Fireworks! November workouts going off like a rocket



  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    Are you doing Pendlay rows or bent over rows?
    Pendlay rows you should pull to your bra-band. Bent over rows to your belly. The difference in back angle affects where you pull to. Pendlay rows are the SL standard. I do bent over rows because I don't have bumper plates and got sick of stacking.

    Bench, I pretty much do to boobs, but I don't have an issue with height there :p

    Cool - I think this is where I'm getting confused!!

    I'm doing Pendlay rows - I can't pull it to my bra band so I thought I wasn't doing it right
    ar9179 wrote: »
    I pull and bench to my lower chest, right below my boobs, where my bra band is. The bar doesn't make it all the way up there on rows, but on bench it's nearly/just touching. Between the arch and lifting from the top of the shoulders, right below boobs keeps the bar path straight. Yes, it's a considerable difference in height for me, as well!

    I am definitely going to get someone to film my bench then to see where the straight path is. I *think* lower boobs makes the bar path straight, but I definitely need to confirm that. I like the difference in height to be honest as it means I can put the safeties at a nice level and know I'm not going to get crushed if I bail out :)

    Oh and thanks for adding that your rows don't make it to your bra band, I was under the impression that I had to touch each rep (and nearly died trying a couple of times). Will make more effort to just pull as far as I can without worrying about touching.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Hated pretty much every minute of today's workout. I was digging in deep just to get my butt moving. I wanted to be there, but I'm so tired O_o The cold has really taken its toll, both on my strength and my ability to catch up on sleep. No amount of preworkout was saving me today.

    Squats 185x4, 3, 3, 3
    I had done 3 sets of 4 before the deload, almost 2 weeks ago :/ Eh.

    3 rounds of 40/20 intervals
    - KB Ground to Overhead (35#) x 12 / 12 / 11
    - Push-Ups x 13 / 13 / 9
    - Bulgarian Split Squats (Right first) x 12 / 15 / 13 - so wobbly!
    - TRX feet suspended plank

    And the killer Tabata: 6 rounds of each
    - bottom half burpee (basically a push-up with double knee tuck) x 24 total
    - sit-outs x52 total (so 26 per side)

    I wanted to cry. I remained glued to the mat for a good 5 minutes after that. There was no more energy in me.

    Well, almost. I did do some lat pulldowns before I left:

    Taking tomorrow off. I have to do an update for work early in the AM anyway. Sleeeeeeps!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Bench & rows were both fine and I'm definitely putting the weight up next time. I keep confusing myself on the rows as to where I'm pulling to. Sometimes I pull to boobs, some times to belly button. I have decided to stick to belly button as that seems to be where most pull to - any input here from you ladies?

    Also on bench, I bench on boobs which makes a considerable difference to the height I'm benching too - espcially with an arch - is that right?

    For both bench and pendlay rows I pull/lower down to about bra strap level, really (or somewhere between the nip-line and the strap line). My arch on bench is laughable at best, but I find it easier to tuck my elbows if I aim a little lower on my chest. Bent-over row since your back is not completely horizontal you sort of have your pick depending on what feels "right". The lats will be more involved the "higher" you pull, I think?

  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member
    November workouts so far - I deadlifted more than my bodyweight yesterday for the first time!

    11/3/2015 Workout B
    Squat 120lbs 5x5
    Overhead press 55lbs 5x5x5x4x4
    Deadlift 155lbs 1x5

    11/5/2015 Workout A
    Squat 125lbs 5x5x5x5x4
    Bench press 80lbs 5x5
    Barbell row 80lbs 5x5x5x5x4

    11/10/2015 Workout B
    Squat 125lbs 5x5x5x5x4 (I did 5 reps on my last set, but form was still iffy, gonna do it again next week)
    Overhead press 55lbs 5x5x5x4x5 (I rocked the last set after the 5 minute rest! Might be able to get them all next time!)
    Deadlift 165 1x5 (Definitely felt my grip slipping, but I made it! Need some gloves.)

    Plus 2 almost 4 mile runs on 11/4 and 11/7. Month is going well so far! I wish I had time to get in 3 lifting workouts per week, but I just don't see it happening.
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    @StephieWillcox Here's a video of Pendlay explaining the correct form. I think I need to de-load on this a bit because I don't stay parallel to the floor during the explosive upward motion. I angle up a bit trying to heft it! The big difference with Pendlay's row is that it starts and ends on the ground (or on a stack/safeties for height) and you are bent over 90 degrees.
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    For bench I start at the bra line, then press the bar up to shoulder. The bar path is an angle and not straight up and down line.

  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    For bench I start at the bra line, then press the bar up to shoulder. The bar path is an angle and not straight up and down line.

    Are you bracing at the top of your shoulders? I think set-up plays a part in bar path. I can see a very slight angle, though, depending on arch. The torso is elevated a bit. Elbows are held close to the body. I definitely don't go back towards my shoulders. That would be pushing backwards by a LOT. The path is chest centric, for me.
    I'd be afraid of shoulder impingement. It sounds painful.

    For bra sizing, I have an 8 inch difference between band and cup...less with gravity I'm sure :neutral: Still, I feel like I need to bring the bar to the band area. It feels like it's the range of movement I want to achieve. There's some room to play within the mid chest area.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    Oops... haven't posted in a while.

    Last Sunday...

    Squat: 65kg - 4/5/5/4/5
    Bench: 30kg - 5/5/5/5/4 (really annoyed I didn't get that last rep....)
    Row: 42.5kg - 5x5

    Cardio: 5km (33min)


    Vinyasa Yoga


    Squat: 65kg - 3/3/3/4/3
    OHP: 25kg - 4/4/4/3/3
    DL: 70kg - 1x5

    I really struggled with this workout because I've dicked my shoulder pretty bad... It's been killing me since last Friday's Yoga class. I've decided not to do anymore Bikram classes until it's fully healed - too many backbends. :cry:


    No Yoga, so I went to the gym to do ab work/cardio.

    Hanging Knee Raises - 3x8
    Decline Crunches - 3x12
    Plank - 3x1min

    5km (37min)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    ar9179 wrote: »
    For bench I start at the bra line, then press the bar up to shoulder. The bar path is an angle and not straight up and down line.

    Are you bracing at the top of your shoulders? I think set-up plays a part in bar path. I can see a very slight angle, though, depending on arch. The torso is elevated a bit. Elbows are held close to the body. I definitely don't go back towards my shoulders. That would be pushing backwards by a LOT. The path is chest centric, for me.
    I'd be afraid of shoulder impingement. It sounds painful.

    For bra sizing, I have an 8 inch difference between band and cup...less with gravity I'm sure :neutral: Still, I feel like I need to bring the bar to the band area. It feels like it's the range of movement I want to achieve. There's some room to play within the mid chest area.

    I have tiny boobies so it's a bit of a non-factor for me xD Ahem, but I do bench with my bar path going into a bit of an arch of sort. Your strongest position at the top is not exactly the same as it is at the bottom when your arms are braced against your side. Pretty sure Jason Blaha had a video about this like 2 years back, but the lowdown is: while you want to press in a straight-ish line as far as stability goes, there's a particular groove where your body is stronger at throughout the movement and it's sort of a straight up until your elbows move past your chest and then a little back to accommodate the lever arm. Unless you have a crazy arch, anyway.

    Here's an old video where I'm doing a slow grind of a rep and it's fairly visible.

  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    edited November 2015
    Krokador, that looks like what I do, which ends up being a slight diagonal. It is over the shoulder joint, which is upper chest when I'm lying on the bench. When awkwardsoul posted her path, I was envisioning the tops of the shoulders - like traps area and that all blends into where my neck is. I doubt that's what she meant.

    Here's an interesting article, with the caveat about anatomical differences playing a part.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Thanks ladies - absolutely everything you've shown me and said leaves a lot for me to think about (and apologies about the hi-jack!)

    I'm going to watch all of this tonight (about a million times) and then I will have lots to work on next week :)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Here is the youtube video I was talking about about the arc barpath:
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    ar9179 wrote: »
    For bench I start at the bra line, then press the bar up to shoulder. The bar path is an angle and not straight up and down line.

    Are you bracing at the top of your shoulders? I think set-up plays a part in bar path. I can see a very slight angle, though, depending on arch. The torso is elevated a bit. Elbows are held close to the body. I definitely don't go back towards my shoulders. That would be pushing backwards by a LOT. The path is chest centric, for me.
    I'd be afraid of shoulder impingement. It sounds painful.

    For bra sizing, I have an 8 inch difference between band and cup...less with gravity I'm sure :neutral: Still, I feel like I need to bring the bar to the band area. It feels like it's the range of movement I want to achieve. There's some room to play within the mid chest area.

    This is what I mean/ use for bench form. The top is directly over the shoulders. My starting is at my bra band, but that could look different from back arch, grip, and arm length. Straight up and down won't give you as much power and probably wreck your shoulder.
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    Yeah, I realized you meant shoulder joint. I had the wrong visual!

    De-load due to golf elbow and a persistant knot by my shoulder blade that radiates up and affects my whole left arm/shoulder/back. UGH.

    Warmed up to the following working weights.

    Squat 5x5 115 lb
    OHP 5x5 55 lb
    DL 1x5 165 lb

    Was done in 40 min and everything was easy. I think the wider grip I was trying for squat contributed to my elbow pain. It hurt to extend my arms out on the bar. I'm sticking with my narrower grip, and just making sure my wrists aren't flexed. I don't hold any weight on them, anyway.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Hmm. Just in from doing bench press and think I'd better watch these videos, I suspect I'm going a bit wrong!

    So ...

    Squats: 5x5 @ 64 kg
    bench: 5x5 @ 35 kg
    Row: 4x5 1x4 @ 18kg dumbbells

    All good, felt strong...

  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Awesome videos ladies! Thanks for sharing. Loved the bearded dude! I found his explanation of bar path clearer than Rippetoe's. My rather large deload a few months ago was due in large part to not previously following the full/appropriate range of motion that these videos demo. A learning process to be sure...

    2nd week of 3x5 still enjoying it!
    Lots of warmup drills...sets then:
    Squat 85#
    BP 60#
    PR 60#
    Lots of accessory work such as bridges, lunges, rdl, calf and shin work, hangs, farmer carry to work on my weaknesses and stretches. A rewarding workout!
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    I love the bearded guy too! And I don't *think* I'm too far from doing things right, having watched that, but I'll think about it next time I bench press and make sure I'm doing ok.
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    Awesome videos ladies! Thanks for sharing. Loved the bearded dude!

    I do to! I've watched his deadlift video a few times. I think he explains everything really well and I like his humor.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    not really supposed to work out as tomorrow = trainer day, but my last workout was half-completed, so eh.

    squats 95. form shaky at 100, so backed off. if next time isn't solid i'll drop to 90.

    bench 75.

    rows 75. yay added 5lb to my rows \o/
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    Squats 115 3x5
    Bench 85 5,5,3
    DL 165 1x5
    Pull up BW 3-3-4
    SL bridges BW 2x16
    Band seated hip abductions 2x20

    Deads are by far my strongest and most rewarding feeling lift. Squats suck. Squat weight has not moved in 5 weeks now. It just yo yos up and down. Also pull ups seem to regress the fastest