of command. Document it all. I find it helps to have the points discussed written out at your meetings and signed by yourself & the supervisor in question. Sometimes that helps them take it more seriously. If they see you taking notes, they will think twice.
    You look awesome in your picture, BTW!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @Kathie, I'm so sorry for your families drama that is stressing you to the point of overeating your plan! The effects of addiction are very far reaching! I don't mean to belittle your families experiences, whatsoever, so please take what I am putting out here for you with a grain of salt. I have experience with stress eating, for many, many years. I had a psychologist give me the best advice, so I like to pass it on. When we stress eat its giving control of our health to others. That's it! I chose to take that control back.

    We went to the wedding and it was beautiful, as most are. Was nice to be there with hubby (his cousin) and sit, listening to the reminders of how we should work together to build our relationship. Sometimes we need reminding. And, I felt good about how I looked! I'm so glad to be able to look at pictures of myself, and not cringe! Huge for me! So, I'm posting a picture of me and hubby before the wedding! Hugs all!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    @Karlottap, you look lovely and happy with a beautiful figure and curvy waist. Great pix of both of you!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Thank you @dasher602014! I feel it an finally see it too!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Btw: I do want to thank the shape control undergarments for making me look like I have a flat abdomen! I'm buying stock, lol!
  • fatchimom
    fatchimom Posts: 256 Member
    You look beautiful-and happy! Good job!!!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Thank you @fatchimom!! I am happier now than I remember ever being! It's a great place to be!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,073 Member
    Wow, @Karla, you look great ! I hope you enjoyed the wedding ! It sure feels nice when we can look at our reflection in the mirror and photos of ourselves and feel good about what we see. I look forward to the moment when I look at myself and see someone who looks "normal". I know that sounds kind of bad and people tell me I am normal already, lol....but I look forward to seeing myself as someone who is a normal weight, not overweight whatsoever. I imagine that it will be less stressful to buy clothes, and wear clothes that just fit comfortably. I still choose clothes very carefully, aiming for certain styles that hide where my fat places are and accentuate my better features.

    So sorry to hear about all your stress @Kathie ! Don't beat yourself up about the food choices right now. I also tend to eat more carbs when stressed....I had ice cream yesterday ! But everyday is a new day for us. Another opportunity to make the food choices we know work for us now....and another opportunity to deal with emotional crisis in a way that supports our own well-being, and doesn't resort to "comfort eating". I know it doesn't bring me comfort when I eat off plan, and the way my tummy feels this morning tells me I should stay away from the ice cream and carbs for a while.......live and learn.

    Thanks for the advice @canajineh. I am very familiar with the rules surrounding Workplace Health and Safety, Provincial Employment Standards legislation, and my own workplace Respectful Workplace Policy, having been the President of my Local years ago ( same workplace but now I am out of scope) and having attended Labour College of Canada in Ottawa in 2006, and having worked at our Provincial government Union for 2.5 years. It is so much easier for me to advocate on behalf of others that it is to stand up for myself, given my history of anxiety. I know this doesn't make sense. I know the rules and I think this makes me receive less respect from my superiors who don't trust me since I used to be affiliated with the Union. I think I may know more about Labour Law than my bosses do. I know the importance of documentation, but I did not think it could be possible somehow to be in this mess. The worst part about this is that my boss and the boss above her are very close, break rules, do not treat people with respect, do not employ honesty, etc. I can't go to my boss, the one who is bullying me, so I have to go to the boss of the whole facility, but I am not confident that I will get fair treatment. I have to be very careful, more careful than most, to present my case. I need to know the rules better than them, I have to conduct myself with more professionalism than my boss, and I have to arm my timid being with enough confidence that I don't get trampled by the boss's very aggressive nature that I fall apart emotionally and lose the ability to think on my feet. I will have to bite my tongue a lot and show respect. And since I am not covered by the Union, and not management either, I feel that I have less rights than other employees, even though I know that workplace health and safety covers us all. I will take detailed notes from this point on, to make sure I have proof for potential future problems. But people in management are already telling me that I shouldn't proceed with my complaint since it won't go well for me, and that I should look for another job. But the union rep in me knows this should not have to happen. Sigh. I meet with the boss on Tuesday, but will likely just stick to the facts of this most recent ergonomic issue along with the way my supervisor spoke to me showing anger over my ergonomic issue...instead of getting into everything else. The biggest hurdle will be for me to deal with the stress of all of this.

    I went for a lovely brisk walk to the park this morning. Seeing the Terry Fox run starting up invigorated me, and made me think I could make it a goal for Spring to try jogging and maybe entering races either walking or running. I haven't run in years, but would like to see if I could manage it, at least smaller ones. Wish I had a walking or running partner. I instantly wished I was part of the group. I already walk for 5-10 km on my walks in the park. Last week I probably walked almost 30 km total.

    Well, enough of this, I have a ton of stuff to do, laundry, cleaning, etc. I will make a batch of pickled beets right away, then head over to my Mom's again to continue with harvesting and turning over the soil. I picked the spaghetti squash, last of the zucchini and the rest of the beets yesterday. I need another day off ! Better get going. Oh, I'll make my soup stock for the borscht today, then make the soup tomorrow after work. Yikes !
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Good morning ladies. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
    @Karla you look great! Glad you enjoyed yourself. If I could figure out how to make quack grass into fibre we could make a really good control underwear line. Thanks for support.
    @Janice hope this week will go smoother for you. You're right, stress is tough & finding ways to deal can be hard. At least it sounds like this WOE is helping your coping mechanisms kick in.
    In the spring can't wait to sit on my deck with coffee, even all bundled up. Just not the same now. Guess it's cause I know the layers are just going to keep adding on, lol. Still have not broke down & put socks on yet. I try to wait as long as possible for that.
    Have a good day all!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,073 Member
    Lol @Kathie. Good thinking trying to find a use for your quack grass!

    I finally made my borscht today. It's a tradition in my family. I used to look forward to it, and I did enjoy my first bowl, but I'm looking forward to getting rid of the veggies.

    It's a pork hock/ ham bone stock that I simmered for 6 hrs yesterday, then added garden tomatoes, garden carrots, garden onions, celery and garden rhubarb and simmered the broth before adding my garden beets, garden green beans, cabbage , then the beet tops, 1 potato and some fresh dill, and at the very end, some peas and about 1.5 cups of HWC to turn the colour fuschia instead of deep red. Our family uses rhubarb as our secret ingredient to combat the sweetness of the beets, and we always use whipping cream and dill.

    The trouble is that there was not enough meat in the soup, so I just ate egg salad and a writer to bump up my protein and make it past 1000 calories.... Along with my bowl of soup..... And I am just stuffed. Sigh.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,073 Member
    Oh for Pete's sake, I'm on my phone and it turned wiener into writer then wanted to make it whiner! I give up!

    I'm rewriting my letter to management right now, drastically slashing it to just talk about last week's incident without getting into all the other crap. It'll probably be half as long. My meeting is tomorrow afternoon. Wish me luck. Sure was a weird mood at work today. I'm nervous. Going to come armed with a new letter, a hopefully realistic positive and open attitude, and a new designer top.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Glad to see you're not eating poor unsuspecting authors, lol! Want to see the new top. Good luck tomorrow. Deep breaths & naughty thoughts might help. Stay strong.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited September 2015
    @Kitnthecat - so glad to hear that you have all that background in dealing with these sorts of issues. Imagine if you were just clueless as to what to do.... You have the POWER of knowledge and the smarts to use it! I salute you!
    BTW if you have to eat a 'writer' to get this done, lol, go for it! hahahah

    I'll have to try some rhubarb in my borscht. DH MUST have sauerkraut in his to make it tangy but I bet he'll like it this way too. We put lots of Greek yogourt in ours to make it pink too.