Workout Check-in September



  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Tough day today. Single leg hip thrusts which are hard anyway and in sets of supposedly 20 - I did 3 of 15! supersetted with chin ups. I managed 2 sets of 4 assisted with 15kg and one of 3 plus a negative
    Then dumbell step ups - again in theory 20 I managed 14s with 2 10kg dumbell supersets with 8 reps of OHP - still working at 20kg for these as with the extra reps I am just struggling, again 3 sets
    Then there is this back extension thing. I struggle with this anyway as my hips are unlevel and it seems to make my back go very very tight, I did my 2 sets of 12 but I have to have a little stretch during sets.
    And some accessory stuff. Horse riding later which is great but DOMS is going to kick my butt tomorrow I think
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,112 Member
    roxylola wrote: »
    Tough day today. Single leg hip thrusts which are hard anyway and in sets of supposedly 20 - I did 3 of 15! supersetted with chin ups. I managed 2 sets of 4 assisted with 15kg and one of 3 plus a negative
    Then dumbell step ups - again in theory 20 I managed 14s with 2 10kg dumbell supersets with 8 reps of OHP - still working at 20kg for these as with the extra reps I am just struggling, again 3 sets
    Then there is this back extension thing. I struggle with this anyway as my hips are unlevel and it seems to make my back go very very tight, I did my 2 sets of 12 but I have to have a little stretch during sets.
    And some accessory stuff. Horse riding later which is great but DOMS is going to kick my butt tomorrow I think

    Why do you do such high sets and reps? Is this a specific program? Love horseback riding! What kind do you do?
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Cardio today: ran 4 mile intervals on the treadmill. Now that the weather is getting cooler, I want to be outdoors as much possible. I'll probably be increasing my runs and stick to SL without really increasing weights until I have better form. Those squats are killing me.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Check in for yesterday.

    Chest and shoulders, plus some HIIT cardio stuff.

    Did bench, bench a little heavier, dumbbell bench. Chest was smoked.
    Seated DB OHP, curls, tricep push-ups, overhead tricep extensions.
    Cardio stuff: dumbbell burpees (these are as awful as they sound), plank jacks, and a handful of sprints up and down the block.

    And now my abs are sore. So weird. Whatevs, I'll take it!

    Today is a rest day, so I'll be walking the pups around the park and going to bed early!
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    Hip hop dance class yesterday. It's short and fun, but by the end I can always feel the lifting from the day before.

    Squats - warmups plus 5x5x72.5 lbs
    OHP - warmups plus 5x5x52.5 lbs
    Deadlift - warmups plus 1x5x100 lbs

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Yesterday's do nothing but computer stuff rest day, and cook/clean, ended up being a 6 hour cashier shift. Today, I went to the gym before work and after I toss stuff in slow cooker, will be going to work freight. Fun times. It was a little rough on the power day today with super heavy squats. I dropped down the weight on deadlift to do more than one set but 185 and above just feels super heavy. I could blame on low fuel past two days and period started yesterday, but 185 always feels heavy even though I've done more.

    Day 6 - lower power

    squat 3x5 @ 175 - barely made it up on the 5th rep of each set, was very close to a fail. I haven't left the bar on the safeties yet, so one of these days.
    deadlift 1x3, 1x4, 1x3 @ 185 - dropped down since requires more reps but 185 is so heavy still.
    leg press 3x8 @ 215 - slight increase, need to start setting up on lower safety spot soon instead of regular than using toes to push it up enough to undo the safety.
    leg curl 3x8 @ 60 - okay, nothing unusual
    rotary calf 4x10 @ 70 plus the little extra weight thing - meh, calves...

    Now to get ready for work and get my bento made. Having dairy today so mmm and might make it above fat goal for once, I've been hitting a bit low lately.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,112 Member
    Hello ladies! I have had to de load on my squats. I was up to 115 but felt my form was going south! So working my way up from 100 pounds and now at 105. I have also felt a pain in my hip not sure what that is from. I want to make sure that I have correct form and do not injure myself.

    Squats 2x5x95, 5x100, 5x5x105
    Sumo Squats 5x5x95
    OHP 5x45, 5x50, 5x55, 5x5x58
    DL 5x5x145

    I joined the September get up and move challenge. I started walking 5 miles a day out of boredom. We live on 2 walking trails that intersect and go across the state of Minnesota. I have hundreds of miles that I could walk if I wanted to. I'll stick with just five though.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    @fanncy0626 it's strong curves, tbh I up the weight more often than I need and just kind of keep it over 10 reps, it seems to work for now - further in the program it gets in to 5 sets of heavy reps.
    To be fair yesterday it killed me but I forgot I had cycled to work in the morning for a change!
    I am uk based so english style, I do a bit of all sorts - got a few ponies I am schooling at the moment, younsters mainly so we do school work, we hack and one is old enough to do a bit of jumping (sadly they are all victims of less than fantastic riders so none are really what they could be but I can help them a bit)

    And today I walked the dogs and ate all the foods!
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi guys. Did my SL workout for the day. My gym instructor saw me and said why I hadn't gone up heavier on my overhead presses after 5 months. I said I was trying to watch my form and didn't want to arch my back. He didn't buy it! Hah!! I guess I'm being held me accountable.
    • Squats: 5x5@135 lbs. Form is good enough although I'm trying to get down a bit deeper so I'm not increasing any more weight.
    • Overhead Presses: 5x5@50 lbs. Good form hence I will TRY to move up next week per my instructor.
    • Deadlift: 5x5@155 lbs. God, I love this exercise when I do them right. I can feel everything from my chest down.
    • Run: planning to run with my boss after work. Ugh! I think she's slow so it might be a short 4 miler.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    5 mile jog. Tad tough today but yesterday was lower power and freight day, so my thighs and back were a tad sore before even got started. Glad I changed Saturday to a rest day.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,112 Member
    edited September 2015
    roxylola I use to what we call break horses with a friend. Western riding style. My adult daughter rides both and is just starting to jump. She said that is great exercise. With all that you do you must really burn the calories. I will have to look into strong curves to see what that is all about. Is the main purpose to build up strength and get the form correct? Then get up to heavy lifting? I am a little concerned about my form as I start to lift heavier and maybe I should take a few steps back and reevaluate.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    I was so tired and unmotivated today. Going to the gym was the last thing I wanted to do, but I dragged myself in. I was tired and it showed. Nothing was excellent. And I have a dodgy muscle in my calf from walking in a Take Back the Night rally last night in flat shoes. It seized on me a couple times. Not fun :(

    Squat - 3x5 at 125 lbs
    Pull ups - 4,3,2
    Bench - 3x5 at 77.5 lbs
    Row - 3x5 at 80 lbs
    Hip Thrust - 3x10 at 70 lbs. Did these in the smiths. Actually liked it there for these.
    Shrugs - 3x9 at 65 lbs
    Skull crushers - 3x8 at 40 lbs. ugh
    Curls - 3x8 at 45 lbs. Barely.
    Hyperextensions - 3x10 with 25 lbs.
    Cable crunches - 3x10 at 55 lbs. Can still only barely manage, and even then, not well. It is amazing what a 5 lbs increase will do.

    Took about 15 minutes longer than usual because I needed more rest and decided to take my time.
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    Today my program had me only do one set of squats and one set of a deadlift variation with warmups and no accessories after. It was weird getting done so quickly but I guess it is nice to have days like that sometimes. I was getting a headache before lifting anyway so it's probably good that I didn't do much.
    Squat w/u; 6x110
    Pause deadlift 8x110
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Yesterday was my unmotivated day. Got like thru like 1.5 of 6 of my running intervals. And did a 10 minute ab fitness blender thing to make myself feel better about sluffing on the workout.

    Today... I got thru W2D1 of C25K at 5.5mph,
    Squatt 5x5@50
    OHP 5x5@45
    DL 1x5@55

    And finished it up with a 10 minutes ab thing that exceeded my level of fitness and flexibility.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i'll join the *kitten*-dragging gang for this day . . . stuff got sprung at me on work yesterday which had me hardly conscious of what day it was all through today, and i pmuch forgot to eat anything during the day. or hydrate. i was thirsty all day but in a terrible sulk, so i didn't do much of that either.

    anyway, trainer session. probably better than i feel about it, given the conditions.

    bench: 2x5@45, 1x5@50, 1x3@55, 1x2@65, 2x5+1x7@70. 70lbs was hard, not going to lie. trainer has been tweaking my form and has me lock out a lot 'lower' than i'm used to, which seems to hit more pec and less of the front delts. so there's hope for bench, since 70lbs taxed me in different muscles and that promises growth. and doms tomorrow, of course.

    deadlift: 1x5@65, 1x5@70, 1x3@80, 1x2@95, 8 for amrap@110. after pulling 125 on wednesday 110 was disappointingly hard. . . but on the other hand i did just do 125 48 hours before, and then fail to eat like a responsible person while recovering.

    accessory: negative chinups. i think i did 3 sets of 2, more or less. didn't stop at the rec centre and add squats on the way home because i was done just doing the bike ride home. i have to go in at 8 tomorrow and do a full work day, and i still haven't eaten anything real.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,112 Member
    Today was my rest day. I walked 6.4 miles just to get out of the house. This is a picture from my walk of Leach Lake in Walker Mn.

  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    I'm feeling frustrated. I took time off twice for injuries, then went on vacation. All those going back for a few weeks, taking a few weeks off deloads are having me lift really low than what I used to and the weight isn't a challenge. 2 days ago was back to lifting again and I had KILLER doms in my quads! And of course I am going out of town yet again in 2 weeks so I will eat another deload. Sigh.

    Front Squats 5x5 75lbs. (warm up 45/45/65) It was deloaded to 65lbs but that went too easy so I upped it 10lbs. The only tricky part was not being used to doing front squats which are trying to actively snap your wrists while the bar is going through your throat.

    OHP 5x5 60lbs (warmp up 45/45). It took 2 sets to remember where my hands usually go, so those sets were tricky. After that, smooth sailing. Admittedly, I did the last 3 sets at one go.. so yeah, actually 5/5/15.

    Romanian Deadlifts 3x5 95lbs

    Deadlifts (conventional) 1x10 115lbs. 1x5 125lbs. Dat deload, ugggg! A good song came on so I threw on more plates and did 125lbs.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Been lifting but forgetting to check in. Still doing plain SL over here. have my hubby, bestie and bestie's hubby doing it so some combo of us are hitting the gym and I don't want to push them into something more complicated yet.

    Went on another small vacation, got sick, etc so I haven't been making the gains I want. But doing something is better than nothing.

    Today squats @ 75, Bench @ 60, Rows @ 70
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Front Squats 5x5 75lbs. (warm up 45/45/65) It was deloaded to 65lbs but that went too easy so I upped it 10lbs. The only tricky part was not being used to doing front squats which are trying to actively snap your wrists while the bar is going through your throat.

    I found whenever the bar feels like it's straining my wrists on front squats is when I push my weight forward (the way you would on a back squat with forward lean). A real tight braced core and remembering to sit back and push through my heels usually fixes it up until the point I'm around 90% of my 1RM. Also, most people I've seen do front squats and complain about their wrists have a really narrow grip on the bar. You might be able to widen it a bit (and I always lose the pinky because my wrist flexibility isn't great, but I don't think it matters)

    I've been going at it, just haven't reported back. Thursday did day 3 of GBB and T-Bar rows as accessory. The landmine version. That was interesting. And I couldn't use a lot of weight. There was also 249 KB swings in 13 minutes at the end of the workout ith the 35lbs bell which killed my forearms and lower back and hammies.

    Then yesterday was 3x5 squars @ 175. Got 4/4/3 and all throughout ai was devising my demise with a plan where, whenever I don't get the 3x5, I add 1 extra set. So I did another set of 3 (slow, grind-mode) reps. Next workout will be a 4x5, and if I miss I'll have an extra set again. Then if I fail to do it a third time, I'll stop at 3 sets, drop the weight about 15% and do an AMRAP set, then deload 10% next workout.

    I have a similar crafty plan with bench and OHP where I'll keep to one until I fail to hit my 5x5 then switch to the other one until I fail again.

    And instead of 5 days a week I'll be doing 2 on 1 off. Considering the extra work I'm adding to the program and the fact I wanna do some endurance stuff and have a life and be able to recover, I think it'll work better.

    But yesh, so the rest of the workout was a speed shred session. Lots of power work. And LOT more squatting.
    3 rounds per arm of KB push press x5, kb front squat x10, kb bent over row x10. Fiorst set @20, last 2 @25. So yes, 60 more squats here already.

    Then every 20s for 3 minutes: kb sumo deadlift to sumo squat. Another 27 squats.

    And death by burpee where I did 4, 6, 8, 10, 9 emotm.

    And I walked about 3 miles yesterday afternoon.

    And I'm doing the color run 5k this morning.

    The bros have nothing on me with their leg days! lol
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,112 Member
    I stayed up until 3 AM reading information on strong curves and realized that I was not doing squats in good form. So today I did a serious de load of 25 pounds. That is what I needed to do in order to squat correctly.

    Squats 5x45, 5x100, 5x95, 5x5x90
    Sumo squats 5x5x85
    BP 5x65, 5x70, 5x75, 5x5x79
    BR 5x5x85