The New Water Cooler



  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - That was an early Thanksgiving dinner. Will you do anything on the 26th? (Had to check my calendar for the date!)

    Shirley - Your grandson is getting so big!

    Marla - Glad to hear Zack apologized.

    Jenny - Glad to hear the observation went well. When I was teaching I would go into panic mode when someone would walk into my room to observe me!

    Um hi. I've been away forever it seems. I've got a point where I don't care. I log in to keep my log on streak up, but that's it. I really need to get back more on focus. I really want to run, but I fear of not being warm enough and also the dark. I really don't like being out in the dark. I"m not afraid of the dark, it's more paranoid then anything else.

    Fall is definitely here. Most of trees are nearly devoid of their leaves at this time. We have warmer days and then we have the cold ones. Today is one of the cold ones. Factoring in the wind chill, it was below freezing this morning. I need to move to a warmer climate!

    Yesterday I went out Christmas shopping. I went from only about 5% done to about 75% done. That makes me happy. Some of the books I want to get for family members aren't available in store. I need to go on line and order them. Chapters will be getting a big order from me shortly.

    Things are going OK with Joseph. He was down for the first time on Remembrance Day in over a month. I told him he really needs to take Saturdays off so we can try to spend more time together but he states he simply can't. He has to do the orders for work on Saturday. We had a good visit and did some fun things together. We agreed to be friends, and if anything more comes out of it then we will wait and see. At this time I honestly don't know. I can see him as a good friend, but I really can't see it becoming more then that. I can only pray and see what happens.

  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    Well, my senior played his last high school game Friday night. I had a senior parent meeting tonight. We order invitations and cap/gown tomorrow night and the first basketball game of the season on Tuesday night. Too busy to cry over it!! Honestly, I am so relieved we survived 4 years of difficult playing with a broken hand. Whew!!

    I'm a bit overwhelmed with my ball planning. Costumes are getting wrapped up and pictures will be taken the Friday after Thanksgiving. So much left to do and time just keeps marching on.

    I haven't been for a run since my spill and I kind of miss it. I'll have to dust off the kettle bell or something. I'm very pleased with my weight and even more happy that I haven't let it creep up. It's a battle though! I do have saggy, saggy skin. Will exercise firm it up or is it too late?

    Jenny, so glad you had your family together. I will pray for David and their travels. Scary times indeed.

    What a beautiful baby, Shirley. He's getting so big.

    Oh, Marla. I have a daughter that gives me a run for my money. Neither of us seen to do anything right for the other. My skin crawls when I open my mouth and my mother comes out. Lots and lots of tears from both of us. This too shall pass.

    Ang, sounds like you are a smart and strong woman. Being friends is far better than being in a wrong relationship.

    Sunday night chores are calling. Have a great week!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    great pic Shirley
    L - good luck with the planning - enjoy all these special senior moments!
    J and L - thanks for the encouragement for all these teen moments - it's brutal and sometimes I feel really alone - it doesn't bother Bernie at all - which of course is something else that bothers me!

    J - sounds like you had a really nice family time - prayers for safe travels -

    ang - glad you and Joseph talked and that for now friends sounds like a good plan - best of luck -

    now I want manicotti!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited November 2015
    Morning Friends,

    Everyone seems very busy as we are too. The holidays are looming and we are planning our usual trip to
    Michigan to see friends and spend Thanksgiving with our friends and their daughter and her newly blended
    family since marrying again in the summer. It should be a great time and black friday shopping.

    Sunday was our concert opening of the Performing Arts Center. Our accompanist on the piano did not show up so our
    conductor had to play the piano and one of our soloist singers conducted. It was a challenge but we went on with the show.
    The massed choir at the end with all 6 choirs over 300 voices was awesome! It was a great day! I guess we find out
    what happened to him tonight at our practice which is tonight.

    Now back to reality. I am still purging the house and getting rid of things. My hubby cut up the carpeting downstairs and
    wanted to fix the sub floor and realized the previous owners used 1/4 in plywood which is too thin. So he is planning
    on adding another layer before the carpet get puts down on Wednesday. We also want to repaint the livingroom and
    remove the walllpaper on one wall and paint that too. That may come later. So all furniture is everywhere now.

    Today is a doctor apt. and choir practice tonight. I am planning on a walk today it is so nice out.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Shirley- I ordered one of those turbo trainers for my bike so I can ride inside this winter. It should arrive tomorrow. Your home improvements sound great. Post photos when done. Have a nice time in Michigan with your friends.

    Marla- Men just don't focus on stuff like we do. They don't seem to worry about the small stuff with kids, just big things. Oblivious?

    Ang- Russ and I will relax on Thanksgiving. If weather is nice we will take the dogs to a park. We won't cook a big meal. The house will be quiet with no kids home.

    L- Senior year and all the activity. Enjoy!

    Tired. Just got off a 2 hour phone conference call for the committee I'm on for the speech/language/hearing convention again this year. We are reviewing and choosing presenters. Quite the job! We have to meet again on Thursday and try to figure out who will present and where in the schedule they fit over the two days.

    Off to bed!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi there, I just lost my post so I will write tomorrow.

    Have a good evening,

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Hi - I'm here!

    hope everyone is well - thinking of you all even when I can't check in hug!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Brrrrrr! Temps in the 30's today with snow falling but not sticking! Northern MN got snow. Not ready for this! Very windy out too, 30mph and gusting.

    Busy evenings this week. I've spent two evenings on conference calls for my state association committee. We just wrapped up with call #2 for the week. We are picking the presenters and figuring out the schedule of where everyone presents. Only 3 of us checked in on line so it made it easier to figure out without too many opinions stalling the process.

    I actually wore my down jacket and gloves today. Good thing since one of my families was outside playing when I arrived and we stood out in the yard for awhile breaking up ice in the planters and flying a kite. The boys love to explore and hit things with sticks.

    My turbo trainer arrived in a huge box! Haven't opened it yet and not sure why the box is so huge except the floor mat is with it. I'll check it out this weekend when time to put together.

    Well I need some time to relax and then go to bed. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. I have my post observation meeting with my supervisor tomorrow regarding my evaluation.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    good luck jenny!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    My post observation meeting went fine. My supervisor wanted to cancel since it was close to her lunch time, I think, saying that I didn't need a followup meeting since I did so well. I made her meet with me to get feedback and hear what she observed. Whatever...

    TGIF ladies! So glad. I'm going home to sit in the hot tub on this cold day. It will be invigorating!

    Have a nice evening.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny- I love my turbo trainer was on it today. I don't have a floor mat with
    mine. Let me know how you like it. It will feel different than biking on the
    road. Start out on a lower gear and work your way up. It shouldn't bother
    your knees.

    My TM was really amazing today. I have never been so deep in meditation before. When I left Helen's house I felt like I had a full body massage very relaxed.
    It should help my blood pressure and any other health issues.

    We went to a gallery showing tonight a friend of mine's husband had a showing
    of his photographs. I did have some chocolate snacks and now just relaxing
    watching TV.

    Have good night.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    We went out for dinner last night to a Latino restaurant with friends. They want to try more ethnic foods. We enjoyed the evening. We ate their special guacamole they make at your table. I also had a chicken mole with rice and charro beans.

    I used my turbo trainer this morning. I did 20 minutes on gears 5 and 6 (low). Dripping sweat! I will work up to 30-45 minutes using interval speeds fast to slow, etc.

    Shirley- I need to look up meditation vs. TM. We have a meditation center that offers beginner classes just a few blocks from us.

    Cold, 20's, today. Off to let dogs run at dog park.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Two biopsies on my knee and calf today due to constant rash that won't go away. Can't sit in hot tub for 10 days while stitches are present. :(

    I will be on the bike in the morning. Hopefully doesn't aggravate knee.

    All is quiet on here with holidays. Enjoy!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited November 2015
    The latest picture of Isaac when the other grandparents were babysitting. jq2jjlw31r1v.jpg

    Jenn y - wondering what is causing your rash? I hope nothing serious. If you
    can find a TM center or a course in it I would suggest it. It really helps with
    stress and built up stress also great for high BP, type 2 diabetes and all kinds
    of health issues.

    I finished my last session of TM today and now to practice everyday,. It makes
    you feel so good and refreshed. At the beginning I was extremely tired the
    first day or so and now feeling better every day. I was releasing all kinds of stress. You also will release built up stress that you have had for years.
    It is a process and a technique. Very different from the meditation I was doing.

    We are leaving tomorrow for London, ON and then onto Frankemuth, MI
    and then Coldwater, MI for the Thanksgiving dinner with friends. Also the
    infamous black friday shopping.

    I will check in on the Newsfeed.

    Happy holidays everyone!


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I am very behind on checking in -

    can't believe how big Isaac is already Shirley - beautiful boy
    Jenny - hope you get some answers on your rash - and good luck on your turbo trainer -

    I could certainly use something to help with anxiety and such - I wonder if there is a way to learn TM without a class - it's not something they would have out here in the middle of the cornfield. :>)

    Hope everyone is looking forward to the break. I will be glad for the days off. My sister is having all of her husbands huge family over for dinner and my folks and us - it could be close to 50 - crazy girl. Then she will leave for her shopping marathon. Crazy.girl. If I feel the need to shop I will do it online.

    Hoping Zach can get some driving hours in over the break and some exercise for Caleb would be good. I made the boys haul the treadmill up stairs and plop it in front of the t.v. - so far we have all walked on it a bit because it is smack in front of the t.v.

    Be well! Be blessed. Huggles
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Marla, wtg with the treadmill. Your whole family is using it? Riding my bike inside will help get strength back in my legs. I'll add in hand weights for upper body.

    Shirley is meditation class expensive? When I retire and have hours in my day I will check it out.

    The news is full of so many awful things happening in the world. ISIS is scary. Why can't everyone respect each other'so differences?

    5:30, showered and in my jammies under a fuzzy blanket. Cold! So itchy too!

    Have fun in MI Shirley. I need to make a list for ChristMas shopping.

    More tomorrow.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Happy Almost Thanksgiving! Working today - but then off for four days. Wooohoooo!! I should really do cookies since the cookie exchange is the same weekend as choir. We'll see -

    I am making a couple of new salad recipes - I'll let you know if they are keepers.

    Hugs dear friends.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your family time.

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Good afternoon ladies ,

    I have been putting off logging in here because for some reason I knew it would be hard ...

    And it is... I am at this moment overcome with tears ..maybe because you guys were there ... before ...and now it's after ..

    I'm so sorry that I have been away so long , I am lost and confused about my life and maybe I don't want to you know , get on with my life like nothing ever happened ...

    Ok I'm not crying anymore , That was so weird , so emotional ?

    Of course even though I've never met you ladies I have poured out feeling on here and should have known I could get support after this .
    I also want you ladies to know that I am able to discuss the accident so if you have any questions please ask and If you would like me to tell y'all about it I can do that too.

    I am in counseling of course ,Lord I have no idea how I would have handled things without her .
    I've learned so much about both myself and my husband since this happened (all good)

    Oh my , that cry really did feel good ? I feel like I cover up my feelings a lot because I think if I cry like I just did in front of people they will be scared for me ..HAHAHA! and I can do it in front of you because you cant see me hahaha, I should have gotten on here long ago.

    Oh my ,I don't know where to start it's been a life time but I will start with a week before the accident . John and I had gone to a movie and afterward we were in the truck and I told him I was glad we had argued and he said no way , it's a waste of time ( in his matter of fact voice) and I said I was because we were closer than ever , I couldn't get enough of him. and of course we were still in make up mode and he was doing his best to show me every day how much he loved me .

    flash forward to after the accident : I felt so grateful for the last two weeks we had together because we both appreciated the other so much more than before the argument .

    Also I have a new appreciation for God in my life that I didn't have before , that's another story I can tell . I really think God was there for me on the day of the accident . I felt him and my husband afterward ,

    so now I will try to catch up on all of the posts I missed .
    also - I knew you guys would be there for me and just being there on Facebook was good for me.
    Isn't it weird that I feel this is more personal than facebook ?

    Your friend


  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Ok , so I read a lot of the posts I missed and I thought I'd answer some of your questions about Eiko and I .
    I'll start with my injuries . but first let me put a disclaimer on here that for some reason I couldn't stop typing and the whole story is here ok?

    My knees were injured somewhat but it's bone bruising and deep tissue bruising . Believe it or not they still hurt .
    I broke a vertebrae in my back and now have an unstable back that had caused a bulging disk . my arm was full of glass but that in itself was not that bad in comparison .

    Eiko had such bad fractures to her face that she had to have facial reconstructive surgery and was on a ventilator for two days ,she broke all the bones in her face . She was asleep in the back seat with her seat belt on thank goodness . she was laying down with her head in the middle on a pillow and the middle console was pushed back into her .

    the vehicle folded around me and I felt cushioned in the impact it literally folded around me .

    Anyhow I feel good about telling you guys so I hope you are ready to hear about it ...I thought I would not talk about it and just answer questions but nope it wants to come out .

    SO we were having a great time off together and John had bought me roses when I got home he only did that once before and that was the Monday after we met .
    He had a birthday party planned for me when I got home actually two parties on the same day ( he was laying it on a bit thick hahaha)

    great week followed by 4 days at the cabin with Jazmine his daughter and the grandbaby Jayse . Only one full day alone but it was good . We discussed the argument and he laughed out loud when I told him I was afraid he was going to leave me . He said he loved me so much and can't imagine why I even entertained that idea in the first place. any how great times were had all the way up until the accident
    The day of the accident I knew he planned on leaving at 10 am ... I woke up and brought Patrick to the airport to do some work on the slope and then when I got back home at ten John asked me if I was packed and he smiled his cute smile because he knew me ,no I was not . and I ran upstairs to pack and then we left ,put air in the camper tire and were off . we had a few conversations in the last 45 minutes that were so dang what the heck is the word that I'm looking for it's like what was going to happen was in every conversation we were having .... I told him about my coworkers husband ( who is also his client ) I told him that she just told me her husband was dying and had maybe 3 months to live and he said he knew that . I then said at least she gets to say goodbye and he said yes, but she's going to be saying goodbye for three months -every day she's going to wake up wondering if it's going to be today . and then he said he didn't think that's how he wanted to go. He wanted to go quickly - done . and 20 minutes later we wrecked .
    But 5 minutes before the wreck he told me that we were going to have an amazing weekend in Seward - look at all the sunshine we were bringing with us :smile: I was looking at it all and enjoying the beautiful day ....
    when he said (in a low voice that I don't think I ever heard come out of his mouth ) Oh God.... I looked forward to try to see the danger and I looked just in time to see the bus hitting the back of a camper from behind going North ( we were going south )

    and then the unthinkable happened ...the bus just came in our lane coming toward us , John turned the wheel to the right and all I saw at that moment was the railing from a bridge that we were about to hit and them BOOM the bus hit us .Can you believe it ? A tour bus hit us !

    I couldn't open the door ...John wasn't waking up ...and Eiko was crying or whimpering quietly in the back seat ....I couldn't understand how to undo my seat belt .Then some man opened my door and pulled me out I layed down on the ground ,dizzy , he then went back for Eiko and layed her down and I started screaming for him to get my husband . Eiko was making a gurgling noise and I asked her if she could breath and she said she was having trouble but she was talking funny so I schooched to here as good as I could and sat her up from behind her - my chest was hurting because I have costo chondritis sp ( the ribs are pulling away from the sternum) from the accident - anyhow I sit her up bracing her from behind and then everyone shows up - nurse EMT's all sorts of people helping and they couldn't get John out of the truck for so long ... it was so long and they would let me near him ... I think that's why they put me in the ambulance when they did - they didn't want to tell me in front of everyone and that's when I found out my back was hurt - I didn't know until they put me on the stretcher .
    Then I got to the hospital and at about 11 pm I got to see Eiko after her surgery on her stomach - he intestines were kind of jumbled around and they straightened them out . She was on a ventilator and I fainted ... hahaha I'm a nurse and I fainted .

    anyhow .thus began my life without John - I didn't know who I was anymore
    I didn't know how to pay the bills anymore
    I didn't want to sleep alone
    I didn't know what to do
    But he had left me a list of to do items of course

    and he had talked to me about this so many times and I loved his smile when he did because he knew I was uncomfortable talking about it .He helped me through it , and still is.
    I'll be ok ,I'll just be stronger because he's not here to be strong for me . He used to tell me that ... We had a good marriage despite our only real argument because he did something stupid hahaha

    I missed you guys so much and the feelings I feel when I write to you all are so healing for me.
